Who is Responsible for Fatherless Black Families?

haha, your dodging is so transparent.

Like I said, there is no law in nature that dictates who is black and who is white. I specifically asked you to tell me what hue distinguishes a black man from a white man. You dodged. Hopefully you have seen this to be a fatal flaw in your argument. I don't really expect you to stop being a racist, but I just wanted to make you aware that there are major flaws in your opinion of one race being superior to another.

I was confused by your comment too but I think that I see your point. A Black person and a White person can get together and produce a biracial person.
This just doesn't make any fucking sense. Even if you believe that "race is just a skin color," the science of light, optics of the eye, refraction, etc. is a "law in nature that dicates who is black and who is white." You're essentially trying to argue what here? The whole "race does not exist" business sounds like 1984 to me: we're supposed to deny what we see right in front of our faces!

If you were on fire, you'd deny it on grounds that you couldn't generalize about licking flames and high heat and the damage they do to human flesh.

I'll try again. What is the hue of skin color that separates someone from being black and white? Is race something that you just recognize when you see it?

Race is a relative term that has different meanings in different cultures. America is guilty of using few terms to define race. White, black, asian, india, native american, hispanic. That's pretty much the basics. In cultures like in Brazil, race is still defined by someone making an observation, but they have hundreds of different races to define someone's race. We simplify in America, Brazil complicates.

In case I haven't been clear enough.

Do you, WJ, have some kind of measurement system to define race, or is race something you just know when you see it?
People say that, but they sure as hell don't think it. That's because it's not true. You're turned off by the word "superior." You imply more baggage than is necessary with that word. The reality is that races are DIFFERENT: different in intelligence, temperament, behavior, mannerisms, many things besides just appearance. The differences are REAL. Zimbabwe is not like Sweden because blacks REALLY ARE DIFFERENT FROM WHITES. Nobody who spends any time in an area where blacks are predominant can deny this for too long.

The truth is that some races are indeed "superior" to others when it comes to building and maintaining civilized societies. Whites and Asians pull it off, blacks and Hispanics don't. Why is this so hard to admit to?

There is nothing to "admit to" because you are incorrect, period. Try first getting past the part where Europeans exploited and killed Africans and Native Americans at will because they thought just like you do, so you can't say they can't develop when they weren't allowed to. They were too busy trying to save their asses from us.

When you keep people in tribal conditions and don't allow them to develop, it's pretty damned dishonest to turn around and claim they can't develop.

You're going full circle right back to my original argument and supporting it. No Sweden isn't Zimbabwe. Two different environments.

Blacks and Hispanics that come here and are given opportunities and take advantage of them keep up just fine. THAT is fact. Obviously it has nothing to do with skin color and a lot to do with the opportunities they get/environment in which they live.

Why is it you just have to have an enemy? Why do you just have to blame something on people who are different than you?
"Education, earnings, and health gaps between whites and blacks did significantly narrow during the 40-year period from the end of World War II until the late 1980's. However, from then until the present, progress of blacks relative to whites has essentially stopped, leaving a still sizable distance between the circumstances of whites and blacks."

Why did the progress of blacks stop well short of achieving full equality with whites, and is the slowdown during the past 20 years in black progress only temporary, or is it an indication of what the racial situation will be during the next few decades? The sharp slowdown is surprising mainly because institutionalized and personal discrimination against African-Americans has continued to fall into this century."

I'll try again. What is the hue of skin color that separates someone from being black and white? Is race something that you just recognize when you see it?

Race is a relative term that has different meanings in different cultures. America is guilty of using few terms to define race. White, black, asian, india, native american, hispanic. That's pretty much the basics. In cultures like in Brazil, race is still defined by someone making an observation, but they have hundreds of different races to define someone's race. We simplify in America, Brazil complicates.

In case I haven't been clear enough.

Do you, WJ, have some kind of measurement system to define race, or is race something you just know when you see it?

bump for william joyce.

What hue is the divider between someone being white and black?
"Education, earnings, and health gaps between whites and blacks did significantly narrow during the 40-year period from the end of World War II until the late 1980's. However, from then until the present, progress of blacks relative to whites has essentially stopped, leaving a still sizable distance between the circumstances of whites and blacks."

