Who will influence the Midterms more...Russia or illegal Mexicans and their spawn?

Well Russia was found out and countered so definitely the 29 million illegals.
Both DNC issues...

Russia wants a World of their own. (Or so it seems)

The USA is so divided, while Russia is pretty united under Putin.

The USA is prob going to head for a Civil War, and then Russia has it's chance for a World of their own.
Hillary by a landslide, or so it seemed.
3 million votes is a decent landslide
SInce when has the popular vote ever elected a president liar?
Hopefully soon: National Popular Vote
Is Russia the next country to export 29 million of their lowest grade to the U.S. so their offspring can eventually be used to determine U.S. elections?
Sounds crazy but familiar huh? It’s almost as if something similar has already happened.
Well Russia was found out and countered so definitely the 29 million illegals.
Both DNC issues...

Russia wants a World of their own. (Or so it seems)

The USA is so divided, while Russia is pretty united under Putin.

The USA is prob going to head for a Civil War, and then Russia has it's chance for a World of their own.
Hillary by a landslide, or so it seemed.
3 million votes is a decent landslide

3 million in Mexifornia alone...that is a landslide. Weird that Donny won the popular vote among the other 49 states that mattered huh?
Well Russia was found out and countered so definitely the 29 million illegals.
Both DNC issues...

Russia wants a World of their own. (Or so it seems)

The USA is so divided, while Russia is pretty united under Putin.

The USA is prob going to head for a Civil War, and then Russia has it's chance for a World of their own.
Hillary by a landslide, or so it seemed.
3 million votes is a decent landslide

3 million in Mexifornia alone...that is a landslide. Weird that Donny won the popular vote among the other 49 states that mattered huh?
Not if you take away Texas. Your game is retarded. 3,000,000 more Americans voted against your rapist traitor than voted for him.
Both DNC issues...

Russia wants a World of their own. (Or so it seems)

The USA is so divided, while Russia is pretty united under Putin.

The USA is prob going to head for a Civil War, and then Russia has it's chance for a World of their own.
Hillary by a landslide, or so it seemed.
3 million votes is a decent landslide

3 million in Mexifornia alone...that is a landslide. Weird that Donny won the popular vote among the other 49 states that mattered huh?
Not if you take away Texas. Your game is retarded. 3,000,000 more Americans voted against your rapist traitor than voted for him.

Haha...you don’t even see it...”my game” is as ignorant as your game you fucking Loon...hahaha. Donald J. Trump is your President.
Russia wants a World of their own. (Or so it seems)

The USA is so divided, while Russia is pretty united under Putin.

The USA is prob going to head for a Civil War, and then Russia has it's chance for a World of their own.
Hillary by a landslide, or so it seemed.
3 million votes is a decent landslide

3 million in Mexifornia alone...that is a landslide. Weird that Donny won the popular vote among the other 49 states that mattered huh?
Not if you take away Texas. Your game is retarded. 3,000,000 more Americans voted against your rapist traitor than voted for him.

Haha...you don’t even see it...”my game” is as ignorant as your game you fucking Loon...hahaha. Donald J. Trump is your President.
For now
The left are stupid. At best they're intellectually dishonest. Proof:

A. Russia had minimum influence on the election. They posted some things on Facebook that nobody saw. To a liberal it's a very serious attack on our Democracy. We're supposed to ignore the USA does the same thing, as do other countries besides Russia.

B. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter etc. all censor conservative views. To a liberal that's okay, it's not an attack on our democracy, which is code they're dirty cheaters and enjoy the censorship, never mind the propaganda.

C. Open the gates to non-english speaking people. It's a clear fact this harms our country, but the Democrats rely on ignorant people to support them, and who's more ignorant than those short on English to begin with? To a liberal this is not an attack on our democracy.

At the end of the day mainstream progressives are a very nasty people. They're EVERYTHING they accuse the opposition of being. They're weak-minded, corrupt, dishonest, emotional and dirty.
Is Russia the next country to export 29 million of their lowest grade to the U.S. so their offspring can eventually be used to determine U.S. elections?
Sounds crazy but familiar huh? It’s almost as if something similar has already happened.
According to what I've heard, affordable accessible healthcare is by far the most important thing on voters' minds. It was on the news a night or two ago.
Screw Russia and the Mexican border. Being able to afford a doctor's visit when you or your kid is sick is a whole lot more important.

I wonder if our healthcare is all fucked up due to 29 million illegal cockroaches getting it for free?
If you agree, why should we “screw the Mexican border”?
I won’t blame you if you pretend you didn’t see this post.
No, that is not why our healthcare is all fucked up. It is because the Big Money Republicans have fed off the money of Private Insurance, Medical Provider interest groups and Big Pharma to the detriment of all for decades. They let it get out of control and want it to go back to healthcare for only those who can afford it.
It has nothing to do with illegals.
Is Russia the next country to export 29 million of their lowest grade to the U.S. so their offspring can eventually be used to determine U.S. elections?
Sounds crazy but familiar huh? It’s almost as if something similar has already happened.
According to what I've heard, affordable accessible healthcare is by far the most important thing on voters' minds. It was on the news a night or two ago.
Screw Russia and the Mexican border. Being able to afford a doctor's visit when you or your kid is sick is a whole lot more important.

