Who do these people think they are ?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

If I say I hate her is that hate speech ?

They don't even attempt to hide it anymore.
Just come right out and clearly state what they want to happen.
Basically... become China. An internet that is controlled by the government.
One that - in her own words... "only uses trusted sources for information".
And who gets to decide what source is "trusted"?
So the UN is promoting their own toxic disinformation.
Yep. And then falsely accusing others of doing what they are guilty of doing. They're projecting. Did you noticed that she mentioned climate. Well, the IPCC got flat out busted overt a decade ago. The leaked climategate emails flat out busted them.
They don't even attempt to hide it anymore.
Just come right out and clearly state what they want to happen.
Basically... become China. An internet that is controlled by the government.
One that - in her own words... "only uses trusted sources for information".
And who gets to decide what source is "trusted"?
The Glowbullies' Ministry of Truth Needs to Be Minimized
Achtung!! You vill own nothing and you VILL be happy!

And I laugh at all the vapid leftists who buy this ideology.................... until they get their hands on some wealth!

And how do you think they feel about all the sharing when it's THEIR wealth that's being asked for, as they showed in Martha's Vineyard?


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