Why Dick Cavett Still Has IT. lol

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Is the U.S. Following in Rome’s Footsteps? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

I suppose our great land still has pockets of the benighted who will see our even speculating on the notion of America’s tumbling from its perch as subversive. I’ve found that — as with surviving admirers of the late tail-gunner, Joseph McC. of Wisconsin — anything less than nonstop boosterism about the land of the free is considered commie still in some circles.

Maybe we’ll both get the counterpart of my favorite bit of hate mail: a hand-lettered note with return address — on a telegram blank — from Waco, Texas (a favorite choice of dwelling for hate mailers) that ran, “Dear Dick Cavett You Little Sawed-off Faggot Communist Shrimp.” I wrote back, “I am not sawed off.” (Do you suppose they got it? In either sense?)
the two ideas expressed in one reply...precious. :lol:

McCarthyism and HyperPatriotism, and Stupid hateful bigots...anything sound familiar?

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