Who is Israeli colonel Yusi Oulen Shahak in Golani Brigade with security code Re34356578765az2314?

Challenger, et al,

The US gets in trouble with the UN all the time. Much like the Russians or the Chinese, --- weeee just don't care.

Do tell, how many times was the U.S.A. condemned by the U.N. for following it's own interests and breaking international laws between 1945 and 1991?

Oh, I don't know how many times in the last 70 years.

In the last couple years, the UN condemned the US several times (at least).

Voice of America November 28, 2014
GENEVA—The U.N. Committee Against Torture has condemned reported police brutality and excessive use of force in the United States, especially against minority groups.

PBS NewsHour August 29, 2014
WASHINGTON --- UN Committee condemns U.S. for racial disparity, police brutality

MSNBC --- UN watchdog condemns US for human rights failures 03/14/14

A United States delegation to the U.N. faced blistering criticism from an international committee in Geneva over a slew of human rights concerns on Friday, including stand your ground laws, the death penalty, voting rights and racial disparities in education.

Reuters RT Questions More 10 Mar, 2015
US condemned by UN torture expert for children given life in prison without parole
United Nations special rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment, singled out the US for its lonely perch as the world’s leading jailer of society’s most voiceless and exposed.

UN: US embargo on Cuba condemned by UN 191-2
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) approved a resolution condemning the US blockade of Cuba, with only the US and Israel voting against it, in New York, Tuesday.

UN condemns US drone strikes in Pakistan 16.03.2013

The United Nations has condemned US drone strikes in Pakistan, saying that they violate Islamabad’s sovereignty. Washington’s response to the UN condemnation was muted.

Our condemnations are usually something considerably more than the constant and incessant whining and crying by the Arab-Palestinians who make it a point to start trouble and complain when they get slapped.

Most Respectfully,
Challenger, et al,

The US gets in trouble with the UN all the time. Much like the Russians or the Chinese, --- weeee just don't care.

Do tell, how many times was the U.S.A. condemned by the U.N. for following it's own interests and breaking international laws between 1945 and 1991?

Oh, I don't know how many times in the last 70 years.

In the last couple years, the UN condemned the US several times (at least).

Voice of America November 28, 2014
GENEVA—The U.N. Committee Against Torture has condemned reported police brutality and excessive use of force in the United States, especially against minority groups.

PBS NewsHour August 29, 2014
WASHINGTON --- UN Committee condemns U.S. for racial disparity, police brutality

MSNBC --- UN watchdog condemns US for human rights failures 03/14/14

A United States delegation to the U.N. faced blistering criticism from an international committee in Geneva over a slew of human rights concerns on Friday, including stand your ground laws, the death penalty, voting rights and racial disparities in education.

Reuters RT Questions More 10 Mar, 2015
US condemned by UN torture expert for children given life in prison without parole
United Nations special rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment, singled out the US for its lonely perch as the world’s leading jailer of society’s most voiceless and exposed.

UN: US embargo on Cuba condemned by UN 191-2
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) approved a resolution condemning the US blockade of Cuba, with only the US and Israel voting against it, in New York, Tuesday.

UN condemns US drone strikes in Pakistan 16.03.2013

The United Nations has condemned US drone strikes in Pakistan, saying that they violate Islamabad’s sovereignty. Washington’s response to the UN condemnation was muted.

Our condemnations are usually something considerably more than the constant and incessant whining and crying by the Arab-Palestinians who make it a point to start trouble and complain when they get slapped.

Most Respectfully,

Well that's an answer to some question, but not the one I asked. The U.S. effectively created and was the main driving force behind the U.N. and still provides 22% of the orgaisation's funding, little influence? Okay, if you say so...
We have no obligation to follow international law. We are a sovereign nation.

If exterminating Palestinians like they aren't even humans is your nation's prerogative, who is anyone else to question it? Am I right?
depotoo, Quadravius, et al,

This is a very controversial and political sensitive issue.

