Who Funds the Far Left? You’ll Be Surprised


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Power Line by John Hinderaker

The Center for American Progress is a left-wing organization that is closely associated with the Obama administration. Its principal product is a web site called Think Progress. Think Progress is part of the internet cesspool that modern liberalism has become. Written by hack left-wing bloggers, it is bitterly hostile to free enterprise. It is a low-rent site that traffics in the most absurd smears and conspiracy theories. Many have wondered for some years who finances far-left web sites like Think Progress. As of today, we know at least part of the answer, as CAP released its corporate donor list for the first time.

A very interesting – and surprising – list. And here's a quote I'm beginning to agree with:

I doubt that there is any conservative organization that can boast a remotely comparable list of corporate supporters. CAP’s disclosure is a timely reminder that large corporations are not, in general, supporters of free enterprise. Many of them love to partner with government to suppress innovation and competition

Read the article @ Who Funds the Far Left? You?ll Be Surprised | Power Line
Power Line by John Hinderaker

The Center for American Progress is a left-wing organization that is closely associated with the Obama administration. Its principal product is a web site called Think Progress. Think Progress is part of the internet cesspool that modern liberalism has become. Written by hack left-wing bloggers, it is bitterly hostile to free enterprise. It is a low-rent site that traffics in the most absurd smears and conspiracy theories. Many have wondered for some years who finances far-left web sites like Think Progress. As of today, we know at least part of the answer, as CAP released its corporate donor list for the first time.

A very interesting – and surprising – list. And here's a quote I'm beginning to agree with:

I doubt that there is any conservative organization that can boast a remotely comparable list of corporate supporters. CAP’s disclosure is a timely reminder that large corporations are not, in general, supporters of free enterprise. Many of them love to partner with government to suppress innovation and competition

Read the article @ Who Funds the Far Left? You?ll Be Surprised | Power Line

So it is a list of huge Corporations. Is anyone surprised by this? Both political parties are bought and paid for by Corporate America. This is just Corporations covering their bets.
I thought you said that I would be surprised, but I'm not.

For all their bluster to the contrary about being for the poor, the put-upon and the oppressed , the democrats just love them some big corporate money, crony capitalism and the 1%.
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.

So you would consider George Soros a centrist?
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.

Think Progress is centrist? Only in your world. The Democrat Party is wholly bought and paid for by Corporate America. Period. Ditto the Republicans. Neither really represent We the People. I think it is what you would lovingly call a plutocracy. :)
It's no surprise that large, inefficient Corporations are threatened by free market capitalism and use their political clout to erect barriers to competition. They are the very definition of a "vested interest".

I worked for a "mega corp" for a number of years when I was younger. When I left them to form my own company (and directly compete with them), they buried us in lawsuits. It was brutal.

They filed a dozen actions against us. One after the other- and none with any merit whatsoever. Still, we had to respond to every one of them and incurred massive legal fees because of all of their ridiculous requests for documents, depositions, disclosure, etc.... It was like climbing a mountain! A mountain of legal bullshit!! :mad:

I swear, it was the worst time of my life. But we persevered...it took 3 years and a boatload of working capital to get those bloodsuckers off our backs.
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No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.

So you would consider George Soros a centrist?

Yes, definitely.
Power Line by John Hinderaker

The Center for American Progress is a left-wing organization that is closely associated with the Obama administration. Its principal product is a web site called Think Progress. Think Progress is part of the internet cesspool that modern liberalism has become. Written by hack left-wing bloggers, it is bitterly hostile to free enterprise. It is a low-rent site that traffics in the most absurd smears and conspiracy theories. Many have wondered for some years who finances far-left web sites like Think Progress. As of today, we know at least part of the answer, as CAP released its corporate donor list for the first time.

A very interesting – and surprising – list. And here's a quote I'm beginning to agree with:

I doubt that there is any conservative organization that can boast a remotely comparable list of corporate supporters. CAP’s disclosure is a timely reminder that large corporations are not, in general, supporters of free enterprise. Many of them love to partner with government to suppress innovation and competition

Read the article @ Who Funds the Far Left? You?ll Be Surprised | Power Line

So it is a list of huge Corporations. Is anyone surprised by this? Both political parties are bought and paid for by Corporate America. This is just Corporations covering their bets.

CAP isn't a political party. It's a Marxist propaganda mill. It's the equivalent of funding the American Communist Party.
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.

The answer to this question should be hilarious:

Who do you view as the far left if not CAP and ThinkProgress?
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.

So you would consider George Soros a centrist?

Yes, definitely.

Now we understand what a true leftwing nutburger you are.
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.


Georoge Soros tried to take out a first mortgage on the Democrat Party because the feels his $5 Billions in contributions should give him title
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.


Georoge Soros tried to take out a first mortgage on the Democrat Party because the feels his $5 Billions in contributions should give him title

What does that have to do with anything? As soon as an organization gains big corporate funding it ceases to be anything other than a mouthpiece for the corporate machine and is by definition not far left. The democratic party does not represent the interests or the ideology inherent in any organization I would consider far left. They are just as bought out and corrupted as the GOP.
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.


Georoge Soros tried to take out a first mortgage on the Democrat Party because the feels his $5 Billions in contributions should give him title

What does that have to do with anything? As soon as an organization gains big corporate funding it ceases to be anything other than a mouthpiece for the corporate machine and is by definition not far left. The democratic party does not represent the interests or the ideology inherent in any organization I would consider far left. They are just as bought out and corrupted as the GOP.
The Communist Party USA isn't far left?

That's news to me.

Georoge Soros tried to take out a first mortgage on the Democrat Party because the feels his $5 Billions in contributions should give him title

What does that have to do with anything? As soon as an organization gains big corporate funding it ceases to be anything other than a mouthpiece for the corporate machine and is by definition not far left. The democratic party does not represent the interests or the ideology inherent in any organization I would consider far left. They are just as bought out and corrupted as the GOP.
The Communist Party USA isn't far left?

That's news to me.

Yes they are far left, didn't know they have corporate sponsorship or a large politically relevant membership though, kind of makes my point doesn't it?
Nobody is as bought off and corrupted as the GOP.

So Soros is a Nazi AND far left...LOL. So many hedge funders/financiers are commies...the drivel hater dupes are made to believe...
What does that have to do with anything? As soon as an organization gains big corporate funding it ceases to be anything other than a mouthpiece for the corporate machine and is by definition not far left. The democratic party does not represent the interests or the ideology inherent in any organization I would consider far left. They are just as bought out and corrupted as the GOP.
The Communist Party USA isn't far left?

That's news to me.

Yes they are far left, didn't know they have corporate sponsorship or a large politically relevant membership though, kind of makes my point doesn't it?
The far, far left loves their corporate sponsorship, as long as they are the ones running, by hook or by crook, the corporations.
No one funds the far left, democrats on the other hand are usually in the same line with republicans at the corporate feeding trough. The far left is so out in the cold in American politics that you guys spend all your time blasting centrist corporate funded BS and thinking it's the far left.


Georoge Soros tried to take out a first mortgage on the Democrat Party because the feels his $5 Billions in contributions should give him title

What does that have to do with anything? As soon as an organization gains big corporate funding it ceases to be anything other than a mouthpiece for the corporate machine and is by definition not far left. The democratic party does not represent the interests or the ideology inherent in any organization I would consider far left. They are just as bought out and corrupted as the GOP.

What organizations would you consider far left? We're all dying to know.

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