Why did Republicans/rightwing/conservatives claim that John Edwards was unfit to be POTUS?

John Edwards had the best message of any presidential candidate since JFK: THE WAR ON POVERTY!
Edwards placed second in the Iowa caucus, and then had a lackluster performance in several states afterwards until he dropped out in January. He didn't drop out because of "republican attacks." He dropped out because he was no match against obama and clinton.
But Republicans attacked him. Do you remember why?
Funny how not a single Republican can - or is willing to - tell me in this thread why Republicans said that John Edwards was unfit to be POTUS. It's an AMAZING loss of memory. :laugh:

Maybe one of them can tell me why he was indicted after Obama won?

Anyone? Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?

He destroyed his family and ruined his life for this.
That photo is from many years later.

At the time, she looked like this:

Refresh my memory, please. He was running for POTUS against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008. But then Republicans attacked him mercilessly as unfit and he dropped out of the race.
John Edwards' tagline was "Two Americas".

He was more right than he realized.
Didn't he divorce his wife when she had cancer for a younger woman?
He had a mistress when his wife had cancer and they had a baby. The mistress was on the campaign team payroll as a video Grapher.

There was a video taken in a two way mirror of Edwards combing his hair. It was hilarious. He was at it for 20 minutes.
He had a mistress when his wife had cancer and they had a baby. The mistress was on the campaign team payroll as a video Grapher.

There was a video taken in a two way mirror of Edwards combing his hair. It was hilarious. He was at it for 20 minutes.
He was a completely narcissistic scum waffle.
Gary Hart was the leading Democratic candidate for president in 1988.

There were rumors he was cheating on his wife, and he stupidly challenged reporters to follow him around to see if he was.


He was caught by a reporter with a mistress on a boat called Monkey Business. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

And that was the end of Gary Hart.

Gary Hart was the leading Democratic candidate for president in 1988.

There were rumors he was cheating on his wife, and he stupidly challenged reporters to follow him around to see if he was.


He was caught by a reporter with a mistress on a boat called Monkey Business. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

And that was the end of Gary Hart.

Well, if a guy has to go, that looks like a pretty good reason.
Governor Eliot Spitzer was going places. He was a serious white collar crimebuster. He made a lot of enemies.

He was probably going to be President one day.

And then he was caught using a call girl service.

That was the end of Eliot Spitzer.
On the flip side, Republican Senator David Vitter was caught using a call girl service in 2007. Phone records showed he even called his hooker during Senate floor votes!

He apparently had a diaper fetish.


Was that the end of Vitter? Did he resign?

NOPE! He continued to serve for another ten years.
On the flip side, Republican Senator David Vitter was caught using a call girl service in 2007. Phone records showed he even called his hooker during Senate floor votes!

He apparently had a diaper fetish.


Was that the end of Vitter? Did he resign?

NOPE! He continued to serve for another ten years.
Gerry Butts was caught having a homosexual affair with an underage intern. He got a standing ovation from democrats on the senate floor.

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