Why ACORN Was in the News, and What the News Got Wrong


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Apr 4, 2009
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Accurate reporting sidelined as mainstream media repeats allegations of Republican Party operatives and politicians

Recently released study finds widespread inaccuracy in the reporting of an alleged “voter fraud” scandal involving ACORN

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa — An independent study by two prominent academics, released this week, found repetition of unverified allegations and distortions was the rule in national reporting of a purported “voter fraud” scandal involving the community organizing group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) during the 2008 presidential campaign.

The analysis of the narrative framing the ACORN stories demonstrates that — despite long-standing charges from conservatives that the news media are determinedly liberal and ignore conservative ideas — the news media agenda is easily permeated by persistent conservative media campaigns, even when there is little or no truth to the story.

The authors conducted a content analysis of all 647 stories about ACORN that appeared in 15 major news media organizations from 2007-2008. The news media analyzed included USA Today, The New York Times, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio (NPR), and NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS). They also examined all stories about ACORN from three local newspapers representing cities in which ACORN has a long-time presence: the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Using the controversy over ACORN as a case study, the report illustrates the way the media help set the agenda for public debate, and frame the way that debate is shaped. It describes how what the authors call opinion entrepreneurs (primarily business and conservative groups and individuals) set the story in motion as early as 2006, how the “conservative echo chamber” orchestrated its anti-ACORN campaign in 2008, how the McCain-Palin campaign picked it up, and how the mainstream media reported these allegations without investigating their truth or falsity. As a result, the relatively little-known community organization became the subject of a major news story in the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, to the point where 82 percent of the respondents in an October 2008 national survey reported they had heard about ACORN.

In October 2008, at the peak of the campaign season, negative attacks dominated the news about ACORN with these key findings:

* 76 percent of the stories focused on allegations of voter fraud.
* 8.7 percent involved accusations that public funds were being funneled to ACORN.
* 7.9 percent of the stories involved charges that ACORN is a front for registering Democrats.
* 3.1 percent involved blaming ACORN for the mortgage scandal.

The report also found that the media, including the mainstream news media, failed to fact-check persistent allegations of voter fraud involving ACORN despite the existence of easily available countervailing evidence. The media failed to distinguish allegations of voter registration problems from allegations of actual voting irregularities. They also failed to distinguish between allegations of wrongdoing and actual wrongdoing. For example:

* 82.8 percent of the stories alleging voter fraud failed to mention that actual voter fraud is very rare.
* 80.3 percent of the stories alleging involvement in voter fraud failed to mention that ACORN was reporting registration irregularities to authorities, as required by law.
* 85.1 percent of the stories alleging involvement in voter fraud failed to note that ACORN was acting to stop incidents of registration problems by its (mostly temporary) employees when it became aware of these problems.
* 95.8 percent of the stories alleging involvement in voter fraud failed to provide deeper context, especially efforts by Republican Party officials to use allegations of voter fraud to dampen voting by low-income and minority Americans.
* 61.4 percent of the stories alleging involvement in voter fraud failed to acknowledge that Republicans were trying to discredit Obama with an ACORN scandal.

The authors reveal that the attacks on ACORN by Republicans and conservatives — and the same pattern of reportage that repeats allegations without any attempt to independently verify the facts — have persisted throughout 2009. For example, despite recently discovered e-mails revealing Karl Rove’s role in the firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias for failing to prosecute ACORN on charges of voter fraud despite the lack of evidence, not a single major daily newspaper mentioned ACORN as the Republicans’ target.

Download the full report at www.uepi.oxy.edu/acornstudy
When did the Liberal/Marxist decide the only way to win election is through fraud and corruption

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud
October 14, 2008 — budsimmons
The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

October 14, 2008 – by Jim Hoft

And you thought 2000 was bad.

This year’s election is shaping up to be one of the most controversial in history. Just this week, a [1] federal judge ordered Ohio’s top elections official to verify the identity of newly registered voters by matching them with other government documents. The very next day a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals[2] set aside the federal judge’s order on verifying registrations.

