Who has more flaws, Trump or Biden (dems keep bashing Trump w/o looking at Biden)

Which candidate has more flaws that would affect his job as president, Trump or Biden?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 12 70.6%

  • Total voters
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.

So convince me that Biden would be better. You have only whined about Trump. Biden could be much worse, such as in China's pocket, and pocketing cash for Hunter all over the world.
I've given you facts. How is that whining? Biden could be much worse, we don't know. What we know is trump is awful.

What we know is you wouldn't vote for Trump if we still had our economy and he came up with a solution to erase the national debt. You still wouldn't vote for him. I don't care that you people have TDS, I just wish you can be honest once in a while.
Why would I vote for him when all his big policy has failed?

His policies were just fine. We'd still be enjoying a booming economy right now if not for the virus. He did wonders on the border problem, wonders with the economy, wonders with trade although a few were tougher to deal with. We were doing fantastic. Wages were rising, new housing on the increase. He even solved the North Korea problem.

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Still looking for that “booming economy” you keep talking about.

Lowest unemployment in 50 years. Over a million more jobs than Americans that could work them. When has that ever happened in our lives before? How much better could it get? How many new market highs have been set in his three years of leadership?

Lots of presidents set market highs because the market basically always goes up.

Unemployment hit record levels only because it started a very low level.

There was no economic boom.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.

So convince me that Biden would be better. You have only whined about Trump. Biden could be much worse, such as in China's pocket, and pocketing cash for Hunter all over the world.
I've given you facts. How is that whining? Biden could be much worse, we don't know. What we know is trump is awful.
Here is your post that I replied to:
"Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad."

1. True Biden has never been president (thank God)
2. Trump is not young, (ok, true, but he's younger than Biden)
3. Trump's presidency is bad. ( I disagree. Trump had a few bad policies, but his presidency has generally been successful)

4. Calling Trump's presidency bad w/o listing a few reasons is "whining", without reasons backing up your "bad".

Biden does not appear to have the available intellect to carry out the duties of the office of President, that's a no-brainer fact.
You have seen my reasons over and over. At this point you really need them again? Read this thread!!!!!!
LOL!! You and I have been arguing over your "reasons" for days. I disagree with most. The only one I'll agree with is that the tax cut for the top tax bracket was bad, and the ensuing budget deficit was worse. But that's about it for me. All in all I like the Trump presidency, and his "promises kept".

I see you had another poster (Dr. Grump) try to explain the trade deficit to you. Do you get it now or not?
Actually you have agreed with most of them. He has failed on the big issues and kept lame partisan promises. You are a partisan so you are cool with it. I am not cool with huge failures.
Obama's huge failures. Are you cool with these, partisan?
2. Gun policy
3. Terrorism
4. Health care
5. Foreign affairs
6. Iran relations
7. The economy
8. Job performance
9. Climate change
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
Yes you are a troll. You love failed policy from your guy.
I explained otherwise. Sucks you cannot remember that. Don’t take it out on me that you have dementia. Also proved you were wrong but you forgot that too.
No you are certainly a troll. You only make claims that you can’t back up. You are a waste of time here, go away.
LMAO. Your dementia is amusing. Trump2020.
Your babbling is a waste of time . Nothing is going well for the country. Do you have anything resembling a fact to counter?
Gave you many but you forgot them all. Not wasting my time teaching the unreachable. You are either old with dementia or stupid. Which is it?
It's not that I have forgotten, it's just they are weak and easily dismissed. Why do you dodge again?
Because they were neither weak nor easily dismissed. If you remember. Then list one of 10 I provided.
You are still dodging? Troll.
That would be you. I gave You 10. List one. Seems simple unless you have dementia. Or do you admit you don’t remember the debate? You ran off like a defeated rat last time too.
The garbage you spew is embarrassing. No way I'm going to repeat it, you don't even want to. Sad.
Want to or cannot? Just admit you forgot. I am done wasting my time with a raving old lunatic. You actually agreed with me but you forgot that too it seems. Sad old man.
Keep dodging troll.
Are you looking in the mirror when you say that? If I find that post where I answered you before to show you have dementia do you promise to leave this board forever?
Flaws don't matter except for republicans. One thing you can depend on is the mainstream media defending Biden, obscuring his problems and throwing him softball non-confrontational questions when they get the chance. The only hope for democrats is to keep their presumptive nominee locked in a basement with his caregiver wife until the election.

