Why are so many Trump accusers suddenly coming forward now?

The media is doing everything in its power to provide cover for the lying, racism, corruption, deception, illegal and criminal activity, fraud, etc. that is being revealed in the emails.
Remember, when Bill Clinton was raping and assaulting women and Hillary was intimidating and attacking his victims, Democrats were busy telling Americans that his personal business and private affairs are non of our business.

What I remember is that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties to try to prove any of that and couldn't.

Your tax dollars hard at work.

Ken Star investigation wasn't about that you moron. Bill Clinton took advantage of an 18 year old intern, and made her give him BJ's in the Oval Office, while Hillary called her a bimbo, trash, slut, and every name in the book.
she was 22/23 not 18, she had graduated college already....still quite young, but not a teen....and Monica (along with Kathleen Willey saying she wanted to sleep with Bill), told Linda Tripp that she was going after Bill Clinton to see if he would sleep with her...she went after him according to Tripp's testimony...this was under oath before a grand jury.
What is it about Leftist ideology that makes people stupid. Gods in Heaven!

The Left is so desperate to paint Trump as a monster that they'll sacrifice all measure of common sense and reason to do so. But all they do is show us what idiots they are.

Guy, your side is the one who passed up a dozen perfectly qualified governors and senators to nominate a Reality TV Nazi that 60% of you didn't want.

Just because you are treating your flawed nomination process like a suicide pact doesn't mean the rest of us have to.


A red herring is an argument, given in reply, that does not address the original issue. Critically, a red herring is a deliberate attempt to change the subject or divert the argument. This is known formally in the English vocabulary as a digression which is usually denoted as "red herring".
Remember, when Bill Clinton was raping and assaulting women and Hillary was intimidating and attacking his victims, Democrats were busy telling Americans that his personal business and private affairs are non of our business.

What I remember is that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties to try to prove any of that and couldn't.

Your tax dollars hard at work.

Ken Star investigation wasn't about that you moron. Bill Clinton took advantage of an 18 year old intern, and made her give him BJ's in the Oval Office, while Hillary called her a bimbo, trash, slut, and every name in the book.
she was 22/23 not 18, she had graduated college already....still quite young, but not a teen....and Monica (along with Kathleen Willey saying she wanted to sleep with Bill), told Linda Tripp that she was going after Bill Clinton to see if he would sleep with her...she went after him according to Tripp's testimony...this was under oath before a grand jury.
Wait, so you have no problem with a middle aged man in the world's most powerful position taking advantage of a woman old enough to be his daughter and then Hillary knowing quite well her husband's history, turning into an attack dog against the woman.

I'm telling you, the Clinton's are such great supporters of women's rights! Ha ha ha.
Gee, I wonder why?

They couldn't have come forward when he first announced, and saved us all this trouble ?

This is nothing more than a Dimocrat and media concerted effort to destroy the other candidate right at the end of the race.

Why now? If all these women were violated by Donald Trump years ago, why are they just speaking up now?

That’s what Joe Scarborough asked this morning on MSNBC, questioning whether there was a coordinated scheme behind the fact that a number of women came forward within 24 hours to describe sexually inappropriate acts by the Republican nominee. “If I had been sexually harassed by this man, the Megyn Kelly story would have given me an opportunity,” Scarborough said.

Trump surrogate A.J. Delgado had already suggested the same on “All In with Chris Hayes” the night before, saying “These allegations are decades old. If somebody actually did that, Chris, any reasonable woman would have come forward and said something at the time.”

And Donald Trump himself questioned the time lag in a tweet shortly after Scarborough went off the air:

Why are so many Trump accusers suddenly coming forward now?
It's because they are lying jackasses.

Well, even if they're not, coming forward in Oct a few weeks before the election smacks of Dimocrat operatives.
Referring to illegals who are not all Mexicans, racist, lying sack of shit.

Uh, guy, when Trump talks about Illegals, he's not talking about the models he snuck in here to work for him (illegally) on business meeting visas and he's not talking about the Polish workers who he hired (illegally) to clear the debris from the site of Trump Tower.

He's talking about Mexicans. He said Mexicans.
. Like Trump said, he is a businessman, and he does what every other businessman has been allowed to do (makes him smart), and he said if you want these things changed then change them, but until then he is a businessman doing business like any other businessman is allowed or has been allowed to do. Recognising the dangers of the southern border is a whole different matter.
Gee, I wonder why?