Further igniting the voter fraud/voter registration debate was the news that a national community organizing group is being investigated in at least 14 states and several swing states for massive irregularities. This news would make headlines anyway, but what made it worse was that Barack Obama was a key player in this organization, the [3] Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, in the past. Obama [4] trained its local leaders, [5] represented the organization in court, and worked to [6] funnel funds to the organization. The Obama campaign also [7] donated $800,000 this year to an ACORN affiliate.

What is ACORN?

The [8] Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is a community-based organization that advocates for low and moderate income families founded in 1970 by Wade Rathke and Gary Delgado. [9] Rathke, one of the most powerful hard-Left activists in America, is a former member of a radical 1960s group, the [10] Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The Weathermen terrorist group split off from the SDS in 1969. [11] ACORN says its priorities include better housing and wages for the poor, more community development investment from banks and governments, and better public schools.

ACORN is also known for its voter registration efforts.

This year alone [13] ACORN has registered 1,315,037 voters.

Although the organization prides itself for its registration efforts, it also has a long history of scandal. In the state of Missouri in 1986, [14] 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. But that case was not an isolated incident in the state. In December 2004, in St. Louis, six volunteers pleaded guilty of dozens of election law violations for filling out registration cards with names of dead people and other bogus information. Authorities launched an earlier investigation after noticing that among the new voters was longtime St. Louis alderman Albert “Red” Villa, who died in 1990. The volunteers worked for “Operation Big Vote” — a branch of ACORN — in St. Louis.

On February 10, 2005, Nonaresa Montgomery, a paid worker who ran Operation Big Vote during the run-up to the 2001 mayoral primary, was found guilty of vote fraud. Montgomery hired about 30 workers to do fraudulent voter-registration canvassing. Instead of knocking on doors, the volunteers sat at a St. Louis fast food restaurant and wrote out names and information from an outdated voter list. About 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in.

In October 2006, St. Louis election officials discovered [15] at least 1,492 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration cards. They were all turned in by ACORN volunteers.

In [16] November 2006, 20,000 to [17] 35,000 questionable voter registration forms were [18] turned in by ACORN officials in Missouri. Most all of these were from St. Louis and Kansas City areas, where ACORN purportedly sought to help empower the “disenfranchised” minorities living there. But the ACORN workers weren’t just told to register new voters. The workers [19] admitted on camera that they were coached to tell registrants to vote for Democrat Claire McCaskill.

In 2007, in Kansas City, Missouri, four ACORN employees were [20] indicted for fraud. In April of this year [21] eight ACORN employees in St. Louis city and county pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting bogus voter registrations.

And, that was just Missouri.

This year there have been several accusations of fraud against ACORN. Over a dozen states are investigating the organization already. Here is a complete list of the ongoing investigations:

North Carolina — State Board of Elections officials have [22] found at least 100 voter registration forms with the same names over and over again. The forms were turned in by ACORN. Officials sent about 30 applications to the state Board of Elections for possible fraud investigation.

Ohio — [23] The New York Post reported that a Cleveland man said he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times. The complaints have sparked an investigation by election officials into the organization, whose political wing has supported Barack Obama. Witnesses have already been [24] subpoenaed to testify against the organization.

Nevada — Authorities [25] raided the headquarters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now on Tuesday October 7, 2008, after a month-long investigation. The fraudulent voter registrations included the Dallas Cowboys starting line-up.

Indiana — More than [26] 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana’s Lake County filled out by ACORN employees turned out to be bogus. Officials also stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony.

Connecticut — Officials are looking into a [27] complaint alleging ACORN submitted fraudulent voter registration cards in Bridgeport. In one instance, an official said a card was filled out for a [28] 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed as 27. 8,000 cards were submitted in Bridgeport.

Missouri — The Kansas City election board is reporting 100 duplicate applications and 280 with fake information. Acorn officials [29] agreed that at least 4% of their registrations were bogus. Governor Matt Blunt [30] condemned the attempts by ACORN to commit voter fraud.

Pennsylvania — Officials are [31] investigating suspicious or incomplete registration forms [32] submitted by ACORN. 252,595 voter registrations were submitted in Philadelphia. Remarkably, 57,435 were rejected — most of them submitted by ACORN.

Wisconsin — In Milwaukee ACORN improperly [33] used felons as registration workers. Additionally, its workers are among 49 cases of bad registrations sent to authorities for possible charges, as first reported by the Journal Sentinel.

