Why did Gov. Hochul sign into law the “Early Mail Voter Act”?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Why would anyone who supports a fraud resistant system of voting be ok with New York’s “Early Mail Voter Act” (no-excuse mail-in ballots), which violates NY’s Constitution (Article II, Section 2), was specifically rejected by the good people of NYS by a whopping 55%-45% when it was presented to them as a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, and allows ballots to be counted which cannot be confirmed that the one who filled out the ballot and sent it in, is the actual person whose name appears on the ballot?


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
Here in Florida we do mail in ballots the right way.

Those Democrats in New York will use the process to create fraudulent ballots. That is guaranteed.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
Because it shouldn't be illegal to vote by mail?
Wrong. BecauseTammany Hall's tyrants and vote fraud seem to be alive and well in New York State, and no-excuse mail-in ballots opens the door to voter fraud and cheating.
Let us not forget, the American people were warned by the Carter-Baker, bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, which concluded in 2005 that “ . . . absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”
Can you show where this has actually happened?

The fact is, we were warned about mail-in voting being more prone to fraud by the Carter-Baker, bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, which concluded in 2005 that “ . . . absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

And that "potential" has been metastasizing as a cancerous disease in our election process ever since, and is a popular way to cheat the elderly in nursing homes out of their vote, e.g.:

Macomb County nursing home worker charged with voter fraud – Macomb Daily

Voter Fraud: Harvesting Granny - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Texas nursing home worker charged with 134 counts of election fraud – HotAir

Protect Elderly Votes Project Aims to Thwart 'Vote Harvesting' Fraud (dailysignal.com)

7 Elections Reversed After Ballot Harvesting Scandals (dailysignal.com)

Political insider explains voter fraud with mail-in ballots (nypost.com)

She needed to insure the votes needed to change an election and were last minute ”found” counted

The fact is, we were warned about mail-in voting being more prone to fraud by the Carter-Baker, bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, which concluded in 2005 that “ . . . absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

And that "potential" has been metastasizing as a cancerous disease in our election process ever since, and is a popular way to cheat the elderly in nursing homes out of their vote, e.g.:

Macomb County nursing home worker charged with voter fraud – Macomb Daily

Voter Fraud: Harvesting Granny - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Texas nursing home worker charged with 134 counts of election fraud – HotAir

Protect Elderly Votes Project Aims to Thwart 'Vote Harvesting' Fraud (dailysignal.com)

7 Elections Reversed After Ballot Harvesting Scandals (dailysignal.com)

Political insider explains voter fraud with mail-in ballots (nypost.com)

That is the best you got about election fraud?
Out of a hundred million mail in ballots you find a few isolated cases nationwide
Why would anyone who supports a fraud resistant system of voting be ok with New York’s “Early Mail Voter Act” (no-excuse mail-in ballots), which violates NY’s Constitution (Article II, Section 2), was specifically rejected by the good people of NYS by a whopping 55%-45% when it was presented to them as a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, and allows ballots to be counted which cannot be confirmed that the one who filled out the ballot and sent it in, is the actual person whose name appears on the ballot?


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
If this law does in fact allow drop boxes, ballot harvesting, opens the door for fraudulent ballots, I'm with Oddball. The only reason such a law is passed is to allow the Democrats to cheat.
If this law does in fact allow drop boxes, ballot harvesting, opens the door for fraudulent ballots, I'm with Oddball. The only reason such a law is passed is to allow the Democrats to cheat.
What is wrong with drop boxes?
How are they any more subject to fraud than a mail box?
Same goes for the mailbox
Drop box is more secure
The government employee assigned to gather the mail from the U.S. mailbox has a name and identity and a coveted job to protect and is far less likely to destroy ballots or add hundreds or thousands to them. You don't know who picks up the ballots from the drop box or what the person's intent is or actions might be.

But the only mail in ballot that is absolutely secure is when the person casting the ballot has verified his/her identity, citizenship, age and address when registering and the mailed ballot includes a serial number and notarized signature. Personally I think the ballot itself should have the signature so there is no way to cheat by separating the envelope from the ballot.
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Lawsuit against NY’s "Early Mail Voter Act," explained and documented.​

Those who contend New York's "Early Mail Voter Act" (No-Excuse Absentee Ballot Voting) is constitutional, alledge in their MOTION TO INTERVENE AS DEFENDANTS, that the Act is authorized under Article II, Section 7 of the New York Constitution, which they assert grants broad authority to prescribe the method of voting in New York.