Proof of that is how they will insist Joe not attend any debate against Trump. Trump will wipe the floor with him, and they know it.
He can talk about his less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits? Or how his handling of the pandemic closed the country?
are you saying if a democrat was president the country would have never shut down?......everything would have been as if very little had happened to disrup our lives?....
We have no idea. What we know is that it hasn’t gone well under a republican.
so i assume under obama we would not be here discussing the pandemic i take it.....
Obama seemed to deal with his potential pandemics much better. I don't recall the country shutting down.
this pandemic aint like the old ones.....obama may have fucked up too,because we havent experienced something like this one....you party people should quit playing your little political tit for tat bullshit and start helping with solutions......and i dont mean the solution you sometimes have in your underpants when you wake up.....
Well he didn't. Trump sure did though. I remember him on the TV telling us it was contained. Right.
he didnt fuck up because we have been thru lots of regular flu epidemics.....this one was a little bit different, wasnt it brain?.....
Trump told us over and over again it was just like the flu. You are saying he was wrong?
why dont you answer the question i asked instead of trying to dance around it.....was this thing different than previous viral outbreaks?.....
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.

So convince me that Biden would be better. You have only whined about Trump. Biden could be much worse, such as in China's pocket, and pocketing cash for Hunter all over the world.
I've given you facts. How is that whining? Biden could be much worse, we don't know. What we know is trump is awful.

What we know is you wouldn't vote for Trump if we still had our economy and he came up with a solution to erase the national debt. You still wouldn't vote for him. I don't care that you people have TDS, I just wish you can be honest once in a while.
Why would I vote for him when all his big policy has failed?

His policies were just fine. We'd still be enjoying a booming economy right now if not for the virus. He did wonders on the border problem, wonders with the economy, wonders with trade although a few were tougher to deal with. We were doing fantastic. Wages were rising, new housing on the increase. He even solved the North Korea problem.

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Still looking for that “booming economy” you keep talking about.

Lowest unemployment in 50 years. Over a million more jobs than Americans that could work them. When has that ever happened in our lives before? How much better could it get? How many new market highs have been set in his three years of leadership?

Lots of presidents set market highs because the market basically always goes up.

Unemployment hit record levels only because it started a very low level.

There was no economic boom.
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Now really? Well then do entertain us. Since Trump brought us to the point of having more jobs that left us short with over a million Americans deficit, what to you is a booming economy? Two million, five million, What???
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But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?
I think Trump has demonstrated a propensity to base decisions on wishful thinking and I think it’s had disastrous consequences.
Like what? Give me a few examples. I can show that his instinct to move US troop out of the way of the Turkish invasion of Syria worked well, even after his generals warned of a "Kurd Slaughter". Trump gave the Kurds oil fields to fund their defense.

Trump's crushing of ISIS when Obama let them grow and grow is another example of Trump's instincts.

The southern border wall is another.

Stopping flights from China is another, when Biden and Pelosi called him xenophobic & racist.

I could go on and on, but your "whine" about Trump is baseless.
“Worked well” in Syria is absurd. What good did we accomplish? Scores of Kurdish were killed by Turkey, in their home country, and thousands displaced from their homes. We didn’t give them any oil fields they didn’t already control.

Obama put together a coalition to fight ISIS that had already turned the tide. The control of ISIS was shrinking and ISIS was in retreat on all fronts when Trump took over. All he had to do was continue the same strategy.

What border wall?

He didn’t stop flights from China.

He didn’t properly screen travelers. He didn’t take the virus seriously. He didn’t ramp up equipment production. He didn’t ramp up testing. He didn’t stop travel to Europe. He was too afraid to take action for fear of souring the economy and pissing off China which would potentially have impeded his real priority which was a trade deal.

Are you really this stupid....? Wait, you don't need to answer that, your post answered for you...

isis was growing under obama who called them the JV team....remember, you idiot...they were rolled back and all the land they controlled taken back under Trump, you doofus.......

Trump has been building that wall, but the democrat press has been busy lying about the Chinese Flu and the impeachment....

And Trump ended travel to China when you shitstains called him a racist and a xenophobe, he moved army and navy hospitals to cover New York and California and got PPE and Ventilators assembled in record time, you doofus.....so much so that the military hospitals closed down, almost completely unused, and there were so many ventilators available New York didn't need them....you doofus.....

When y’all start calling me stupid is pretty much when I know you don’t know what you’re talking about.

ISIS peaked in 2014 and was losing territory for several years before Trump took office in 2017. Under Obama, ISIS had lost about a third of its territory. Sorry you don’t know that, but I can’t educate all of you.

Trump didn’t end travel with China.

Trump only acted after it was clear his wishful thinking wasn’t going to cut it. Remember, the virus was just supposed to disappear in May.

So there you go. A little free education. Next time I suggest you think for yourself and read instead of lazily repeating the shit Trump tells you to believe.
How much did the territory that ISIS controlled INCREASE because of Barry's premature withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq? How many people died horrible deaths because of Obama's policy decisions? How many millions had to flee for their lives to escape ISIS? Your defense of Obama falls on it's face!

