Whoopi in deeper...

Wanda Syko is just a nasty rancid diseased twat. I don’t wish death on people (except for terrorists like bin Laden). But I won’t shed a single tear if/when Wanda Syko croaks.
she has a whole comedy rutine on white people looking at her all the time. crazy black thinking that isnt true.
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Brother Nat is someone brought up as an Ethnic Jew, attending Jewish Hebrew school which teaches the insanity that Jews are superior to Whites, Jewish summer camps which feature the ridiculous nonsense in regards to WWII, the totally impossible hoax that is the basis for so much policy in the West, in other words totally brainwashed to hate White people. Brother Nat woke up. However, he does support the idiocy of modern Christianity, but it does allow for him to expose the evil doers.
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Brother Nat is someone brought up as an Ethnic Jew, attending Jewish Hebrew school which teaches the insanity that Jews are superior to Whites, Jewish summer camps which feature the ridiculous nonsense in regards to WWII, the totally impossible hoax that is the basis for so much policy in the West, in other words totally brainwashed to hate White people. Brother Nat woke up. However, he does support the idiocy of modern Christianity, but it does allow for him to expose the evil doers.
ooh thasnks . i never heard of him.

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