Florida — The Pinellas County Elections supervisor says his office has [34] received around 35 voter registrations that appear to be bogus. There is also a question of [35] 30,000 felons who are registered illegally to vote. Their connections with ACORN are not yet clear.

Texas — Of the 30,000 registration cards ACORN turned in, Harris County tax assessor Paul Bettencourt says just more than 20,000 are valid. And just look at some of the places ACORN was finding those voters. A church just next door is the address for around 150 people. More than 250 people claim a homeless outreach center as their home address. Some listed a county mental health facility as their home and one person even wrote down the [36] Harris County jail at the sheriff’s office.

Michigan — ACORN in Detroit is being [37] investigated after several municipal clerks reported fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications coming through. The clerk interviewed said the fraud appears to be widespread.

New Mexico – The Bernalillo County clerk has notified prosecutors that some 1,100 fraudulent voter registration cards were [38] turned in by ACORN.

That’s not all. So far this year at least 14 states have started investigations against ACORN. Talk about a culture of corruption. It is so bad that Representatives of Congress [39] have asked for the Justice Department to investigate, and GOP presidential candidate John McCain is [40] bringing it up in his stump speeches. The Obama camp is [41] stealthily altering its “Fight the Smears” website to distance themselves from the organization — quite a challenge considering how close their candidate’s association has been with the group.

The liberal vs. conservative, voter fraud vs. voter intimidation debate will no doubt continue after this election. But this year, with the assistance of scandal-plagued ACORN, it appears that — so far — the voter fraud side is winning.
When did the Liberal/Marxist decide the only way to win election is through fraud and corruption

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud
October 14, 2008 — budsimmons
The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

October 14, 2008 – by Jim Hoft

And you thought 2000 was bad.

This year’s election is shaping up to be one of the most controversial in history. Just this week, a [1] federal judge ordered Ohio’s top elections official to verify the identity of newly registered voters by matching them with other government documents. The very next day a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals[2] set aside the federal judge’s order on verifying registrations.

Further igniting the voter fraud/voter registration debate was the news that a national community organizing group is being investigated in at least 14 states and several swing states for massive irregularities. This news would make headlines anyway, but what made it worse was that Barack Obama was a key player in this organization, the [3] Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, in the past. Obama [4] trained its local leaders, [5] represented the organization in court, and worked to [6] funnel funds to the organization. The Obama campaign also [7] donated $800,000 this year to an ACORN affiliate.

What is ACORN?

The [8] Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is a community-based organization that advocates for low and moderate income families founded in 1970 by Wade Rathke and Gary Delgado. [9] Rathke, one of the most powerful hard-Left activists in America, is a former member of a radical 1960s group, the [10] Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The Weathermen terrorist group split off from the SDS in 1969. [11] ACORN says its priorities include better housing and wages for the poor, more community development investment from banks and governments, and better public schools.

ACORN is also known for its voter registration efforts.

This year alone [13] ACORN has registered 1,315,037 voters.

Although the organization prides itself for its registration efforts, it also has a long history of scandal. In the state of Missouri in 1986, [14] 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. But that case was not an isolated incident in the state. In December 2004, in St. Louis, six volunteers pleaded guilty of dozens of election law violations for filling out registration cards with names of dead people and other bogus information. Authorities launched an earlier investigation after noticing that among the new voters was longtime St. Louis alderman Albert “Red” Villa, who died in 1990. The volunteers worked for “Operation Big Vote” — a branch of ACORN — in St. Louis.

On February 10, 2005, Nonaresa Montgomery, a paid worker who ran Operation Big Vote during the run-up to the 2001 mayoral primary, was found guilty of vote fraud. Montgomery hired about 30 workers to do fraudulent voter-registration canvassing. Instead of knocking on doors, the volunteers sat at a St. Louis fast food restaurant and wrote out names and information from an outdated voter list. About 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in.

In October 2006, St. Louis election officials discovered [15] at least 1,492 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration cards. They were all turned in by ACORN volunteers.

