Who is Charles Rettig? The IRS agent Tramp put in office.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Rettig has also been a pioneer in representing scores of wealthy taxpayers seeking to disclose their unreported offshore bank accounts to the IRS in exchange for reduced penalties for what is often years of fraudulent tax avoidance. In 2014 and again in 2017, Rettig sued the IRS on behalf of clients seeking to reduce their tax penalty payments.

In 2002, Rettig gave a hint of his strategy if he leads the IRS when he told The Los Angeles Times, “The purpose of the IRS criminal division is deterrence. The IRS prosecutes a few cases, they get some publicity, and everybody else falls in line.”

Rettig switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat after Barack Obama was elected president and then back to Republican after Trump became president.


Although Rettig donated only $375 to Donald Trump in 2016, and nothing to Hillary Clinton, he contributed in a more substantial way by writing an article for Forbes defending Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns during an audit. However, he also speculated that Trump “likely pays taxes at a lesser rate than many of us” and that he “may be worth far less than the approximately $10 billion he wants us to believe,” a point known to be an especially sore one for Trump.

Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service: Who Is Charles Rettig?

I expect Tramps tax returns are not being audit, but he and Tramp will say they are being audited. Who better to put in charge of the IRS but a man who sued the IRS twice.
Rettig has also been a pioneer in representing scores of wealthy taxpayers seeking to disclose their unreported offshore bank accounts to the IRS in exchange for reduced penalties for what is often years of fraudulent tax avoidance. In 2014 and again in 2017, Rettig sued the IRS on behalf of clients seeking to reduce their tax penalty payments.

In 2002, Rettig gave a hint of his strategy if he leads the IRS when he told The Los Angeles Times, “The purpose of the IRS criminal division is deterrence. The IRS prosecutes a few cases, they get some publicity, and everybody else falls in line.”

Rettig switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat after Barack Obama was elected president and then back to Republican after Trump became president.


Although Rettig donated only $375 to Donald Trump in 2016, and nothing to Hillary Clinton, he contributed in a more substantial way by writing an article for Forbes defending Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns during an audit. However, he also speculated that Trump “likely pays taxes at a lesser rate than many of us” and that he “may be worth far less than the approximately $10 billion he wants us to believe,” a point known to be an especially sore one for Trump.

Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service: Who Is Charles Rettig?

I expect Tramps tax returns are not being audit, but he and Tramp will say they are being audited. Who better to put in charge of the IRS but a man who sued the IRS twice.
expect Tramps tax returns are not being audit, but he and Tramp will say they are being audited. Who better to put in charge of the IRS but a man who sued the IRS twice.
Especially when the same man is apparently one of Trump's business partners

The IRS Commissioner has a stake in a Trump-branded property

"When Trump nominated Rettig to lead the IRS in February 2018, Rettig initially failed to disclose that the Hawaii real estate he owned was at a Trump-branded property.

"He bought a 50 percent interest in two units at Trump International Waikiki in 2006 ahead of the building’s completion in 2009.

"It is likely that Trump profited off of his future-IRS commissioner’s purchase; although the Trump Organization does not own the Waikiki property, its branding deal gave it a 10 percent share of total pre-sales.

"Records indicate Rettig is definitely making money from this purchase: on his financial disclosure, he reported an income between $100,000 and $1 million in rent and/or royalties from the units.

"The two one-bedroom condos are valued around $1.2 million each, according to Hawaii property records.

"President Trump also made a promotional appearance at the property in 2017 ahead of a diplomatic trip."

It is becoming harder and harder to believe any crony-capitalist with the history of corruption that Trump had could find enough low information bigots to put him in the White House.
Rettig has also been a pioneer in representing scores of wealthy taxpayers seeking to disclose their unreported offshore bank accounts to the IRS in exchange for reduced penalties for what is often years of fraudulent tax avoidance. In 2014 and again in 2017, Rettig sued the IRS on behalf of clients seeking to reduce their tax penalty payments.

In 2002, Rettig gave a hint of his strategy if he leads the IRS when he told The Los Angeles Times, “The purpose of the IRS criminal division is deterrence. The IRS prosecutes a few cases, they get some publicity, and everybody else falls in line.”

Rettig switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat after Barack Obama was elected president and then back to Republican after Trump became president.


Although Rettig donated only $375 to Donald Trump in 2016, and nothing to Hillary Clinton, he contributed in a more substantial way by writing an article for Forbes defending Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns during an audit. However, he also speculated that Trump “likely pays taxes at a lesser rate than many of us” and that he “may be worth far less than the approximately $10 billion he wants us to believe,” a point known to be an especially sore one for Trump.

Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service: Who Is Charles Rettig?

I expect Tramps tax returns are not being audit, but he and Tramp will say they are being audited. Who better to put in charge of the IRS but a man who sued the IRS twice.
expect Tramps tax returns are not being audit, but he and Tramp will say they are being audited. Who better to put in charge of the IRS but a man who sued the IRS twice.
Especially when the same man is apparently one of Trump's business partners

The IRS Commissioner has a stake in a Trump-branded property

"When Trump nominated Rettig to lead the IRS in February 2018, Rettig initially failed to disclose that the Hawaii real estate he owned was at a Trump-branded property.

