CDZ Who's Your Daddy?

What is your emotional reaction to Donald Trump and your father?

  • Like Trump and my father

  • Like Trump, didn't like my father

  • Don't like Trump, liked my father

  • Don't like Trump, didn't like my father

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
My thesis is that our emotional reactions to persons in leadership positions is largely influenced by our emotional reactions to our own parents. For example, we tend to have a favorable reaction to a dominant leader if we have had a favorable reaction to a dominant parent. Similarly, we tend to have an unfavorable reaction to a dominant leader if we have had an unfavorable reaction to a dominant parent.

To test this theory, I am asking CDZ posters to participate in a poll regarding their emotional reactions both to a dominant leader like Donald Trump and to their own fathers. Results will be anonymous, but feel free to expound.
Trump is about as different from my father as two people could get. But I sometimes wonder if my Dad would have supported him, anyway. He was very conservative (though not in a hater type of way) and he might have given a hearty belly laugh at Donald's outrageous antics.

Your thesis is total ####, since over half the country had a positive emotional reaction to Obama and a completely opposite reaction to Trump, and obviously their parent remained the same.
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Your thesis is total ####, since over half the country had a positive emotional reaction to Obama and a completely opposite reaction to Trump, and obviously their parent remained the same.

Generally speaking, those who have a positive emotional reaction to Obama are not the same people who have a positive emotional reaction to Trump. And their parents are not the same.

P.S. The fact that your father is so different from Trump actually supports my thesis of parental association with political leaders.
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Your thesis is total ####, since over half the country had a positive emotional reaction to Obama and a completely opposite reaction to Trump, and obviously their parent remained the same.

Generally speaking, those who have a positive emotional reaction to Obama are not the same people who have a positive emotional reaction to Trump. And their parents are not the same.

P.S. The fact that your father is so different from Trump actually supports my thesis of parental association with political leaders.

I don't think you'll get strong correlation with dads here but its interesting.

Best I've read is an expectation of being able to reach the American Dream probably rides with voting for a change in political parties. In the last Republican primaries I think you'll find that to be a strong factor in deciding who voted for Trump. Those Republicans (and then independants) who did not feel hopeless or like there was an "emergency"could tolerate a different Republican candidate. The really hopeless or excited voted Trump.

My gut is it isn't that different than what got Obama elected in 08. Change, wasn't it?
More specifically, I am proposing that people with dominant fathers tend to like or dislike Trump based on how they feel about their own fathers.
My thesis is that our emotional reactions to persons in leadership positions is largely influenced by our emotional reactions to our own parents. For example, we tend to have a favorable reaction to a dominant leader if we have had a favorable reaction to a dominant parent. Similarly, we tend to have an unfavorable reaction to a dominant leader if we have had an unfavorable reaction to a dominant parent.

To test this theory, I am asking CDZ posters to participate in a poll regarding their emotional reactions both to a dominant leader like Donald Trump and to their own fathers. Results will be anonymous, but feel free to expound.
My father was abusive physically and verbally but I was always closer to him than my mother, I don't even tell my parents I love them anymore. Trump I like but in a different way. I never respected either of my parents nor really say I love them,we have some stuff in common but I swear if I didn't look like my father I would think I was adopted.
my father grew up poor, had a factory union job, married my mom & stayed faithful to her.... the antithesis of everything trump has ever been.

loved my father - & can't stand the sight of donny.
My dad was a Democrat and I don't have a strong emotional attachment to President Trump. I think he's doing a good job, though.
It was difficult to answer so I'll clarify. I love my father strongly and like him moderately well to strongly. I *support* President Trump, but his public personality is not very likeable. He's a blowhard, but I have been pleasantly surprised with his performance despite the insane hate campaign against him. That kind of targeted, relentless attack would have brought down any of the other R candidates, had they won.

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