In [16] November 2006, 20,000 to [17] 35,000 questionable voter registration forms were [18] turned in by ACORN officials in Missouri. Most all of these were from St. Louis and Kansas City areas, where ACORN purportedly sought to help empower the “disenfranchised” minorities living there. But the ACORN workers weren’t just told to register new voters. The workers [19] admitted on camera that they were coached to tell registrants to vote for Democrat Claire McCaskill.

In 2007, in Kansas City, Missouri, four ACORN employees were [20] indicted for fraud. In April of this year [21] eight ACORN employees in St. Louis city and county pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting bogus voter registrations.

And, that was just Missouri.

This year there have been several accusations of fraud against ACORN. Over a dozen states are investigating the organization already. Here is a complete list of the ongoing investigations:

North Carolina — State Board of Elections officials have [22] found at least 100 voter registration forms with the same names over and over again. The forms were turned in by ACORN. Officials sent about 30 applications to the state Board of Elections for possible fraud investigation.

Ohio — [23] The New York Post reported that a Cleveland man said he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times. The complaints have sparked an investigation by election officials into the organization, whose political wing has supported Barack Obama. Witnesses have already been [24] subpoenaed to testify against the organization.

Nevada — Authorities [25] raided the headquarters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now on Tuesday October 7, 2008, after a month-long investigation. The fraudulent voter registrations included the Dallas Cowboys starting line-up.

Indiana — More than [26] 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana’s Lake County filled out by ACORN employees turned out to be bogus. Officials also stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony.

Connecticut — Officials are looking into a [27] complaint alleging ACORN submitted fraudulent voter registration cards in Bridgeport. In one instance, an official said a card was filled out for a [28] 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed as 27. 8,000 cards were submitted in Bridgeport.

Missouri — The Kansas City election board is reporting 100 duplicate applications and 280 with fake information. Acorn officials [29] agreed that at least 4% of their registrations were bogus. Governor Matt Blunt [30] condemned the attempts by ACORN to commit voter fraud.

Pennsylvania — Officials are [31] investigating suspicious or incomplete registration forms [32] submitted by ACORN. 252,595 voter registrations were submitted in Philadelphia. Remarkably, 57,435 were rejected — most of them submitted by ACORN.

Wisconsin — In Milwaukee ACORN improperly [33] used felons as registration workers. Additionally, its workers are among 49 cases of bad registrations sent to authorities for possible charges, as first reported by the Journal Sentinel.

Florida — The Pinellas County Elections supervisor says his office has [34] received around 35 voter registrations that appear to be bogus. There is also a question of [35] 30,000 felons who are registered illegally to vote. Their connections with ACORN are not yet clear.

Texas — Of the 30,000 registration cards ACORN turned in, Harris County tax assessor Paul Bettencourt says just more than 20,000 are valid. And just look at some of the places ACORN was finding those voters. A church just next door is the address for around 150 people. More than 250 people claim a homeless outreach center as their home address. Some listed a county mental health facility as their home and one person even wrote down the [36] Harris County jail at the sheriff’s office.

Michigan — ACORN in Detroit is being [37] investigated after several municipal clerks reported fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications coming through. The clerk interviewed said the fraud appears to be widespread.

New Mexico – The Bernalillo County clerk has notified prosecutors that some 1,100 fraudulent voter registration cards were [38] turned in by ACORN.

That’s not all. So far this year at least 14 states have started investigations against ACORN. Talk about a culture of corruption. It is so bad that Representatives of Congress [39] have asked for the Justice Department to investigate, and GOP presidential candidate John McCain is [40] bringing it up in his stump speeches. The Obama camp is [41] stealthily altering its “Fight the Smears” website to distance themselves from the organization — quite a challenge considering how close their candidate’s association has been with the group.

The liberal vs. conservative, voter fraud vs. voter intimidation debate will no doubt continue after this election. But this year, with the assistance of scandal-plagued ACORN, it appears that — so far — the voter fraud side is winning.

Hey pea brain, here's a FACT for you to choke on...

There was ZERO voter fraud in the last election attributed to ACORN...NONE...NOT ONE cartoon character appeared at any polling place...

SO...Let's destroy agencies like ACORN that help people find jobs, warn citizens about predatory lenders and work to raise wages for workers and instead let's prop up the scum bags contractors that KILL our soldiers through electrocution and rip off the public for more $$$ in ONE day than ACORN gets in a year!

