Why did israel support Azerbaijan against Armenia?

It had nothing to do with religion. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAEyH5DDto

The title explains it all ... "Israel Finds Strategic Ally Against Iran in Azerbaijan" ... maybe Azerbaijan thinks Iran will nuke them after they nuke Israel ...

That yes. Also nazi war criminals are considered heroes in Armenia. And they call themselves Christian?

lol not a road you want to go down without a little research. Orthodox and ultra -Orthodox racism is too well known to hide behind the 'antisemitism' smears and the usual invented historical mythologies any more, even in Israeli universities.

"Ripples of shame
Israel’s recent decision to continue to remain silent on the 103-year-old genocide has garnered its share of criticism from historians, academics, writers and human rights activists — many from within Israel itself.
Prof. Yehuda Bauer, a leading Israeli historian and an academic adviser to the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, said in a June radio interview that the Israeli parliament’s failure to recognize the Armenian genocide was a “betrayal.”
Benjamin Abtan, the president of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) and the coordinator of the Elie Wiesel Network of Parliamentarians of Europe, in an article published in Haaretz in June claimed that Israel had “a particular responsibility in recognizing the Armenian genocide [to] ensure mass atrocities [were prevented] in the future.”
According to Kieser, recognizing the Armenian genocide holds a relevance for Israelis today beyond the usual discussion of Israel-Turkey relations. Jews, he says, historically played a key role in promoting propaganda from the Ottoman side as Armenians continued to be slaughtered.
The historian says that Talaat enjoyed “particularly good Jewish press” in Istanbul and abroad” during the period surrounding the genocide — notably in Germany, where newspapers like Deutsche Levante-Zeitung praised Talaat as “an outstanding leader” and the “savior of imperial Turkey.”
Although this glorification smacked of propaganda and lies, Kieser claims many Germans bought into the words of the Jewish press at the time and were affected by its corrosive logic."

"Recently, many prominent Jewish groups that have been silent or neutral in the past are now firmly taking the side of the Armenians.

Shortly after the House resolution passed, the Anti-Defamation League and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, the political arm of the Reform Jewish movement, issued statements praising it.

“This historic Congressional resolution, while long overdue, is an important step toward raising awareness and educating the American public about the horrific genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against Armenians during the early part of the 1900s,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the ADL.

“Indeed, historians note that Hitler viewed the Armenian Genocide and the world’s indifference toward it as inspiration to launch his own genocidal campaign across Europe,” Greenblatt wrote in a statement."

... and more out there., not to mention there is no shortage of nutjob Rabbis to be found in the modern Israeli press running around spouting their 2nd Century cult roots and making similar statements like this:

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel...Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat... Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew." —Ovadia Yosef, Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, 2010.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (23 December 2010). "Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews".

Looks to most like many right wing Israelis never have a problem pandering to Muslims whenever it's convenient, same as everyone else, but get all butt hurt when the situations are reversed.

1. Israel is receiving oil from Azerbaijan via Turkey (BTC-Pipeline)
2. Israel together with Italy is biggest oil customer of Azerbaijan
2. Azerbaijan buys weapons from Israel
3. By supporting Azerbaijan Israel can keep some sort of open channel with Turkey
1. Israel is receiving oil from Azerbaijan via Turkey (BTC-Pipeline)
2. Israel together with Italy is biggest oil customer of Azerbaijan
2. Azerbaijan buys weapons from Israel
3. By supporting Azerbaijan Israel can keep some sort of open channel with Turkey

Israel will eventually pay a heavy price for their support of a criminal scumbag regime of mass murderers for short term gain.
It had nothing to do with religion. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAEyH5DDto

The title explains it all ... "Israel Finds Strategic Ally Against Iran in Azerbaijan" ... maybe Azerbaijan thinks Iran will nuke them after they nuke Israel ...

That yes. Also nazi war criminals are considered heroes in Armenia. And they call themselves Christian?

lol not a road you want to go down without a little research. Orthodox and ultra -Orthodox racism is too well known to hide behind the 'antisemitism' smears and the usual invented historical mythologies any more, even in Israeli universities.

"Ripples of shame
Israel’s recent decision to continue to remain silent on the 103-year-old genocide has garnered its share of criticism from historians, academics, writers and human rights activists — many from within Israel itself.
Prof. Yehuda Bauer, a leading Israeli historian and an academic adviser to the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, said in a June radio interview that the Israeli parliament’s failure to recognize the Armenian genocide was a “betrayal.”
Benjamin Abtan, the president of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) and the coordinator of the Elie Wiesel Network of Parliamentarians of Europe, in an article published in Haaretz in June claimed that Israel had “a particular responsibility in recognizing the Armenian genocide [to] ensure mass atrocities [were prevented] in the future.”
According to Kieser, recognizing the Armenian genocide holds a relevance for Israelis today beyond the usual discussion of Israel-Turkey relations. Jews, he says, historically played a key role in promoting propaganda from the Ottoman side as Armenians continued to be slaughtered.
The historian says that Talaat enjoyed “particularly good Jewish press” in Istanbul and abroad” during the period surrounding the genocide — notably in Germany, where newspapers like Deutsche Levante-Zeitung praised Talaat as “an outstanding leader” and the “savior of imperial Turkey.”
Although this glorification smacked of propaganda and lies, Kieser claims many Germans bought into the words of the Jewish press at the time and were affected by its corrosive logic."

"Recently, many prominent Jewish groups that have been silent or neutral in the past are now firmly taking the side of the Armenians.

Shortly after the House resolution passed, the Anti-Defamation League and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, the political arm of the Reform Jewish movement, issued statements praising it.

“This historic Congressional resolution, while long overdue, is an important step toward raising awareness and educating the American public about the horrific genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against Armenians during the early part of the 1900s,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the ADL.

