Who is lying, the Israel couple (US Citizens) or the gov of Israel?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
'Our Son Was With Us on Night of Arson'

Parents of Mordechai Mayer, 18, who was locked up in administrative detention for 6 months, demand his release.

The parents of Mordechai Mayer, 18, of Maaleh Adumim, are demanding his release, one week after he was thrown into jail with a six-month administrative detention order.

"A week ago, police knocked on our house door at night, presented a sheet of paper with your signature and took our son to six months' detention in jail,” the two wrote in a letter to Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon.

They stressed that their son was never told what he is suspected of, was never charged with an offense and never faced a legal process of any kind. Furthermore, they argued, there is no way he could have carried out what he is being accused of.

Mayer's parents have previously accused Israeli authorities of "scapegoating" their son.

"The administrative detention came as a response to the event at the village of Duma,” they wrote, “even though it is known that Mordechai is not connected to it. On the night of the event, our son was with us at home, as you know. After the arson at the Church of Bread and Fish, too, he was interrogated and harassed but no evidence or charges were ever brought.

"The administrative detention that our son was sent to was intended for media purposes, to show false picture, as if people connected to the events have been located. As US citizens, who made aliyah from the US our of a love for Israel, we are ashamed that you behaed this way. We thought that the state of Israel was a democracy and that it has a regulated legal system, and now we discover that it is sometimes a dictatorship,” they wrote.

Mayer is the first Jew arrested by administrative order in nine years. His arrest was followed by those of Meir Etinger and Evyatar Slonim

Our Son Was With Us on Night of Arson - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.

The Shabbak cannot do such things without higher rank ordering them to do so (Ya'alon). and if Ya'alon ordered it, it was because of his concern to stop Jewish terrorism like he does Arab one.

Had it not been the case, people like you would have cried, "racism", "fascism" and all kinda crap.

I'm sure you'll do it anyway, though.
'Our Son Was With Us on Night of Arson'

Parents of Mordechai Mayer, 18, who was locked up in administrative detention for 6 months, demand his release.

The parents of Mordechai Mayer, 18, of Maaleh Adumim, are demanding his release, one week after he was thrown into jail with a six-month administrative detention order.

"A week ago, police knocked on our house door at night, presented a sheet of paper with your signature and took our son to six months' detention in jail,” the two wrote in a letter to Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon.

They stressed that their son was never told what he is suspected of, was never charged with an offense and never faced a legal process of any kind. Furthermore, they argued, there is no way he could have carried out what he is being accused of.

Mayer's parents have previously accused Israeli authorities of "scapegoating" their son.

"The administrative detention came as a response to the event at the village of Duma,” they wrote, “even though it is known that Mordechai is not connected to it. On the night of the event, our son was with us at home, as you know. After the arson at the Church of Bread and Fish, too, he was interrogated and harassed but no evidence or charges were ever brought.

"The administrative detention that our son was sent to was intended for media purposes, to show false picture, as if people connected to the events have been located. As US citizens, who made aliyah from the US our of a love for Israel, we are ashamed that you behaed this way. We thought that the state of Israel was a democracy and that it has a regulated legal system, and now we discover that it is sometimes a dictatorship,” they wrote.

Mayer is the first Jew arrested by administrative order in nine years. His arrest was followed by those of Meir Etinger and Evyatar Slonim

Our Son Was With Us on Night of Arson - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

So it seems that the Jews are damned if they do, and damned if they don't in your eyes. They have taken a step towards equal treatment and you are against this. No doubt his parents are doing what any parent would do and trying to defend their son by any means, even lying. If he did it and the evidence is there to prove he did then they should put him in jail for life ( remember they are civilised and have no death penalty )
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
When you are in another country, you abide by their laws and processes. If you don't want to do that, don't go to that country.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.

Like you are paying yours way too much to shoot blacks and Hispanics. Do you know what sub judice means, or would you prefer the Islamic way of justice shoot and then claim they were guilty. Any little thing that prejudices the case would be used by a lawyer to get his/her client off the charges which is why there is a news blackout on the case. Only in the US that is populated by ghouls do trials become like a 3 ring circus with the lawyers playing to the gallery. Your justice system is not about guilt or innocence but about money and fame, and the poorer you are the less chances you have of being found innocent.
As an aside how many of the Police in the US are bent and in the pay of criminals ?
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.

The Shabbak cannot do such things without higher rank ordering them to do so (Ya'alon). and if Ya'alon ordered it, it was because of his concern to stop Jewish terrorism like he does Arab one.

Had it not been the case, people like you would have cried, "racism", "fascism" and all kinda crap.

I'm sure you'll do it anyway, though.

She already is and it shows that NAZI JEW HATRED is of more concern and influence than truth and reality
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.

The Shabbak cannot do such things without higher rank ordering them to do so (Ya'alon). and if Ya'alon ordered it, it was because of his concern to stop Jewish terrorism like he does Arab one.

Had it not been the case, people like you would have cried, "racism", "fascism" and all kinda crap.

I'm sure you'll do it anyway, though.

She already is and it shows that NAZI JEW HATRED is of more concern and influence than truth and reality

Oh your Nazi jew hatred mantra is getting old. If Yaalon ordered it, then he should of never arrested that jew, unless this is all just a ploy, all made up and the parents are in on it.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.

The Shabbak cannot do such things without higher rank ordering them to do so (Ya'alon). and if Ya'alon ordered it, it was because of his concern to stop Jewish terrorism like he does Arab one.

