Who wins the midterms? In truth, it depends on the rules of voting!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
To many people debate about which political party is going to win in 2022. The truth is, it depends upon how we are allowed to vote for that midterm. It was said that if Trump received 2 million more votes, he was a shoe in. What did he get, 6, 7 8, 9 million more votes, and yet he lost.

Pollsters and the GOP were in shock! How could this be? Had to be crooked, correct? Maybe; maybe not, and that is NOT the point of this thread. Ever hear of the catchphrase "get out the vote?" What that phrase actually means is--------->MOTIVATING people to go to the polls to either vote for your candidate, or vote against the other candidate. In other words, how much are you personally willing to go through to vote the way you want. What if it is raining, cold, or snowing? What if you injured yourself slightly? What if you have to work late, you still stopping? In other words, "how bad do you want the outcome you desire!" Even absentee balloting takes at least some amount of work. You have to jump through at least a few hoops to make that happen.

So what does this have to do with anything you ask?

Well, 1st, let us NOT talk about cheating, because that is just a circle jerk that never ends, rather; lets talk about facts!

It is much easier to just sit at home and vote, period. Many would reply, "but that reflects better the will of the people," now wouldn't it. Notice the word "will" in that statement! Will means how much effort, not to cheat, but to move your country, state, or municipality in the direction you so desire. People who normally sit on the sidelines because they have no desire for either candidate, now come into play, if all they need do is sit there, and check a box at home. And how do they decide which box to check? Not by following politics in general, but rather what they see on the news, which is exactly what the MSM likes. Depending upon on how news outlets cover something, is the deciding factor on which box they check, not because they are so convinced to make them march to the polls, but because since it is so easy, why not! Take any news outlet of your choosing, CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, and if you could poll those who view these outlets specifically, depending upon their take on political news, you would most likely see that 75% of mail in voters voted the direction from the spin that news outlet put forth.

This is probably NOT the case for those who vote in person. I am relatively sure, it is much closer to 55-45. How do we know this? Because Fox news does NOT have a viewership of the amount of votes that Trump got in 2020, and since almost all of those votes were cast in person, by logic, it means the people voting him that were motivated to show, also watched other news networks; meaning they certainly did NOT watch Fox or other conservative outlets exclusively.

Dry conversation you think?

Maybe, maybe not!

Let us ALL assume for the sake of argument that the Dems did NOT cheat. That is the premise I am writing this under, like it or not.

If we do that, it becomes clear that for the dems to win in 2022, they must lock the country down by mid summer next year, to give them mail in ballots again, then run a total negative campaign in the MSM to sway UNMOTIVATED voters to check their box on the ballot, while the MSM as usual, avoids talking about anything negative while the Left is in charge. The Left as usual up until then, will criticize any attempt, in any state, to have a look at voter rolls, voter ID, or anything else, while claiming it is racist, etc.

2022 will probably NOT be won on election day by the GOP should they win. It will be won or lost long before this on how voters can actually cast their ballots in November. Expect a new variant of COVID or any other excuse they can come with to make mass mail in voting a reality in 2022. If you allow local governments to do this and want to remove the Left, you probably have already lost before you again trudge to the ballot box.

The Left will tell you that the reason for this is the excuse they come up with. The fact is...........the excuse they come up with is the reason that enables them to stack the deck again!

I ask you as a serious person, would homeless, crack heads, lazy's, be more motivated to vote by mail, or by having to go to the polls, or maybe apply for an absentee ballot? And regardless of how they got the ballot, who do you think was the most likely political party these bastions of political knowledge would vote for? This is key to the Lefts victory.

And remember, it is NOT suppressing them to demand they show at the polls. You want what you want? Then do it the American way! Show in front of your American peers; hopefully sober, and cast your ballot!
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If we do that, it becomes clear that for the dems to win in 2022, they must lock the country down by mid summer next year, to give them mail in ballots again, then run a total negative campaign in the MSM to sway UNMOTIVATED voters to check their box on the ballot, while the MSM as usual, avoids talking about anything negative while the Left is in charge. The Left as usual up until then, will criticize any attempt, in any state, to have a look at voter rolls, voter ID, or anything else, while claiming it is racist, etc.

