Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

HNN Poll: 61% of Historians Rate the Bush Presidency Worst
History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

What do "historians" know? No one on the right listens to "intellectuals". Intellectuals don't know anything.

And they are barred from the Dubya Bush Library.


They must be heart-broken.​
Democrats are terrified of anyone who is of the opinion that people/society need less government.

Democrats want government to play a role in every waking moment of your life. If you're against that then democrats will be against you.

This is why democrats cant stand Ron and Rand Paul as well.

Actually, I am terrified of politicians who believe there are sections of the country that are "Real Americans"
I am terrified of politicians who have a beauty queens view of the world
I am terrified of politicians who never read a newspaper until challenged by Katie Couric
I am terrified of politicians who will only answer pre-screened questions on friendly media sources


And who programmed all that into your fucking oatmeal brain?

Rule number one - don't believe everything you read in the media, because most of it is exaggeration based on partisan views or outright lies based on misinformation.

Not to mention liberals are some of the biggest fucking liars on the planet.

So you may want to rethink what you believe about Palin...
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.
Somewhere Ronald McDonald is crying and it's all the fault of the left. Sad. "The children". It's all for "the children" and then they ban happy meal toys. Fucking liars.

Actually the liberal fucks are trying to ban Ronald McDonald as well..

Yeah they think Ronald McDonald is "bad" because he promotes unhealthy food, so of course the liberals want to ban him.

Liberals are a bunch of authoritarian dickheads...

Our country is falling apart and they're running around trying to ban a fucking clown.
you know facts are irrelevant to them. they get confused. but there actually is an interesting dichotomy here. no president with over a 47% approval rating has not been re-elected. but, by the same token, no president who had an unemployment rate over 8% has ever *been* re-elected. One of those things will most likely no longer be true after the next presidential election.

i never take anything as a given.

FDR had an unemployment rate of almost 20% and he got re-elected. Why?
Because everyone knew it was the republicans who fucked things up. Just like today

Yeah, you keep on believing that fucking nonsense.

This is why the US is fucked. Because people like you don't pay any fucking attention.

I'm from Illinois jackass and the democrats have had control of this state since forever. The democrats fucked this state up so bad that businesses and individuals are voting with their feet and leaving this tyrannical state.

This state is so oppressive to businesses that they have to pay corporations to stay here.. Why???? Because this is a welfare state where democrats steal from those with money to pay their liberal voting base off with social welfare and other incentives.

The same shit goes on in Michigan and pretty much every state controlled by democrats.

How horribly horribly oppressive......:doubt:
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.

I'm not saying shes the best candidate, however shes not nearly has "horrible" as shes often portrayed.

Most of the shit thats spewed about her is outright bullshit..
The ruling class in Washington (and a good portion of the democratic party) are afraid of her because she connects with regular people,and is genuinely liked by them. They don't understand why she has that ability or draw... which just goes to show that they are just really out of touch with regular folks and what goes on in normal everyday life with most of them.
I had no idea so many "regular folks" were that heavy into lap-dancing.

I guess you learn something, every day.​
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.

I'm not saying shes the best candidate, however shes not nearly has "horrible" as shes often portrayed.

Most of the shit thats spewed about her is outright bullshit..

Thats because they quote her directly
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.

I don't think anyone is saying she is the best mind this country has to offer. Are you saying BO is the best mind this country has to offer? No, I didn't think so.
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.

I'm not saying shes the best candidate, however shes not nearly has "horrible" as shes often portrayed.

Most of the shit thats spewed about her is outright bullshit..

Thats because they quote her directly

I think she knows what the date is. BO doesn't.
Democrats are terrified of anyone who is of the opinion that people/society need less government.

Democrats want government to play a role in every waking moment of your life. If you're against that then democrats will be against you.

This is why democrats cant stand Ron and Rand Paul as well.

Actually, I am terrified of politicians who believe there are sections of the country that are "Real Americans"
I am terrified of politicians who have a beauty queens view of the world
I am terrified of politicians who never read a newspaper until challenged by Katie Couric
I am terrified of politicians who will only answer pre-screened questions on friendly media sources


And who programmed all that into your fucking oatmeal brain?

