Who's Waving Nazi Flags ?

Lee committed treason when he fought against the United States. Lincoln would have had every right to have him hung for that. The same with every other Confederate officer that had been a former US officer. Had not those men fought for the Confederacy, the rebellion would have been over in six months. So, yes, those soldiers did contribute in a major way to the carnage that ensued.
1. FALSE! Lee was a SOLDIER. Politicians make war against countries. Soldiers are mere hired hands, who receive orders, and follow them, like plumbers, carpenters, musicians.

2. As for Lincoln, he was not opposed to slavery, and was himself a white supremacist. In Notes on the State of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson postulated that “the blacks…are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind.” Jefferson’s biological white supremacy was echoed in the political arena by Abraham Lincoln in 1858 at his fourth debate with Stephen Douglas in Charleston, Illinois. “I am not, nor even have been,” Lincoln stated, “in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people…and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

3. Soldiers had no part in the policies of slavery, secession, or Confederacy. Many didn't even know what the Confederacy was, or even of the existence of slavery. Many, form southern mountain states, never even knew the black people existed. Most southerners fought only because people from hundreds of miles away were attacking them, shooting at them, blowing up their buildings and bridges, burning down their churches, etc. What would you do, in such a case ? Nothing ?

4. Many southern soldiers joined the army just to escape poverty. Meals, lodging, and uniforms (c0mplete with boots) were provided. Many said > "This is the best suit of clothes I've ever owned."

Liberals pose as racists often to discredit conservatives as well as black listing conservatives.

There is nothing too low for a liberal to do to pursue what he thinks is winning.
True. This is the sad state of affairs that we are in - but too many people are not grasping this truth - they need to.
My father got a purple heart , wounded by Japanese fascist soldiers. A real American dosen't support fascism and doesn't support a regime that supports slavery. It's just not a real issue. We have blacks slaughtering each other, and targeting whites and we worry about a few bad cops. What a twisted web we weave, life is a confusing mess. Sometime the sun shines through.
The facism that was displayed on the street in Charlottesville, was from the leftist counter-protestors (ones opposed to the Robt E Lee statue) who tried (with violence) to stop the free speech of the protestors (supporting the statue)
You know, the OP might have been on to something except for one thing.................

White supremacists use swastikas, iron crosses as well as many other Nazi symbols in their day to day goings on. Is it a "leftist sympathizer" in the crowd that is inciting things with Nazi flags? More than likely not, because those groups are notoriously tight knit, and if you don't parrot the party line of white supremacy, they will find you out quickly and kick you out of the group, usually after beating your ass.

Nope, sorry, but the people waving around the Nazi symbols are actual white supremacists.
This makes no sense. It doesn't address the possibility of leftists posing as Nazis, to give the statue supporters a bad name.
Did any of the conservatives that were marching with the Nazis kick them out and not welcome them?
Why are Nazis not allowed to protest statue removals ? Do they not have free speech ? Toi kicj someone out of a protest march is to deny free speech. Never a good idea, Nazi or not.
And look. This nutbag has pangs of regret. He's beginning to feel like this outward display of hatred and bigotry isn't playing well. He's abandoned the "but it's their 1st Amendment right" argument and has moved onto "they weren't really right wing people playing NAZI".

Predictable and sad.
In the last post I just stated the OPPOSITE of what you just said. You are flat out WRONG.
Why are Nazis not allowed to protest statue removals ? Do they not have free speech ? Toi kicj someone out of a protest march is to deny free speech. Never a good idea, Nazi or not.

Of course even Nazis have the right to free speech in our country. Then again, what kind of person would happily march beside someone carrying a swastika flag? If I showed up to a demonstration, even for a cause I passionately believed in, and there were a bunch of guys waving the flag of Nazi Germany there, I certainly wouldn't saddle on up and join the party.
Did any of the conservatives that were marching with the Nazis kick them out and not welcome them?
Um, which of them are American conservatives?

I know you lefties cant tell the difference between William F Buckley's views and Adolf Hitler, but I am just curious which of the White Supremacists in there are also conservative?
You said you believed people who carried the Nazi Flag (I presumed in groups of conservatives) are probably Liberals disguised as conservatives....

That's how I took these comments.

thus my response....

So if conservatives allow the neo nazi's to be a part of their group and don't kick them out, then they must believe in the NeoNazi causes as well...one can presume....?
This makes no sense. It doesn't address the possibility of leftists posing as Nazis, to give the statue supporters a bad name.

I'm curious as to what your intent is by floating this hypothetical situation. Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on what we can prove? We know for a fact that Klansmen and neo-Nazis were in attendance protesting against the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue. We know, from photos and video footage, that at least some of these people engaged in unwarranted attacks on counter-protesters, or even simply people of color who were nearby. These things that are factual seem more relevant than entertaining the hypothetical situation you're presenting here.
Did any of the conservatives that were marching with the Nazis kick them out and not welcome them?
Um, which of them are American conservatives?

