whole foods sued for racisum over blm masks


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

another mask issue. i guesss buinesses are not free to have dress code anymore.
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Oh for crying out loud. Keep your Trump masks at home, keep your Biden masks at home, Keep your Stop the Steal masks at home, and keep your BLM masks at home, and just buy your damn groceries without instigating and starting shit!

Exactly what states is all this shit happening in?

I can only guess it's all the states that are being annihilated by the Dementorats in the governor's chairs and mayoral offices.

I haven't seen any of this psychoshit going on anywhere here.

Nobody gives a shit if you have a mask on or not. Nobody gives a shit what kind of mask you wear IF you wear one. Nobody gives a flying fuck if you've been given the jab or not. And I live in a HUGE metropolitan area.

another mask issue. i guesss buinesses are not free to hve dres code anymore.

Must be those fuktards that tried to sue the Oreo company for "making them fat".
Exactly what states is all this shit happening in?

I can only guess it's all the states that are being annihilated by the Dementorats in the governor's chairs and mayoral offices.

I haven't seen any of this psychoshit going on anywhere here.

Nobody gives a shit if you have a mask on or not. Nobody gives a shit what kind of mask you wear IF you wear one. Nobody gives a flying fuck if you've been given the jab or not. And I live in a HUGE metropolitan area.

I don't know if it is happening or not. The point I'm trying to make is, no one cares, stop bringing your politics out with you. I don't want to see it. We now live in a world where everybody hates political opponents to the point of violence, rejection and arguing non-stop. I want to return to a world where we could disagree, and till be friends.
If I owned a business I would ban any and all clothing and items that were of political or social agendas. Or really any kind of logo or emblem that wasn't part of my company.

It's bad for business because you need to avoid anything that might turn off a customer. If I went into a store and saw employees with BLM shit on I would leave and go spend my money somewhere else.

I hope whole foods wins the case, and I don't even like whole foods.
Must be those fuktards that tried to sue the Oreo company for "making them fat".

This lawsuit is going nowhere. It was shot down in the original court and now shot down by an appeals court. Some people are living for the Jessie Jackson days where all somebody has to do is mention race and management hides under their desks like they just learned a bomb was going to go off in the building.

It's too bad that trial lawyers heavily contribute to the Democrat party at election time otherwise we could change all this. Even if they didn't though, many of our Congress critters were lawyers so they want to support their fellow lawyers.

What would solve a lot of these problems is a Loser Pays All law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose the case, you are responsible for all costs your adversary had to endure to protect themselves from your suit. This would stop a lot of these ambulance chasers and radical groups from filing these phony suits in the first place and save a lot of people a lot of money.

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