Who Is Chad Taylor--Putting Kansas Senate Race In Play


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Democrats in Montana, likely sometime this week, can put a Ted Turner look-alike into the Senate race in that state--strongly pro-environment, able to wave a flag and bless the air force, all at the same time, even chewing gum.

Kansas Democrats seem to have already picked a winner! This appears on a facebook page, in just the last few hours, August 11, morning-time. This is for Chad Taylor, Democrat for Senate in Kansas!

"Did You Know: Chad has established innovative DA units that have garnered attention from as far away as Orange Co., California; that he is a staunch supporter of government transparency; and that he grows crops in his downtime? Let's send a Kansan to DC!"

In the most recent Rasmussen look at the Kansas race, Roberts is below the 50% comfort zone, and Democrat innovator Taylor is within four points! That gets close to a statistical tie!

RealClearPolitics - Election 2014 - Kansas Senate - Roberts vs. Taylor

Democrat Taylor has challenged Roberts to debate in all 105 counties in Kansas. Anyone can recall--anyone old can recall(?)--that Senator Bob Dole of Kansas could do actual broad-scale, large-scale,leadership things, and then even go on to a healthy career in liberal TV advertising(?).

Kansas does have the innovative streak, of fortune to the Nation--and the world--as a whole. Maybe no one has ever heard of Roberts. Likely that would easily be said, a kind of blessing, from that state.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Maybe many White Eyes come to California--to Lands of Many Nations--now that Great Spirit has watered even many Palms Springs golf courses, for the summer! Golf is good, in California. . . . .and Great games are found nearby!)
Hawaii appears ready to bail out of its disaster mode, post election, in that Governor's race. That primary election still awaits ballots from two impacted counties. As for that governor, there was a Democrat, making a disaster of himself. That one is gone already.

A Paul Davis / Anti-Brownback coat-tail effect does seem ready to put a Senator Taylor into mix in the 2015 U. S. Senate. "Lawrenceville Liberal" doesn't conjure a Paul Davis, Democrat, "evil-doer," kind of imagery for getting out the kind of vote on which Brownback relies. Then going further, that imagery doesn't even apply to the Taylor campaign. The Republicans as likely could point out that Mickey Mouse is colored(?), and just maybe even even suggest that Mickey, too: Is probably from Lawrenceville(?)! Kansas City Art Institute, knew that brand(?). . .where Walt Disney went to learn about color(?) Most of Kansas would likely yawn, and at any rate that has nothing to do with the Taylor campaign. Mostly, Steamboat Willie was in black and white.

Brownback relies in idiosycracies that resonate. He is mainly doing well in the non-random CBS/YouGov type of polling.

CBS/YouGov seemed to favor GOP nationwide. The showing for GOP in that poll is evidence of what was being polled. There was no pretense in calling that a random polling sample. That was a paid survey-taking sample, from that level of "population." There are lots of people, but easily just as likely to vote for Tom Dewey against Truman!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit come to Lands of Many Nations. . . Now selling firewater back to even, BIA, when it does show up!)
Senator Landrieu's race in Lousiana has been trending toward tied in August, and now even Barack Obama is a war hero.

Anyone can point out, of course, "Just Like Bush. . .In the National Guard. . .If he was?!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(One thing about Vladimir Putin of Russia. He does seem to have a penchant for killing off White People! He kills them on the ground. He kills them in the air! There goes a fellow who wants a statue like Abraham Lincoln got, except maybe a whole lot bigger(?)!)

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