Rule number one - don't believe everything you read in the media, because most of it is exaggeration based on partisan views or outright lies based on misinformation.

Not to mention liberals are some of the biggest fucking liars on the planet.

So you may want to rethink what you believe about Palin...

They cant sink her like they sunk Dan Quayle or Newt or Nixon.

They threw everything they had at her, they even went after her Down's Syndrome kid, and they came up holding their own stunted dicks in their hands.

And she refused to submit to them

She refuses to turn down her pro-Freedom, pro-Free Enterprise, Pro-American rhetoric which they find disgusting and hateful

She has faced the great LMSM 24/7/365 Negative Barrage in history, not even Reagan got this treatment....

And she's still Conservative

And she's still laughing in the face of the LMSM

And when she's done debating Obama's and his horrific Progressive record he's going to look like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.
FDR had an unemployment rate of almost 20% and he got re-elected. Why?
Because everyone knew it was the republicans who fucked things up. Just like today

Yeah, you keep on believing that fucking nonsense.

This is why the US is fucked. Because people like you don't pay any fucking attention.

I'm from Illinois jackass and the democrats have had control of this state since forever. The democrats fucked this state up so bad that businesses and individuals are voting with their feet and leaving this tyrannical state.

This state is so oppressive to businesses that they have to pay corporations to stay here.. Why???? Because this is a welfare state where democrats steal from those with money to pay their liberal voting base off with social welfare and other incentives.

The same shit goes on in Michigan and pretty much every state controlled by democrats.

How horribly horribly oppressive......:doubt:

Motorola Mobility gets $100M from Illinois to stay - chicagotribune.com

The corporate taxes are so high in Illinois that Motorola was actually paid 100 million in incentives to stay in Illinois..

The cost of doing business in this oppressive state is astronomical..

We have the highest corporate tax in the country and were top 5 in pretty much every tax.
Somewhere Ronald McDonald is crying and it's all the fault of the left. Sad. "The children". It's all for "the children" and then they ban happy meal toys. Fucking liars.

Actually the liberal fucks are trying to ban Ronald McDonald as well..

Yeah they think Ronald McDonald is "bad" because he promotes unhealthy food, so of course the liberals want to ban him.

Liberals are a bunch of authoritarian dickheads...

Our country is falling apart and they're running around trying to ban a fucking clown.

Hate to tell you....But McDonalds sucks
Somewhere Ronald McDonald is crying and it's all the fault of the left. Sad. "The children". It's all for "the children" and then they ban happy meal toys. Fucking liars.

Actually the liberal fucks are trying to ban Ronald McDonald as well..

Yeah they think Ronald McDonald is "bad" because he promotes unhealthy food, so of course the liberals want to ban him.

Liberals are a bunch of authoritarian dickheads...

Our country is falling apart and they're running around trying to ban a fucking clown.


V is for Veggggggie
Most Dems thzt I know would welcome Palin as the GOP nominee. It would be a gift from God. I am sure theat FOX would give her a leave of absence. I mean, they have all the other Republican candidates they have nurtured into adutlhood.
Somewhere Ronald McDonald is crying and it's all the fault of the left. Sad. "The children". It's all for "the children" and then they ban happy meal toys. Fucking liars.

Actually the liberal fucks are trying to ban Ronald McDonald as well..

Yeah they think Ronald McDonald is "bad" because he promotes unhealthy food, so of course the liberals want to ban him.

Liberals are a bunch of authoritarian dickheads...

Our country is falling apart and they're running around trying to ban a fucking clown.

Hate to tell you....But McDonalds sucks

No...their fries are soooo good (it's the sugar they sprinkle on them along with the salt). Oh, and those little apple pies are pretty tasty too!
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.

I'm not saying shes the best candidate, however shes not nearly has "horrible" as shes often portrayed.

Most of the shit thats spewed about her is outright bullshit..

Of course it is. Bottom line, Palin is the reason McCain did as well as he did in '08. And they know it. Anyhoo.. what's Obama gonna run on? "Four more years"? :lol:

Palin would take him down big time.

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