The center of the controversy is based upon the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Law Communities, and selected member nations, allowing and shielding the Arab Palestinians in their effort to pursue Jihad and acts committed as part of a widespread and systematic attacks directed against the Israeli civilian population; and setting the conditions such that the Arab Palestinian is protected from a combat engagement that would represent a decisive victory and resolve the seven decade old war that is promoted by the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Community.

We have no obligation to follow international law. We are a sovereign nation.

If exterminating Palestinians like they aren't even humans is your nation's prerogative, who is anyone else to question it? Am I right?

The Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Law have been a major contributing factors the continuation and prolonging of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Any Pro-Arab Palestinian will tell you that it is their right to use any and all means to attack Israeli civilians and civil objects; without regard to Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Law. However, the reciprocal arrangement is not the same in its application towards Israel. By definition this is unequal under the law. And it demonstrates a complicity between the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Community with the Arab-Palestinians to circumvent the IHL in favor or the Arab Palestinians; accomplices in the establishment of a widespread and systematic attacks directed against the Israeli civilian population.

Most Respectfully,
And I agree, Israel is held to standards in which the Palestinians are not, thus why the conflict continues. If they are attacked, they are expected to not respond. It is outrageous.
depotoo, Quadravius, et al,

This is a very controversial and political sensitive issue.

The center of the controversy is based upon the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Law Communities, and selected member nations, allowing and shielding the Arab Palestinians in their effort to pursue Jihad and acts committed as part of a widespread and systematic attacks directed against the Israeli civilian population; and setting the conditions such that the Arab Palestinian is protected from a combat engagement that would represent a decisive victory and resolve the seven decade old war that is promoted by the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Community.

We have no obligation to follow international law. We are a sovereign nation.

If exterminating Palestinians like they aren't even humans is your nation's prerogative, who is anyone else to question it? Am I right?

The Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Law have been a major contributing factors the continuation and prolonging of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Any Pro-Arab Palestinian will tell you that it is their right to use any and all means to attack Israeli civilians and civil objects; without regard to Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Law. However, the reciprocal arrangement is not the same in its application towards Israel. By definition this is unequal under the law. And it demonstrates a complicity between the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights (HR) Community with the Arab-Palestinians to circumvent the IHL in favor or the Arab Palestinians; accomplices in the establishment of a widespread and systematic attacks directed against the Israeli civilian population.

Most Respectfully,
Quadravius, irosie91, et al,

Our friend "irosie91" has a good question...

We have no obligation to follow international law. We are a sovereign nation.

If exterminating Palestinians like they aren't even humans is your nation's prerogative, who is anyone else to question it? Am I right?

"Palestinians" got exterminated? when? last nite?

I do not believe that the Jewish State of Israel is engaged in any form of "extermination" --- "ethnic cleansing" --- or --- "genocide." There is a steady growth in the population of Palestine. I see no indication of such a program.

Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 7.22.58 AM.png
Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 7.26.57 AM.png
As you can see from the time index stamp, this data was pulled within minutes of each other. As you can see, the death rate in Israel is twice that of Palestine. If there is some widespread or systematic program directed against Palestinian population, with intent, in whole or in part, "exterminate" the Palestinians --- it is a complete failure, and may be acting in reverse.

Palestinian Authority population 2015

During 2015 Palestinian Authority population is projected to increased by 116 097 people and reach 4 704 904 in the beginning of 2016. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 116 097. Because of the lack of official information related to external migration we do not include it to our estimation. Most probably the difference between immigrants and emigrants is not significant and is close to zero. That means the population of Palestinian Authority is changing mainly due the natural reasons only (births and deaths).

Population dynamics in 2015
According to our estimations, daily change rates of Palestinian Authority population in 2015 will be the following:

  • 362 live births average per day (15.07 in a hour)
  • 44 deaths average per day (1.82 in a hour)
  • 0 people due to external migration (0.00 in a hour)
The population of Palestinian Authority will be increased by 318 persons daily in 2015.
Most Respectfully,


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