Debate Now Why Are Regular Children Forced to Share Restrooms With Trans Students?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Only rules are stay on topic and no twisting anybody's words around and lying to say that they said something that they didn't. (I've personally had issues with that in the past myself.)

Anyways, this woman makes an amazing point. Why should a girl not be allowed to feel uncomfortable with sharing the restroom with a biological boy?

Why are her desires never even considered and therefore she's forced to hold it in all day?

Why should a girl not be allowed to feel uncomfortable with sharing the restroom with a biological boy?

I think you were trying to ask why should a girl be made uncomfortable using the bathroom?

And the answer is she shouldn't. None of those fat asses sitting there are made uncomfortable when THEY use it. I think the lady asking the question ought to follow these guys into the bathroom and watch them while THEY do their business! Watch them while they change to use the swimming pool or shower! And maybe the girl who can't use the bathroom all day when she has to go ought to just go to the principle's office and do it right there on his office floor.

WHAT IS IT these idiots don't understand about something as simple as basic decency and privacy? What is so hard about telling some guy-turned-"girl" that when they go, they should use a special bathroom just for trannies.

ADMIT IT: you don't want to go with the guys, and the girls DON'T WANT YOU.

The problem is YOURS, Bub, not everyone else's.
I think you were trying to ask why should a girl be made uncomfortable using the bathroom?

Yes I was, but I was also asking why is a girl not allowed to feel uncomfortable when it comes to sharing the restroom with boys. I never thought that I would feel grateful for being able to use the bathroom whenever I need to go.

Like I had to go REALLY badly before I responded to you and I'm like thinking how I would feel if I had to go so badly like that but I couldn't let it out because I would be afraid of a boy or boys watching me and I hadn't gone for about five hours on top of that.
Yes I was, but I was also asking why is a girl not allowed to feel uncomfortable

I'm confused. How is anyone preventing you from feeling uncomfortable? I would be more concerned about being prevented from feeling comfortable. I want to feel comfortable.

When a tranny feels uncomfortable, they scream, and rant and threaten, and the government responds. Where are the women screaming about THEIR feeling uncomfortable and where is the government?
That /prevented/ her from feeling uncomfortable?

Well no, but to the left she isn't allowed to feel uncomfortable with it and she's just expected to share the restroom with him or otherwise she's a bigot.
Well no, but to the left she isn't allowed to feel uncomfortable with it and she's just expected to share the restroom with him or otherwise she's a bigot.

Actually, I haven't noticed that they care. I think many women have made it clear that they are HIGHLY uncomfortable, and honestly, how could anyone expect otherwise?

There is actually an organization I've seen advertising on TV, some women have organized into a PAC and are proactively taking donations now and are fighting this BS head on with Washington. If you want, next time I see their commercial, I'll save the info for you.

Still, I'd like to see some of the people behind this trans movement promoting men in women's sports and using lady's restrooms and changing rooms how they would take it if they were subjected to the same public scrutiny.
By not hearing the girl out that she was feeling uncomfortable using the restroom with a boy.We
We can easily see that this whole bathroom thing is based on not wanting any kind of freedom, just the opposite. There is a famous example.

ACLU Director Resigns After Daughters Frightened By Men In Women’s Restroom​

by Nate Grasz | Jun 2, 2016
This is literally my first time in the structured discussion forum.

A girl should be allowed to feel uncomfortable if confronted with a male in the female bathroom. Not only should she be allowed to feel uncomfortable, but her desire to have her privacy respected should be honored. In the terms of the left, those feeling should be validated. Forcing her to go into the bathroom with a male or not go at all is a clear example of bullying.

We are certainly told often enough to be on guard against committing "micro-aggressions" that might make someone somewhere feel some kinda way, or using a term that means what it says, but has been deemed racist, sexist, ageist, or ableist, and so on.

Women and girls not wanting to go to the bathroom in front of males is nothing new. In those horrible times when women were all but barred from the professions of building design, archetecture, construction contracting, and corporate leadership, the men in charge did not fully understand this need. No man can. But they honored women's natural desire for these brief moments of privacy to answer the calls of nature, arrange feminine hygene, adjust makeup and hair or otherwise "freshen up."

In the seventies, during the debate on the proposed Equal Rights Amendment, occassionally a conservative would ask, "so guys will have an equal right to use the women's bathrooms?" and would not only be shouted down by the feminists, but by their fellow conservatives telling them it's not ever going to happen, so stick to the point. Now, it's happened without the ERA.

