White Supremacist Felon Caught With 18 Guns, 45k Bullets And List Of Black & Jewish


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

Federal agents were tracking Ohio resident Richard Schmidt’s imports of counterfeit sports jerseys when they stumbled upon his arsenal of 18 guns, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and bulletproof body armor. Besides the arsenal, he had lists of Jewish and black leaders in Detroit, MI. He is also an ex-felon who killed a Hispanic man and wounded two others 24 years ago.

Yet before December, no one even noticed that Schmidt, 47, was amassing weapons illegally, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Instead, federal investigators zeroed in on his sports memorabilia shop around September 2011, tracking his shipments of knock-off jerseys from China for over a year before they discovered the cache of firearms.

Schmidt plead guilty to federal gun charges and the counterfeit racket last month, and will be sentenced in October. But many connected to the crime are still scratching their heads over how an ex-felon with ties to white supremacist groups was able to get his hands on so many guns.

“I can’t tell you how he got all those guns and ammunition,” U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach told the Plain Dealer. “It’s not that I won’t tell you; it’s that I can’t. This is somebody who should never have had one gun, one bullet. But he had an entire arsenal.”

Schmidt is technically banned from possessing a gun for the rest of his life. In 1989, he pulled a gun on three men during a traffic argument, killing one man and wounding the other two. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and served 12 years in prison.

Scott Kaufman, the head of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, was spooked after discovering he was on Schmidt’s list. “For a convicted violent felon to amass an arsenal with 40,000 rounds of ammunition with no red flags popping up is problematic,” he told the Plain Dealer. “No matter where you stand on the gun issue, it makes you wonder. The moment I saw my name in this guy’s notebook, I freaked out.”

Indeed, Schmidt might have been able to stockpile firearms so easily thanks to decades of hard work by the the gun lobby. Combating calls for stricter background checks on private gun sales, the National Rifle Association insisted the bill would create a national registry of gun owners which would be used to confiscate weapons and enact tyranny. This fearmongering has also hobbled federal law enforcement agents, who are forbidden from keeping any records of gun purchases. That means individuals like Schmidt can potentially avoid background checks when they purchase firearms, or they can obtain guns through a straw purchaser that law enforcement cannot track because any records revealing the purchaser’s activities would have been destroyed. It was luck that Schmidt was caught before he could wreak havoc — but Americans won’t get so lucky every time.



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Wow imagine, a criminal and felon didn't obey gun laws.


Wow, imagine where he got all of that weaponery. Thanks to the NRA we are awash in weapons and ammo. And any fruitloop can buy all that he has money for. Missouri posted how he bought an AR 15 type of gun in a Walmart parking lot, no questions asked, and also got ammo and magazines with the gun.

There is absolutely nothing to keep any private citizen from selling any kind of gun he owns to a felon.
Wow imagine, a criminal and felon didn't obey gun laws.


Wow, imagine where he got all of that weaponery. Thanks to the NRA we are awash in weapons and ammo. And any fruitloop can buy all that he has money for. Missouri posted how he bought an AR 15 type of gun in a Walmart parking lot, no questions asked, and also got ammo and magazines with the gun.

There is absolutely nothing to keep any private citizen from selling any kind of gun he owns to a felon.

A law is only as valid if it can be enforced. How does one enforce a law on EVERY private citizen who sells guns? You're going to have an ATF agent sleeping at the household of every gun owner 24/7?

Wow imagine, a criminal and felon didn't obey gun laws.


Wow, imagine where he got all of that weaponery. Thanks to the NRA we are awash in weapons and ammo. And any fruitloop can buy all that he has money for. Missouri posted how he bought an AR 15 type of gun in a Walmart parking lot, no questions asked, and also got ammo and magazines with the gun.

There is absolutely nothing to keep any private citizen from selling any kind of gun he owns to a felon.

Yes, the government should employ one full-time watcher for each gun owner in America. Not only would it stop guns being sold to felons, it will solve the unemployment problem.

What does this mean? ^

Federal agents were tracking Ohio resident Richard Schmidt’s imports of counterfeit sports jerseys when they stumbled upon his arsenal of 18 guns, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and bulletproof body armor. Besides the arsenal, he had lists of Jewish and black leaders in Detroit, MI. He is also an ex-felon who killed a Hispanic man and wounded two others 24 years ago.

Yet before December, no one even noticed that Schmidt, 47, was amassing weapons illegally, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Instead, federal investigators zeroed in on his sports memorabilia shop around September 2011, tracking his shipments of knock-off jerseys from China for over a year before they discovered the cache of firearms.

Schmidt plead guilty to federal gun charges and the counterfeit racket last month, and will be sentenced in October. But many connected to the crime are still scratching their heads over how an ex-felon with ties to white supremacist groups was able to get his hands on so many guns.

“I can’t tell you how he got all those guns and ammunition,” U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach told the Plain Dealer. “It’s not that I won’t tell you; it’s that I can’t. This is somebody who should never have had one gun, one bullet. But he had an entire arsenal.”

