Why Aren't People Getting Vaxxed? Because of Your Hypocrisy | Opinion


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This is a great piece, and so true.
We have the MSM screaming a Trump gathering or a Sturgis rally will be a super-spreader explosion, and out of the other side of their mouths claim there's no problem at the jammed Lollapalooza, or during the massive crowds at a George Floyd riot.

When former President Barack Obama hosted a birthday bash amid a COVID-19 surge across the country, it was not an unusual or one-off situation. As in many contexts, it's not the rules that anger American tax-payers so much as the myriad exceptions to them—and who those exceptions always seem to favor.

The majority of people aren't getting vaxxed because they don't feel threatened by Covid and/or don't want to take a chance with a new drug in their system.

That's totally OK - it's their prerogative.

I take issue with the ones on either side of the debate who either demand others get vaxxed or demand people don't get vaxxed and the bullshit conspiracies and fake news from both sides too and the constant taking one example out of thousands of instances that suit their argument to pass off as some sort of fact for their cause.

Pro-choice should work both ways.

The reason I got both vaccines isn't because I'm a sheep. If my Scottish Government told me it was sunny outside I'd literally leave the house in a raincoat and umbrella.

I had a kidney issue a few years ago and still need to get check-ups. As such I'm on a priority list. My kidneys are fine but they both operate at 60% each which is cool but if I was to get Covid that could change if I didn't have a degree of protection with vaccine possibly limiting the damage.

Maybe that does make me a sheep because I'm young, fit and relatively healthy but I felt fine getting vaccine and still do tbh.
Over 100 million Americans are never rolling up their sleeves. Speak to any of them......to a person they think the country is experiencing a mass mental snap. Obviously, took a gander well past the billboard science gazer material that created millions of zombies.

We dont have a Covid crisis.......we have a public mental health crisis. :bye1:
There is a difference between holding an outdoor event where everyone is vaccinated and holding a massive outdoor event when Vaccines were not available

lol........every dolt who attended the big outdoor concert in Central Park near me on Saturday had to be vaxed and nearly all were wearing a mask!:abgg2q.jpg: Then the irony of all ironies......they event got cancelled mid-concert due to lightning!!
This was in Portland in June of 2020 in Portland, it was part of the BLM, George Floyd, crap. Read the article, no concern about Covid, but the moment a Trump rally comes along, the MSM goes nuts.

The majority of people aren't getting vaxxed because they don't feel threatened by Covid and/or don't want to take a chance with a new drug in their system.

That's totally OK - it's their prerogative.

I take issue with the ones on either side of the debate who either demand others get vaxxed or demand people don't get vaxxed and the bullshit conspiracies and fake news from both sides too and the constant taking one example out of thousands of instances that suit their argument to pass off as some sort of fact for their cause.

Pro-choice should work both ways.

The reason I got both vaccines isn't because I'm a sheep. If my Scottish Government told me it was sunny outside I'd literally leave the house in a raincoat and umbrella.

I had a kidney issue a few years ago and still need to get check-ups. As such I'm on a priority list. My kidneys are fine but they both operate at 60% each which is cool but if I was to get Covid that could change if I didn't have a degree of protection with vaccine possibly limiting the damage.

Maybe that does make me a sheep because I'm young, fit and relatively healthy but I felt fine getting vaccine and still do tbh.
That is a decision you have every right to make. Everyone has that right. Good Luck.
This was in Portland in June of 2020 in Portland, it was part of the BLM, George Floyd, crap. Read the article, no concern about Covid, but the moment a Trump rally comes along, the MSM goes nuts.

View attachment 529824
Trump had a rally a couple days ago in Alabama where he was booed by his own Klansmen. The media ran that story but I heard not a word about masks. "goes nuts"? No.
Trump had a rally a couple days ago in Alabama where he was booed by his own Klansmen. The media ran that story but I heard not a word about masks. "goes nuts"? No.

Alabama health officials are not looking forward to Trump’s super spreader rally ‘We’re shivering in our boots’​

Trump had a rally a couple days ago in Alabama where he was booed by his own Klansmen. The media ran that story but I heard not a word about masks. "goes nuts"? No.

Alabama City Braces for Trump Rally, Declares Covid-Related State of Emergency​

“It just seems like a terrible idea to get thousands of people together just to listen to the former president tell lies,” a top official with the Alabama Democratic Party said

The vaccines are working in blue states, just not red one apparently.
WA is a blue state with near 70% vaccination rate. A gubernatorial mask mandate took effect statewide today. Masks are required in all schools and vaccination is required in all government jobs. In spite of all of these "necessary measures" Delta covid is spiking---FOLLOW THE SCIENCE MY ASS.
If you didn't watch that vid you are missing an education from someone who takes public health serious with the creds to know what she is talking about. I say she should replace whiteboy Fauci
WA is a blue state with near 70% vaccination rate. A gubernatorial mask mandate took effect statewide today. Masks are required in all schools and vaccination is required in all government jobs. In spite of all of these "necessary measures" Delta covid is spiking---FOLLOW THE SCIENCE MY ASS.
Because the vax virtually guarantees it's spread
There is a difference between holding an outdoor event where everyone is vaccinated and holding a massive outdoor event when Vaccines were not available

Actually it is not clear.
The research so far has not found any evidence of a single transmission outside.
Not absolutely conclusive, but fairly likely.

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