Why Confederate monument removal is a questionable mission for all Americans, black and white.


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I know the left don't like Lee, that's why I posted it, resist the resisters...

Why Confederate monument removal is a questionable mission for all Americans, black and white.
May 26, 2017

Danusha V. Goska


Modern, secular liberals, no less than ancient Israelites, believe in sin. That sin is racism. Unlike the ancient Israelites, liberals do not confess their own sins. They confess others' sins. Liberals, obeying urges even more primitive than those described in Leviticus, select the South as the goat. At least the ancient Israelites confessed their own sins before sacrificing a goat. Remember: othering is all about creating and then emphasizing opposites. When a liberal stands up in public and scapegoats the South and Southerners as racist, that liberal is publicly identifying himself as not racist, as, in fact, the opposite of racist – as pure. This scapegoating rewrites history, and erases any slaves that lived up North. Liberals locate all sin in the sin of racism, and locate all racism in the South. More on this selective outrage, below.


Look, I'm not a Southerner. Why should I get worked up about liberal discourse about statues of Robert E. Lee? Because that discourse is a microcosm of how the left insists we talk about America. Leftists in power distribute glasses through which I am ordered to see my own identity and my own history. I must see America and Christianity as oppressors. Any nuance is denounced and punished. I am not allowed to feel proud or to acknowledge success. I am not even allowed to see shades of gray. I am denied respect and compassion for my fellow countrymen with whom I disagree.

This enforcement of a rigid, monochrome view is in stark contrast to how liberals manipulate narratives they choose to privilege. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have attempted to make palatable even the most extreme jihadi atrocities with references to the Crusades. On February 3, 2015, ISIS released a meticulously produced video of the burning alive, in a cage, of captured Jordanian pilot Muath Al-Kasasbeh.

President Barack Obama responded to ISIS' hideous crime, on February 5, 2015, two days after the snuff video's release. Americans were waylaid by horror. They looked to their president for moral and strategic guidance. Obama's response is breathtaking. Obama told Americans not to exercise a "sinful tendency" to "get on our high horse" and judge ISIS torturers. Don't be "so full of yourself and so confident that you are right and that God speaks only to us." Don't think that "somehow we alone are in possession of the truth." Rather, Americans must "start with some basic humility" Obama counseled against any criticism of Islam, mentioning how wise the Founders were to create, "freedom of religion." Free speech, also granted by the Founders, must not be used to criticize Islam. We must "stand shoulder-to-shoulder" with Muslims.


A Jersey Girl Defends Robert E. Lee
I support history and maintaining our monuments. The civil war was the single bloodies war in our countries history....

Deserves some respect.
I do not understand why those who caused the single bloodiest war in American history deserve any respect.
Why is there a statute of Confederate General Albert Pike and part founder of the KKK prominently displayed in Washington D.C? Pike, the highest ranking degreed member of Scottish Rite free masonry whose book "Morals and Dogma" is consider the bible of Scottish Rite free masonry is on display in Washington, D.C????? Why is that??? Where is the leftard outrage???????? Indignant, self-righteous in it's cause for the obliteration of all things "Confederacy"???? But yet Albert Pike's bust is prominently displayed in the most liberal of all cities....imagine that???? I know the reason but leftards have no clue......as usual....
I support history and maintaining our monuments. The civil war was the single bloodies war in our countries history....

Deserves some respect.
I do not understand why those who caused the single bloodiest war in American history deserve any respect.
But your side worships cop killers, how about that...
I'm not surprised many Americans want to keep monuments to those who fought to preserve/assert a government based on the inferiority of the black man. After all, those monuments speak for those Americans.
You live in the south. Colour me surprised. Those monuments are speaking for you.
I support history and maintaining our monuments. The civil war was the single bloodies war in our countries history....

Deserves some respect.
I do not understand why those who caused the single bloodiest war in American history deserve any respect.
But your side worships cop killers, how about that...
Did someone give you a star for changing the subject, I wonder.
You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
I support history and maintaining our monuments. The civil war was the single bloodies war in our countries history....

Deserves some respect.
I do not understand why those who caused the single bloodiest war in American history deserve any respect.
But your side worships cop killers, how about that...
Did someone give you a star for changing the subject, I wonder.
You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
I support history and maintaining our monuments. The civil war was the single bloodies war in our countries history....

Deserves some respect.
I do not understand why those who caused the single bloodiest war in American history deserve any respect.
But your side worships cop killers, how about that...
Did someone give you a star for changing the subject, I wonder.
You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
You libtards are like the Borg....so it might as well have been your dumb ass that said it.
I support history and maintaining our monuments. The civil war was the single bloodies war in our countries history....

Deserves some respect.
I do not understand why those who caused the single bloodiest war in American history deserve any respect.
But your side worships cop killers, how about that...
Did someone give you a star for changing the subject, I wonder.
You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
Your right my bad, But I didn't change the subject, YOU DID...
I do not understand why those who caused the single bloodiest war in American history deserve any respect.
But your side worships cop killers, how about that...
Did someone give you a star for changing the subject, I wonder.
You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
Your right my bad, But I didn't change the subject, YOU DID...
I never changed the subject either.
In contrast, you began writing about killing policemen.
I'm not surprised many Americans want to keep monuments to those who fought to preserve/assert a government based on the inferiority of the black man. After all, those monuments speak for those Americans.

So, you did you not read the op, or just not understand it?
So, you did you not read the op, or just not understand it?
Oh, I read it and understood that it is a bunch of disconnected waffle which attempts to make connections that don't exist. For instance linking an ISIS execution with Obama's remarks at a breakfast. Give me a break. That girl would have trouble walking and chewing gum. No trouble blowing a dog whistle though.
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