Schmidt is technically banned from possessing a gun for the rest of his life. In 1989, he pulled a gun on three men during a traffic argument, killing one man and wounding the other two. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and served 12 years in prison.

Scott Kaufman, the head of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, was spooked after discovering he was on Schmidt’s list. “For a convicted violent felon to amass an arsenal with 40,000 rounds of ammunition with no red flags popping up is problematic,” he told the Plain Dealer. “No matter where you stand on the gun issue, it makes you wonder. The moment I saw my name in this guy’s notebook, I freaked out.”

Indeed, Schmidt might have been able to stockpile firearms so easily thanks to decades of hard work by the the gun lobby. Combating calls for stricter background checks on private gun sales, the National Rifle Association insisted the bill would create a national registry of gun owners which would be used to confiscate weapons and enact tyranny. This fearmongering has also hobbled federal law enforcement agents, who are forbidden from keeping any records of gun purchases. That means individuals like Schmidt can potentially avoid background checks when they purchase firearms, or they can obtain guns through a straw purchaser that law enforcement cannot track because any records revealing the purchaser’s activities would have been destroyed. It was luck that Schmidt was caught before he could wreak havoc — but Americans won’t get so lucky every time.

Where's the link?

Federal agents were tracking Ohio resident Richard Schmidt’s imports of counterfeit sports jerseys when they stumbled upon his arsenal of 18 guns, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and bulletproof body armor. Besides the arsenal, he had lists of Jewish and black leaders in Detroit, MI. He is also an ex-felon who killed a Hispanic man and wounded two others 24 years ago.

Yet before December, no one even noticed that Schmidt, 47, was amassing weapons illegally, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Instead, federal investigators zeroed in on his sports memorabilia shop around September 2011, tracking his shipments of knock-off jerseys from China for over a year before they discovered the cache of firearms.

Schmidt plead guilty to federal gun charges and the counterfeit racket last month, and will be sentenced in October. But many connected to the crime are still scratching their heads over how an ex-felon with ties to white supremacist groups was able to get his hands on so many guns.

“I can’t tell you how he got all those guns and ammunition,” U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach told the Plain Dealer. “It’s not that I won’t tell you; it’s that I can’t. This is somebody who should never have had one gun, one bullet. But he had an entire arsenal.”

Schmidt is technically banned from possessing a gun for the rest of his life. In 1989, he pulled a gun on three men during a traffic argument, killing one man and wounding the other two. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and served 12 years in prison.

Scott Kaufman, the head of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, was spooked after discovering he was on Schmidt’s list. “For a convicted violent felon to amass an arsenal with 40,000 rounds of ammunition with no red flags popping up is problematic,” he told the Plain Dealer. “No matter where you stand on the gun issue, it makes you wonder. The moment I saw my name in this guy’s notebook, I freaked out.”

Indeed, Schmidt might have been able to stockpile firearms so easily thanks to decades of hard work by the the gun lobby. Combating calls for stricter background checks on private gun sales, the National Rifle Association insisted the bill would create a national registry of gun owners which would be used to confiscate weapons and enact tyranny. This fearmongering has also hobbled federal law enforcement agents, who are forbidden from keeping any records of gun purchases. That means individuals like Schmidt can potentially avoid background checks when they purchase firearms, or they can obtain guns through a straw purchaser that law enforcement cannot track because any records revealing the purchaser’s activities would have been destroyed. It was luck that Schmidt was caught before he could wreak havoc — but Americans won’t get so lucky every time.

Still looking for a link?
More speculation from would-be journalists hacking for the gun control crowd.

Heaven help us.

Federal agents were tracking Ohio resident Richard Schmidt’s imports of counterfeit sports jerseys when they stumbled upon his arsenal of 18 guns, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and bulletproof body armor. Besides the arsenal, he had lists of Jewish and black leaders in Detroit, MI. He is also an ex-felon who killed a Hispanic man and wounded two others 24 years ago.

Yet before December, no one even noticed that Schmidt, 47, was amassing weapons illegally, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Instead, federal investigators zeroed in on his sports memorabilia shop around September 2011, tracking his shipments of knock-off jerseys from China for over a year before they discovered the cache of firearms.

Schmidt plead guilty to federal gun charges and the counterfeit racket last month, and will be sentenced in October. But many connected to the crime are still scratching their heads over how an ex-felon with ties to white supremacist groups was able to get his hands on so many guns.

“I can’t tell you how he got all those guns and ammunition,” U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach told the Plain Dealer. “It’s not that I won’t tell you; it’s that I can’t. This is somebody who should never have had one gun, one bullet. But he had an entire arsenal.”

Schmidt is technically banned from possessing a gun for the rest of his life. In 1989, he pulled a gun on three men during a traffic argument, killing one man and wounding the other two. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and served 12 years in prison.

