Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Who are the Palestinians?

Day 45 b: Special Edition: Those who don't know much about the Samaritans, join Diana on a visit to Fayad and Mariam Lutfi's home.

Just when you think a cabal of retrograde Islamic terrorist welfare cheats masquerading as a stateworthy society can't further plumb the depths of depravity, they find a way.


Drown Israelis “in a sea of blood”

Music video on Fatah-run Awdah TV:

“Besiege them in all their neighborhoods

Drown them in a sea of blood

Kill them as you wish"

brainwashing from the time they are a toddler.

Just when you think a cabal of retrograde Islamic terrorist welfare cheats masquerading as a stateworthy society can't further plumb the depths of depravity, they find a way.


Drown Israelis “in a sea of blood”

Music video on Fatah-run Awdah TV:

“Besiege them in all their neighborhoods

Drown them in a sea of blood

Kill them as you wish"

brainwashing from the time they are a toddler.


And another repeated cut and paste you have cut and pasted across multiple thresds, multiple times.

Once again, context Habib, context.
Because as we know, murder in service of debasing all of humanity is the highest ideal for the Pal'istanian Arab.

Palestinian social media "rages" at exclusion of Tel Aviv terrorist from PA list of "Martyrs"

Al-Jazeera website - Jan. 9, 2016

“The [PA] Ministry of Health in Ramallah refused to include the name of Martyr Nashat Melhem in the list of the Martyrs (Shahids) of the Palestinian uprising that broke out last October [2015], something that provoked the wrath of the Palestinian street and whose echoes are reflected in the social media. [Social media] activists expressed their great anger over this step [by the ministry], which came after the ministry originally added the Martyr’s name to their documents, and raised the number of Martyrs to 150, but afterward they surprisingly omitted him and returned the number to 149. The activists created the hashtag #the_150th_Martyr_despite_your_opposition , and many expressed their condemnation and great anger with it [the ministry’s decision].
Who are the Pal'istanians?

Pal'istanians and friends:

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PA daily cartoon urges women to become rock-throwers
Source: Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 27, 2015
Equality for women.

Why should women miss out on the fun of hitting a foreign goon with a rock?
Pali women should be the rock chuckers. Impotent Arab men can hide behind their skirts.
Uhhh, those women are wearing pants.

IN a MEMOIRS of discussions between the FIRST Palestinian Leader Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Heinrich Himmler:
"We have so far exterminated about three million of them..."

On November 25, 1941, Adolf Hitler told him, "enjoining him to lock it in the uttermost depths of his heart," that once his armies had reached the southern exit of the Caucasus he would proclaim to the Arab world that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany's goal would then be what he termed the "destruction of Jewry living in Arabia." (Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series D, Vol. XIII no. 515).




List of Exhibits filed in the Trial of Adolf Eichmann includes inter alia these items relating to the Grand Mufti:
  • T/37(11) Statement by Dieter Wisliceny regarding Eichmann's relations with the Mufti; 26.7.46. Submitted during the course of the trial and marked T/89 (B06-129, Vol. I, p. 243)
  • T/1262 Affidavit by Tuvia Arazi authenticating documents found in the Mufti's archives (Vol. III, pp. 1139-1140)
  • T/1265 Memorandum by Hencke, the Foreign Ministry, to State Secretary Pruefer, reporting that the Italian Embassy had received a letter from the Mufti concerning an alleged Bulgarian agreement to permit the IRC to arrange for the emigration of 4,500 Jews to Palestine, and asking for German comment on the matter; Berlin, 12.5.43 (BO6-1308, Vol. III, p. 1141)
  • T/1266 Letter from Hajj Amin al-Husseini and Raschid `Ali el-Gilani to Ribbentrop, referring to talks with the Reich Foreign Minister, in which they had declared the Arab's willingness to participate in the struggle against the common enemy. They ask that the German Government commit itself to support of the Arabs' struggle for their liberation from the British and to the elimination of the "Jewish National Home" in Palestine; Rome, 28.4.42 (E- 260993, Ser:4729 pt.1, BO6-1302, Vol. III, p. 1141)
  • T/1267 Page from the diary of Hajj Amin al-Husseini, containing a six-word entry in Arabic, of which three had been deciphered and translated as "the Arabs' best friend"; and a one-word entry "Eichmann," in Latin characters; 9.11.44 (BO6-1306, Vol. III, pp. 1141-1142)
  • T/1268 Page from Hajj Amin al-Husseini's diary containing two entries in Arabic, of which one has been translated as meaning that al-Husseini wants to meet the "expert on Jewish affairs" and the other as referring to the bombing Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea and Haifa; 25.3.44 (BO6-1305, Vol. III, p. 1142)
  • T/1269 Page from Hajj Amin al-Husseini's diary containing an entry stating "Subject: The Jews of Italy, France and Hungary, and who is the expert dealing with the affairs of the Jews?" 29.9.43, (B06-1304, Vol. III, p. 1142)
  • T/1270 Photograph of Himmler given to Hajj Amin al-Husseini as a souvenir (Vol. III, p. 1142)
  • T/1271 Photograph of Himmler with Hajj Amin al-Husseini (Vol. III, p. 1143)
  • T/1272 Telegram from Himmler to Hajj Amin al-Husseini on the occasion of the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration; Berlin, 2.11.43 (B06-1313, Vol. III, p. Vol. III, p. 1143)
  • T/1273 Notebook of the Mufti with a comment on his meeting with Pruefer (B06-1307, Vol. III, p. 1143)
  • T/1274 Draft of a German-Italian declaration prepared by Hajj Amin al-Husseini on their Middle East policy; no place or date (B06-1429, Vol. III, p. 1114)

Most importantly, the facts.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian nation, country, civilization, or a Palestinian People. There is no such thing as Palestinian history, language, cuisine, architecture, archaeology and ancient artifacts, religion, currency or coin. There never were such characteristics that proved people and nationhood. All these characteristics can be attributable to the Hebraic.

