Why Democrats Must Retain Control of Congress in 2022


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why Democrats Must Retain Control of Congress in 2022
4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Morton Kondracke
The 2020 election demonstrated how fragile our democracy is. As Donald Trump tried, by means both legal and illegal, to overturn the results of a free and fair election, only the courts and a thin line of courageous Republican election officials guaranteed that the peoples’ choice prevailed.
But the safeguards are weaker. Although the Supreme Court upheld the last lower-court dismissal of multiple Trump-inspired lawsuits charging election fraud, in July the court upheld new voting restrictions enacted in Arizona.
And many of the Republican election officials who refused to back up Trump’s bogus fraud charges have been threatened, fired, or are being challenged for reelection by Trump followers. Meanwhile, 17 Republican-controlled state legislatures have joined Arizona in making voting more difficult: In several of them, legislators are trying to seize control of election management, including power to replace county election officials or even decide how a state’s election results should be certified, regardless of the popular vote.
Republicans claim they are acting restore faith in elections, but—with fraud repeatedly shown to be rare and of no effect in in 2020—Trump and his followers are really undermining faith in American elections.
Republicans have shown that they simply can’t be trusted to safeguard democracy. Donald Trump now owns the Republican Party as GOP politicians up and down the line do his bidding, out of fear or belief.
If, next November, the GOP captures one chamber—most likely, the House—whatever Biden can get done in his first two years can’t be easily undone, but he will get nothing more passed. If the GOP gets control of both chambers, Republicans will try to reverse anything he has accomplished. He’ll have only his veto pen as protection. Stalemate from 2023 through 2024—and an unsuccessful-seeming Biden presidency—could reelect Trump (or someone backed by him), in which case constitutional norms and respect for election results and the rule of law would again be in peril.
The biggest issue in the campaign, though, is whether the electorate wants to return power to a party whose leaders are in the thrall of a man who has countenanced violence and illegality to keep himself in power. Ultimately, it’s a test of Americans’ trust in democracy.

Mort Kondrake is not Democrat nor is he a true conservative,, however in this article it shows his dislike for Trump and the the Republican Party. In some ways Mort has become a spokesman for the Democrats for 2022.
While up to now, I've accepted and respected Mr. Kondracke opinion, I would DISAGREE with him on almost everything he wrote here, and he perfectly illustrates why Biden's Democrats must be taken out in 2022 in landslide proportions, ridding America of socialism once and for all.
Perhaps his age is showing when he fails to consider that this same administration threatening Americans with mask and vaccine mandates is not only allowing thousand of tested positive for Covid-19 illegals to enter our nation, but is actively helping them disperse throughout it--talking about Democrats in the context of "Trusting Democracy" is utterly laughable.
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Why Democrats Must Retain Control of Congress in 2022
4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Morton Kondracke
The 2020 election demonstrated how fragile our democracy is. As Donald Trump tried, by means both legal and illegal, to overturn the results of a free and fair election, only the courts and a thin line of courageous Republican election officials guaranteed that the peoples’ choice prevailed.
But the safeguards are weaker. Although the Supreme Court upheld the last lower-court dismissal of multiple Trump-inspired lawsuits charging election fraud, in July the court upheld new voting restrictions enacted in Arizona.
And many of the Republican election officials who refused to back up Trump’s bogus fraud charges have been threatened, fired, or are being challenged for reelection by Trump followers. Meanwhile, 17 Republican-controlled state legislatures have joined Arizona in making voting more difficult: In several of them, legislators are trying to seize control of election management, including power to replace county election officials or even decide how a state’s election results should be certified, regardless of the popular vote.
Republicans claim they are acting restore faith in elections, but—with fraud repeatedly shown to be rare and of no effect in in 2020—Trump and his followers are really undermining faith in American elections.
Republicans have shown that they simply can’t be trusted to safeguard democracy. Donald Trump now owns the Republican Party as GOP politicians up and down the line do his bidding, out of fear or belief.
If, next November, the GOP captures one chamber—most likely, the House—whatever Biden can get done in his first two years can’t be easily undone, but he will get nothing more passed. If the GOP gets control of both chambers, Republicans will try to reverse anything he has accomplished. He’ll have only his veto pen as protection. Stalemate from 2023 through 2024—and an unsuccessful-seeming Biden presidency—could reelect Trump (or someone backed by him), in which case constitutional norms and respect for election results and the rule of law would again be in peril.
The biggest issue in the campaign, though, is whether the electorate wants to return power to a party whose leaders are in the thrall of a man who has countenanced violence and illegality to keep himself in power. Ultimately, it’s a test of Americans’ trust in democracy.