Why did the progress of blacks stop well short of achieving full equality with whites, and is the slowdown during the past 20 years in black progress only temporary, or is it an indication of what the racial situation will be during the next few decades? The sharp slowdown is surprising mainly because institutionalized and personal discrimination against African-Americans has continued to fall into this century."


yes midcan, I am certain discrimination in alive and well, but some of this could also have to do with the influx of illegal immigrants (since the Reagan Amnesty in the 80's)....who then... took over the jobs that many in the black community were doing, removing an entire sector of workers from work....which had them on the whole, take a step back again?

along with resources for the poor being spread too thin now.... having to be shared with another group of people, which diminished their move forward that had been occuring before the influx of illegal immigrants....perhaps?

This could have been in part, a side effect from that....no? I am not really certain, but logically, it seems like illegal immigration might be part of their progress coming to a halt?

Let's put all of the possible reasons together that people mentioned in no particular order:

1. Immigrants taking jobs away from Blacks, not only do Blacks have to play catch up with Whites, they now have others joining in on the race.

2. Indirect discrimination still going on (i.e racial profiling, laws: One study showed White people commit more crimes than Blacks, however, Blacks get arrested and sentenced more; schools in urban communities are funded less)

3. The impact of slavery: free labor=possibly why America is so rich today, Blacks are now trying to play catch up not only in the work force, in education but in their families as well; Blacks have to be taught to Love who they are, that Black no matter how dark, is pretty and smart, especially when all you see or hear on TV, in school and in the Magazines are the exact opposite.

4. Education: Blacks were denied an education however, some were still able to receive a good and fair education. Today anyone can go to school (if you can afford it or qualify for loans, which are a problem as well). A lot of great grandparents, grandparents, and parents in the Black community compared to the White community were not privy to a good education; therefore, the generation today is not focused on education as much however, on working.

5. Entertainment: The music and movies are selling Blacks a false lifestyle, an easy way to get Rich: be a rap star, play Ball..etc.

6. It's not what you know, it's who you know: Lack of togetherness/Morals/religion: Back then, there was a sense of community. Everyone helped each other and encouraged each other to break barriers; however, today the individual is deemed the most important.

7. Drugs: Funny how the gov’t can't figure out where drugs are being imported from?

After writing this, I realized there is NO ONE ANSWER or ONE PERSON OR GROUP to Blame. So much has happened in America and so much is changing (i.e. a Black man has a chance of being President). In addition, it’s really based on the individual and his/her values.

Furthermore, opportunities and resources are there and racial issues are not that prevalent today; however, we can not expect 40yrs of gradual progress to change a lifetime of abuse.
Let's put all of the possible reasons together that people mentioned in no particular order:

1. Immigrants taking jobs away from Blacks, not only do Blacks have to play catch up with Whites, they now have others joining in on the race.

The will to work would overshadow this problem.[/B]

2. Indirect discrimination still going on (i.e racial profiling, laws: One study showed White people commit more crimes than Blacks, however, Blacks get arrested and sentenced more; schools in urban communities are funded less)

This is a game of numbers. Considering blacks make up an extreme minority in this nation, it is only natural that the amount of whites committing crimes would be higher. The percentages are based on population, a higher percentage of blacks are arrested in accordance with the black population. It would be equivalent if I said that a higher number of Germans (IN Germany) commit crimes than non-Germans.

3. The impact of slavery: free labor=possibly why America is so rich today, Blacks are now trying to play catch up not only in the work force, in education but in their families as well; Blacks have to be taught to Love who they are, that Black no matter how dark, is pretty and smart, especially when all you see or hear on TV, in school and in the Magazines are the exact opposite.

I don't believe in "catch-up" My family were sharecroppers and lived a very very poor life. My white ancestors and even as immediate as my Great Grandmother and Grandmother were all as equally as poor as blacks would have been.

4. Education: Blacks were denied an education however, some were still able to receive a good and fair education. Today anyone can go to school (if you can afford it or qualify for loans, which are a problem as well). A lot of great grandparents, grandparents, and parents in the Black community compared to the White community were not privy to a good education; therefore, the generation today is not focused on education as much however, on working.

I do agree with your conclusion about how blacks view education vs. their view of working....however, IMO, any black child born today has the same opportunities as any white child as far as public education and college is cocerned. Sure, demographics plays a part. But all are entitled to public education and all have the opportunities to attend college and get federal aid.