They couldn't have come forward when he first announced, and saved us all this trouble ?

This is nothing more than a Dimocrat and media concerted effort to destroy the other candidate right at the end of the race.

Why now? If all these women were violated by Donald Trump years ago, why are they just speaking up now?

That’s what Joe Scarborough asked this morning on MSNBC, questioning whether there was a coordinated scheme behind the fact that a number of women came forward within 24 hours to describe sexually inappropriate acts by the Republican nominee. “If I had been sexually harassed by this man, the Megyn Kelly story would have given me an opportunity,” Scarborough said.

Trump surrogate A.J. Delgado had already suggested the same on “All In with Chris Hayes” the night before, saying “These allegations are decades old. If somebody actually did that, Chris, any reasonable woman would have come forward and said something at the time.”

And Donald Trump himself questioned the time lag in a tweet shortly after Scarborough went off the air:

Why are so many Trump accusers suddenly coming forward now?
Well DUH! Because of the video that came out where he said he liked to attack women, even married women.

Jesus Christ, did that have to be explained?
. You call it attack women, even though you don't know the type of women Trump has been around as a billionaire. And yes married women do despicable things also. My friend worked in a plant that was 75% women, and the stories he told me would make a sailor turn red, and yes it involved married women to.
Ken Star investigation wasn't about that you moron. Bill Clinton took advantage of an 18 year old intern, and made her give him BJ's in the Oval Office, while Hillary called her a bimbo, trash, slut, and every name in the book.

You mean like Trump is doing to his accusers today?

Hey, Monica really was a stalker. sorry.

But back to the point- Ken Starr investigated all the ladies who said Clinton did a nasty to them and came back with--- no proof.
Like Trump said, he is a businessman, and he does what every other businessman has been allowed to do (makes him smart), and he said if you want these things changed then change them, but until then he is a businessman doing business like any other businessman is allowed or has been allowed to do. Recognising the dangers of the southern border is a whole different matter.

Uh,n o, being a businessman does not mean you break the law, and then claim you are really, really for those laws. It makes you look silly.
Remember, when Bill Clinton was raping and assaulting women and Hillary was intimidating and attacking his victims, Democrats were busy telling Americans that his personal business and private affairs are non of our business.

What I remember is that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties to try to prove any of that and couldn't.

Your tax dollars hard at work.

Ken Star investigation wasn't about that you moron. Bill Clinton took advantage of an 18 year old intern, and made her give him BJ's in the Oval Office, while Hillary called her a bimbo, trash, slut, and every name in the book.
she was 22/23 not 18, she had graduated college already....still quite young, but not a teen....and Monica (along with Kathleen Willey saying she wanted to sleep with Bill), told Linda Tripp that she was going after Bill Clinton to see if he would sleep with her...she went after him according to Tripp's testimony...this was under oath before a grand jury.
Wait, so you have no problem with a middle aged man in the world's most powerful position taking advantage of a woman old enough to be his daughter and then Hillary knowing quite well her husband's history, turning into an attack dog against the woman.

I'm telling you, the Clinton's are such great supporters of women's rights! Ha ha ha.

And Republicans write such amazing revisionist history. The role of Monica, the college graduate who packed up her kneepads and went to Washington to ring up notches on her lipstick case, and who bragged to Linda Tripp about getting her "presidential kneepads", is now being played as a barely legal, just out of high-school naif who was callously used by Bill Clinton for his own pleasure.

And the Republicans' threats of charges against her is the only reason Monica came forward. Linda Tripp, the Republican operative, who pretended to be Monica's friend so she could record their phone calls, and give them to Ken Starr. Right, the Republicans were so good to Monica.