Mort Kondrake is not Democrat nor is he a true conservative,, however in this article it shows his dislike for Trump and the the Republican Party. In some ways Mort has become a spokesman for the Democrats for 2022.
While up to now, I've accepted and respected Mr. Kondracke opinion, I would DISAGREE with him on almost everything he wrote here, and he perfectly illustrates why Biden's Democrats must be taken out in 2022 in landslide proportions, ridding America of socialism once and for all.
Perhaps his age is showing when he fails to consider that this same administration threatening Americans with mask and vaccine mandates is not only allowing thousand of tested positive for Covid-19 illegals to enter our nation, but is actively helping them disperse throughout it--talking about Democrats in the context of "Trusting Democracy" is utterly laughable.
Your entire argument falls apart because of a fallacy.
Trump did nothing wrong.
He was set up by the same folks that set up the fake Russian Collusion scandal.....The FBI.
Them's the facts.
If Trump had actually done what you claim....there would have dead members of congress.....and none of them were ever in jeopardy....despite all of the blubbering we witnessed during the Jan 6th hearings.
Communist democrats know they will be wiped out next year. They are getting hysterical.
While I do oppose them, we shouldn't be to optimistic. Think about all of the skullduggery they were doing during the 2020 presidential election. You have to remember that the party that refers to itself as the Democrat Party, isn't the one from decades ago. They're Marxists and will do anything, including anything illegal to gain a victory. They have been making it clear that they are against the U.S. Constitution and their goal is to get rid of it and implement a One-Party only government and when you have a One-Party government it NEVER fails to become authoritarian, tyrannical and murderous.
I suspect that when the 2022 elections come around, there will be a strict distancing and mandatory mask mandate with opposition party observers kept far enough away from the counters, as they did before, for the Marxist counters to repeat what they did in 2020, so the opposition observers can't actually reliably verify the count and sudden late night influxes of voter ballots that change the counts.
While I do oppose them, we shouldn't be to optimistic. Think about all of the skullduggery they were doing during the 2020 presidential election. You have to remember that the party that refers to itself as the Democrat Party, isn't the one from decades ago. They're Marxists and will do anything, including anything illegal to gain a victory. They have been making it clear that they are against the U.S. Constitution and their goal is to get rid of it and implement a One-Party only government and when you have a One-Party government it NEVER fails to become authoritarian, tyrannical and murderous.
I suspect that when the 2022 elections come around, there will be a strict distancing and mandatory mask mandate with opposition party observers kept far enough away from the counters, as they did before, for the Marxist counters to repeat what they did in 2020, so the opposition observers can't actually reliably verify the count and sudden late night influxes of voter ballots that change the counts.
True. We must never forget the kind of fraud they are capable of.
Why Democrats Must Retain Control of Congress in 2022
4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Morton Kondracke
The 2020 election demonstrated how fragile our democracy is. As Donald Trump tried, by means both legal and illegal, to overturn the results of a free and fair election, only the courts and a thin line of courageous Republican election officials guaranteed that the peoples’ choice prevailed.
But the safeguards are weaker. Although the Supreme Court upheld the last lower-court dismissal of multiple Trump-inspired lawsuits charging election fraud, in July the court upheld new voting restrictions enacted in Arizona.
And many of the Republican election officials who refused to back up Trump’s bogus fraud charges have been threatened, fired, or are being challenged for reelection by Trump followers. Meanwhile, 17 Republican-controlled state legislatures have joined Arizona in making voting more difficult: In several of them, legislators are trying to seize control of election management, including power to replace county election officials or even decide how a state’s election results should be certified, regardless of the popular vote.
Republicans claim they are acting restore faith in elections, but—with fraud repeatedly shown to be rare and of no effect in in 2020—Trump and his followers are really undermining faith in American elections.
Republicans have shown that they simply can’t be trusted to safeguard democracy. Donald Trump now owns the Republican Party as GOP politicians up and down the line do his bidding, out of fear or belief.
If, next November, the GOP captures one chamber—most likely, the House—whatever Biden can get done in his first two years can’t be easily undone, but he will get nothing more passed. If the GOP gets control of both chambers, Republicans will try to reverse anything he has accomplished. He’ll have only his veto pen as protection. Stalemate from 2023 through 2024—and an unsuccessful-seeming Biden presidency—could reelect Trump (or someone backed by him), in which case constitutional norms and respect for election results and the rule of law would again be in peril.
The biggest issue in the campaign, though, is whether the electorate wants to return power to a party whose leaders are in the thrall of a man who has countenanced violence and illegality to keep himself in power. Ultimately, it’s a test of Americans’ trust in democracy.

