Why Are Spaniards So Concerned About the Palestinians?


Jun 29, 2011
Seems spaniards like Jos are quite fixated on the Palestinians, yet, at the same time, Spain and the Spaniards have quite a problem of racism and discrimination against their own lovely Arab Muslim community and everyone else . Perhaps, when the spaniards use their daily 18 hour siestas to repair their own issues, rather than worrying about the Palestinian Arabs and Muslims, Spain will improve its dreadful image in the world and emerge from both its moral and financial state of bankruptcy. Producing something other than mediocre olive oil would help, too Let's not forget Spain's history of genocide against Jews in the Inquisition and Muslims in the Reconquest.

European Agency For Human Rights: High Levels of Discrimination Against Muslims in Spain
The European Agency for Human Rights has issued a report which names Spain as one of the countries where there is most discrimination against Muslims. The report reveals that one in three Muslims in Europe has been the victim of discrimination, but in Spain the percentage increases to 40%.

13% of the Muslims in Spain said they had suffered discrimination last year when they wanted to buy or rent property, but they feel most under attack in the area of legal questions and policing, 43% claimed they had been stopped by the Spanish police over the past 12 months.
Many times they make no official complaint, because they believe nothing will come of it.

High levels of discrimination against Muslims in Spain

Spain: Islamophobia on the Rise
Muslims in Spain are witnessing a growing trend of Islamophobia in the country. As the hostility and restrictions against expressions of Islamic symbols and practises grows in Spanish society so does the alienation of Muslims in Spain. In this briefing, Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) aims to highlight some of the many issues of religious discrimination being faced by Muslims in Spain in order to create public awareness about the human rights abuses they face.
Spain: Islamophobia on the Rise - Spain - Muslims Around the World - Alukah.net

Back In Cairo: Dear Spain, You're Racist http://blackincairo.blogspot.com/2010/06/dear-spain-youre-racist.html
This is an open letter to the Kingdom of Spain:
Dear Spain, You are racist. There is no need for euphemisms. You have a race issue that needs to be dealt with. It is my understanding that you've heard this plenty of times before in relation to how your fans throw banana peels and make monkey noises at black soccer players and your coaches deride black athletes with racial epithets. The incidents when fans showed up dress in black face and hurled racial taunts at a black Formula 1 racer and your Olympic team believed it was appropriate to take squinty eyed photos to commemorate China hosting the Olympics shows the extent of your racial insensitivity. Even the fact that one of your top models casually said that he would not kiss a black women at the photo shoot on the ever popular America's Next Top Model further exemplifies a deep-rooted societal issue. A simple Google search brought up so many links decrying the racism in Spain towards Africans, Asians, Muslims, and even Hispanics that I truly am saddened, yet not surprised, to add my voice to the chorus of people:

Spain: Racism and Intolerance Advance Relentlessly · Global Voices
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Jos, during your 18 hour siestas this week, keep us apprised of your efforts to extinguish the rampant anti-Arab Muslim racism in spain :clap2:
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Jos, have you made any progress stopping rampant racism and anti-Arab and Muslim discrimination in bankrupt spain?:clap2:

Hopefully, you're using your 18 hour siesta productively and not posting in chat rooms.:lol:
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Victory to the Jewish infidel over the Muslim loser!
Jews: Population 14 million [0.2% of world population]
Muslims: Population 1.6 BILLION [23% of world population]

181 Jews have been awarded the Nobel Prize accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2010

Muslim Nobel Prize winners are only 9 in total of which 5 are for peace! And 1 in physics was given to Abdus Salam who belongs to Ahmadiyya sect which is not considered to be Muslim by Muslims.

We have just insulted Islam by laughing at the Allah guaranteed superiority over the infidel. Wait, are you hearing Allahu Akbar?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl76nw92AJc]Jews and Muslims-Nobel Prize List (Latest) - YouTube[/ame]

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