Who is Responsible for Fatherless Black Families?

Just a nit pick, we are homo sapiens sapiens. There are currently two-sube species under the homo sapiens species. Homo sapiens idaltu and homo sapiens sapiens.

I know what you mean, but you can see where this might have confused some. LOL:cool:
It's fucking skin color. Biologically, we are ALL Homo sapiens, period. A species. One of my best friends in high school is black. He's a nuclear engineer. Maybe it's his DNA?

Well, we're stuck then. But while I've provided a library's worth of books loaded with data showing that races are NOT, in fact, "equal," you've merely concluded it, without any backing. Now, I know that your position is more popular, but that doesn't mean it's RIGHT -- or that you don't have to defend it.

Do you really think that black nuclear engineers are the rule, rather than the exception? I think part of the problem is that your "best friend" (I love how everyone's "best friend" is black when arguments get racial) is skewing your perspective. I'm sure he's a smart guy, but the fact that Danny DeVito is shorter than most women doesn't mean that men are shorter than women, generally.

Consider this: dogs are genetically nearly identical. Yet nobody disputes that BREEDS of dogs vary greatly in strength, size, temperament, intelligence, and so on. Ever heard someone say, "well, let's not stereotype collies" or provoke a pit bull just to prove that they're not racist? And nobody ever says "it's just fur" by way of denying dog breed differences.


First, not even LIBERAL academics believe the black-power business about Egypt being black. It wasn't. Blacks were never more than several hundred miles to the south, in Nubia. The Egyptians of history were probably Semitic-looking people, much removed from black Africans. In fact, one pharaoh decreed that no blacks were allowed in Egypt, except as slaves.

Two, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that all your information about great African cultures is correct. Do you seriously believe that the only explanation for its disappearance is colonialism? That's fantastic, especially when you have other colonized areas to compare it too. In other words, if blacks are so great at nation-building, why don't they get off their asses and build one? Africa's loaded with natural resources, and the whites are either being killed off or forced to leave, as in Zimbabwe and South Africa. What in the hell is stopping black Africa from blossoming into space-racing, car-building, clean-water piping, Starbucks-sipping, French lit-reading societies? And please don't give me the "it's their leadership" crap. There are leadership failures to go around, but a race that can't figure out agricultural techniques mastered by other groups hundreds of years ago and fucks infants as a cure for AIDS isn't suffering from mere "leadership" problems, man. They're stone-age people, biologically and mentally, and you can't bring 'em up to speed by air-dropping MacBooks.

First, not even LIBERAL academics believe the black-power business about Egypt being black. It wasn't. Blacks were never more than several hundred miles to the south, in Nubia. The Egyptians of history were probably Semitic-looking people, much removed from black Africans. In fact, one pharaoh decreed that no blacks were allowed in Egypt, except as slaves.

Two, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that all your information about great African cultures is correct. Do you seriously believe that the only explanation for its disappearance is colonialism? That's fantastic, especially when you have other colonized areas to compare it too. In other words, if blacks are so great at nation-building, why don't they get off their asses and build one? Africa's loaded with natural resources, and the whites are either being killed off or forced to leave, as in Zimbabwe and South Africa. What in the hell is stopping black Africa from blossoming into space-racing, car-building, clean-water piping, Starbucks-sipping, French lit-reading societies? And please don't give me the "it's their leadership" crap. There are leadership failures to go around, but a race that can't figure out agricultural techniques mastered by other groups hundreds of years ago and fucks infants as a cure for AIDS isn't suffering from mere "leadership" problems, man. They're stone-age people, biologically and mentally, and you can't bring 'em up to speed by air-dropping MacBooks.

I really wish you would have presented a valid argument for your case.

1. I threw out a plethora of examples and you only picked up on Egypt. Egypt isn't white. You are continue to read what you want because you cannot bear to challenge your own opinion. I'm naming "advanced" non-white societies and you cannot dispute what I said, only dispute what you wanted me to say.

2. Because a white society is the most worldly dominant right now does not mean that white people are superior. Try to explain the Mayans, Aztecs, and Chinese.
Your DNA is different than any other man on the planet, so then you don't share a race with anyone else, according to you. That is, unless you make some distinction as to what is a different race, but that's just your opinion. There is no law in nature that dictates when someone is black and when they are white. There are variations in the blackness of a man, so exactly what hue must he be to be black? Is this just something you know off of instinct?

Please don't dodge.

bump for WJ

First, not even LIBERAL academics believe the black-power business about Egypt being black. It wasn't. Blacks were never more than several hundred miles to the south, in Nubia. The Egyptians of history were probably Semitic-looking people, much removed from black Africans. In fact, one pharaoh decreed that no blacks were allowed in Egypt, except as slaves.

Two, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that all your information about great African cultures is correct. Do you seriously believe that the only explanation for its disappearance is colonialism? That's fantastic, especially when you have other colonized areas to compare it too. In other words, if blacks are so great at nation-building, why don't they get off their asses and build one? Africa's loaded with natural resources, and the whites are either being killed off or forced to leave, as in Zimbabwe and South Africa. What in the hell is stopping black Africa from blossoming into space-racing, car-building, clean-water piping, Starbucks-sipping, French lit-reading societies? And please don't give me the "it's their leadership" crap. There are leadership failures to go around, but a race that can't figure out agricultural techniques mastered by other groups hundreds of years ago and fucks infants as a cure for AIDS isn't suffering from mere "leadership" problems, man. They're stone-age people, biologically and mentally, and you can't bring 'em up to speed by air-dropping MacBooks.