5. Entertainment: The music and movies are selling Blacks a false lifestyle, an easy way to get Rich: be a rap star, play Ball..etc.

EXACTLY: %100 correct. THis also plays an intricate part in the "lifestyle" that many young blacks choose to live. They music/movie industry has every young black child convinced they will be the next Kanye West, Lebrone James, etc....

6. It's not what you know, it's who you know: Lack of togetherness/Morals/religion: Back then, there was a sense of community. Everyone helped each other and encouraged each other to break barriers; however, today the individual is deemed the most important.

I have to think about this one a little more...

7. Drugs: Funny how the gov’t can't figure out where drugs are being imported from?

TRUE...but I don't think it's a govt. conspiracy.

After writing this, I realized there is NO ONE ANSWER or ONE PERSON OR GROUP to Blame. So much has happened in America and so much is changing (i.e. a Black man has a chance of being President). In addition, it’s really based on the individual and his/her values.

Furthermore, opportunities and resources are there and racial issues are not that prevalent today; however, we can not expect 40yrs of gradual progress to change a lifetime of abuse.

I like this post....though I disagree with a few things...alot of it points to the lifestyle that many blacks choose to live. I know many people don't choose to be born into poverty, but they do have a choice (when the time is right) to get themselves out of poverty and end the cycle of poverty in their family. My family lived in poverty when I graduated high school and I went to college and got a degree. Anything's possible if the attitude is right.
Let's put all of the possible reasons together that people mentioned in no particular order:

1. Immigrants taking jobs away from Blacks, not only do Blacks have to play catch up with Whites, they now have others joining in on the race.

2. Indirect discrimination still going on (i.e racial profiling, laws: One study showed White people commit more crimes than Blacks, however, Blacks get arrested and sentenced more; schools in urban communities are funded less)

3. The impact of slavery: free labor=possibly why America is so rich today, Blacks are now trying to play catch up not only in the work force, in education but in their families as well; Blacks have to be taught to Love who they are, that Black no matter how dark, is pretty and smart, especially when all you see or hear on TV, in school and in the Magazines are the exact opposite.

4. Education: Blacks were denied an education however, some were still able to receive a good and fair education. Today anyone can go to school (if you can afford it or qualify for loans, which are a problem as well). A lot of great grandparents, grandparents, and parents in the Black community compared to the White community were not privy to a good education; therefore, the generation today is not focused on education as much however, on working.

5. Entertainment: The music and movies are selling Blacks a false lifestyle, an easy way to get Rich: be a rap star, play Ball..etc.

6. It's not what you know, it's who you know: Lack of togetherness/Morals/religion: Back then, there was a sense of community. Everyone helped each other and encouraged each other to break barriers; however, today the individual is deemed the most important.

7. Drugs: Funny how the gov’t can't figure out where drugs are being imported from?

After writing this, I realized there is NO ONE ANSWER or ONE PERSON OR GROUP to Blame. So much has happened in America and so much is changing (i.e. a Black man has a chance of being President). In addition, it’s really based on the individual and his/her values.

Furthermore, opportunities and resources are there and racial issues are not that prevalent today; however, we can not expect 40yrs of gradual progress to change a lifetime of abuse.

Your opinion is just as stereotypical as those you like to point a finger at. You blame racism for everything, and you point only to whites being racist against blacks which is defnitely not even close to true.

1. What immigrants are taking jobs away from blacks? On what do you base this statement?

2. Indirect discrimination? Racial discrimination is illegal in this country, and your following comment is irrelevent to the first.

In total numbers whites probably do commit more crimes than black, but when you break it down to percentage based on ethinicity such is NOT the case.

3. Slavery was outlawed in this country 143 years ago. The only reason it still has any impact is because of those of you who enable those blacks you wish to use it as a crutch. There are no currently living former slaves, nor former slave owners. Time to move on.

4. Blacks are NOT denied an education. In fact, minorities can easily get scholarships and financial aid in this nation that whites can't. Those that WANT that education go out and get it.

5. The music and entertainment industry does not sell a a false lifestyle solely to blacks. They sell it to kids and those moneygrubbers don't care what color they are.