Mort Kondrake is not Democrat nor is he a true conservative,, however in this article it shows his dislike for Trump and the the Republican Party. In some ways Mort has become a spokesman for the Democrats for 2022.
While up to now, I've accepted and respected Mr. Kondracke opinion, I would DISAGREE with him on almost everything he wrote here, and he perfectly illustrates why Biden's Democrats must be taken out in 2022 in landslide proportions, ridding America of socialism once and for all.
Perhaps his age is showing when he fails to consider that this same administration threatening Americans with mask and vaccine mandates is not only allowing thousand of tested positive for Covid-19 illegals to enter our nation, but is actively helping them disperse throughout it--talking about Democrats in the context of "Trusting Democracy" is utterly laughable.
Mort Kondracke?...He has always fallen into the "pipsqueak who had to take violin lessons while the rest of us were playing baseball" category, with career stiff neck George Will....He brought even weaker sauce to the McLaughlin Group food fight than the goofy moonbat Elanor Clift.

I mean seriously....How old is that latte-sipping fossil, about 95?
Why Democrats Must Retain Control of Congress in 2022
4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Morton Kondracke
The 2020 election demonstrated how fragile our democracy is. As Donald Trump tried, by means both legal and illegal, to overturn the results of a free and fair election, only the courts and a thin line of courageous Republican election officials guaranteed that the peoples’ choice prevailed.
But the safeguards are weaker. Although the Supreme Court upheld the last lower-court dismissal of multiple Trump-inspired lawsuits charging election fraud, in July the court upheld new voting restrictions enacted in Arizona.
And many of the Republican election officials who refused to back up Trump’s bogus fraud charges have been threatened, fired, or are being challenged for reelection by Trump followers. Meanwhile, 17 Republican-controlled state legislatures have joined Arizona in making voting more difficult: In several of them, legislators are trying to seize control of election management, including power to replace county election officials or even decide how a state’s election results should be certified, regardless of the popular vote.
Republicans claim they are acting restore faith in elections, but—with fraud repeatedly shown to be rare and of no effect in in 2020—Trump and his followers are really undermining faith in American elections.
Republicans have shown that they simply can’t be trusted to safeguard democracy. Donald Trump now owns the Republican Party as GOP politicians up and down the line do his bidding, out of fear or belief.
If, next November, the GOP captures one chamber—most likely, the House—whatever Biden can get done in his first two years can’t be easily undone, but he will get nothing more passed. If the GOP gets control of both chambers, Republicans will try to reverse anything he has accomplished. He’ll have only his veto pen as protection. Stalemate from 2023 through 2024—and an unsuccessful-seeming Biden presidency—could reelect Trump (or someone backed by him), in which case constitutional norms and respect for election results and the rule of law would again be in peril.
The biggest issue in the campaign, though, is whether the electorate wants to return power to a party whose leaders are in the thrall of a man who has countenanced violence and illegality to keep himself in power. Ultimately, it’s a test of Americans’ trust in democracy.