2022 will probably NOT be won on election day by the GOP should they win. It will be won or lost long before this on how voters can actually cast their ballots in November. Expect a new variant of COVID or any other excuse they can come with to make mass mail in voting a reality in 2022. If you allow local governments to do this and want to remove the Left, you probably have already lost before you again trudge to the ballot box.

The Left will tell you that the reason for this is the excuse they come up with. The fact is...........the excuse they come up with is the reason that enables them to stack the deck again!

I ask you as a serious person, would homeless, crack heads, lazy's, be more motivated to vote by mail, or by having to go to the polls, or maybe apply for an absentee ballot? And regardless of how they got the ballot, who do you think was the most likely political party these bastions of political knowledge would vote for? This is key to the Lefts victory.

And remember, it is NOT suppressing them to demand they show at the polls. You want what you want? Then do it the American way! Show in front of your American peers; hopefully sober, and cast your ballot!
Let us assume the Republicans did cheat and are trying to throw off guilt by falsely accusing the Democrats....Why must we vote like the cavemen did, why not allow modern conveniences to vote with, if I can pay bills and conduct business online with secure windows then surely I should be able to vote online...
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A lot also depends on how the district lines are redrawn, I've seen 'experts' telling us that the GOP will win next year just by virtue of gerrymandering which congressional district you're in this time vs 2020. I would expect the democrats to howl loud and long about specific changes that they think will cost them a seat in Congress; will they be able to delay the final decision in some places until after the election? The other thing is, who will be running the district election boards this time? Same people, or different people with the same bias? Somebody has to interpret the law, somebody has to decide what accounting systems to use, somebody has to enforce whatever the new rules are (if any). Many states are changing their election processes, will those changes make a difference? It should, but proving election fraud is a difficult thing, that's why we don't see that many cases in court, let alone convictions. It isn't because there is no fraud, that is ridiculous; it's because proof of misdeeds that will stand up in court is very hard to get.
To many people debate about which political party is going to win in 2022. The truth is, it depends upon how we are allowed to vote for that midterm. It was said that if Trump received 2 million more votes, he was a shoe in. What did he get, 6, 7 8, 9 million more votes, and yet he lost.

Pollsters and the GOP were in shock! How could this be? Had to be crooked, correct? Maybe; maybe not, and that is NOT the point of this thread. Ever hear of the catchphrase "get out the vote?" What that phrase actually means is--------->MOTIVATING people to go to the polls to either vote for your candidate, or vote against the other candidate. In other words, how much are you personally willing to go through to vote the way you want. What if it is raining, cold, or snowing? What if you injured yourself slightly? What if you have to work late, you still stopping? In other words, "how bad do you want the outcome you desire!" Even absentee balloting takes at least some amount of work. You have to jump through at least a few hoops to make that happen.

So what does this have to do with anything you ask?

Well, 1st, let us NOT talk about cheating, because that is just a circle jerk that never ends, rather; lets talk about facts!

It is much easier to just sit at home and vote, period. Many would reply, "but that reflects better the will of the people," now wouldn't it. Notice the word "will" in that statement! Will means how much effort, not to cheat, but to move your country, state, or municipality in the direction you so desire. People who normally sit on the sidelines because they have no desire for either candidate, now come into play, if all they need do is sit there, and check a box at home. And how do they decide which box to check? Not by following politics in general, but rather what they see on the news, which is exactly what the MSM likes. Depending upon on how news outlets cover something, is the deciding factor on which box they check, not because they are so convinced to make them march to the polls, but because since it is so easy, why not! Take any news outlet of your choosing, CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, and if you could poll those who view these outlets specifically, depending upon their take on political news, you would most likely see that 75% of mail in voters voted the direction from the spin that news outlet put forth.

This is probably NOT the case for those who vote in person. I am relatively sure, it is much closer to 55-45. How do we know this? Because Fox news does NOT have a viewership of the amount of votes that Trump got in 2020, and since almost all of those votes were cast in person, by logic, it means the people voting him that were motivated to show, also watched other news networks; meaning they certainly did NOT watch Fox or other conservative outlets exclusively.

Dry conversation you think?

Maybe, maybe not!

Let us ALL assume for the sake of argument that the Dems did NOT cheat. That is the premise I am writing this under, like it or not.