Our troops had been in Iraq for a decade. There wasn’t anything premature about it.
Obama's generals told him to leave 24,000 combat troops in Iraq. Barry wanted to run for reelection as the President who ended combat operations in Iraq. That decision...made for political reasons...doomed tens of thousands of innocent people in the Middle East to terrible deaths and caused millions to flee to save themselves from the same fate!
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.
Joe Biden is an "unknown"? Did you really just claim that? He's been the same idiot since Richard Nixon was in office! The guy that kept running for President and kept having to quit because he did or said something so colossally stupid his campaign implodes!
How many times has he been president? We know how trump is as president, and that has lead to the country shut down.
Trump didn't shut the country down. Shutdowns were done by individual States Governors.

Joe Biden is a life long politician...someone too stupid to function in the Private Sector! He's run for President repeatedly and each time he's done so has been forced to throw in the towel because of his gaffes.
States shut down based on the trump guidelines. They are on the White House website.
Once again...Trump deliberately left it up to individual Governors how they would handle shutdowns. Guidelines are exactly that...guidelines! They aren't regulations...they aren't law!
Trump has all the resources and information. You think trump gave bad guidelines? He failed the states?
He gave the same "guidelines" to all of the Governors! How they implemented those guidelines was strictly up to them! So why are Democratically controlled States faring so much worse in this pandemic than GOP controlled States?
Are you saying trump gave bad advice that the dem states followed and so they are doing worse? What is your point?
I'm saying that Trump gave guidelines. It was up to each individual Governor to determine how to handle the pandemic. So why is it that the Democratically controlled States like Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and New Jersey have been the hardest hit by the pandemic and State controlled by Republicans are the first to rebound?
What republican states has the kind of traffic as NY? You will have to prove that Repub states are somehow doing better. There are a lot that nobody visits, so pretty clear why they never had a problem.
Ah, Florida? We have one or two "visitors"! (eye roll)
Ok Florida. I guess you are claiming they did something better? Please share what that was. Last I checked Disney is still shut down....
Despite we're the State KNOWN for having an elderly population we've had far fewer deaths from Covid 19 then was predicted early on. Now we're ahead of the curve for reopening of our economy. Restaurants are now operating at a 50% capacity and Disney is opening as well. Meanwhile Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and New Jersey are extending their shut downs.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.
Joe Biden is an "unknown"? Did you really just claim that? He's been the same idiot since Richard Nixon was in office! The guy that kept running for President and kept having to quit because he did or said something so colossally stupid his campaign implodes!
How many times has he been president? We know how trump is as president, and that has lead to the country shut down.
Trump did not shut down a damn thing. My state was shut down by a libtard Democrat.
Flaws don't matter except for republicans. One thing you can depend on is the mainstream media defending Biden, obscuring his problems and throwing him softball non-confrontational questions when they get the chance. The only hope for democrats is to keep their presumptive nominee locked in a basement with his caregiver wife until the election.

Proof of that is how they will insist Joe not attend any debate against Trump. Trump will wipe the floor with him, and they know it.
He can talk about his less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits? Or how his handling of the pandemic closed the country?
are you saying if a democrat was president the country would have never shut down?......everything would have been as if very little had happened to disrup our lives?....
We have no idea. What we know is that it hasn’t gone well under a republican.
Interesting...what parts of the country are weathering this better than others...States run by Republicans or States run by Democrats?
They are following the trump guidelines, does it matter?

No, they are not. Not a single state has met the guidelines for testing and contact tracing for Phase 1. Why? It can't be done.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.
Joe Biden is an "unknown"? Did you really just claim that? He's been the same idiot since Richard Nixon was in office! The guy that kept running for President and kept having to quit because he did or said something so colossally stupid his campaign implodes!
How many times has he been president? We know how trump is as president, and that has lead to the country shut down.
Trump didn't shut the country down. Shutdowns were done by individual States Governors.

Joe Biden is a life long politician...someone too stupid to function in the Private Sector! He's run for President repeatedly and each time he's done so has been forced to throw in the towel because of his gaffes.
States shut down based on the trump guidelines. They are on the White House website.

That's what's called recommendations.
So they shouldn’t listen to the president and his team who have all the resources and information? Did he give bad recommendations?

No, not at all. Each state is under a different set of circumstances. You can't have Montana adopt New York's way of handling the problem. Should the Governors heed the Presidents warning, yes they should have in most cases. However the main reason for that recommendation was to stop the possibility of the hospitals being overrun with Covid patients. Once that threat was well under control, each state or city had to adjust to their needs.
You sure are being dishonest. Either the guidelines are good and states should follow or not. What is it?