I know you lefties cant tell the difference between William F Buckley's views and Adolf Hitler, but I am just curious which of the White Supremacists in there are also conservative?
You said you believed people who carried the Nazi Flag (I presumed in groups of conservatives) are probably Liberals disguised as conservatives....

That's how I took these comments.

thus my response....

So if conservatives allow the neo nazi's to be a part of their group and don't kick them out, then they must believe in the NeoNazi causes as well...one can presume....?
Especially in the White House, Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka in particular.
They should move those statues to trump towers. They'd be right at home there, along with a few confederate flags.
Upon what do you base this silly post ?
On the fact that trump has a load of support from such disgusting groups as the KKK, Nazis, and other supremacist groups of sickos.

And trump has NEVER denounced them or said anything to indicate his abhorence of them and their racist views. Let's be honest. Try a little and it's easy to remember many of trumps racist statements. trump is a racist POS. He probably cuts eye-holes in his cheesy gold sheets. He is the Sicko In Chief.

He probably has a Confederate flag in his bedroom...right next to his 'robe'.
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They should move those statues to trump towers. They'd be right at home there, along with a few confederate flags.
Upon what do you base this silly post ?
On the fact that trump has a load of support from such disgusting groups as the KKK, Nazis, and other supremacist groups of sickos.

And trump has NEVER done or said anything to indicate his abhorence of them and their racist views. Let's be honest. Try a little and it's easy to remember many of trumps racist statements. trump is a racist POS. He probably cuts eye-holes in his cheesy gold sheets. He is the Sicko In Chief.
Seriously though, do Trump supporters really think he could openly support the KKK and National Socialist Movement openly and remain POTUS?
They should move those statues to trump towers. They'd be right at home there, along with a few confederate flags.
Upon what do you base this silly post ?
On the fact that trump has a load of support from such disgusting groups as the KKK, Nazis, and other supremacist groups of sickos.

And trump has NEVER done or said anything to indicate his abhorence of them and their racist views. Let's be honest. Try a little and it's easy to remember many of trumps racist statements. trump is a racist POS. He probably cuts eye-holes in his cheesy gold sheets. He is the Sicko In Chief.
Seriously though, do Trump supporters really think he could openly support the KKK and National Socialist Movement openly and remain POTUS?
yes, I think they, (these smaller groups) must have honestly believed that....it's what got them out to vote, the first time in years for many....

'Make America Great Again' must have meant something a little 'whiter' to them....in some kind of code way?
You said you believed people who carried the Nazi Flag (I presumed in groups of conservatives) are probably Liberals disguised as conservatives....

That's how I took these comments.

thus my response....

Some of these LARPing Nazis are probably libtards in drag, yeah, but not all of them are.

So if conservatives allow the neo nazi's to be a part of their group and don't kick them out, then they must believe in the NeoNazi causes as well...one can presume....?

No conservative was there endorsing the Nazis that were also there. to kick them out they have to have some authority or control over the group, which was not the case as David Duke led it and he is a White Supremacist, not a conservative.
Seriously though, do Trump supporters really think he could openly support the KKK and National Socialist Movement openly and remain POTUS?
Do you think he could be a supporter of the KKK and Nazis and get the nomination of the GOP, unlike the Democrats who are led by anti-white racists?
They should move those statues to trump towers. They'd be right at home there, along with a few confederate flags.
Upon what do you base this silly post ?
On the fact that trump has a load of support from such disgusting groups as the KKK, Nazis, and other supremacist groups of sickos.

And trump has NEVER done or said anything to indicate his abhorence of them and their racist views. Let's be honest. Try a little and it's easy to remember many of trumps racist statements. trump is a racist POS. He probably cuts eye-holes in his cheesy gold sheets. He is the Sicko In Chief.

Seriously though, do Trump supporters really think he could openly support the KKK and National Socialist Movement openly and remain POTUS?
trump is a rich narcissist. He believes he can get away with anything.
Who is waving nazi flags? Anybody who waves a flag, that the progressive collectivist leftists don't agree with. Practical and makes things easy, because that way no leftists needs burdening himself by having to explain why he wants to murder people.
I'm curious as to what your intent is by floating this hypothetical situation. Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on what we can prove? We know for a fact that Klansmen and neo-Nazis were in attendance protesting against the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue. We know, from photos and video footage, that at least some of these people engaged in unwarranted attacks on counter-protesters, or even simply aa.
1. So what if they were in attendance. So were lots of people who are not of these groups. You're trying to demonize the whole group by the flags of a few. You're wrong.

2. I don't know if the protesters did what you say or not, but I sure know that the counter-protesters engaged in unwarranted attacks on the protesters. They ALL did that by (illegally) blocking the street, blocking the march, and then attacking the protesters, in a facist attempt to silence the protesters. How ironic, and hypocritical of them to accuse the protesters of facist ideology, when that is exactly what the counterprotesters (ones who oppose the statue) were DOING.

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