Who's getting wee wee'd up?

American Horse

AKA "Mustang"
Jan 23, 2009
The Hoosier Heartland
What's the president talking about when he says "there's something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee-wee'd up." Is this his euphemism for "getting pissed off" or getting pissed on?

Can anyone imagine the derision GWB would've suffered if he had said "wee-wee" in any useage of your choice? Doesn't this sort of speak to Obama's maturity just as it would've been cast in that way for Bush? After all he did say it in all candor.

My interpretation is that he thinks some folks are getting too shook up about the issues and "wetting" themselves over nothing. It's a way of putting down people who are taking current issues too seriously. It's akin to telling someone "calm down" and go with the flow. Seems that he's trying too hard to be the adult in the room.
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Mom jeans and wee wee'd up I think we know who wears the pant in the the white house.
It does speak to him having young kids, and not using the word PISSED in his family around them, perhaps?

PISSED was a word absolutely not permitted in my childhood....it was considered a dirty or bad word....

The GI belt sat on the counter, as a reminder of what words could or rather could not, be used! :eek:

Believe it or not, it is decades later, and i still refrain from cursing....that GI belt was scary! :lol:
It does speak to him having young kids, and not using the word PISSED in his family around them, perhaps?

PISSED was a word absolutely not permitted in my childhood....it was considered a dirty or bad word....

The GI belt sat on the counter, as a reminder of what words could or rather could not, be used! :eek:

Believe it or not, it is decades later, and i still refrain from cursing....that GI belt was scary! :lol:

And that's why so many of the little fuckers today have no respect. The bleeding hearts have made discipline a bad thing too. It's more acceptable to find a disorder that fits and give 'em a pill.
What's the president talking about when he says "there's something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee-wee'd up." Is this his euphemism for "getting pissed off" or getting pissed on?

Can anyone imagine the derision GWB would've suffered if he had said "wee-wee" in any useage of your choice? Doesn't this sort of speak to Obama's maturity just as it would've been cast in that way for Bush? After all he did say it in all candor.

My interpretation is that he thinks some folks are getting too shook up about the issues and "wetting" themselves over nothing. It's a way of putting down people who are taking current issues too seriously. It's akin to telling someone "calm down" and go with the flow. Seems that he's trying too hard to be the adult in the room.

:lol: :lol:
It does speak to him having young kids, and not using the word PISSED in his family around them, perhaps?

PISSED was a word absolutely not permitted in my childhood....it was considered a dirty or bad word....

The GI belt sat on the counter, as a reminder of what words could or rather could not, be used! :eek:

Believe it or not, it is decades later, and i still refrain from cursing....that GI belt was scary! :lol:

And that's why so many of the little fuckers today have no respect. The bleeding hearts have made discipline a bad thing too. It's more acceptable to find a disorder that fits and give 'em a pill.

Well, when I grew up, discipline, was the name of the game, in our household and I am a Democrat and so are my mom and dad.... My father was a Military man, my mom devoutly religious.... The GI BELT was always a threat, to both my sister and I if we really messed up....which really never happened....but once with me :eek:, and never with my sister....we really were pretty good kids, very well behaved....it wasn't until puberty, before either of us started to act up...if you can even call it that! It was more coming in to our own with adulthood and that clashing or separation anxiety with my parents, looking back on it.
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The president should stay on teleprompter or choose his words more carefully. It's the "seniors"
who have most of the "wee-wee" (incontinence, or slow to go) problems, and they don't want to
be reminded of that little issue. Also it’s the seniors who are driving the current protests against
his proposals.

Here's a parallel -I found out how potent their rage was as a developer, when in 1992 I began to
develop 40 "infill" acres which was surrounded on 3 sides by older developments which had been
created in the 50's 60', and 70's; they’d lived there long enough that their children were mostly
grown and gone.

These empty nester seniors came out in the hundreds to protest my plans to build houses in what
they thought of as "their back yards." The seniors roped in their juniors, who otherwise might have
been pre-occupied with their own lives, and my planning approval meetings were attended by angry
mobs, who would never let go.

A year later I was still negotiating with them and planning, and being forced to give in to installing
things in my development none of those around mine had. The "seniors" had lots of time to talk with
each other and have meetings in their homes and at the public library.

My project became their main cause.
My victory when it finally came was pyrrhic.

The president should learn to not use inflammatory language, but heck, being a motor-mouth, he
just can’t help himself. He thinks he’s so cute he’s bound to let go now and then when off the TP.
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The president should learn to not use inflammatory language, but heck, being a motor-mouth, he
just can’t help himself. He thinks he’s so cute he’s bound to let go now and then when off the TP.

AH, are your potty references subconscious or intentional? Either way, they are making me :lol:! :)
It does speak to him having young kids, and not using the word PISSED in his family around them, perhaps?

PISSED was a word absolutely not permitted in my childhood....it was considered a dirty or bad word....

The GI belt sat on the counter, as a reminder of what words could or rather could not, be used! :eek:

Believe it or not, it is decades later, and i still refrain from cursing....that GI belt was scary! :lol:

I'm sure if he'd really put his mind to it, he could have come up with a more adult and apropos phrase than "wee wee".

He doesn't put his mind to it, because he doesn't give a shit about what people think. He's set on changing America and wants Americans to shut up and let him do it.
Ravi sometimes mumbles incoherently to herself. We ignore it because she's the board jester.
Dems frequently wee wee themselves, which is why typically they smell a little off.
:lol: I was speaking to AH. Need some Depends?

No, I'm still fine with all that, but a whole lot of elderly people aren't. For me it's more what they once said about the first railroad locomotives: "They'll never get 'em going, and if they ever get 'em going they'll never get 'em stopped." The incontinence problem belongs to the gals for the most part, and they're very self conscous about that. "Leaky Leahy" and his being called "Senator Depends," has more to do with his loose lips on national security matters than with any problem with incontinence.
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