If anyone doubts any of the above, please let us know which worldclass museum displays the evidence of such people or nationhood. Let us also know who was the Palestinians first king, who was their last? When did Palestinian civilization begin, and when did it end?

The links to find out follow.




And lastly - the 57 States where Barack Obama campaigned (his words).
They must be the 57 Muslim States on this planet.
The problem is, and always was, 1 Jewish State.
The so-called "constitutional scholar" doesn't know that the United States has 50 states.
But he does know that there are 57 Muslim states.



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IN a MEMOIRS of discussions between the FIRST Palestinian Leader Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Heinrich Himmler:
"We have so far exterminated about three million of them..."

On November 25, 1941, Adolf Hitler told him, "enjoining him to lock it in the uttermost depths of his heart," that once his armies had reached the southern exit of the Caucasus he would proclaim to the Arab world that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany's goal would then be what he termed the "destruction of Jewry living in Arabia." (Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series D, Vol. XIII no. 515).




List of Exhibits filed in the Trial of Adolf Eichmann includes inter alia these items relating to the Grand Mufti:
  • T/37(11) Statement by Dieter Wisliceny regarding Eichmann's relations with the Mufti; 26.7.46. Submitted during the course of the trial and marked T/89 (B06-129, Vol. I, p. 243)
  • T/1262 Affidavit by Tuvia Arazi authenticating documents found in the Mufti's archives (Vol. III, pp. 1139-1140)
  • T/1265 Memorandum by Hencke, the Foreign Ministry, to State Secretary Pruefer, reporting that the Italian Embassy had received a letter from the Mufti concerning an alleged Bulgarian agreement to permit the IRC to arrange for the emigration of 4,500 Jews to Palestine, and asking for German comment on the matter; Berlin, 12.5.43 (BO6-1308, Vol. III, p. 1141)
  • T/1266 Letter from Hajj Amin al-Husseini and Raschid `Ali el-Gilani to Ribbentrop, referring to talks with the Reich Foreign Minister, in which they had declared the Arab's willingness to participate in the struggle against the common enemy. They ask that the German Government commit itself to support of the Arabs' struggle for their liberation from the British and to the elimination of the "Jewish National Home" in Palestine; Rome, 28.4.42 (E- 260993, Ser:4729 pt.1, BO6-1302, Vol. III, p. 1141)
  • T/1267 Page from the diary of Hajj Amin al-Husseini, containing a six-word entry in Arabic, of which three had been deciphered and translated as "the Arabs' best friend"; and a one-word entry "Eichmann," in Latin characters; 9.11.44 (BO6-1306, Vol. III, pp. 1141-1142)
  • T/1268 Page from Hajj Amin al-Husseini's diary containing two entries in Arabic, of which one has been translated as meaning that al-Husseini wants to meet the "expert on Jewish affairs" and the other as referring to the bombing Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea and Haifa; 25.3.44 (BO6-1305, Vol. III, p. 1142)
  • T/1269 Page from Hajj Amin al-Husseini's diary containing an entry stating "Subject: The Jews of Italy, France and Hungary, and who is the expert dealing with the affairs of the Jews?" 29.9.43, (B06-1304, Vol. III, p. 1142)
  • T/1270 Photograph of Himmler given to Hajj Amin al-Husseini as a souvenir (Vol. III, p. 1142)
  • T/1271 Photograph of Himmler with Hajj Amin al-Husseini (Vol. III, p. 1143)
  • T/1272 Telegram from Himmler to Hajj Amin al-Husseini on the occasion of the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration; Berlin, 2.11.43 (B06-1313, Vol. III, p. Vol. III, p. 1143)
  • T/1273 Notebook of the Mufti with a comment on his meeting with Pruefer (B06-1307, Vol. III, p. 1143)
  • T/1274 Draft of a German-Italian declaration prepared by Hajj Amin al-Husseini on their Middle East policy; no place or date (B06-1429, Vol. III, p. 1114)

Most importantly, the facts.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian nation, country, civilization, or a Palestinian People. There is no such thing as Palestinian history, language, cuisine, architecture, archaeology and ancient artifacts, religion, currency or coin. There never were such characteristics that proved people and nationhood. All these characteristics can be attributable to the Hebraic.

If anyone doubts any of the above, please let us know which worldclass museum displays the evidence of such people or nationhood. Let us also know who was the Palestinians first king, who was their last? When did Palestinian civilization begin, and when did it end?

The links to find out follow.




And lastly - the 57 States where Barack Obama campaigned (his words).
They must be the 57 Muslim States on this planet.
The problem is, and always was, 1 Jewish State.
The so-called "constitutional scholar" doesn't know that the United States has 50 states.
But he does know that there are 57 Muslim states.




As far as I am aware, the Mufti's Autobiography/Journal has not been published in English. I wish it was so the west could read his own words and thoughts.
Who are the Palestinians?

The Palestinians are those people so branded by the Romans when they conquered the land. They are not recent arrivals that took the name on the command of Russian enablers to give their politics credibility
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