Who are core Americans?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Do you agree or disagree?

“Who are core Americans?”

Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.
Who are core Americans?
People who are trying to maximize the liberty of individuals as provided by the founders.

Those who REALLY believe that all men (people) are CREATED equal.

Those who believe that governments are created by consent of the governed.

Those who believe that a government that does anything other than act to secure the rights of life, liberty, and property of INDIVIDUALS is a tyrannical government that should be destroyed.

I could go on, but you know who you are and who you are NOT.
Who are core Americans?
People who are trying to maximize the liberty of individuals as provided by the founders.

Those who REALLY believe that all men (people) are CREATED equal.

Those who believe that governments are created by consent of the governed.

Those who believe that a government that does anything other than act to secure the rights of life, liberty, and property of INDIVIDUALS is a tyrannical government that should be destroyed.

I could go on, but you know who you are and who you are NOT.
Ditto. :clap2:
Who are core Americans?
People who are trying to maximize the liberty of individuals as provided by the founders.

Those who REALLY believe that all men (people) are CREATED equal.

Those who believe that governments are created by consent of the governed.

Those who believe that a government that does anything other than act to secure the rights of life, liberty, and property of INDIVIDUALS is a tyrannical government that should be destroyed.

I could go on, but you know who you are and who you are NOT.
thats all good.
I would add: adhering to the constitution.

for consent of the governed, we need to be able to vote.

And "all men created equal" would imply some form of minimal racial equality.
Who are core Americans?
People who are trying to maximize the liberty of individuals as provided by the founders.

Those who REALLY believe that all men (people) are CREATED equal.

Those who believe that governments are created by consent of the governed.

Those who believe that a government that does anything other than act to secure the rights of life, liberty, and property of INDIVIDUALS is a tyrannical government that should be destroyed.

I could go on, but you know who you are and who you are NOT.
thats all good.
I would add: adhering to the constitution.

for consent of the governed, we need to be able to vote.

And "all men created equal" would imply some form of minimal racial equality.
The term "racial equality" implies laws that take race into consideration. That's injustice.
Core Americans are people who are loyal to the COTUS, patriots who recognize the negatives in our history are overshadowed by the prosperity and progress we have shared with the world. That any of our flaws are far outweighed by the positive impact we have for all of humanity. That the US is the greatest country on earth because no other country has hordes of people willing to risk their lives to get in. Core Americans are moral people, with a good work ethic, believe in God and respect the hard work of the public servants (the ones who actually do work) that maintain order, fight fires, rescue the injured and sick, protect the border and maintain the infrastructure.

They're the people constantly undermined by leftist bed wetters who embolden criminals and enemy forces, interfere with progress and sabotage efforts to make improvements. They're constantly demanding free shit from productive people, marginalize our traditions, destroy our cities, and grossly exaggerate any problem they can for political expedience.

thats all good.
I would add: adhering to the constitution.

for consent of the governed, we need to be able to vote.

And "all men created equal" would imply some form of minimal racial equality.

Sorry Dumfuck, but no one is doing anything to "suppress the vote", the effort is being made to prevent leftist parasites from cheating. Stuffing the mail with ballots from dead people, cartoon characters and family pets, is cheating. People who go into voting booths to stuff ballots meant for other people can be thwarted by voter ID laws, which democrooks vehemently oppose for that specific reason.

It has NOTHING to do with race, no matter how many times you parrot that inane gibberish.

As far as "adhering to the constitution" goes, once you moonbats stop trying to undermine the 2nd Amendment, and attacking people who say things that make your vaginas feel sandy you can piss and moan all you like but there is no greater threat to the COTUS than bed wetting liberal parasites and the sociopath political whores you support.


Do you agree or disagree?

“Who are core Americans?”

Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

We sure drifted way off course for that, now didn't we? I think our founders created a federal government to govern, not to be our surrogate parents. They created a government where our representatives were held responsible for the laws, taxes and spending. Then we decided to create bureaucracies to make laws, taxes and spending who are not accountable to the people.

Our founders wanted states to operate like individual countries, and only unite for policies that relate to our states collectively. They thought that taxation should be used to benefit the people, not as a tool for government to use to tax us into submission to their desires.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

If we followed Madison's advice, would we be 26 trillion dollars in debt and growing today?
thats all good.
I would add: adhering to the constitution.

for consent of the governed, we need to be able to vote.

And "all men created equal" would imply some form of minimal racial equality.

Sorry Dumfuck, but no one is doing anything to "suppress the vote", the effort is being made to prevent leftist parasites from cheating. Stuffing the mail with ballots from dead people, cartoon characters and family pets, is cheating. People who go into voting booths to stuff ballots meant for other people can be thwarted by voter ID laws, which democrooks vehemently oppose for that specific reason.

It has NOTHING to do with race, no matter how many times you parrot that inane gibberish.

As far as "adhering to the constitution" goes, once you moonbats stop trying to undermine the 2nd Amendment, and attacking people who say things that make your vaginas feel sandy you can piss and moan all you like but there is no greater threat to the COTUS than bed wetting liberal parasites and the sociopath political whores you support.


leftist cheating?

Where is the evidence?
Howbout Steve Watkins in Kansas

Constitution? Trump's DHS admitted they violated it.
Roger Stone commutation is definitely unconstitutional.
Where are the constitutional conservatives?
Do you agree or disagree?

“Who are core Americans?”

Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

" Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders "

seems to me our founding fathers were wise enough to realize that future generations might see things differently and had every right to GOVERN THEMSELVES according to their own standards.

I have no doubt that MOST of our founding fathers were NOT TYRANTS who DEMANDED that ALL future generations live by the rules and morals of people living in 1776.....
The argument is like talking to an 8th grade kid who had no life experiences. Americans went from a colonial backwater to a Constitutional government and a super power in less than 200 years. What does that tell you about the greatest Document ever created in human existence that created government by the people? Does it make you proud? America sacrificed it's best and bravest to save the World from tyranny during the bloody 20th century . Doesn't that make you proud?
Do you agree or disagree?

“Who are core Americans?”

Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

Slade, tell us, who are core Americans?
I don’t think there are core Americans, I think it is a ridiculous term. Americans are those who live in America. Some for generations and some recently as they pursue the American dream.

I started this thread at your request so you’d answer my question. When did your family come to America?
The argument is like talking to an 8th grade kid who had no life experiences. Americans went from a colonial backwater to a Constitutional government and a super power in less than 200 years. What does that tell you about the greatest Document ever created in human existence that created government by the people? Does it make you proud? America sacrificed it's best and bravest to save the World from tyranny during the bloody 20th century . Doesn't that make you proud?
Which argument are you referring to?
Do you agree or disagree?

“Who are core Americans?”

Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

Slade, tell us, who are core Americans?
I don’t think there are core Americans, I think it is a ridiculous term. Americans are those who live in America. Some for generations and some recently as they pursue the American dream.

I started this thread at your request so you’d answer my question. When did your family come to America?

I have traced lineage here dating back to the 1730's but that's not really all the relevant.
"American" is more of a behavioral thing, a belief and value system. It's weird that you try so hard to believe that one is "American" simply for standing on U.S. soil. So typical.

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