Why Africa is in the stone age and always will be.

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of
Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.
It's always going to be our fault. I suggest Africa needs to do what we did. Become the united States of Africa. Become great like we did.
The US only became "great" through lying, exploitation of people, and thievery. Its weird you think that type of action makes one great.
You know what I mean. I mean independent not corrupt democratic peaceful etc. Africa should lead by example.

Today China is raping Africa. Why? Because corrupt African leaders are selling out their nations resources
The US is none of those things except maybe independent. Funny thing is how white people fuck up Africa then claim that they should lead. :laugh:
We fucked up Africa and we fucked up Detroit.

At least we agree Detroit and Africa are fucked up.

Im not saying you are wrong, just that you Detroit and Africa are suffering from victim mentality
Funny thing is how white people fuck up Africa then claim that they should lead. :laugh:

Africa peaked in 1950 when whites ran the continent. Then the independence movement started and the whole continent has fallen apart since then, Blacks simply don't have the brains to create or even maintain a first world country. Same is true in america. Very few blacks here become engineers or scientists. Or even plumbers or farmers or auto repairmen.

Blacks everywhere just sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for the white man. Any skill jobs they get come thru affirmative action and even there they can't actually do the job.
Africa peaked before whites became sentient and stayed that way until whites were taught water didnt contain evil spirits and it was alright to bathe. Once whites got a foot hold on the African continent they fucked it up massively just like they fuck up everywhere they go.
Funny thing is how white people fuck up Africa then claim that they should lead. :laugh:

Africa peaked in 1950 when whites ran the continent. Then the independence movement started and the whole continent has fallen apart since then, Blacks simply don't have the brains to create or even maintain a first world country. Same is true in america. Very few blacks here become engineers or scientists. Or even plumbers or farmers or auto repairmen.

Blacks everywhere just sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for the white man. Any skill jobs they get come thru affirmative action and even there they can't actually do the job.
I think they could be all those things if they changed some very old bad habits.
Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.
It's always going to be our fault. I suggest Africa needs to do what we did. Become the united States of Africa. Become great like we did.
The US only became "great" through lying, exploitation of people, and thievery. Its weird you think that type of action makes one great.
You know what I mean. I mean independent not corrupt democratic peaceful etc. Africa should lead by example.

Today China is raping Africa. Why? Because corrupt African leaders are selling out their nations resources
The US is none of those things except maybe independent. Funny thing is how white people fuck up Africa then claim that they should lead. :laugh:
We fucked up Africa and we fucked up Detroit.

At least we agree Detroit and Africa are fucked up.

Im not saying you are wrong, just that you Detroit and Africa are suffering from victim mentality
I would agree except there are people working to move from the "woe is me" stage to the "fuck them lets do us" stage.
Funny thing is how white people fuck up Africa then claim that they should lead. :laugh:

Africa peaked in 1950 when whites ran the continent. Then the independence movement started and the whole continent has fallen apart since then, Blacks simply don't have the brains to create or even maintain a first world country. Same is true in america. Very few blacks here become engineers or scientists. Or even plumbers or farmers or auto repairmen.

Blacks everywhere just sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for the white man. Any skill jobs they get come thru affirmative action and even there they can't actually do the job.
Africa peaked before whites became sentient and stayed that way until whites were taught water didnt contain evil spirits and it was alright to bathe. Once whites got a foot hold on the African continent they fucked it up massively just like they fuck up everywhere they go.
Africa the middle East and native Americans were all savages. You have to give whites credit for westernizing these primitive places.

You should be thankful your family was brought here because it led to you being born in the best country in the world. Where else would you like to live and work? Not retire I said work. Are there jobs there?
Africa peaked in 1950 when whites ran the continent. Then the independence movement started and the whole continent has fallen apart since then, Blacks simply don't have the brains to create or even maintain a first world country. Same is true in america. Very few blacks here become engineers or scientists. Or even plumbers or farmers or auto repairmen.

Blacks everywhere just sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for the white man. Any skill jobs they get come thru affirmative action and even there they can't actually do the job.
I think they could be all those things if they changed some very old bad habits.

