Who Should Get Obama's Nobel Prize Money?


Interesting that many complain about obama spending their money and now they want to spend Obama's money.
Pretty funny.
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The family of the next kid he kills in the Middle East.
Personally, I don't give a shit what he does with it.
Does anyone really think Obama is going to donate his Peace Prize money?????

If so, wouldn't Haiti be a good place to donate?????????

Who Should Get Obama's Nobel Prize Money? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Why would you care where he donates his money? :eusa_eh:

Since we still don't really know that much about this guy except that his Kenyan Grandmother claims he was born in Kenya, maybe we would learn a little about him if we knew where the unearned prize money he has scored, goes. Will he pay the tax on it? He claimed it was going to go to charity, will it be a Afro centric charity like his old church? Is he the President of all the people of this country or just his perceived brothers of color? I'm curious.:razz:
Does anyone really think Obama is going to donate his Peace Prize money?????

If so, wouldn't Haiti be a good place to donate?????????

Who Should Get Obama's Nobel Prize Money? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Why would you care where he donates his money? :eusa_eh:

awww c'mon sarah he is a pretty popular and public guy and we are americans.

Hell we want to know what time Jennifer anniston does poopie :cuckoo:

Everyone knows Jennifer doesn't poopie.
He should pay it to the American people. Not by writing invididual donations but by giving the whole amount to the government. If I profit by something I do related to my job, my company would be entitled to the money.... Same thing... He works for us.
Does anyone really think Obama is going to donate his Peace Prize money?????

If so, wouldn't Haiti be a good place to donate?????????

Who Should Get Obama's Nobel Prize Money? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Why would you care where he donates his money? :eusa_eh:

Well...seeing as WE paid for his plane to get the prize and WE paid him for the time he was there getting the prize and WE paid for his security while getting the prize...

.....I say pay off Rangels tax bill.
Does anyone really think Obama is going to donate his Peace Prize money?????

If so, wouldn't Haiti be a good place to donate?????????

Who Should Get Obama's Nobel Prize Money? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Why would you care where he donates his money? :eusa_eh:

Excellent point.
No one cared who he was before he was a senator
No one cared who he associated with
No one cared what his voting record was
and now...
No one cares that his exactr platform that he ran on was a complete lie
No one cares that he has lobbysists in the WH
No one cares that he does not read bills as he promised he would
No one crares that his proimise of CSPAN was a lie
No one cares that he did NOT stoip the pork as he promised

So why should anyone care what he does with the money?
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