If we do that, it becomes clear that for the dems to win in 2022, they must lock the country down by mid summer next year, to give them mail in ballots again, then run a total negative campaign in the MSM to sway UNMOTIVATED voters to check their box on the ballot, while the MSM as usual, avoids talking about anything negative while the Left is in charge. The Left as usual up until then, will criticize any attempt, in any state, to have a look at voter rolls, voter ID, or anything else, while claiming it is racist, etc.

2022 will probably NOT be won on election day by the GOP should they win. It will be won or lost long before this on how voters can actually cast their ballots in November. Expect a new variant of COVID or any other excuse they can come with to make mass mail in voting a reality in 2022. If you allow local governments to do this and want to remove the Left, you probably have already lost before you again trudge to the ballot box.

The Left will tell you that the reason for this is the excuse they come up with. The fact is...........the excuse they come up with is the reason that enables them to stack the deck again!

I ask you as a serious person, would homeless, crack heads, lazy's, be more motivated to vote by mail, or by having to go to the polls, or maybe apply for an absentee ballot? And regardless of how they got the ballot, who do you think was the most likely political party these bastions of political knowledge would vote for? This is key to the Lefts victory.

And remember, it is NOT suppressing them to demand they show at the polls. You want what you want? Then do it the American way! Show in front of your American peers; hopefully sober, and cast your ballot!
We’ll see how they do when 1/6 videos are on 24/7 repeat. Good luck with that, Trimpistas!
Let us assume the Republicans did cheat and are trying to throw off guilt by falsely accusing the Democrats....Why must we vote like the cavemen did, why not allow modern conveniences to vote with, if I can pay bills and conduct business online with secure windows then surely I should be able to vote online...
Seriously with all the hacking? You think computers online are safe?
Let us assume the Republicans did cheat and are trying to throw off guilt by falsely accusing the Democrats....Why must we vote like the cavemen did, why not allow modern conveniences to vote with, if I can pay bills and conduct business online with secure windows then surely I should be able to vote online...

And what happens if a storm hits? What if we hear someone's internet went down? Many people in big cities have no access to the internet, at least fast cable. What about the homeless? We cutting them out too?

Know what you need to vote in person? Not much, gives access to everyone.

Personally, I believe that all business should be shut down except critical essentials, in all states while national elections are happening during voting hrs, but that is just me.
if voting rights are not restored, not a single young American will want to participate in the world's greatest democracy ever again
WTF? Nobody's voting rights have been taken away. Unless you count dead people, people that live somewhere else, and people that vote more than once.

Which is exactly why the Left is complaining, lol. The Lefts points are a sham, period! They use buzzwords that have absolutely nothing to do with reality, to try and invoke an emotional response.
To many people debate about which political party is going to win in 2022. The truth is, it depends upon how we are allowed to vote for that midterm. It was said that if Trump received 2 million more votes, he was a shoe in. What did he get, 6, 7 8, 9 million more votes, and yet he lost.
He lost because he got fewer votes than his opponent. Fewer actual votes and fewer electoral college votes. It's all in the turnout, period.
He lost because he got fewer votes than his opponent. Fewer actual votes and fewer electoral college votes. It's all in the turnout, period.
What turnout? Dimmer "turnout" was well below that of the Republicans. The fake leftyvirus mailin ballots filled out in crayon by election workers won the election doofus.
What turnout? Dimmer "turnout" was well below that of the Republicans. The fake leftyvirus mailin ballots filled out in crayon by election workers won the election doofus.
Link to this turnout by party you're seeing?

I'm sorry, but what is it you are alleging is fake? Ballots? COVID? "lefties"?
Link to this turnout by party you're seeing?

I'm sorry, but what is it you are alleging is fake? Ballots? COVID? "lefties"?
Link to this turnout by party you're seeing?

I'm sorry, but what is it you are alleging is fake? Ballots? COVID? "lefties"?
Link to this turnout by party you're seeing?