6. I don't even know what to say to this junk.:cuckoo:

7. Yeah, drugs are a problem only of black communities.:rolleyes:

After rreading what you posted, I feel that whatever the situation is and whatever the answer to it is, you have neither your finger on the former nor a clue to the latter.
1. What immigrants are taking jobs away from blacks? On what do you base this statement?

I think the immigrants may be taking away the manual labor jobs, like construction. But those come from everyone, and force more people to get more education because of it.
2. Indirect discrimination? Racial discrimination is illegal in this country, and your following comment is irrelevent to the first.

Racial discrimination certainly happens. Cops racially profile all the time. Ask one of your black friends about that.

In total numbers whites probably do commit more crimes than black, but when you break it down to percentage based on ethinicity such is NOT the case.

Crime is linked to poverty levels.

3. Slavery was outlawed in this country 143 years ago. The only reason it still has any impact is because of those of you who enable those blacks you wish to use it as a crutch. There are no currently living former slaves, nor former slave owners. Time to move on.

Not at all. Slavery does not end once the shackles were removed. When you take a few million people and keep them uneducated for generations, then let them go, they won't be able to keep up in the economy. I think slavery has set back blacks for a very long time. It wasn't until a hundred years after slavery that blacks were considered as equals to whites. 100 years. That is devestating. There has only been two generations of blacks that have been afforded equal education opportunity as whites.

4. Blacks are NOT denied an education. In fact, minorities can easily get scholarships and financial aid in this nation that whites can't. Those that WANT that education go out and get it.


5. The music and entertainment industry does not sell a a false lifestyle solely to blacks. They sell it to kids and those moneygrubbers don't care what color they are.

True. People are saying things about rap that were said about Rock in the 60's and 70's.

6. I don't even know what to say to this junk.:cuckoo:

7. Yeah, drugs are a problem only of black communities.:rolleyes:

Your opinion is just as stereotypical as those you like to point a finger at. You blame racism for everything, and you point only to whites being racist against blacks which is defnitely not even close to true.

I was just re-stating what some people have already posted in this thread. I listed all of the"suggested" reasons for some of the problems in the Black Community. Furthermore, as I stated at the end of the list, I realized that there is NO ONE ANSWER OR ONE PERSON TO BLAME, there are several factors that play a role. In today's society I think it's really based on the individual and his or her values. However, I do agree that about 40yrs of equal rights does not erase or reverse a lifetime of mistreatment.
I was just re-stating what some people have already posted in this thread. I listed all of the"suggested" reasons for some of the problems in the Black Community. Furthermore, as I stated at the end of the list, I realized that there is NO ONE ANSWER OR ONE PERSON TO BLAME, there are several factors that play a role. In today's society I think it's really based on the individual and his or her values. However, I do agree that about 40yrs of equal rights does not erase or reverse a lifetime of mistreatment.

Ahh I see. You're right, it is an individual's choice and values. You're also right that 40 yrs of equal rights does not erase a lifetime of mistreatment....however, was it really meant to "make up" for it" It seems to me that if it was meant to "make up" for mistreatment, we would have given them alot more when the Civil Rights Act was passed.
True, equal rights was given to give Blacks an equal playing field, give or take a few flaws I guess.
Blacks get no shittier a deal than anyone else. As a matter of fact, being a racial minority in this country entitles one to handouts whites can't get.

What???? feeling a little jealous because someone who makes half of what you do gets something that because you have been lucky and had the right opportunities and family connections, you don't need anyway?

What a really petty outlook, to be jealous of those who have less than you do, and be envious of what little they do have!

Do you also envy the homeless their carefree lifestyle?
College scholarships are based on race.
Hunting and fishing rights are based on race.
I have applied for jobs where it says right on the application that preference will be given to a certain race.

So no, I don't envy the homeless for their carefree lifestyle. But I fail to understand how when people show preference to people of color it's "affirmative action" but if one shows preference to whites it's "racism".

It's the same thing.
College scholarships are based on race.
Hunting and fishing rights are based on race.
I have applied for jobs where it says right on the application that preference will be given to a certain race.

So no, I don't envy the homeless for their carefree lifestyle. But I fail to understand how when people show preference to people of color it's "affirmative action" but if one shows preference to whites it's "racism".

It's the same thing.

Because white males already have all the options, it is a given, and if they are still nonentities and losers, it is their own damned fault!!!
LMAO! That's like a LOT too dark.

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