As for Hillary, being pissed at Monica, what wife wouldn't be. What a selfish little bitch. She knew the President was married and she didn't care.
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"Well, guess what, Trump still called them rapists. We are done here." ..........................Are you naive enough to think that zero illegals have been rapists? HMMM:

Juan Emmanuel Razo:
is a Mexican national who was arrested by local sheriffs in Lake County Ohio on
July 7. He had no identification and admitted to them he was an illegal alien. The sheriffs called the Border Patrol, which refused to issue a detainer because he did not meet the Obama administration’s enforcement “priorities.” He was released. On July 27, Razo allegedly went on a crime spree that included the attempted rape of a 14 year old girl, shooting and wounding one woman in front of her children, and killing another. His crime spree ended the same day when police arrested him after a shoot out. Remarkably, amnesty activists have claimed the fact that Razo would have ultimately been eligible for a green card based on his
U.S. citizen father’s petition for one means that “immigration” is not an issue in the case.
.............................................................................................................................................................................CAUSE THIS RAPE IS PRETTY DIGUSTING ! >
The Omaha rally is timed to coincide with a pre-trial hearing for Sergio Martinez-Perez, a 19-year-old illegal alien who is charged with the brutal rape and murder of Louise Sollowin, a 93-year-old Omaha resident in July.
"Louise Sollowin is a tragic reminder of why we have immigration laws and why those laws need to be enforced by the federal government and reinforced by local authorities," said Doug Kagan, president of Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and this gross rapist part of catch and release: Aguirre-Ochoa was previously in Philadelphia law enforcement custody for a domestic aggravated assault charge. (Philly Voice, Aug. 10, 2016) At that time, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents issued a detainer against him, requesting that Philadelphia Police notify the agency of his pending release so ICE could obtain custody of him. (Id.) The Philadelphia Police, however, were forced to ignore ICE’s request for cooperation because of the city’s sanctuary policy, resulting in Aguirre-Ochoa’s release in January 2015. (Id.) He is now charged with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, unlawful contact with a minor, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, indecent assault on a person less than 13, indecent exposure, and simple assault............................................................................................................................................... (and many more)
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Like Trump said, he is a businessman, and he does what every other businessman has been allowed to do (makes him smart), and he said if you want these things changed then change them, but until then he is a businessman doing business like any other businessman is allowed or has been allowed to do. Recognising the dangers of the southern border is a whole different matter.

Uh,n o, being a businessman does not mean you break the law, and then claim you are really, really for those laws. It makes you look silly.
. You call it breaking the law, but right now in order to right these wrongs, both sides are trying to figure out how to get it all right, because everyone of them were doing it. I remember going onto construction jobs, and all you seen working anymore were Mexicans, and it was going on in the plants, lawn care, brick Masons, line work, tree work, electrical contractors, painters, and on and on and on it all went with no end in sight. Meanwhile Americans were sitting in their parents basements playing Nintendo, and becoming introverts from society. After enough of this was going on through out a generation, we began to see a shift from the capitalist system to a socialist communist system in order to control it all. This is where it's all at, and if we don't get it right the corporations will run this nations identity straight into the ground.
Remember, when Bill Clinton was raping and assaulting women and Hillary was intimidating and attacking his victims, Democrats were busy telling Americans that his personal business and private affairs are non of our business.

What I remember is that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties to try to prove any of that and couldn't.

Your tax dollars hard at work.

Ken Star investigation wasn't about that you moron. Bill Clinton took advantage of an 18 year old intern, and made her give him BJ's in the Oval Office, while Hillary called her a bimbo, trash, slut, and every name in the book.
she was 22/23 not 18, she had graduated college already....still quite young, but not a teen....and Monica (along with Kathleen Willey saying she wanted to sleep with Bill), told Linda Tripp that she was going after Bill Clinton to see if he would sleep with her...she went after him according to Tripp's testimony...this was under oath before a grand jury.
Wait, so you have no problem with a middle aged man in the world's most powerful position taking advantage of a woman old enough to be his daughter and then Hillary knowing quite well her husband's history, turning into an attack dog against the woman.

I'm telling you, the Clinton's are such great supporters of women's rights! Ha ha ha.

And Republicans write such amazing revisionist history. The role of Monica, the college graduate who packed up her kneepads and went to Washington to ring up notches on her lipstick case, and who bragged to Linda Tripp about getting her "presidential kneepads", is now being played as a barely legal, just out of high-school naif who was callously used by Bill Clinton for his own pleasure.

And the Republicans' threats of charges against her is the only reason Monica came forward. Linda Tripp, the Republican operative, who pretended to be Monica's friend so she could record their phone calls, and give them to Ken Starr. Right, the Republicans were so good to Monica.