“Indeed, historians note that Hitler viewed the Armenian Genocide and the world’s indifference toward it as inspiration to launch his own genocidal campaign across Europe,” Greenblatt wrote in a statement."

... and more out there., not to mention there is no shortage of nutjob Rabbis to be found in the modern Israeli press running around spouting their 2nd Century cult roots and making similar statements like this:

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel...Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat... Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew." —Ovadia Yosef, Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, 2010.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (23 December 2010). "Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews".

Looks to most like many right wing Israelis never have a problem pandering to Muslims whenever it's convenient, same as everyone else, but get all butt hurt when the situations are reversed.

I am OLD---born in the USA. My mother told me about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE when I was about 8 years old----about the same time I began to ask about Pic's hero Adolf. I have never met a jew who did not KNOW about the Armenian genocide-----but during my childhood NONE of the christians in my home-town heard of the Armenian Genocide and most knew nothing about the issue of what came to be called the Holocaust. It is sad that in order to protect jews in various lands that jews did not address the FACTS
in many lands, but not quite as destructive as was the
utter neglect of the Holocaust situation by Pope Pius
and virtually all christian churches

The Juden are all about money and what benefits them.
They have no scruples or morals unless it's convenient at the time.
If you think a jew is your friend, you are very naive and gullible.
Old saying: "The jew cries in pain, as he stabs you in the back". ... :cool:
The Juden are all about money and what benefits them.
They have no scruples or morals unless it's convenient at the time.
If you think a jew is your friend, you are very naive and gullible.

Old saying: "The jew cries in pain, as he stabs you in the back". ... :cool:

You got that in arabic? Hubby is asleep ----I cannot remember how the rapist pig of mecca said----
"tea when he enters the tent and a knife in the back
as he leaves" If you forgot you can get it for me tomorrow during the Khutbah Jumaat feces fling
It had nothing to do with religion. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAEyH5DDto

The title explains it all ... "Israel Finds Strategic Ally Against Iran in Azerbaijan" ... maybe Azerbaijan thinks Iran will nuke them after they nuke Israel ...

That yes. Also nazi war criminals are considered heroes in Armenia. And they call themselves Christian?

Israelis in Palestine supported the Turkish genocides of Armenian and Greeks in the early 20th Century, and now you're doing the same thing just to suck up to your new Islamo-Nazi buddies. That is a big mistake, and for a very ephemeral gain. You will regret your mindless hatred of Christians.
The Juden are all about money and what benefits them.
They have no scruples or morals unless it's convenient at the time.
If you think a jew is your friend, you are very naive and gullible.
Old saying: "The jew cries in pain, as he stabs you in the back". ... :cool:

Most of the Orthodox and all of the ultra-Orthodox certainly fit that description; little to distinguish them from Nazis in their history. Just because they kept backing losers and getting their asses kicked doesn't make them blameless or deserving of special sympathy and entitled to spew fake histories without being called on it. The 18th century reformers are a different story but if they start tolerating their nutjob cultists then they will suffer the consequences just as severely. It rains on the just and unjust alike.
1. Israel is receiving oil from Azerbaijan via Turkey (BTC-Pipeline)
2. Israel together with Italy is biggest oil customer of Azerbaijan
2. Azerbaijan buys weapons from Israel
3. By supporting Azerbaijan Israel can keep some sort of open channel with Turkey

Yes, because mass murdering Christians is something both Orthodox Jews and Islmao-Nazis can both love to do, and always have. They have a long history of coopertion in that wonderful laegacy, so no reason not to revive it now that Biden is in the White House and has no problem with it at all.
It had nothing to do with religion. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAEyH5DDto

The title explains it all ... "Israel Finds Strategic Ally Against Iran in Azerbaijan" ... maybe Azerbaijan thinks Iran will nuke them after they nuke Israel ...

That yes. Also nazi war criminals are considered heroes in Armenia. And they call themselves Christian?

Israelis in Palestine supported the Turkish genocides of Armenian and Greeks in the early 20th Century, and now you're doing the same thing just to suck up to your new Islamo-Nazi buddies. That is a big mistake, and for a very ephemeral gain. You will regret your mindless hatred of Christians.

you got a citation for that allegation that "Israelis supported the Turkish genocides of Armenians and
Greeks" other than something your catechism whore taught you? I am a jew-----very old (short and left handed) I learned about the Armenian genocide LONG AGO-----as an ATROCITY ---something akin to the stuff your hero, Adolf, accomplished whilst the pope snooozed ------when I was about seven years old------uhm-----almost 70 years ago. I grew up amongst christians-------none of them even HEARD of it. ---like it was a NOTHING
It had nothing to do with religion. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAEyH5DDto

The title explains it all ... "Israel Finds Strategic Ally Against Iran in Azerbaijan" ... maybe Azerbaijan thinks Iran will nuke them after they nuke Israel ...

That yes. Also nazi war criminals are considered heroes in Armenia. And they call themselves Christian?

Israelis in Palestine supported the Turkish genocides of Armenian and Greeks in the early 20th Century, and now you're doing the same thing just to suck up to your new Islamo-Nazi buddies. That is a big mistake, and for a very ephemeral gain. You will regret your mindless hatred of Christians.

you got a citation for that allegation that "Israelis supported the Turkish genocides of Armenians and
Greeks" other than something your catechism whore taught you? I am a jew-----very old (short and left handed) I learned about the Armenian genocide LONG AGO-----as an ATROCITY ---something akin to the stuff your hero, Adolf, accomplished whilst the pope snooozed ------when I was about seven years old------uhm-----almost 70 years ago. I grew up amongst christians-------none of them even HEARD of it. ---like it was a NOTHING

I would have to care what you think first. I don't. You quoted the evidence yourself in a previous post, moron.

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