"He bought a 50 percent interest in two units at Trump International Waikiki in 2006 ahead of the building’s completion in 2009.

"It is likely that Trump profited off of his future-IRS commissioner’s purchase; although the Trump Organization does not own the Waikiki property, its branding deal gave it a 10 percent share of total pre-sales.

"Records indicate Rettig is definitely making money from this purchase: on his financial disclosure, he reported an income between $100,000 and $1 million in rent and/or royalties from the units.

"The two one-bedroom condos are valued around $1.2 million each, according to Hawaii property records.

"President Trump also made a promotional appearance at the property in 2017 ahead of a diplomatic trip."

It is becoming harder and harder to believe any crony-capitalist with the history of corruption that Trump had could find enough low information bigots to put him in the White House.

Hillary Clinton: "Why Aren't I 50 Points Ahead?

Rettig has also been a pioneer in representing scores of wealthy taxpayers seeking to disclose their unreported offshore bank accounts to the IRS in exchange for reduced penalties for what is often years of fraudulent tax avoidance. In 2014 and again in 2017, Rettig sued the IRS on behalf of clients seeking to reduce their tax penalty payments.

In 2002, Rettig gave a hint of his strategy if he leads the IRS when he told The Los Angeles Times, “The purpose of the IRS criminal division is deterrence. The IRS prosecutes a few cases, they get some publicity, and everybody else falls in line.”

Rettig switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat after Barack Obama was elected president and then back to Republican after Trump became president.


Although Rettig donated only $375 to Donald Trump in 2016, and nothing to Hillary Clinton, he contributed in a more substantial way by writing an article for Forbes defending Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns during an audit. However, he also speculated that Trump “likely pays taxes at a lesser rate than many of us” and that he “may be worth far less than the approximately $10 billion he wants us to believe,” a point known to be an especially sore one for Trump.

Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service: Who Is Charles Rettig?

I expect Tramps tax returns are not being audit, but he and Tramp will say they are being audited. Who better to put in charge of the IRS but a man who sued the IRS twice.
expect Tramps tax returns are not being audit, but he and Tramp will say they are being audited. Who better to put in charge of the IRS but a man who sued the IRS twice.
Especially when the same man is apparently one of Trump's business partners

The IRS Commissioner has a stake in a Trump-branded property

"When Trump nominated Rettig to lead the IRS in February 2018, Rettig initially failed to disclose that the Hawaii real estate he owned was at a Trump-branded property.

"He bought a 50 percent interest in two units at Trump International Waikiki in 2006 ahead of the building’s completion in 2009.

"It is likely that Trump profited off of his future-IRS commissioner’s purchase; although the Trump Organization does not own the Waikiki property, its branding deal gave it a 10 percent share of total pre-sales.

"Records indicate Rettig is definitely making money from this purchase: on his financial disclosure, he reported an income between $100,000 and $1 million in rent and/or royalties from the units.

"The two one-bedroom condos are valued around $1.2 million each, according to Hawaii property records.

"President Trump also made a promotional appearance at the property in 2017 ahead of a diplomatic trip."

It is becoming harder and harder to believe any crony-capitalist with the history of corruption that Trump had could find enough low information bigots to put him in the White House.

Hillary Clinton: "Why Aren't I 50 Points Ahead?


Trump vs. Congress and Our Constitution

"Donald Trump is the most impeachable president in American history...."

"The six major House Committees are investigating issues ranging from his tax returns and business dealings to the documented serial obstructions of justice documented in the Mueller Report.

"As these investigations move well beyond what is already on the public record and more Americans learn their contents, there will be more than enough to substantiate numerous articles of impeachment.

"Plus a new one of Trump’s own creation— the wholesale, broadside obstruction of all these Congressional investigations, defying subpoenas for sworn testimony and documents, amounting to a gigantic contempt of Congress – itself an impeachable offense."

But, but, and but "what about Hillary?"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department allowed at least seven foreign governments to rent luxury condominiums in New York’s Trump World Tower in 2017 without approval from Congress, according to documents and people familiar with the leases, a potential violation of the U.S. Constitution’s emoluments clause.


The records show that in the eight months following Trump’s January 20, 2017 inauguration, foreign governments sent 13 notes to the State Department seeking permission to rent or renew leases in Trump World Tower. That is more solicitations from foreign governments for new or renewed leases in that building than in the previous two years combined.

The governments of Iraq, Kuwait, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Thailand and the European Union got the green light to rent a combined eight units in Trump World Tower and followed through with leases, according to other documents viewed by Reuters and people familiar with the leases. Five of those governments - Kuwait, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the European Union - had also sought to rent units there in 2015 and 2016, State Department records showed.

Exclusive: Foreign government leases at Trump World Tower stir more emoluments concerns - Reuters

Pay for play on steroids.

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