It's not about bad habits, It's low intelligence. Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming. THINK
Africa peaked in 1950 when whites ran the continent. Then the independence movement started and the whole continent has fallen apart since then, Blacks simply don't have the brains to create or even maintain a first world country. Same is true in america. Very few blacks here become engineers or scientists. Or even plumbers or farmers or auto repairmen.

Blacks everywhere just sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for the white man. Any skill jobs they get come thru affirmative action and even there they can't actually do the job.
I think they could be all those things if they changed some very old bad habits.

It's not about bad habits, It's low intelligence. Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming. THINK
Believing that is bigoted and ignorant.

And stop taking credit for what whites did. Stop lumping everyone together. Lots of blacks are smarter than you.

It's not like Indians Mexicans or Arabs would have put a person on the moon either. Why pick on Africans?
You forgot several countries in Africa have had 1rst world civilizations before whites even realized that whites were humans. The empires of Mali, Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia and more were beacons of intellect and civilization while whites were still living in caves.

So what happened.? Why has africa been a sewer the last 1000 years? THINK, you miserable america-hating maggot-infested wretch.
Who told you Africa has been in the sewer for the last 1000 years? I know youre dumb but even you must know that question is loaded with ignorance.
Even Europe looked at how the united States united and said hey, let's do that.

I'm surprised South America doesn't unite.

Or notice how Australia is one country? Africa is a hodge podge of countries ruled by savages. But just like only a Saddam type can rule people in the middle East, you have to admit Africans haven't really modernized themselves.

You blame us but then who did they turn to when a disease gets out of control? They turn to white science/medicine
I wish we left Africa the way it was. Savages and all. They weren't hurting anybody. And I wish America would have left the middle of America to the Indians. We'd still own Michigan new York Florida California Seattle Texas etc but the middle would be wild natural and beautiful.
You forgot several countries in Africa have had 1rst world civilizations before whites even realized that whites were humans. The empires of Mali, Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia and more were beacons of intellect and civilization while whites were still living in caves.

So what happened.? Why has africa been a sewer the last 1000 years? THINK, you miserable america-hating maggot-infested wretch.
Who told you Africa has been in the sewer for the last 1000 years? I know youre dumb but even you must know that question is loaded with ignorance.
Even Europe looked at how the united States united and said hey, let's do that.

I'm surprised South America doesn't unite.

Or notice how Australia is one country? Africa is a hodge podge of countries ruled by savages. But just like only a Saddam type can rule people in the middle East, you have to admit Africans haven't really modernized themselves.

You blame us but then who did they turn to when a disease gets out of control? They turn to white science/medicine
Europe is white and has the same corrupt values whites over here have. Why wouldnt they do the same thing?

South America is being done the same way Africa is. The world bank is fucking them over with easy money and backing dictators for the most part.

You dont seem to know much about Africa other than what ignorant people say. Take a trip to Africa and learn for yourself and stop being a sheep.

That last sentence didnt make any sense at all. For starters you wouldnt have that science/medicine without a Black woman named Henrietta Lack and the knowledge taught to you by Blacks so its not white science or medicine. Even without white help the disease would have run its course and then everything would have been fine like it has for multiple thousands of years.
White people can become trapped in the abstract at the expense of reality.

We are so easily brainwashed into disregarding priorities.
Whites polluted SA. Most criminals in the US are majority white. You continue to show everyone what an uneducated cave chimp you are. You could have just looked up the statistics on that.
South Africa is dead, they were the Hottentotta tribes, all extinct centuries ago. The current South African blacks are as much immigrants as the whites there. It is ironic, that the only reason why the blacks can terrorize the whites there is because they inherited the stately infrastructure that whites built. If I was a South African white, I would systematically take down every state infrastructure.
Asclepias answered your comment about Hottentots in post #146 sufficiently. Blacks terrorizing Whites is backlash for the cumulative years of hate engendered under the auspices of apartheid. If the Whites had been more racially tolerant, less abusive and inclusive, SA White and Black citizens could have lived peacefully together in perpetuity.

If there are any White people left in SA with skills to keep the infrastructure and power grids running, perhaps your idea has merit. But keep in mind that should they conspire to dismantle those essential public utilities and services there would be a high price to pay for those who get caught. Besides, China would likely step in to take up the slack thereby increasing the chance for Communism to get a foothold. That is what the west fears the most. But tell me this: Is the average Chinaman better off then the average South African? That is exactly what the op implies. Communism, then, would be a step or even two steps up.

