Who’s Actually Behind These Minimum-Wage Ballot Measures?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
The ballot measures are the handiwork of seemingly grassroots organizations “Arkansas for a Fair Wage” and “Raise Up Missouri.”\ However, a closer look reveals that each initiative’s main supporters aren’t local residents, but rather deep-pocketed national labor unions and special interest group

It starts with self-interest. Labor unions and special interest groups are usually staunch supporters of any minimum wage increase. Just look at the national “Fight for $15” campaign a few years back, which was funded to the tune of more than $100 million by the SEIU. Labor unions have a particular interest in minimum wage increases since their contracts are directly tied to the minimum wage. When union members get a pay increase, labor bosses often secure higher revenues from union dues that are a percentage of employees’ pay.


Dems don't give a rats ass about the "poor", Union wages are indexed to the minimum wage, every time they raise the Union Workers and more importantly the Union Bosses get raises. Damn Dems are easily fooled.
I'm behind them. Believe it or not there are millions of me.
Xi needs jobs for his serfs.....and with slave labor he will get those jobs....from us....

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