I wonder if our healthcare is all fucked up due to 29 million illegal cockroaches getting it for free?
If you agree, why should we “screw the Mexican border”?
I won’t blame you if you pretend you didn’t see this post.
No, that is not why our healthcare is all fucked up. It is because the Big Money Republicans have fed off the money of Private Insurance, Medical Provider interest groups and Big Pharma to the detriment of all for decades. They let it get out of control and want it to go back to healthcare for only those who can afford it.
It has nothing to do with illegals.

“It has nothing to do with illegals.”
There you have it folks...unpaid healthcare services rendered does not drive up the cost of healthcare for paying customers.
Can we really trust ANYTHING LefTards say these days?
Is Russia the next country to export 29 million of their lowest grade to the U.S. so their offspring can eventually be used to determine U.S. elections?
Sounds crazy but familiar huh? It’s almost as if something similar has already happened.
According to what I've heard, affordable accessible healthcare is by far the most important thing on voters' minds. It was on the news a night or two ago.
Screw Russia and the Mexican border. Being able to afford a doctor's visit when you or your kid is sick is a whole lot more important.

I wonder if our healthcare is all fucked up due to 29 million illegal cockroaches getting it for free?
If you agree, why should we “screw the Mexican border”?
I won’t blame you if you pretend you didn’t see this post.
No, that is not why our healthcare is all fucked up. It is because the Big Money Republicans have fed off the money of Private Insurance, Medical Provider interest groups and Big Pharma to the detriment of all for decades. They let it get out of control and want it to go back to healthcare for only those who can afford it.
It has nothing to do with illegals.

Yikes, any more BS you'd like to spread?
Big Pharma's big donations in 2016 presidential race - CNN

The Democrats.

They have already done it ... and their supporters are turning away in droves right before the Mid-terms.

The Witch Hunt.
The 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh
Open calls for violence
LOL. Chill out Tinker Bell, or you'll end up blowing a gasket, you fluffy little snowflake.
DO NOT be distracted by the Fake News, this election will be about jobs and the economy. Kavanaugh is a nothing burger, the average voter doesn't give 2 shits about the Kavanaugh circus or the Russian nonsense.
rapist traitor
BF, you're a right proper liar and as triggered / deranged as they come... You just can't help but continue to falsely accuse others without having any evidence to back your bullshit.

Granted, over the last 2 years your beloved Democrats have proven that is one of the things they do best - falsely accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are.

Russian Collusion
- Hillary illegally colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in 2016 and for the last 2 years has dragged the country through the charade of trying to find non-existent evidence that the President did so...

'Herman Cain'ing Part 2
- Democrats engaged in their despicable 'Politics of Personal Destruction', attempting to destroy a good man and his family by falsely accusing with lies and no evidence for political party gain

Open Calls For Violence / No Civility
Led by their hand-picked, 2-time-losing FELON - Hillary Clinton, and the 1st and only Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured - Eric Holder, the Democrats have openly called for violence, violent Intolerance, and a complete lack of civility ... Until the Democrats take back power.

This is the same Hillary Clinton who hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies during the 2016 campaign.

You SHEEP claimed there was no way she could be involved in 'violence' ... But here we are, you watching Hillary call for MORE violence...

Congrats, you have been lied to, duped, bamboozled, snookered, manipulated, used, and made fools of...yet, like domesticated curs, you have been broken...to the point where you PREFER to be the Democrats' 'bitch'.

And like a well-trained PET, you do a great job of obeying, doing what you are told ... Accusing others falsely...as your 'masters' do.


You have become a joke....an old repetitive one...quite boring now.

Gruber would be proud of you....
Is Russia the next country to export 29 million of their lowest grade to the U.S. so their offspring can eventually be used to determine U.S. elections?
Sounds crazy but familiar huh? It’s almost as if something similar has already happened.
Well Russia was found out and countered so definitely the 29 million illegals.
The thread and o.p. are much more stupid than your reasoning. I don't think it was about hacking, and if it was it is even more stupid.
Is Russia the next country to export 29 million of their lowest grade to the U.S. so their offspring can eventually be used to determine U.S. elections?
Sounds crazy but familiar huh? It’s almost as if something similar has already happened.
Well Russia was found out and countered so definitely the 29 million illegals.
The thread and o.p. are much more stupid than your reasoning. I don't think it was about hacking, and if it was it is even more stupid.

When I proclaim something to be “stupid” I have the iQ and motivation to tell you WHY I believe it’s stupid. Man up!
Is Russia the next country to export 29 million of their lowest grade to the U.S. so their offspring can eventually be used to determine U.S. elections?
Sounds crazy but familiar huh? It’s almost as if something similar has already happened.
Well Russia was found out and countered so definitely the 29 million illegals.
The thread and o.p. are much more stupid than your reasoning. I don't think it was about hacking, and if it was it is even more stupid.

When I proclaim something to be “stupid” I have the iQ and motivation to tell you WHY I believe it’s stupid. Man up!
lol. literally.

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