What is backlash? Sounds like a propaganda label. It has no meaning. It is an excuse, that democratic majorities use always in every country where they exist, to excuse themselves to loot.

As for China in Africa, they are already more damaging than Europe has ever been. Democracy has never been a good thing anywhere, except maybe in a few city states in Europe 3000 years ago.

I posted that infrastructure related strategy from the point of view of the South African white situation. Of course it is adversarial to the South African blacks. Most people are programmed to believe that freeing slaves and putting them in power is justice. Also, most people will never learn that it is not. It is a clever game in the hands of those lenders, that can profit from this type of violent asset redistribution. And yes, China is one of them.

1. If you had any ambition you would have already looked up the word "backlash." Backlash" is defined in the dictionary...look it up.

2. China isn't practicing apartheid in Africa as far as I can tell. But beyond that, I don't think the plight of Blacks could ever be any worse than when European hegemony destroyed the self esteem of generations via apartheid and overt racism. Those losses take a far greater toll than economic losses or exploitation does. China has taken a different approach albeit some instances of individual worker abuse has been reported.

3. Your rant on democracy is nothing more than idle chatter one engages in after too many mid-day beers. And China is not a member of the IMF.

1. No, because it is not the dictionary that matters but how the word is used.

2. Yes, blacks will get worse under Chinese credit than they were under white slavery. Even the Bible warns never to give powers to slaves, or they will enslave everyone else. This sets South Africa apart from those African countries that don't have significant white populations.

3. My "rant" was the true nature of democracy, the unchecked tyrannical power of some majority over other people. It is logical that it is only a loan capital interest, generally. And it is not relevant what countries are IMF members.

1.Backlash: I don't care how YOU think the word should be used but since I used it to make a point, my dictionary definition stands. Go suck a lemon if you like but don't try to change the definition of established words that have already been defined.

2. On what do you base your "prediction" that China will be worse than colonial Europe in Africa? Just saying it will is silly and meaningless with no proof! BTW, I interpreted your interjection of white slavery to mean colonialism in Africa by White people but it is hard to tell. You don't express yourself very well.

3. Your rant is making even less sense after your "explanation."

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

You want Africans to be like Europeans, I want them to remain as they were before white men brought the evils of modern civilization. I want the African continent to remain as pristine as the garden of Eden. Civilization under White people's rule isn't all that great. African if left alone would eventually develop civilizations as great as those it developed in the ancient world and the earth would be a cleaner healthier unpolluted place. AHH, If only KMT had survived...what would Africa be like today!

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

The problem with "Black" cities is that they aren't really Black cities. There are plenty of Whites in those so-called "Black' cities and those Whites are committing MOST of the crime in metro counties according to Table 55 of the FBI's UCR. Yet, because a Black majority exists there and vote Blacks into office, they get blamed by White Flight crowds for ALL the crime and economic downturns that come along. Black elected officials come into office drunk with the promise of power and prosperity only to find that the treasury is empty and the tax base has dissolved. Dependency on White people for jobs and infrastructure takes a huge toll when those White people leave. What Blacks in Detroit and other major Black cities need is a charismatic leader to pull them together and set up training guilds to teach then how to build maintain and grow their own infrastructure. The best paradigm for that right now is the nation of Islam. They already have a head start. Of course, in America, there will be RW White male interference from county, state and federal levels.
Why are you so stupid? Most criminal in America are White not Black.

Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1 so you would expect most criminals to be white but that's not the case. Our prisons have about equal numbers of blacks and whites and if laws were enforced uniformly our prisons would be almost entirely black. But thanks to affirmative action most black criminals are simply let go. Remember that black judge in ferguson MO who last year simply cancelled all outstanding arrest warrants for the city!!

Black Inmates are said to be the majority in prisons but the FBI UCR indicates that White people are committing most of the crimes. What does that tell you?

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

If black American cities suck, it's whities fault. I don't completely disagree but it's also black peoples fault for being who they are too, no?

So blacks say they wish they had their own country. Well they do. They have an entire continent. I know whites have messed with Africa too for hundreds of years but honestly enough with the excuses. I want to see a black nation in Africa so great that poor black Americans consider moving there.