Albert Camus said: "It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners."

You right wing pea brain shouldn't be allowed to cross the street without adult supervision...you're THAT stupid!
When did the Liberal/Marxist decide the only way to win election is through fraud and corruption

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud
October 14, 2008 — budsimmons
The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

October 14, 2008 – by Jim Hoft

Hey pea brain, here's a FACT for you to choke on...

There was ZERO voter fraud in the last election attributed to ACORN...NONE...NOT ONE cartoon character appeared at any polling place...

SO...Let's destroy agencies like ACORN that help people find jobs, warn citizens about predatory lenders and work to raise wages for workers and instead let's prop up the scum bags contractors that KILL our soldiers through electrocution and rip off the public for more $$$ in ONE day than ACORN gets in a year!

Albert Camus said: "It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners."

You right wing pea brain shouldn't be allowed to cross the street without adult supervision...you're THAT stupid!

Uh, oh, uh, no,no, you the peabrain, no you no cross street, you pea brain
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How many Acorn officials were convicted of voter fraud and/or voter registration fraud?
How many Acorn officials were convicted of voter fraud and/or voter registration fraud?

WHO reported the fraudulent voter applications to government officials and fired the workers that filled them out?

How many Acorn officials were convicted of voter fraud and/or voter registration fraud?

NO OFFICIALS have been charged with voter fraud at acorn, or voter registration fraud, AS far as i know.... some temps have been charged with voter registration fraud, but as said, it was ACORN OFFICIALS that turned their employees in....?
How many Acorn officials were convicted of voter fraud and/or voter registration fraud?

WHO reported the fraudulent voter applications to government officials and fired the workers that filled them out?


I'd have to see evidence that on all these occasions Acorn reported themselves to the feds.

On February 10, 2005, Nonaresa Montgomery, a paid worker who ran Operation Big Vote during the run-up to the 2001 mayoral primary, was found guilty of vote fraud. Montgomery hired about 30 workers to do fraudulent voter-registration canvassing. Instead of knocking on doors, the volunteers sat at a St. Louis fast food restaurant and wrote out names and information from an outdated voter list. About 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in.

In October 2006, St. Louis election officials discovered at least 1,492 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration cards. They were all turned in by ACORN volunteers.

In November 2006, 20,000 to 35,000 questionable voter registration forms were turned in by ACORN officials in Missouri. Most all of these were from St. Louis and Kansas City areas, where ACORN purportedly sought to help empower the “disenfranchised” minorities living there. But the ACORN workers weren’t just told to register new voters. The workers admitted on camera that they were coached to tell registrants to vote for Democrat Claire McCaskill.

In 2007, in Kansas City, Missouri, four ACORN employees were indicted for fraud. In April of this year eight ACORN employees in St. Louis city and county pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting bogus voter registrations.

And, that was just Missouri.

This year there have been several accusations of fraud against ACORN. Over a dozen states are investigating the organization already. Here is a complete list of the ongoing investigations:

North Carolina — State Board of Elections officials have found at least 100 voter registration forms with the same names over and over again. The forms were turned in by ACORN. Officials sent about 30 applications to the state Board of Elections for possible fraud investigation.

Ohio — The New York Post reported that a Cleveland man said he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times. The complaints have sparked an investigation by election officials into the organization, whose political wing has supported Barack Obama. Witnesses have already been subpoenaed to testify against the organization.

Nevada — Authorities raided the headquarters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now on Tuesday October 7, 2008, after a month-long investigation. The fraudulent voter registrations included the Dallas Cowboys starting line-up.

Indiana — More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana’s Lake County filled out by ACORN employees turned out to be bogus. Officials also stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony.

Connecticut — Officials are looking into a complaint alleging ACORN submitted fraudulent voter registration cards in Bridgeport. In one instance, an official said a card was filled out for a 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed as 27. 8,000 cards were submitted in Bridgeport.

Missouri — The Kansas City election board is reporting 100 duplicate applications and 280 with fake information. Acorn officials agreed that at least 4% of their registrations were bogus. Governor Matt Blunt condemned the attempts by ACORN to commit voter fraud.