Had it not been the case, people like you would have cried, "racism", "fascism" and all kinda crap.

I'm sure you'll do it anyway, though.

She already is and it shows that NAZI JEW HATRED is of more concern and influence than truth and reality

Oh your Nazi jew hatred mantra is getting old. If Yaalon ordered it, then he should of never arrested that jew, unless this is all just a ploy, all made up and the parents are in on it.

See damned if they do, and damned if they don't. And it is not getting old if it is starting to bother you, it means that others are seeing the real Nazis and it aint the JEWS
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
When you are in another country, you abide by their laws and processes. If you don't want to do that, don't go to that country.

The family moved to Israel from the Us thinking it was a democracy, but their son was arrested with no evidence, is that the rule they should live by? The Palestinians have no choice, but this couple does, they have a lawyer, if this is indeed not a fake story.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
When you are in another country, you abide by their laws and processes. If you don't want to do that, don't go to that country.

The family moved to Israel from the Us thinking it was a democracy, but their son was arrested with no evidence, is that the rule they should live by? The Palestinians have no choice, but this couple does, they have a lawyer, if this is indeed not a fake story.

Did they move thinking it was a democracy, or was it more likely they moved because their son was already involved in criminal activity and was wanted for petty crime. Maybe he was on his third strike and they thought a new beginning might calm him down a little.
By the way Israel is a democracy as much as the US and the UK are, this does not mean that the man or woman in the street can change the laws to suit themselves. What it does mean is that the people get the chance to vote for the people they would like to represent them, if they don't get the votes they cant complain as they were given the same chance as everyone else.

Maybe you have an islamonazi view of what constitutes democracy, would you like to impart your knowledge for the board so we can see were you are going wrong ?
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
When you are in another country, you abide by their laws and processes. If you don't want to do that, don't go to that country.

The family moved to Israel from the Us thinking it was a democracy, but their son was arrested with no evidence, is that the rule they should live by? The Palestinians have no choice, but this couple does, they have a lawyer, if this is indeed not a fake story.
If you move to another country and expect things to be just like they are in the US, you are making a mistake. They should have looked into the situation more thoroughly.

He's alive, he gets out in 6 months. When that happens, pack up and go home. End of.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
When you are in another country, you abide by their laws and processes. If you don't want to do that, don't go to that country.

The family moved to Israel from the Us thinking it was a democracy, but their son was arrested with no evidence, is that the rule they should live by? The Palestinians have no choice, but this couple does, they have a lawyer, if this is indeed not a fake story.

They moved to Israel, not Switzerland.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
When you are in another country, you abide by their laws and processes. If you don't want to do that, don't go to that country.

The family moved to Israel from the Us thinking it was a democracy, but their son was arrested with no evidence, is that the rule they should live by? The Palestinians have no choice, but this couple does, they have a lawyer, if this is indeed not a fake story.

They moved to Israel, not Switzerland.

Who said Switzerland? I bet they did move to Switzerland if indeed this story is truthful. Of course now if their son is indeed guilty as he looks like he might be, with his curly cues, should he not be in prison? Palestinians terrorists are.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.
When you are in another country, you abide by their laws and processes. If you don't want to do that, don't go to that country.

The family moved to Israel from the Us thinking it was a democracy, but their son was arrested with no evidence, is that the rule they should live by? The Palestinians have no choice, but this couple does, they have a lawyer, if this is indeed not a fake story.
If you move to another country and expect things to be just like they are in the US, you are making a mistake. They should have looked into the situation more thoroughly.

He's alive, he gets out in 6 months. When that happens, pack up and go home. End of.

If the story is true, I'm sure they will, and leave their beloved Israel in the dust.
We knew if we were detectives with inside information.

See the issue is they were never told what he was arrested for or suspected of and there was no legal process, basically the same as the Palestinians say of their kids who are just taken by the Israel police and put in jail. I believe the parents,

Shin Bet probably did it and were behind it, Mossed does the covert terrorism outside of Israel right.

PS: if you have detectives in Israel, your paying them tooo much.

The Shabbak cannot do such things without higher rank ordering them to do so (Ya'alon). and if Ya'alon ordered it, it was because of his concern to stop Jewish terrorism like he does Arab one.

Had it not been the case, people like you would have cried, "racism", "fascism" and all kinda crap.

I'm sure you'll do it anyway, though.

She already is and it shows that NAZI JEW HATRED is of more concern and influence than truth and reality

Oh your Nazi jew hatred mantra is getting old. If Yaalon ordered it, then he should of never arrested that jew, unless this is all just a ploy, all made up and the parents are in on it.

It's all one big JOOOOOish Zionist conspiracy, now isn't it Penelope ?
Discuss the topic and not each other please.
Coy, I have noticed recently that you are attempting to use a myopic system with threads to keep the posts on track........This will eventually Dumb down threads and not allow a comprehensive discussion(the odd spat between posters is just part of the course)......moreover I note that Some Posters, are, putting it mildly, perpetuating Myths and total untruths.....yet I don't see you or the other administrators, Pull These Recalcitrants Into Line.

I realise that at time you maybe exasperated with me for example........but at least I say the truth as I know it(but always prepared to be corrected,unlike most Drones,sorry I mean Posters on here.)

Apart from that ..You Guys(and Ladies) do a great job on here. Respect to you Coyote...steve. Have a nice day

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