Who will kneel when it comes time to defend the Nation?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Think about it......

All the fake Americans that kneel during the National Anthem, call our President a white supremacist, call for the killing of Law Enforcement officers, vow to open our borders.....

All the illegal immigrants from nations not directly targeted by our foes might feel safer fleeing the US and heading home to ride it all out in the safety of their own country.

Who is left to fight for the nation in case of dire emergency such as war with North Korea?

Suppose China, Iran and Russia back North Korea if conflict was to occur.....how many Fake Americans will obstruct the military defense of our nation? Would those who kneel sabotage our military and do their best to complicate efforts domestically? Maybe even assist North Korea , Russia, Iran and China with sensitive information?

Please don't be a sheep and veer off course by saying something lame such as we're not going to war....blah blah blah.....

This is not about whether we go to war or not, it is about the possibility that too many people already hate this nation and it's leader and might be more than willing to cut their own throats to spite it leaving true patriots and those who love our country to do all their dirty work and make sacrifices for them while they hide out and kneel during the call to defend the nation that they enjoy taking from, without limits.

All this anti-Americanism could have more serious consequences. The world is trending towards de-stabilization.....something to think about. It's not just people kneeling during football games. They hate America and will probably help destroy it if they can.
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Probably far too many will capitulate, it's clear so many already have and they openly support communism, the destruction of the Constitution and free speech.
What does NK have to do with defending America. ?

The war machine has you snowed good . Ever notice we are "defending America " on the other side of the planet in 3rd world nations ??
Probably far too many will capitulate, it's clear so many already have and they openly support communism, the destruction of the Constitution and free speech.

The prez is calling for people to be fired for free speech . How is he defending the constitution? He wipes his butt with it every day .
What does NK have to do with defending America. ?
The war machine has you snowed good . Ever notice we are "defending America " on the other side of the planet in 3rd world nations ??

As usual Timmy, the point was too far over your head for you to get it.
When we were loading our trucks and equipment to deploy to Iraq, there were briefings about bed wetters trying to sabotage the effort, and we had extra security watching the rails in case they tried to derail the train.

Liberals are sick fucks.
Probably far too many will capitulate, it's clear so many already have and they openly support communism, the destruction of the Constitution and free speech.
The prez is calling for people to be fired for free speech . How is he defending the constitution? He wipes his butt with it every day .

There are limits to freedom. You can't yell FIRE in a crowded place.
Likewise, free speech that is meant to undermine the nation and cause discord is not necessarily a good thing.

Why then didn't you support the couple who refused to bake a gay wedding cake?
When we were loading our trucks and equipment to deploy to Iraq, there were briefings about bed wetters trying to sabotage the effort, and we had extra security watching the rails in case they tried to derail the train.

Liberals are sick fucks.
i wonder what body part Anthony Weener is bending whenever he needs to protest something
Probably far too many will capitulate, it's clear so many already have and they openly support communism, the destruction of the Constitution and free speech.

The prez is calling for people to be fired for free speech . How is he defending the constitution? He wipes his butt with it every day .

Wait just a second. I thought corporations could fire you for whatever they deemed necessary. There is no free speech in corporations. Thats a govt thing.
Think about it......

All the fake Americans that kneel during the National Anthem, call our President a white supremacist, call for the killing of Law Enforcement officers, vow to open our borders.....

All the illegal immigrants from nations not directly targeted by our foes might feel safer fleeing the US and heading home to ride it all out in the safety of their own country.

Who is left to fight for the nation in case of dire emergency such as war with North Korea?

Suppose China, Iran and Russia back North Korea if conflict was to occur.....how many Fake Americans will obstruct the military defense of our nation? Would those who kneel sabotage our military and do their best to complicate efforts domestically? Maybe even assist North Korea , Russia, Iran and China with sensitive information?

Please don't be a sheep and veer off course by saying something lame such as we're not going to war....blah blah blah.....

This is not about whether we go to war or not, it is about the possibility that too many people already hate this nation and it's leader and might be more than willing to cut their own throats to spite it leaving true patriots and those who love our country to do all their dirty work and make sacrifices for them while they hide out and kneel during the call to defend the nation that they enjoy taking from, without limits.

All this anti-Americanism could have more serious consequences. The world is trending towards de-stabilization.....something to think about. It's not just people kneeling during football games. They hate America and will probably help destroy it if they can.
I confidently predict, Trump's kids will take a pass.
Probably far too many will capitulate, it's clear so many already have and they openly support communism, the destruction of the Constitution and free speech.

The prez is calling for people to be fired for free speech . How is he defending the constitution? He wipes his butt with it every day .

If you want to employ me at your place of business and allow me to hand out flyers to support my cause, to stand during business meetings while everyone sits to bring awareness to my campaign, allow me to alter my presentation to include a couple of slides to have my concerns addressed, and still expect me to remain working AND be paid for my activities, than tell me where to apply. I will get both of our moneys worth.

As I have stated before, I am not insensitive to those wanting to ensure justice and accountability. You can be sure that most police don't want dirty, trigger happy, unstable cops on their force either, it endangers their lives and destroys their reputation. This is especially true in places in which the upholding of the constitution is unquestioned and demanded by their officers.

This being said, free speech on your own time, on company time, do your job and respect the process, or find a different career. That's my perspective. Am I legally incorrect to expect this? I don't know, maybe some of you Americans can explain that to me. I can say this, if I was paying your salary to promote political issues I would ask you to find a new career. Maybe a career in activism.
Probably far too many will capitulate, it's clear so many already have and they openly support communism, the destruction of the Constitution and free speech.
You think republicans support commies?
Trump does.

Trump loooooooves the mass murdering KGB thug. Loves him!
And strange it is.

Russia's "non -integration" with the West is centuries old. It was in a way central to the first World War in that Serbia and Russia were perceived to behave in accordance with norms, and the failure of that exacerbated the tensions of Germany as an imperial power. And again in the 1930s, Germany was looking in two different directions, and one policy could not fit both.

Why we'd have more in common with Russia than the EU ..... a mystery to me.
Probably far too many will capitulate, it's clear so many already have and they openly support communism, the destruction of the Constitution and free speech.

The prez is calling for people to be fired for free speech . How is he defending the constitution? He wipes his butt with it every day .

If you want to employ me at your place of business and allow me to hand out flyers to support my cause, to stand during business meetings while everyone sits to bring awareness to my campaign, allow me to alter my presentation to include a couple of slides to have my concerns addressed, and still expect me to remain working AND be paid for my activities, than tell me where to apply. I will get both of our moneys worth.

As I have stated before, I am not insensitive to those wanting to ensure justice and accountability. You can be sure that most police don't want dirty, trigger happy, unstable cops on their force either, it endangers their lives and destroys their reputation. This is especially true in places in which the upholding of the constitution is unquestioned and demanded by their officers.

This being said, free speech on your own time, on company time, do your job and respect the process, or find a different career. That's my perspective. Am I legally incorrect to expect this? I don't know, maybe some of you Americans can explain that to me. I can say this, if I was paying your salary to promote political issues I would ask you to find a new career. Maybe a career in activism.
Imo, Kapernick is a foolish tool, but seeing how you're Canadian, with all respect, I think you should keep your views of the NFL and flag waving on your side of the border.

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