I'm from Missouri. Would someone please tell me who I have to vote out of office for passing a law requiring that all children in the state have an eye exam, and which eye doctors are contributing to their campaign. Next it will be colon screening requirements and IQ tests so that the children can be grouped into their special needs categories; aka stupid kids in with bad teachers and smart ones in with good teachers. I don't need the state telling me if my child needs glasses. I'm pretty sure I'm a better person to determine that. I was going to have my sons eyes examined next week. I just canceled the appointment. Now that some eye doctors got together and decided to find some new business buy purchasing some politicians instead of advertising, every child in Missouri with perfectly good vision will have to spend $50.00 that they probably don't have because they are trying to pay for gas. Oh yeah, by the way, most children don't need glasses until they're, oh, around 50. Now if they want to pass a law requiring all 50 year old students to have an eye exam, I would be all for that.