Mort Kondrake is not Democrat nor is he a true conservative,, however in this article it shows his dislike for Trump and the the Republican Party. In some ways Mort has become a spokesman for the Democrats for 2022.
While up to now, I've accepted and respected Mr. Kondracke opinion, I would DISAGREE with him on almost everything he wrote here, and he perfectly illustrates why Biden's Democrats must be taken out in 2022 in landslide proportions, ridding America of socialism once and for all.
Perhaps his age is showing when he fails to consider that this same administration threatening Americans with mask and vaccine mandates is not only allowing thousand of tested positive for Covid-19 illegals to enter our nation, but is actively helping them disperse throughout it--talking about Democrats in the context of "Trusting Democracy" is utterly laughable.

Get your booster shots
Every booster you take fortifies democracy and fights racism
Your entire argument falls apart because of a fallacy.
Trump did nothing wrong.
He was set up by the same folks that set up the fake Russian Collusion scandal.....The FBI.
Them's the facts.
If Trump had actually done what you claim....there would have dead members of congress.....and none of them were ever in jeopardy....despite all of the blubbering we witnessed during the Jan 6th hearings.

It's not Doc's argument, he was quoting an article by Mort Kondrachie. Doc's rebuke of Kondrachie's article is the last couple sentences of the OP.
Biden's Democrats must be taken out in 2022 in landslide proportions, ridding America of socialism once and for all.

I don't think socialism or the Far Left is going away anytime soon, with or without an ass-kicking in the 2022 midterms. Wish it was, but those people are very determined and the rest of us should not sell them short. If we don't stay vigilant and just as determined as they are then we're fucked, cuz I don't think they're going to quit.
Your entire argument falls apart because of a fallacy.
Trump did nothing wrong.
He was set up by the same folks that set up the fake Russian Collusion scandal.....The FBI.
Them's the facts.
If Trump had actually done what you claim....there would have dead members of congress.....and none of them were ever in jeopardy....despite all of the blubbering we witnessed during the Jan 6th hearings.

I never claimed that Trump did anything wrong, I was excoriating Kondracke for the article and as was posted here by Rogue Al... Bai Dung has gone too far by unconstitutionally extending the eviction moratorium and causing the immigration crisis at the border, including the resurgence of Covid-19 and its variants. Yet Kondracke is of the opinion that Republicans would be no better.
I personally would like to see a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress and perhaps even some Conservative law firms begin to use the courts to stop these criminal actions of Bai Dung and this administration.
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I don't think socialism or the Far Left is going away anytime soon, with or without an ass-kicking in the 2022 midterms. Wish it was, but those people are very determined and the rest of us should not sell them short. If we don't stay vigilant and just as determined as they are then we're fucked, cuz I don't think they're going to quit.
Not until they are executed
I never claimed that Trump did anything wrong, I was excoriating Kondracke for the article and as was posted here by Rogue Al... Bai Dung has gone too far by unconstitutionally extending the eviction moratorium and causing the immigration crisis at the border, including the resurgence of Covid-19 and its variants. Yet Kondracke is of the opinion that Republicans would be no better.
I personally would like to see a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress and perhaps even some Conservative law firms begin to use the courts to stop these criminal actions of Bai Dung and this administration.
The Democrat machine is moving to shut down everything again so they can steal the midterms, just like they stole 2020.
You seriously posted this tripe at the same time Biden is extending an unconstitutional eviction moratorium? For real? Thanks for the laugh and reminder of why liberals can't be taken seriously.

I suggest you read my comments on the article... I don't believe that Kondracke is correct.
I don't agree with Kondracke's premise which centers on Trump's political demise only being determined by the Democrats holding onto congress next year. First Trump backed candidates most show they're able to win the party's nominations and those that do must be elected in contested areas where the GOP nominee isn't just a rubber stamp to victory.

Plus Kondracke's whole thing about voting rights doesn't take into account that the important battles are going on at the state, not federal, level. Voting right issues here in Arizona will be determined by the results of our state legislature elections, not whether Democrat Mark Kelly wins or loses his Senate seat to his Republican challenger

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