What am I being dishonest about? Look, now Trump is recommending things slowly open back up. Is everybody doing it? Of course not. Look at what the liberal states are doing. They are letting prisoners out of jail so they don't catch the virus, allowing them to rob, rape and even murder people, and locking up harmless business owners to catch the virus simply because they went against shutdown orders by the Governor.
Everyone is following the trump guidelines as far as I know. Who isn't? Support with link.
Phase one requires states to have testing in place and contact tracing, No state has done contact tracing because it is unConstitutional and violates HIPAA.
Flaws don't matter except for republicans. One thing you can depend on is the mainstream media defending Biden, obscuring his problems and throwing him softball non-confrontational questions when they get the chance. The only hope for democrats is to keep their presumptive nominee locked in a basement with his caregiver wife until the election.

Proof of that is how they will insist Joe not attend any debate against Trump. Trump will wipe the floor with him, and they know it.
He can talk about his less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits? Or how his handling of the pandemic closed the country?
are you saying if a democrat was president the country would have never shut down?......everything would have been as if very little had happened to disrup our lives?....
We have no idea. What we know is that it hasn’t gone well under a republican.
so i assume under obama we would not be here discussing the pandemic i take it.....
Obama seemed to deal with his potential pandemics much better. I don't recall the country shutting down.
this pandemic aint like the old ones.....obama may have fucked up too,because we havent experienced something like this one....you party people should quit playing your little political tit for tat bullshit and start helping with solutions......and i dont mean the solution you sometimes have in your underpants when you wake up.....
Well he didn't. Trump sure did though. I remember him on the TV telling us it was contained. Right.
That's what the WHO and China were telling him at the time, dumbass!
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The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.
Joe Biden is an "unknown"? Did you really just claim that? He's been the same idiot since Richard Nixon was in office! The guy that kept running for President and kept having to quit because he did or said something so colossally stupid his campaign implodes!
How many times has he been president? We know how trump is as president, and that has lead to the country shut down.
Trump didn't shut the country down. Shutdowns were done by individual States Governors.

Joe Biden is a life long politician...someone too stupid to function in the Private Sector! He's run for President repeatedly and each time he's done so has been forced to throw in the towel because of his gaffes.
States shut down based on the trump guidelines. They are on the White House website.
Once again...Trump deliberately left it up to individual Governors how they would handle shutdowns. Guidelines are exactly that...guidelines! They aren't regulations...they aren't law!
Trump has all the resources and information. You think trump gave bad guidelines? He failed the states?
He gave the same "guidelines" to all of the Governors! How they implemented those guidelines was strictly up to them! So why are Democratically controlled States faring so much worse in this pandemic than GOP controlled States?
Are you saying trump gave bad advice that the dem states followed and so they are doing worse? What is your point?
I'm saying that Trump gave guidelines. It was up to each individual Governor to determine how to handle the pandemic. So why is it that the Democratically controlled States like Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and New Jersey have been the hardest hit by the pandemic and State controlled by Republicans are the first to rebound?
What republican states has the kind of traffic as NY? You will have to prove that Repub states are somehow doing better. There are a lot that nobody visits, so pretty clear why they never had a problem.

What does traffic have to do with it?
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.
Joe Biden is an "unknown"? Did you really just claim that? He's been the same idiot since Richard Nixon was in office! The guy that kept running for President and kept having to quit because he did or said something so colossally stupid his campaign implodes!
How many times has he been president? We know how trump is as president, and that has lead to the country shut down.
Trump didn't shut the country down. Shutdowns were done by individual States Governors.

Joe Biden is a life long politician...someone too stupid to function in the Private Sector! He's run for President repeatedly and each time he's done so has been forced to throw in the towel because of his gaffes.
States shut down based on the trump guidelines. They are on the White House website.
Once again...Trump deliberately left it up to individual Governors how they would handle shutdowns. Guidelines are exactly that...guidelines! They aren't regulations...they aren't law!
Trump has all the resources and information. You think trump gave bad guidelines? He failed the states?
He gave the same "guidelines" to all of the Governors! How they implemented those guidelines was strictly up to them! So why are Democratically controlled States faring so much worse in this pandemic than GOP controlled States?
Are you saying trump gave bad advice that the dem states followed and so they are doing worse? What is your point?
I'm saying that Trump gave guidelines. It was up to each individual Governor to determine how to handle the pandemic. So why is it that the Democratically controlled States like Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and New Jersey have been the hardest hit by the pandemic and State controlled by Republicans are the first to rebound?
What republican states has the kind of traffic as NY? You will have to prove that Repub states are somehow doing better. There are a lot that nobody visits, so pretty clear why they never had a problem.
Ah, Florida? We have one or two "visitors"! (eye roll)
Ok Florida. I guess you are claiming they did something better? Please share what that was. Last I checked Disney is still shut down....
They are making preps to reopen in June.

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