Blacks need a country like Israel. Of for and by black people. One they can be proud of

Black Americans who underachieve are who they are as a direct result of cohabitation with whites in a racist society set up to benefit whites. Not only do they have the normal issues of living a productive life they also have to put up with social norms of racist ideology and the legacy of white only AA. Its a miracle that the majority of Blacks are successful inspite of all this.

Colonization is not an excuse. its a reason. You should know the difference by now.

Blacks have an entire continent of countries. The problem is that whites constantly are using their world banks and ideology to subvert them. In spite of this there are some countries that are successful though I fear they are going to take on white ideology.

It's always going to be our fault. I suggest Africa needs to do what we did. Become the united States of Africa. Become great like we did.

It is not YOUR fault. It was the fault of RW conservatives and their greed that imperils the freedoms of working class people every where. Africa was a natural target for THAT kind of White man in the past and future. But it is interesting that you would mention a United Africa to move the entire continent forward. Omar Qhaddafi was fixated on that dream and was working towards that goal. He had already developed an African Monetary Fund that would courter the IMF and be beneficial to Africans.
Some say that is the real the West killed him. He was about to unite a great part of Africa and the West didn't want that!
Solar cooker heats up super fast...

South African Company Designs Unique Solar Cooker
April 30, 2016 — Two-man team of solar power technologists introduces Sol4, hot plate that heats up so fast it’s like cooking with gas or electricity
Household pollution kills more than 4 million people each year. Most of these fatalities are in the developing world, mostly in Africa. Many people die from inhaling smoke from cooking over wood or coal stoves. Solar cookers could be the answer, and a pair of inventors in South Africa have made some improvements to the technology. Ground zero for the initiative is the SunFire company in Johannesburg.


Zander Van Manen with sausages he cooked using heat from the sun.​

Moving a big metal frame with a panel of 48 mirrors attached to it, Sunfire’s solar power technologist Crosby Menzies describes the contraption. “It is four square meters of mirrors, six to eight meters in length; it is quite a large cooker. We are very pleased to have built the first one in South Africa,” Menzies says. Menzies’ partner, Zander van Manen, tilts the mirrors with a lever, until they are bouncing sunlight off another slab of mirrors, up to a point under a frying pan. Within two minutes, the sunlight heats the pan to a point that its contents – sausages and onions – are sizzling away.

Generates heat


The South African designed Sol-4 solar thermal cooker consists of an array of 48 mirrors that reflect the sun and generate heat.​

Menzies says the Sol4 solar cooker is special because it generates extreme heat very fast. “In four minutes you will have boiling water. So it is actually comparable to cooking on gas or electricity,” he says. Menzies says the device is “much friendlier” than other solar cookers, which force people to stand in the hot sun. The Sol4 allows users to cook in the shade, on a table, with only the mirrors being exposed to the sun. Menzies says wherever he has demonstrated his solar cookers people have doubted they work until they see the sun cooking their food, and the word is spreading.


SunFire solar power technologist Zander van Manen cooks on the Sol-4, with sunlight reflected onto a pan.​

"We have got literally hundreds of them going out in South Africa. We have got a project coming up in Mali, a project in Ethiopia, and another project in Uganda. I have just come back from (demonstrating the Sol4 in) Zambia. The technology really is viable. A lot of people still do not know that it works and we are working as hard as we can to change that,” he says. Menzies says the major attraction for people is that preparing meals with the sun means they no longer have to collect firewood and buy expensive coal or paraffin to cook with. Therefore, they are much less likely to develop potentially fatal respiratory diseases.

Why are you so stupid? Most criminal in America are White not Black.

Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1 so you would expect most criminals to be white but that's not the case. Our prisons have about equal numbers of blacks and whites and if laws were enforced uniformly our prisons would be almost entirely black. But thanks to affirmative action most black criminals are simply let go. Remember that black judge in ferguson MO who last year simply cancelled all outstanding arrest warrants for the city!!

