Why Did Obama Skip Arlington?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
An interesting letter sent to Obama last year by a group of black academics and historians encourages him to not participate in the Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington:

May 18, 2009

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

Since the administration of Woodrow Wilson, presidents have sent annually a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument. Prior to the administration of George H. W. Bush, this was done on or near the birthday of Jefferson Davis. Starting with George H.W. Bush, it has been done on Memorial Day.

We ask you to not send a wreath or some other commemorative token to the Arlington Confederate Monument during your administration or after.

There are several reasons as to why this monument, a product of the Nadir in American race relations, should not be honored, and we list and explain them in this letter.

The monument was intended to legitimize secession and the principles of the Confederacy and glorify the Confederacy. It isn’t just a remembrance of the dead. The speeches at its ground-breaking and dedication defended and held up as glorious the Confederacy and the ideas behind it and stated that the monument was to these ideals as well as the dead. It was also intended as a symbol of white nationalism, portrayed in opposition to the multiracial democracy of Reconstruction, and a celebration of the re-establishment of white supremacy in the former slave states by former Confederate soldiers. In its design it also tells wrong history, boasting fourteen shields with the coat of arms of fourteen states. Thus it claims that Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland were part of the Confederacy. They weren’t. ....

Dear President Obama: Please Don't Honor the Arlington Confederate Monument

More on this at DailyKos:

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

The optics here are not good.
I have no idea, but suspect it was not scheduled prior to May 18, 2009, which is the date of the letter from the black historians encouraging him to skip Arlington and claiming it is a symbol of racism.
Dear black academics and historians:

Spend more time encouraging the vast vast majority of the black population on the importance of education, responsibility, accountability, a strong work ethic, speaking proper English, and a whole host of other problems of far more importance to them than this idiocy.
I'm really surprised that this didn't turn up in any news analysis earlier. I found it by accident when searching on Memorial Day tradition.
I have no idea, but suspect it was not scheduled prior to May 18, 2009, which is the date of the letter from the black historians encouraging him to skip Arlington and claiming it is a symbol of racism.

Interesting, where was he LAST Memorial Day? And, what was LAST Memorial Day's date, in relation to this letter?
It was very short notice for 2009, as noted in DailyKos:

Without offering Obama a reasonable alternative to sending a wreath, and by giving him less than a week to ponder an alternative of his own, they essentially were asking him to place himself in the role of scab-yanker on a holiday many Americans across the political spectrum view as a time of healing.

For 2010, he certainly had plenty of time to consider his plans.
How weird.

I wasn't aware of the significance of Arlington as being anything like a Confederate War Memorial.

I HAVE been there, and was struck with the irony of the land for the cemetary being confiscated from Robert E. Lee, and then being used as a graveyard during the Civil War.
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I have no idea, but suspect it was not scheduled prior to May 18, 2009, which is the date of the letter from the black historians encouraging him to skip Arlington and claiming it is a symbol of racism.

Interesting, where was he LAST Memorial Day? And, what was LAST Memorial Day's date, in relation to this letter?
He was at Arlington. He did also honor blacks that served in the Civil War.

It was very short notice for 2009, as noted in DailyKos:

Without offering Obama a reasonable alternative to sending a wreath, and by giving him less than a week to ponder an alternative of his own, they essentially were asking him to place himself in the role of scab-yanker on a holiday many Americans across the political spectrum view as a time of healing.

For 2010, he certainly had plenty of time to consider his plans.

This is just a General statement, and all, but some people really need to evaluate what matters to them in life, and how much.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories.

When Obama isn't controlled by blacks or Jews, he hates blacks and Jews...more stupid rightwingloon talking points colliding.
An interesting letter sent to Obama last year by a group of black academics and historians encourages him to not participate in the Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington:

May 18, 2009

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

Since the administration of Woodrow Wilson, presidents have sent annually a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument. Prior to the administration of George H. W. Bush, this was done on or near the birthday of Jefferson Davis. Starting with George H.W. Bush, it has been done on Memorial Day.

We ask you to not send a wreath or some other commemorative token to the Arlington Confederate Monument during your administration or after.

There are several reasons as to why this monument, a product of the Nadir in American race relations, should not be honored, and we list and explain them in this letter.

The monument was intended to legitimize secession and the principles of the Confederacy and glorify the Confederacy. It isn’t just a remembrance of the dead. The speeches at its ground-breaking and dedication defended and held up as glorious the Confederacy and the ideas behind it and stated that the monument was to these ideals as well as the dead. It was also intended as a symbol of white nationalism, portrayed in opposition to the multiracial democracy of Reconstruction, and a celebration of the re-establishment of white supremacy in the former slave states by former Confederate soldiers. In its design it also tells wrong history, boasting fourteen shields with the coat of arms of fourteen states. Thus it claims that Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland were part of the Confederacy. They weren’t. ....

Dear President Obama: Please Don't Honor the Arlington Confederate Monument

More on this at DailyKos:

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

The optics here are not good.

I don't kow why he didn't show up

I DO KNOW that if he had shown up the very same people who are bashing him for NOT showing up would have bashed him for SHOWING UP!


1. he shows up

reaction by deranged cons: "how DARE he show up!" "who does he think he is!"

2. he doesn't show up

reaction by deranged cons: "how DARE he NOT show up! "who does he think he is!"
According to all my right wing friends...

He skipped because he hates soldiers
The letter is discussed in a DailyKos column - which is hardly a rightwing organ.

It's highly suspicious, given his decision to skip Arlington in 2010.
How wierd.

I wasn't aware of the significance of Arlington as being anything like a Confederate War Memorial.

I HAVE been there, and was struck with the irony of the land for the cemetary being confiscated from Robert E. Lee, and then being used as a graveyard during the Civil War.

Me neither - it's the first time I've read of such a claim. I always thought of it as a payback to Lee for his disloyalty.
Actually, he's kinda skinny. All that cigarette smoking, donchaknow.
Dear black academics and historians:

Spend more time encouraging the vast vast majority of the black population on the importance of education, responsibility, accountability, a strong work ethic, speaking proper English, and a whole host of other problems of far more importance to them than this idiocy.


Here is the actual History of Arlington:

Sixteen-thousand Civil War soldiers were buried at Arlington during those turbulent years, among them many U.S. Colored Troops (blacks who served in the Union Army) who were buried in sections 27 and 23. Their headstones are marked with the Civil War Shield and the letters U.S.C.T. Three of these men were Medal of Honor recipients.

Although 180,000 blacks served with the Union forces, less than 100 of them were officers. Maj. Alexander T. Augusta (Section 1, Grave 124) was the first black surgeon in the Army. Although given an officer's rank, he was paid black-enlisted wages during much of his service.


Freedman's Village was established on the Arlington Estate in June 1863, as a camp for Civil War Contrabands (slaves who were freed as the Union forces moved South, or who had escaped from local Virginia and Maryland slave owners). Existing for more than 30 years, Freedmen's Village provided housing, education, training for employment skills, medical care and food for the former slaves.
interesting that this troll thread was posted today given it's been proven, how many times? that bush and reagan both had their VP's go to arlington.

i guess they skipped it for the same reason.

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