As for Hillary, being pissed at Monica, what wife wouldn't be. What a selfish little bitch. She knew the President was married and she didn't care.
. Hillary being pissed at Monica ?????? You are kidding me right ????? Wow. So now the woman who knew how her husband was, all of a sudden got mad at the young intern instead of telling her husband enough is enough eh ?? You people crack me up.
View attachment 93830 View attachment 93830Trump was supposed to have gone all out octupus in airline seats like these. Really? Looks like a pretty big barrier. And to remove them probably takes some effort. Octupus Lady is crazy. And she and her family met Joe Biden in the past too. Ugh!
“How about this crazy woman on the airplane,” Trump asked the cheering crowd. “I mean, can anybody believe that one?”
He then stated that Leeds couldn’t be believed because, in her story, she allowed Trump to get away with too much for too long. “After 15 minutes she says that was too much. 15 minutes?

So Leeds didn’t get the idea to come up with this story until Donald Trump started running for President?

She also has very, very feminist views and is a liberal Democrat with a history of being published in The New York Times.

Jessica Leeds’ daughter had a VIP meeting with Barack Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden in 2012:
Maybe they were showing the movie "Octopussy" while Trump was playing with her breasts. Who knows, its obvious that this is a case of a gold digger gone bad.

Ken Star investigation wasn't about that you moron. Bill Clinton took advantage of an 18 year old intern, and made her give him BJ's in the Oval Office, while Hillary called her a bimbo, trash, slut, and every name in the book.

You mean like Trump is doing to his accusers today?

Hey, Monica really was a stalker. sorry.

But back to the point- Ken Starr investigated all the ladies who said Clinton did a nasty to them and came back with--- no proof.
Right, Monica forced Bill to let her give him a blowjob, and then asked Hillary to try to destroy her life after the allegations came out.

Too bad the dress with the stains showed who Bill and Hillary are, just like wiki leaks is exposing Hillary today.
Remember, when Bill Clinton was raping and assaulting women and Hillary was intimidating and attacking his victims, Democrats were busy telling Americans that his personal business and private affairs are non of our business.

What I remember is that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties to try to prove any of that and couldn't.

Your tax dollars hard at work.

Ken Star investigation wasn't about that you moron. Bill Clinton took advantage of an 18 year old intern, and made her give him BJ's in the Oval Office, while Hillary called her a bimbo, trash, slut, and every name in the book.
she was 22/23 not 18, she had graduated college already....still quite young, but not a teen....and Monica (along with Kathleen Willey saying she wanted to sleep with Bill), told Linda Tripp that she was going after Bill Clinton to see if he would sleep with her...she went after him according to Tripp's testimony...this was under oath before a grand jury.
Wait, so you have no problem with a middle aged man in the world's most powerful position taking advantage of a woman old enough to be his daughter and then Hillary knowing quite well her husband's history, turning into an attack dog against the woman.

I'm telling you, the Clinton's are such great supporters of women's rights! Ha ha ha.

And Republicans write such amazing revisionist history. The role of Monica, the college graduate who packed up her kneepads and went to Washington to ring up notches on her lipstick case, and who bragged to Linda Tripp about getting her "presidential kneepads", is now being played as a barely legal, just out of high-school naif who was callously used by Bill Clinton for his own pleasure.

And the Republicans' threats of charges against her is the only reason Monica came forward. Linda Tripp, the Republican operative, who pretended to be Monica's friend so she could record their phone calls, and give them to Ken Starr. Right, the Republicans were so good to Monica.

As for Hillary, being pissed at Monica, what wife wouldn't be. What a selfish little bitch. She knew the President was married and she didn't care.
Actually it's quite the opposite. Bill Clinton had a long record of using his positions of power to assault, rape, and abuse women. And Hillary would then attack and intimidate the women that her husband had victimized. They were about to get away with doing it to Monica as well, except, she was smart enough to keep the stained dress with Bill Clinton's DNA.
"Well, guess what, Trump still called them rapists. We are done here." ..........................Are you naive enough to think that zero illegals have been rapists?

No, but it's completely irrelevent to the point. He smeared a whole group by the actions of one or two individuals.

If he said "blacks are rapists" or "Evangelicals are rapists", he'd be done.
Right, Monica forced Bill to let her give him a blowjob, and then asked Hillary to try to destroy her life after the allegations came out.

Too bad the dress with the stains showed who Bill and Hillary are, just like wiki leaks is exposing Hillary today.

Guy, if you really think "Thomasistic Thought" is competing with "Grab Her Pussy" you are delusional.

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