Black Inmates are said to be the majority in prisons but the FBI UCR indicates that White people are committing most of the crimes. What does that tell you?
It tells me that blacks commit more violent crime and the public wants thugs off the streets.
South Africa is dead, they were the Hottentotta tribes, all extinct centuries ago. The current South African blacks are as much immigrants as the whites there. It is ironic, that the only reason why the blacks can terrorize the whites there is because they inherited the stately infrastructure that whites built. If I was a South African white, I would systematically take down every state infrastructure.
Asclepias answered your comment about Hottentots in post #146 sufficiently. Blacks terrorizing Whites is backlash for the cumulative years of hate engendered under the auspices of apartheid. If the Whites had been more racially tolerant, less abusive and inclusive, SA White and Black citizens could have lived peacefully together in perpetuity.

If there are any White people left in SA with skills to keep the infrastructure and power grids running, perhaps your idea has merit. But keep in mind that should they conspire to dismantle those essential public utilities and services there would be a high price to pay for those who get caught. Besides, China would likely step in to take up the slack thereby increasing the chance for Communism to get a foothold. That is what the west fears the most. But tell me this: Is the average Chinaman better off then the average South African? That is exactly what the op implies. Communism, then, would be a step or even two steps up.

What is backlash? Sounds like a propaganda label. It has no meaning. It is an excuse, that democratic majorities use always in every country where they exist, to excuse themselves to loot.

As for China in Africa, they are already more damaging than Europe has ever been. Democracy has never been a good thing anywhere, except maybe in a few city states in Europe 3000 years ago.

I posted that infrastructure related strategy from the point of view of the South African white situation. Of course it is adversarial to the South African blacks. Most people are programmed to believe that freeing slaves and putting them in power is justice. Also, most people will never learn that it is not. It is a clever game in the hands of those lenders, that can profit from this type of violent asset redistribution. And yes, China is one of them.

1. If you had any ambition you would have already looked up the word "backlash." Backlash" is defined in the dictionary...look it up.

2. China isn't practicing apartheid in Africa as far as I can tell. But beyond that, I don't think the plight of Blacks could ever be any worse than when European hegemony destroyed the self esteem of generations via apartheid and overt racism. Those losses take a far greater toll than economic losses or exploitation does. China has taken a different approach albeit some instances of individual worker abuse has been reported.

3. Your rant on democracy is nothing more than idle chatter one engages in after too many mid-day beers. And China is not a member of the IMF.

1. No, because it is not the dictionary that matters but how the word is used.

2. Yes, blacks will get worse under Chinese credit than they were under white slavery. Even the Bible warns never to give powers to slaves, or they will enslave everyone else. This sets South Africa apart from those African countries that don't have significant white populations.

3. My "rant" was the true nature of democracy, the unchecked tyrannical power of some majority over other people. It is logical that it is only a loan capital interest, generally. And it is not relevant what countries are IMF members.

1.Backlash: I don't care how YOU think the word should be used but since I used it to make a point, my dictionary definition stands. Go suck a lemon if you like but don't try to change the definition of established words that have already been defined.

2. On what do you base your "prediction" that China will be worse than colonial Europe in Africa? Just saying it will is silly and meaningless with no proof! BTW, I interpreted your interjection of white slavery to mean colonialism in Africa by White people but it is hard to tell. You don't express yourself very well.

3. Your rant is making even less sense after your "explanation."

1. I wrote how it is used, not how it should be used.

2. Look at any new international loan deal in Africa. I don't have the details, but a latest one in Nigeria sent the IMF packing for some variable interest Chinese bribe loan. At least that one had no stupid democracy strings attached, although it was a much worse deal than the interest rate the the IMF was sent packing with.

3. I have a good advice to all of you semi communist super democracy bitches. Look at democracy critically, because after you loot the African whites with it, you will loot African blacks with it too, and you will end up like east Europe. Someone needs to mention this to you sheep.
Why are you so stupid? Most criminal in America are White not Black.

Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1 so you would expect most criminals to be white but that's not the case. Our prisons have about equal numbers of blacks and whites and if laws were enforced uniformly our prisons would be almost entirely black. But thanks to affirmative action most black criminals are simply let go. Remember that black judge in ferguson MO who last year simply cancelled all outstanding arrest warrants for the city!!

Black Inmates are said to be the majority in prisons but the FBI UCR indicates that White people are committing most of the crimes. What does that tell you?
It tells me that blacks commit more violent crime and the public wants thugs off the streets.
Christos anestes

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