Who is Buying District Attorneys?


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.

UH OH your OP mentions George FUCKING Soros and that means that:

TRIGGERED Leftists aka Communists in to DERAIL the thread and call you Anti-Semitic in 4....3....2....1 :abgg2q.jpg:
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.

Funding Pro-Criminal and Anti-Police SJW District Attorney Candidates, basically IF you are Pro-Criminal and Anti-Police then you ARE yourself a criminal.
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.

Isn't Soros' influence a symptom of a bigger phenomena?

Yuri Bezmenov used to say - "The US managed to break-up the Soviet Union,
but the Soviet Union won the war inside the US, and with greater success,
than comrade Andropov could ever imagine in his wildest dreams".
They put conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza in jail for contributing a couple of hundred dollars to a republican candidate over the legal limit but nobody seems concerned that the gigantic Media Matters (tax exempt) empire funded by George Soros is alleged to be bankrolling democrat candidates with millions in illegal contributions.
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.
Buying off DAs?..oh you mean like how Trump bought off that DA in Florida to drop her investigation into Trump University..Florida AG Spiked Probe Into Trump University After Receiving a Campaign Donation From Donald Trump
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.
Buying off DAs?..oh you mean like how Trump bought off that DA in Florida to drop her investigation into Trump University..Florida AG Spiked Probe Into Trump University After Receiving a Campaign Donation From Donald Trump

The OP is NOT about The Donald. Need some help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome? Here:

As though you tin foil hats don't start ranting about Obama on any given topic...please
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.
Buying off DAs?..oh you mean like how Trump bought off that DA in Florida to drop her investigation into Trump University..Florida AG Spiked Probe Into Trump University After Receiving a Campaign Donation From Donald Trump
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.
Buying off DAs?..oh you mean like how Trump bought off that DA in Florida to drop her investigation into Trump University..Florida AG Spiked Probe Into Trump University After Receiving a Campaign Donation From Donald Trump

The OP is NOT about The Donald. Need some help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome? Here:

View attachment 388531
The OP is not about people buying off DAs??
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.

UH OH your OP mentions George FUCKING Soros and that means that:

TRIGGERED Leftists aka Communists in to DERAIL the thread and call you Anti-Semitic in 4....3....2....1 :abgg2q.jpg:
Your off your meds aren't you..
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies."More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

Everyone knows that and yet here still walks Soros as a free CITIZEN of the USA, doing business around the world, bank accounts not seized, no international order for his arrest, no global hunt to track him down as a criminal and threat against America like Osama bin Laden.

If I did 1/10th as much, I would have been arrested and locked away years ago, all my assets seized. Was Marc Rich worse than Soros? He was convicted in court and needed a presidential pardon to escape jail.

How many Wall Street and SNL managers went to jail in 2008 for the banking meltdown?

Edward Snowden remains in Russian exile with a price on his head having exposed criminal wrongdoing by the NSA even after it has been revealed that what he said was true and the NSA programs were indeed illegal! Yet George remains a free man with his billions playing Monopoly with the world's economy wreaking havoc as he laughs.

That must makes us the biggest idiot fools on the planet or does it suggest something even worse?
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.
Buying off DAs?..oh you mean like how Trump bought off that DA in Florida to drop her investigation into Trump University..Florida AG Spiked Probe Into Trump University After Receiving a Campaign Donation From Donald Trump

The OP is NOT about The Donald. Need some help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome? Here:

View attachment 388531
The OP is not about people buying off DAs??

No the OP is not about peoples buying off DAs. The OP is about George FUCKING Soros buying off DAs.

PLEASE learn READING COMPREHENSION Little Boy Ben, to refresh the below is the OP:

How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.

UH OH your OP mentions George FUCKING Soros and that means that:

TRIGGERED Leftists aka Communists in to DERAIL the thread and call you Anti-Semitic in 4....3....2....1 :abgg2q.jpg:
Your off your meds aren't you..

As you are a Noob Little Boy Ben, you will not know that there was a time when someone only had to MENTION George FUCKING Soros and there would be a crowd of America Hating Leftist Trolls and American Traitor Leftist Trolls who would literally invade and attempt to derail the thread by calling everyone Anti-Semitic for DARING to NAME you know George FUCKING Soros.

They did this in an attempt to shut everyone in said threads up, hilariously it backfired as with EVERYTHING Leftists aka Communists do because NOBODY did shut up.
How would you feel if you learned that someone is funding the campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across America? Long time cable TV show host Bill O’Reilly says, “Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.” George Soros is now 90 years old. For the last several decades, within the bounds of an odd decorum, he has done all he can to destroy America and her allies.

"More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS,” O’Reilly says, Soros, “has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support."

It's long been known that George Soros influences governments and impacts economies around the world, whether it's fomenting riots to undermine national sovereignty or sinking a nation's currency to enrich himself. Soros, through his various organizations, is a micromanager as well, seeking to manipulate politics on a state and even local basis.

BJ's Pull quote

“Since 2015, George Soros has spent more than $17 million on district attorney races,” notes O’Reilly. That is why we’re witnessing an apparent collapse of the U.S. criminal justice system.
Buying off DAs?..oh you mean like how Trump bought off that DA in Florida to drop her investigation into Trump University..Florida AG Spiked Probe Into Trump University After Receiving a Campaign Donation From Donald Trump

The OP is NOT about The Donald. Need some help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome? Here:

View attachment 388531
The OP is not about people buying off DAs??

No the OP is not about peoples buying off DAs. The OP is about George FUCKING Soros buying off DAs.

PLEASE learn READING COMPREHENSION Little Boy Ben, to refresh the below is the OP:

Home life has not been kind to Ben.

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