Article II, Section 7 of the New York Constitution reads in part:

[Manner of voting; identification of voters]

§7. “All elections by the citizens, except for such town officers as may by law be directed to be otherwise chosen, shall be by ballot, or by such other method as may be prescribed by law . . .”

But the referenced broad authority, i.e., “as may be prescribed by law”, is expressly limited as stipulated in Article II, Section 2, which precedes Section 7.

Section 7, being the disputed Section, is here conceded to allow a method “as may be prescribed by law”, for qualified voters to vote who may be unable to appear personally at the polling place as stipulated in Section 2.

But Section 7, is not here conceded to allow, neither by its text nor legislative intent, the adoption of legislation which broadens the method “prescribed by law” to qualified voters beyond those who are not able to appear personally at the polling place as stipulated in Article II, Section 2.

Article II, Section 2, reads as follows, and is crystal clear:

[Absentee voting]

§2. "The legislature may, by general law, provide a manner in which, and the time and place at which, qualified voters who, on the occurrence of any election, may be absent from the county of their residence or, if residents of the city of New York, from the city, and qualified voters who, on the occurrence of any election, may be unable to appear personally at the polling place because of illness or physical disability, may vote and for the return and canvass of their votes."

The sequence of events leading to the current dispute which questions the authorized delegated legislative power under Article 2, Section 2, and Article II, Section 7 of the New York Constitution is sufficient in itself to conclude the "Early Mail Voter Act" is unconstitutional, and is intended to defeat New York’s constitutional amendment process, which requires consent of the governed, and is the only lawful way to alter legislative powers granted to New York’s Legislature.

For those interested in the sequence of events leading to the above described dispute, and why the "Early Mail Voter Act" is an attempt to defeat New York’s Constitution and its constitutionally authorized amendment process requiring consent of the governed, see PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION page 7 “The Failed 2021 Mail-Voting Amendment”, and then decide for yourself if the "Early Mail Voter Act" is not a flagrant attempt to defeat the will of the people of New York which rejected, by a generally reported 55%-45%, “No-Excuse Absentee Ballot Voting."


Why have a written constitution, approved by the people, if those who it is meant to control are free to make it mean whatever they wish it to mean?
The perfection of harvesting fraudulent ballots is a critical part of Democrats attempt to fix elections.

Something certainly is suspicious considering only 12 States make an attempt to verify the named voter on a mail-in ballot, actually filled out the ballot and made the choices thereon.

It is also interesting to note that in a number of recent elections, and in a number of voting districts having a tight election race between two candidates, a significant number of mail-in ballots is suddenly discovered and suspiciously pull one of the candidates over the finish line, even though it is never confirmed the one who filled out these suddenly discovered mail-in ballots, and made the choices thereon, is the actual person whose name appears on them. In fact, in recent times this scenario seems to be occurring more and more often.

The bottom line is, no-excuse mail-in ballot voting opens the door for countless creative ways to cheat and undermine America’s way for peaceful change, and that is why there ought to be no, no-excuse mail-in ballot voting, and allowable mail-in voting ought to be restricted for good cause, e.g., see PA’s Constitution, ARTICLE VII, ELECTIONS, § 14. Absentee Voting:

Absentee voting.

(a) The Legislature shall, by general law, provide a manner in which, and the time and place at which, qualified electors who may, on the occurrence of any election, be absent from the municipality of their residence, because their duties, occupation or business require them to be elsewhere or who, on the occurrence of any election, are unable to attend at their proper polling places because of illness or physical disability or who will not attend a polling place because of the observance of a religious holiday or who cannot vote because of election day duties, in the case of a county employee, may vote, and for the return and canvass of their votes in the election district in which they respectively reside.

which I might add, Pennsylvania’s Democrat controlled Supreme Court recently subjugated, and forced no-excuse mail-in ballots upon the people without the people’s consent and their constitution being amended as required.

And this same crap (forcing no-excuse mail-in voting upon the people without their consent) just happened in two other Democrat controlled states, New York State and Massachusetts.

If this push for no-excuse mail-in ballot voting, which is being forced on the people by the Democrat Party Leadership and their partners in crime, is not nipped in the bud and stopped in its tracks and reversed, voting in our national elections will in fact resemble those as happen in China, Cuba, and Russia, where there is one party rule.

Forewarned is forearmed.


The scary truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

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