I'm sorry, but what is it you are alleging is fake? Ballots? COVID? "lefties"?
There is no link, Dimmers didn't show up at the polls since someone else already send in their fake early or fake leftyvirus mailin ballot. Since there were several thousand filled out in crayon that should have tipped someone off right Dimmer???
There is no link, Dimmers didn't show up at the polls since someone else already send in their fake early or fake leftyvirus mailin ballot. Since there were several thousand filled out in crayon that should have tipped someone off right Dimmer???
Oooh...so you just pulled something out of your ass and presented it as a fact. How adorable.

Turnout is turnout whether it is by mail or going down to a COVID factory to cast your ballot.
This is so much full of dumb I'm not even going to take the time to give a full response. Just absolute stupidity.
To many people debate about which political party is going to win in 2022. The truth is, it depends upon how we are allowed to vote for that midterm. It was said that if Trump received 2 million more votes, he was a shoe in. What did he get, 6, 7 8, 9 million more votes, and yet he lost.

Pollsters and the GOP were in shock! How could this be? Had to be crooked, correct? Maybe; maybe not, and that is NOT the point of this thread. Ever hear of the catchphrase "get out the vote?" What that phrase actually means is--------->MOTIVATING people to go to the polls to either vote for your candidate, or vote against the other candidate. In other words, how much are you personally willing to go through to vote the way you want. What if it is raining, cold, or snowing? What if you injured yourself slightly? What if you have to work late, you still stopping? In other words, "how bad do you want the outcome you desire!" Even absentee balloting takes at least some amount of work. You have to jump through at least a few hoops to make that happen.

So what does this have to do with anything you ask?

Well, 1st, let us NOT talk about cheating, because that is just a circle jerk that never ends, rather; lets talk about facts!

It is much easier to just sit at home and vote, period. Many would reply, "but that reflects better the will of the people," now wouldn't it. Notice the word "will" in that statement! Will means how much effort, not to cheat, but to move your country, state, or municipality in the direction you so desire. People who normally sit on the sidelines because they have no desire for either candidate, now come into play, if all they need do is sit there, and check a box at home. And how do they decide which box to check? Not by following politics in general, but rather what they see on the news, which is exactly what the MSM likes. Depending upon on how news outlets cover something, is the deciding factor on which box they check, not because they are so convinced to make them march to the polls, but because since it is so easy, why not! Take any news outlet of your choosing, CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, and if you could poll those who view these outlets specifically, depending upon their take on political news, you would most likely see that 75% of mail in voters voted the direction from the spin that news outlet put forth.

This is probably NOT the case for those who vote in person. I am relatively sure, it is much closer to 55-45. How do we know this? Because Fox news does NOT have a viewership of the amount of votes that Trump got in 2020, and since almost all of those votes were cast in person, by logic, it means the people voting him that were motivated to show, also watched other news networks; meaning they certainly did NOT watch Fox or other conservative outlets exclusively.

Dry conversation you think?

Maybe, maybe not!

Let us ALL assume for the sake of argument that the Dems did NOT cheat. That is the premise I am writing this under, like it or not.

If we do that, it becomes clear that for the dems to win in 2022, they must lock the country down by mid summer next year, to give them mail in ballots again, then run a total negative campaign in the MSM to sway UNMOTIVATED voters to check their box on the ballot, while the MSM as usual, avoids talking about anything negative while the Left is in charge. The Left as usual up until then, will criticize any attempt, in any state, to have a look at voter rolls, voter ID, or anything else, while claiming it is racist, etc.

2022 will probably NOT be won on election day by the GOP should they win. It will be won or lost long before this on how voters can actually cast their ballots in November. Expect a new variant of COVID or any other excuse they can come with to make mass mail in voting a reality in 2022. If you allow local governments to do this and want to remove the Left, you probably have already lost before you again trudge to the ballot box.

The Left will tell you that the reason for this is the excuse they come up with. The fact is...........the excuse they come up with is the reason that enables them to stack the deck again!

I ask you as a serious person, would homeless, crack heads, lazy's, be more motivated to vote by mail, or by having to go to the polls, or maybe apply for an absentee ballot? And regardless of how they got the ballot, who do you think was the most likely political party these bastions of political knowledge would vote for? This is key to the Lefts victory.

And remember, it is NOT suppressing them to demand they show at the polls. You want what you want? Then do it the American way! Show in front of your American peers; hopefully sober, and cast your ballot!
Democrats will steal it and R's will sit back and blow each other.

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