Pennsylvania — Officials are investigating suspicious or incomplete registration forms submitted by ACORN. 252,595 voter registrations were submitted in Philadelphia. Remarkably, 57,435 were rejected — most of them submitted by ACORN.

Wisconsin — In Milwaukee ACORN improperly used felons as registration workers. Additionally, its workers are among 49 cases of bad registrations sent to authorities for possible charges, as first reported by the Journal Sentinel.

Florida — The Pinellas County Elections supervisor says his office has received around 35 voter registrations that appear to be bogus. There is also a question of 30,000 felons who are registered illegally to vote. Their connections with ACORN are not yet clear.

Texas — Of the 30,000 registration cards ACORN turned in, Harris County tax assessor Paul Bettencourt says just more than 20,000 are valid. And just look at some of the places ACORN was finding those voters. A church just next door is the address for around 150 people. More than 250 people claim a homeless outreach center as their home address. Some listed a county mental health facility as their home and one person even wrote down the Harris County jail at the sheriff’s office.

Michigan — ACORN in Detroit is being investigated after several municipal clerks reported fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications coming through. The clerk interviewed said the fraud appears to be widespread.

New Mexico – The Bernalillo County clerk has notified prosecutors that some 1,100 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in by ACORN.

That’s not all. So far this year at least 14 states have started investigations against ACORN. Talk about a culture of corruption.

Barack Obama's favorite "community organizers" - now admit that more than 30 percent of the 1.3 million voter-registration forms they submitted this year were rejected by election officials nationwide
How many Acorn officials were convicted of voter fraud and/or voter registration fraud?

NO OFFICIALS have been charged with voter fraud at acorn, or voter registration fraud, AS far as i know.... some temps have been charged with voter registration fraud, but as said, it was ACORN OFFICIALS that turned their employees in....?

Damn near every news report about Acorn and voter/registration fraud, identifies these employees as officials. You're trying to argue semantics. Fact is these employees held a postion with Acorn, by definition they were acting officials of acorn.

One who holds an office or position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.
How many Acorn officials were convicted of voter fraud and/or voter registration fraud?

NO OFFICIALS have been charged with voter fraud at acorn, or voter registration fraud, AS far as i know.... some temps have been charged with voter registration fraud, but as said, it was ACORN OFFICIALS that turned their employees in....?

In all 1,323 cases?
How many Acorn officials were convicted of voter fraud and/or voter registration fraud?

NO OFFICIALS have been charged with voter fraud at acorn, or voter registration fraud, AS far as i know.... some temps have been charged with voter registration fraud, but as said, it was ACORN OFFICIALS that turned their employees in....?

Damn near every news report about Acorn and voter/registration fraud, identifies these employees as officials. You're trying to argue semantics. Fact is these employees held a postion with Acorn, by definition they were acting officials of acorn.

One who holds an office or position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.

right, and as said, as far as i know there has been NO VOTER FRAUD CHARGES against anyone at ACORN, official or employees hired to canvas potential voter registrants, and i have not seen one article or news media call the temps committing the crime of registration fraud called OFFICIALS OF ACORN, the only mention of officials that i have seen is ACORN OFFICIALS turned them in?

can you show me where the media has called these acorn workers as ACORN OFFICIALS...pretty please! :)

they had no office, this was not their full time permanent position within acorn, these were mostly, if not all, temporary lazy-ass workers who cheated and broke the law, individually, for their own pay....

and the official acorn in my opinion is negligent for not having stronger measures put in so that these employees can't cheat in the manner that hundreds if not thousands have done....and for goodness sakes, a better hiring practice/standard is in order!
Oh look! An, in defense of acorn study, conducted by liberals.
I wonder if they're going to call it a vast right wing conspiracy...ya think?:evil::lol::cuckoo:
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NO OFFICIALS have been charged with voter fraud at acorn, or voter registration fraud, AS far as i know.... some temps have been charged with voter registration fraud, but as said, it was ACORN OFFICIALS that turned their employees in....?

Damn near every news report about Acorn and voter/registration fraud, identifies these employees as officials. You're trying to argue semantics. Fact is these employees held a postion with Acorn, by definition they were acting officials of acorn.