I find it odd that you say they aren't black, or perhaps you don't read Nat'l Geographic or hell, do any moderate amount of research on Egypt. The simple wiki article on Egyptian race. They weren't a white people, and they weren't semites either. They may have been lighter than really dark africans but some had dark skin and curly hair. They were quite diverse physically and I'm sure that some of them would have fallen under your categorization of "black".
Your DNA is different than any other man on the planet, so then you don't share a race with anyone else, according to you. That is, unless you make some distinction as to what is a different race, but that's just your opinion. There is no law in nature that dictates when someone is black and when they are white. There are variations in the blackness of a man, so exactly what hue must he be to be black? Is this just something you know off of instinct?

Please don't dodge.

bump for WJ

Actually, there is no such thing as different races, just a plethora of people in which Chuck Norris beat to different shades of black and blue. LOL. j/k
There is no law in nature that dictates when someone is black and when they are white.

Really? So if two black parents are set to have a child, you expect it to be white?

That's crazy talk, man.

But really, if race doesn't exist, how can someone be "racist"? Why don't we get rid of affirmative, civil rights, etc.?
Really? So if two black parents are set to have a child, you expect it to be white?

That's crazy talk, man.

But really, if race doesn't exist, how can someone be "racist"? Why don't we get rid of affirmative, civil rights, etc.?

I’m not a racist. The racist laws were needed to help heal injustices done in the past and help races that were discriminated against catch up to a degree. I think that we are in agreement that such laws should be removed now.
I’m not a racist. The racist laws were needed to help heal injustices done in the past and help races that were discriminated against catch up to a degree. I think that we are in agreement that such laws should be removed now.

Has everything been fixed?
Really? So if two black parents are set to have a child, you expect it to be white?

That's crazy talk, man.

But really, if race doesn't exist, how can someone be "racist"? Why don't we get rid of affirmative, civil rights, etc.?

Who has said race doesn't exist? Of course it exists. Saying there is no noticeable difference between human beings at the biological level is NOT saying race doesn't exist.

It's saying one race is not superior to another.
Really? So if two black parents are set to have a child, you expect it to be white?

That's crazy talk, man.

But really, if race doesn't exist, how can someone be "racist"? Why don't we get rid of affirmative, civil rights, etc.?

haha, your dodging is so transparent.

Like I said, there is no law in nature that dictates who is black and who is white. I specifically asked you to tell me what hue distinguishes a black man from a white man. You dodged. Hopefully you have seen this to be a fatal flaw in your argument. I don't really expect you to stop being a racist, but I just wanted to make you aware that there are major flaws in your opinion of one race being superior to another.
there is no law in nature that dictates who is black and who is white.

This just doesn't make any fucking sense. Even if you believe that "race is just a skin color," the science of light, optics of the eye, refraction, etc. is a "law in nature that dicates who is black and who is white." You're essentially trying to argue what here? The whole "race does not exist" business sounds like 1984 to me: we're supposed to deny what we see right in front of our faces!

If you were on fire, you'd deny it on grounds that you couldn't generalize about licking flames and high heat and the damage they do to human flesh.
It's saying one race is not superior to another.

People say that, but they sure as hell don't think it. That's because it's not true. You're turned off by the word "superior." You imply more baggage than is necessary with that word. The reality is that races are DIFFERENT: different in intelligence, temperament, behavior, mannerisms, many things besides just appearance. The differences are REAL. Zimbabwe is not like Sweden because blacks REALLY ARE DIFFERENT FROM WHITES. Nobody who spends any time in an area where blacks are predominant can deny this for too long.

The truth is that some races are indeed "superior" to others when it comes to building and maintaining civilized societies. Whites and Asians pull it off, blacks and Hispanics don't. Why is this so hard to admit to?
Has everything been fixed?

I think so – for the most part. Colleges understand that if they are perceived as racist, they will lose recognition, respect, and revenue. Businesses know that if they let racism over-ride selecting the best worker, it will lose to businesses that don’t let racism interfere with employment practices.
People say that, but they sure as hell don't think it. That's because it's not true. You're turned off by the word "superior." You imply more baggage than is necessary with that word. The reality is that races are DIFFERENT: different in intelligence, temperament, behavior, mannerisms, many things besides just appearance. The differences are REAL. Zimbabwe is not like Sweden because blacks REALLY ARE DIFFERENT FROM WHITES. Nobody who spends any time in an area where blacks are predominant can deny this for too long.

The truth is that some races are indeed "superior" to others when it comes to building and maintaining civilized societies. Whites and Asians pull it off, blacks and Hispanics don't. Why is this so hard to admit to?

This is where we will forever disagree. Other nations do not have the history that America has. They do not have the opportunities that America has. I think that the differences in races come from societal expectation, family experiences, and environment to a hugely greater degree than from genetics.

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