What is new is not only people making the argument that the girls should be required to sacrifice their privacy for the convenience of what we are assured is a tiny, tiny minority of transgender folk, but that that argument winning in the court of The Unaccountable Policy Setters in education and other arenas. They never face re-election, or if they do, they are heavily funded by the teachers unions and other liberal groups who support this bizarre idea.
Only rules are stay on topic and no twisting anybody's words around and lying to say that they said something that they didn't. (I've personally had issues with that in the past myself.)

Anyways, this woman makes an amazing point. Why should a girl not be allowed to feel uncomfortable with sharing the restroom with a biological boy?

Why are her desires never even considered and therefore she's forced to hold it in all day?

Why do MAGAs want to cut poor student lunch money?
Here's my take on this:

People being uncomfortable for one reason or another in public bathrooms and changing facilities has been a problem in the U.S. probably since WWII ended. Probably prior to that people were uncomfortable, but I doubt anyone mentioned it. It makes sense that some people would be uncomfortable. Nearly all of our day, we are expected to stay covered and modest, to not only cover up our naughty bits, but to not fart out loud, not dig into our crotches to adjust our junk even in front of guys only, and reach under our skirts to pull down creeping underwear. Then suddenly one brief time, we are supposed to strip down, shower up, and go through our dressing routine in front of dozens of people, whether at school, at the pool, or at the gym.

The solution to make sure no one is ever uncomfortable is to make all bathroom and changing facilities private and individual. That can be done. It's an expense, and that expense will be spread to all. That's where we are headed, and I have no strong objection to that.

But that won't happen this week. It will take time, and meanwhile we have to decide what should take priority. Should we be more concerned about the comfort and safety of girls and women, or about the need for validation on the part of boys and men who see themselves, or claim to see themselves as girls and women?

It didn't used to be a problem, even though there have always been crossdressers. No crossdresser would dare to enter a women's bathroom unless he had perfected the illusion to the point that no one would complain because no one would know. Even then, he would not strip in a changing room and blow his cover.

Now, we are expected by some to pretend that this:


is a person that we really believe is female, and welcome him to change next to our young daughters. It's not going to happen and the left knows it. Pretending it is a reasonable expectation is the left moving the Overton Window in order to push the rest of their agenda, which absolutely includes legalizing and normalizing child-adult sex.

We are not fooled, Democrats. You lost on the ERA, because we were not fooled by it's name. Now, you are hoping to achieve all of its ends through the courts and through liberal billionaires buying elections for advocates of insanity. Still won't work. You will win some battles, like when you took Riley Gaines' trophy and gave it to that dude. But in the long run, sanity will prevail.
This is literally my first time in the structured discussion forum.

A girl should be allowed to feel uncomfortable if confronted with a male in the female bathroom. Not only should she be allowed to feel uncomfortable, but her desire to have her privacy respected should be honored. In the terms of the left, those feeling should be validated. Forcing her to go into the bathroom with a male or not go at all is a clear example of bullying.

We are certainly told often enough to be on guard against committing "micro-aggressions" that might make someone somewhere feel some kinda way, or using a term that means what it says, but has been deemed racist, sexist, ageist, or ableist, and so on.

Women and girls not wanting to go to the bathroom in front of males is nothing new. In those horrible times when women were all but barred from the professions of building design, archetecture, construction contracting, and corporate leadership, the men in charge did not fully understand this need. No man can. But they honored women's natural desire for these brief moments of privacy to answer the calls of nature, arrange feminine hygene, adjust makeup and hair or otherwise "freshen up."

In the seventies, during the debate on the proposed Equal Rights Amendment, occassionally a conservative would ask, "so guys will have an equal right to use the women's bathrooms?" and would not only be shouted down by the feminists, but by their fellow conservatives telling them it's not ever going to happen, so stick to the point. Now, it's happened without the ERA.

What is new is not only people making the argument that the girls should be required to sacrifice their privacy for the convenience of what we are assured is a tiny, tiny minority of transgender folk, but that that argument winning in the court of The Unaccountable Policy Setters in education and other arenas. They never face re-election, or if they do, they are heavily funded by the teachers unions and other liberal groups who support this bizarre idea.
Many parents , I would venture, would actually kill a male in their daughter's public restroom on very little provocation.
THe real test that showed this pervert legislation had no prcatical testing is

ACLU Director Quits, Says Trans Rights Threaten Women’s Safety
Only rules are stay on topic and no twisting anybody's words around and lying to say that they said something that they didn't. (I've personally had issues with that in the past myself.)

Anyways, this woman makes an amazing point. Why should a girl not be allowed to feel uncomfortable with sharing the restroom with a biological boy?

Why are her desires never even considered and therefore she's forced to hold it in all day?

Trans is perversion. and to say that just because you say you are then you arel---that applies in no other area of life.

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