One who holds an office or position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.

right, and as said, as far as i know there has been NO VOTER FRAUD CHARGES against anyone at ACORN, official or employees hired to canvas potential voter registrants, and i have not seen one article or news media call the temps committing the crime of registration fraud called OFFICIALS OF ACORN, the only mention of officials that i have seen is ACORN OFFICIALS turned them in?

can you show me where the media has called these acorn workers as ACORN OFFICIALS...pretty please! :)

they had no office, this was not their full time permanent position within acorn, these were mostly, if not all, temporary lazy-ass workers who cheated and broke the law, individually, for their own pay....

and the official acorn in my opinion is negligent for not having stronger measures put in so that these employees can't cheat in the manner that hundreds if not thousands have done....and for goodness sakes, a better hiring practice/standard is in order!

I can back up my claims, can you back up yours? "this was not their full time permanent position within acorn, these were mostly, if not all, temporary lazy-ass workers "

12 ACORN members convicted of voter fraud in Missouri in 1986
[url=http://mcauleysworld.wordpress.com/2008/09/24/what-is-acorn-why-is-acorn-associated-with-voter-fraud-does-obama-have-an-acorn-connection/]VIDEO: What is ACORN? Why is ACORN Associated With Voter Fraud – Does Obama Have An ACORN Connection « Mcauleysworld’s Weblog[/URL]

More than 30 ACORN officials have been convicted of fraud and new allegations of fraud are surfacing by the day

Press Releases - News Room - U.S. Senator Mike Johanns for the State of Nebraska
Damn near every news report about Acorn and voter/registration fraud, identifies these employees as officials. You're trying to argue semantics. Fact is these employees held a postion with Acorn, by definition they were acting officials of acorn.

One who holds an office or position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.

right, and as said, as far as i know there has been NO VOTER FRAUD CHARGES against anyone at ACORN, official or employees hired to canvas potential voter registrants, and i have not seen one article or news media call the temps committing the crime of registration fraud called OFFICIALS OF ACORN, the only mention of officials that i have seen is ACORN OFFICIALS turned them in?

can you show me where the media has called these acorn workers as ACORN OFFICIALS...pretty please! :)

they had no office, this was not their full time permanent position within acorn, these were mostly, if not all, temporary lazy-ass workers who cheated and broke the law, individually, for their own pay....

and the official acorn in my opinion is negligent for not having stronger measures put in so that these employees can't cheat in the manner that hundreds if not thousands have done....and for goodness sakes, a better hiring practice/standard is in order!

I can back up my claims, can you back up yours? "this was not their full time permanent position within acorn, these were mostly, if not all, temporary lazy-ass workers "

[url=http://mcauleysworld.wordpress.com/2008/09/24/what-is-acorn-why-is-acorn-associated-with-voter-fraud-does-obama-have-an-acorn-connection/]VIDEO: What is ACORN? Why is ACORN Associated With Voter Fraud – Does Obama Have An ACORN Connection « Mcauleysworld’s Weblog[/URL]

Press Releases - News Room - U.S. Senator Mike Johanns for the State of Nebraska

your sources are ALL politically slanted and i do not accept them at their word...FOX, no way AND THE REPRESENTATIVE that just makes a statement that 30 officials have been charged is NO PROOF what so ever, he gave no proof either, just his commentary to promote his own political agenda, is what it looks like...so you will have to forgive me on that....

I don't consider Acorn temps or employees hired to walk the streets for voters to register, ACORN OFFICIALS....there could be some acorn officials involved but i have not seen one case yet of such and one thing is for CERTAIN,


HAS ACORN been charged with a crime involved with Voter registration, YES OR NO?

You all IMPLY that they have, yet it just ends up being rotten, scummy individuals doing it all on their own and ACORN itself is never charged with the crime....IF THEY WERE INVOLVED, WHY IS IT that they have NOT been charged with the crime? Probably because there is no conspiracy on Acorns part to commit these crimes...don't ya think?

I am not trying to defend the criminals committing the crime, but i am certainly NOT going to pass the buck on to someone else or some other thing or institution that was NOT involved with these individual's crimes.

OUT OF ALL the cases that have been tried and these workers were convicted on, there has been NO IMPLICATION that Acorn, the institution was involved...WHY IS THAT?

Where is your logic lonestar?
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