Who needs TRUTH when an alternative exists?


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
North Missisippi
WMD's, false. Nuclear ambitions, false. Immediate threat to Americans, false. Immediate threat to anyone outside of Baghdad, false.

WAR is what we belived and it is WAR that we have. WAR is a fuck-up but it is WAR that we have. To question the WAR is unacceptable; or is it?

One DEAD or one injured American is cause for me to question the reason for it.

From a corporate point of view, I am already aware of "acceptable" casualties. I suspect most Americans are not.

Psychoblues said:
WAR is what we belived and it is WAR that we have.
Your solution to this now is what? Or are you the kind that just wants to gripe about all things WAR?
BATMAN said:
Your solution to this now is what? Or are you the kind that just wants to gripe about all things WAR?

I'm not sure I can do 'Psychospeak' but my take from his postings: 'War may be necessary, but not worth one life. Acceptable casualties are not acceptable, ya dig it?'
Actually, Kathianne, you are pretty close on this one but not exact.

I fully understand that WAR will cost lives, ambitions, disrupt families and even question one's national interests and political leanings. Let me go a little further. I think WAR exploits the ignorance of the population that wages it and it's perceived outcome is calculated in profittable dollars rather than lives. I also think that the most lives lost in WAR are of those that have no interest in it whatsoever. That leaves the Dollar and Power side of the equation.

You are generally, in my opinion, wise in your analogies. Give your analogy in this predicament, please?


Kathianne said:
I'm not sure I can do 'Psychospeak' but my take from his postings: 'War may be necessary, but not worth one life. Acceptable casualties are not acceptable, ya dig it?'
no, actually what psychobitch was trying to say was:

"blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah, blah"
LuvRPgrl said:
no, actually what psychobitch was trying to say was:

"blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah, blah"

I take it that you don't enjoy the wisdom of Kathianne. Or am I wrong in this assumption?

Psychoblues said:
WMD's, false. Nuclear ambitions, false. Immediate threat to Americans, false. Immediate threat to anyone outside of Baghdad, false.

WAR is what we belived and it is WAR that we have. WAR is a fuck-up but it is WAR that we have. To question the WAR is unacceptable; or is it?

One DEAD or one injured American is cause for me to question the reason for it.

From a corporate point of view, I am already aware of "acceptable" casualties. I suspect most Americans are not.


Psycho. We aren't stupid. You never believed the war was acceptable. Why exactly should we listen to you know when you are trying to pretend that suddenly its unacceptable since "Bush lied" You've been claiming that since 911.
Psychoblues said:
WMD's, false. Nuclear ambitions, false. Immediate threat to Americans, false. Immediate threat to anyone outside of Baghdad, false.

WAR is what we belived and it is WAR that we have. WAR is a fuck-up but it is WAR that we have. To question the WAR is unacceptable; or is it?

One DEAD or one injured American is cause for me to question the reason for it.

From a corporate point of view, I am already aware of "acceptable" casualties. I suspect most Americans are not.


Who said Iraq was an immediate threat? Who said Iraq has WMDs?

War is a great way to solve the world's worst problems.
Psychoblues said:
WMD's, false. Nuclear ambitions, false. Immediate threat to Americans, false. Immediate threat to anyone outside of Baghdad, false.
WAR is what we belived and it is WAR that we have. WAR is a fuck-up but it is WAR that we have. To question the WAR is unacceptable; or is it?
One DEAD or one injured American is cause for me to question the reason for it.
From a corporate point of view, I am already aware of "acceptable" casualties. I suspect most Americans are not.

WMD's found.....rockets qualified per un definition soooooooooooooo....

momar said he was working with sadam momar was developing nukes soooooooooooooooo.......

Immediate threat to americans.......i will give you that one ....immediate no ....but the actual word he used was imminent sooooooooo.......

immediate threat to anyone outside bagdad.............hmmm.......as most of the iraqi citizens he didn't like were either dead or being tortured in prisons in bagdad i may have to give you that one as well.........unless you count the 20k and tshirt he gave to each family of a banzi bomber that killed jews soooooooooooooo...............

that makes you 0-4 on the truth vs alternative scoreboard......so i will saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay....you deal in alternatives rather than the truth :beer:
Avatar4321 said:
Psycho. We aren't stupid. You never believed the war was acceptable. Why exactly should we listen to you know when you are trying to pretend that suddenly its unacceptable since "Bush lied" You've been claiming that since 911.

You are correct, for once, Avatar4321. I never implied that you or anyone else in this forum was "stupid". But, Bush did lie and all the things I said on the front end of the WAR have proven to be true. So, what exactly is your problem?

Psychoblues said:
You are correct, for once, Avatar4321. I never implied that you or anyone else in this forum was "stupid". But, Bush did lie and all the things I said on the front end of the WAR have proven to be true. So, what exactly is your problem?


That you are pretending in your opening post that you somehow discovered something new. You never supported the war. You never believe what is so freakin obvious to most people. And you are pretending that you somehow accepted his reasoning before and now suddenly with future revelations you found out President Bush decieved you.

Yet of course you still cant you know provide any evidence of President Bush lying. Youve just been saying it so much for the last 6 years you are going to pretend as though anyone who doesnt view it the way you do is an idiot.

You very well know President Bush never claimed Iraq was an immediate threat. Yet you are still pretending he did. Anyone who was listening to the President realize that he specifically said if we waited for Iraq to become an immediate threat, It's too late. Its too late to take preemptive action when someone has nukes aimed at you or has already fired them at you.

But you refuse to acknowledge your straw man. Which is ridiculous because it was John Kerry and John Edwards who were out there telling everyone it was an immediante imminent threat. Yet you voted for them.

Still using the same bosh arguments as you were 4 years ago. We liberated Iraq. They are a free people now, no thanks to you. Get over it.
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