Whos is in Charge?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Apparantly no one is.....Kamala Harris appointed Czar of our Southern Border is out to lunch.....stays as far away from that mess as she possibly can....realizing joe was trying to make her the fall guy for the mess down there.

Pete Buttplug the head of the transportatiom dept. went on leave of absence ignoring and or not caring about the supply line malfunction....all kinds of ships sitting in the harbor out in california...unable to unload their cargo.

At first we thought there was a puppet master in charge though no one knew who it was....now it appears that there is no puppet master just advisors who biden may listen to or may not ......depending on the flavor of the ice cream at the moment.

Thus we have one crisis after another and no one is doing anything about it....joes advisors probably enjoying a big pay check and all the perks that go with their job seem to be afraid to tell joe any bad news as they fear getting fired....so he just shuffles along....refuses to answer any questions from the media and gets out of town at every opportunity.

Thus some have come to the conclusion that China is in Charge.

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Believe it or not ( no I am not walking on air ) this is planned by the left!

Shortages lead to strife and strife leads to people making big changes allowing the government more power which is what Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are striving for!!

Starve society enough they will do whatever it takes to get back to what they consider normal even if it mean selling your soul to the company store!!!
Believe it or not ( no I am not walking on air ) this is planned by the left!

Shortages lead to strife and strife leads to people making big changes allowing the government more power which is what Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are striving for!!

Starve society enough they will do whatever it takes to get back to what they consider normal even if it mean selling your soul to the company store!!!
I think there are several possibilities.....it is planned, or they just do not care, or they have no idea on what to do to fix the problems, it is also known biden has great difficulty making decisions.

Also we must accept the possibilty ....the real biggie.....China is calling the shots.

Logically unassailable as everything joe does manage to do is benefitting China.
I think there are several possibilities.....it is planned, or they just do not care, or they have no idea on what to do to fix the problems, it is also known biden has great difficulty making decisions.

Also we must accept the possibilty ....the real biggie.....China is calling the shots.

Logically unassailable as everything joe does manage to do is benefitting China.
Ships sitting and not being unloaded does not benefit China by any means, so I doubt China is the puppet master here.

Now before you lecture me let me be clear I hate China more than you but they are on the brink of financial disaster, so they need the U.S. to be buying their poorly made shit that will kill us.

Biden, Pelosi and Schumer have been miserable failures and this is not going to get any better any time soon!

Hell, when You have MSNBC doing a article about the shortages you know things are truly bad!
It comforts some to think chaotic events and bad situations are the work of invisible forces who precipitate chaos for some grand purpose. The truth is even scarier. Sometimes shit just happens because everyone with power is doing their own thing and watching out for number one. There are no grand plans, no one is really in charge and any pain you might be experiencing serves no purpose.

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