Who went to Obama’s party?

1st post

But what progressive liberals do for recreation can't be super-spreaders because their science says so.


CDC condemned the Sturgis rally as a "super spreader" event back in 2020. But suddenly, NOTHING happened! Well, then this year, the CDC said the same thing. Nothing about suave and sophisticated liberals at Obama's soiree, no masks just (to quote Linus van Pelt): Nothing but SOPHISTICATION as the eye can see... How does that factor into the CDC's infection vectors?
5th post
CDC just announced: Rich liberals and progressive activists are immune to covid. All those BLM anti police "protests" where nobody wore fuckin* masks, immune to covid. Trump rallies where instead, super spreader events. Enough.
10th post
Those people were at the party? Prove that.
um i believe that’s why he provided a link

once again the dems have created yet another super spreader event…yet want to force their will on the working class, shutting down their business, dictating how they live their daily lives, while ignoring their own rules to drink and party
How many were connected to the party?
Let’s say none of the 74 people went to the party. Who is to say that none of them got COVID from party attendees? The reality is Obama was already getting heat in advance of the party as the Delta variant was on the rise. His team put out a story that the guest list had been substantially cut. Then, photos emerged of himself and others maskless indoors. The story then became, “it was a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd”.

Obama and his fellow Democrat elite sent yet another bullshit message of “do as I say, not as I do”. He and his attendees and justifiers of having the party during the onset of the Delta variant lost any and all voice of moral authority and leadership when it comes to telling the masses to “mask up. “
Let’s say none of the 74 people went to the party. Who is to say that none of them got COVID from party attendees? The reality is Obama was already getting heat in advance of the party as the Delta variant was on the rise. His team put out a story that the guest list had been substantially cut. Then, photos emerged of himself and others maskless indoors. The story then became, “it was a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd”.

Obama and his fellow Democrat elite sent yet another bullshit message of “do as I say, not as I do”. He and his attendees and justifiers of having the party during the onset of the Delta variant lost any and all voice of moral authority and leadership when it comes to telling the masses to “mask up. “
So, two big paragraphs to say you don't know how many were connected to the party? They were vaccinated and had to take a covid test before coming.
So, two big paragraphs to say you don't know how many were connected to the party? They were vaccinated and had to take a covid test before coming.
The same people that told you that the party was “cut down” yet still had hundreds show up who were maskless are the same ones saying a COVID TEST, Vaccination required, and masks offered.
So, two big paragraphs to say you don't know how many were connected to the party? They were vaccinated and had to take a covid test before coming.
That’s really not the core of my argument. My two big paragraphs is to say that these liberal elite who wag their fingers at the common person about wearing a mask and getting vaccinated lost whatever license they thought they had to tell US how to act.

im going to have a party of 50 people and provide the same justification and reasoning the Obama’s gave and their supporters.

Here’s the kicker…. I don’t blame the Obamas for having the party. Fuck COVID. They didn’t let it stop them. Nor should they. Why should I?
Joe Biden wasn't invited LMAO

That's because Biden serves him no purpose now. He can't make him money, he can't elevate his fame (no one ever gets excited about meeting Biden) because Obama is more famous and liked that Biden is or was, he can't gain him any political influence or anything.

Obama only had the cool kids there that could benefit him in one way or another.

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