Scott Kaufman, the head of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, was spooked after discovering he was on Schmidt’s list. “For a convicted violent felon to amass an arsenal with 40,000 rounds of ammunition with no red flags popping up is problematic,” he told the Plain Dealer. “No matter where you stand on the gun issue, it makes you wonder. The moment I saw my name in this guy’s notebook, I freaked out.”

Indeed, Schmidt might have been able to stockpile firearms so easily thanks to decades of hard work by the the gun lobby. Combating calls for stricter background checks on private gun sales, the National Rifle Association insisted the bill would create a national registry of gun owners which would be used to confiscate weapons and enact tyranny. This fearmongering has also hobbled federal law enforcement agents, who are forbidden from keeping any records of gun purchases. That means individuals like Schmidt can potentially avoid background checks when they purchase firearms, or they can obtain guns through a straw purchaser that law enforcement cannot track because any records revealing the purchaser’s activities would have been destroyed. It was luck that Schmidt was caught before he could wreak havoc — but Americans won’t get so lucky every time.

Still looking for a link?

no, added.

The notebook with information about the Jewish Federation and NAACP coupled with items that show Schmidt may be sympathetic to the causes of neo-Nazis as well as the arsenal of guns and ammunition he kept have raised alarm among community leaders in Detroit.

Mr. Kaufman, the chief executive officer of the Jewish Federation, stopped short of using "target list" for the pages in the notebook that FBI agents shared with him, but he said it is a logical conclusion that one could draw.

"Does that cause concern for our groups and our leaders? Of course it does. Does it mean that he was planning to attack us? I don't know," Mr. Kaufman told The Blade.

Wendell Anthony, president of the Detroit branch of the NCAAP, said the information in the notebook that FBI agents shared with him in January was "disturbing."

"He appeared to be tracking community leaders in Detroit and I was one of the ones whose name appeared on a suspected target list," Mr. Anthony said in a prepared statement. "I along with my family and many others in the community are grateful for the investigative work done by the Ohio FBI and the United States Department of Justice."

Read more at FBI agents say Toledo man who was arrested sympathetic to the causes of neo-Nazi, arsenal of guns, ammunition raises alarm - Toledo Blade
I call bull shit
TOLEDO -- Weeks after federal agents raided a Bowling Green business and took its owner into custody, the Toledo man has been charged with possessing multiple firearms and several thousand rounds of ammunition.

Richard Schmidt was arrested on Dec. 21 after authorities discovered him possessing a firearm under disability. The FBI was executing warrants on suspicion that Schmidt was trafficking in counterfeit goods out of his Woodland Mall business, Spindletop Sports Zone.

A criminal indictment, unsealed on Wednesday, charges Schmidt with a variety of crimes related to the possession of 18 firearms, body armor, and more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition. The indictment says Schmidt, 47, was in possession of these items despite being found guilty of manslaughter in 1990. That conviction prohibits Schmidt from possessing firearms, ammunition, or body armor.

“It is deeply troubling that law enforcement found this man, with a prior homicide conviction, in possession of an arsenal,” said U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach. “We owe the FBI and our other law enforcement partners our thanks that they caught this man, with 18 firearms – some of them assault weapons – high-capacity magazines, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and a bulletproof vest stored in a locked room in a mall, before anyone was hurt.”

Federal agents say they are pleased that they were able to take a man with a significant quantity of firearms and ammunition off the streets. The items were found be authorities in searches of Schmidt's BG business, his Toledo home, and trailers in the parking lot of the Woodland Mall. Investigators say they recovered seven high-capacity magazines during the search.

Charges against Schimdt include possession of body armor, ammunition, and firearms. He is also charged with trafficking in counterfeit goods, specifically goods with counterfeit logos and brand-name markings of NFL, Nike, Reebok, and Louis Vuitton.

Nothing about a list or belonging to a white White Supremacist group nor who he shot in 1990
How fucking long do you think it would take someone to find an actually link?

Toledo man found with firearms, body armor, 40k rounds of ammunition : News : NorthwestOhio.com
Wow imagine, a criminal and felon didn't obey gun laws.


Wow, imagine where he got all of that weaponery. Thanks to the NRA we are awash in weapons and ammo. And any fruitloop can buy all that he has money for. Missouri posted how he bought an AR 15 type of gun in a Walmart parking lot, no questions asked, and also got ammo and magazines with the gun.

There is absolutely nothing to keep any private citizen from selling any kind of gun he owns to a felon.

And, as you recall, I made a stink about it.

I proposed a solution, but no one liked it.

One side didn't like it, because it didn't create a gun registration, which is their goal...and the other side didn't like it because it provided names to the government to collect as what they believed would be a de facto gun registration.

We have to find a middle ground.

A compromise that solves the problem WITHOUT creating a de facto national registration.

Otherwise it's not going to happen.
This arrest is an exceptionally unusual occurence. It isn't as if ATF has busted an active revolutionary army.

This is a big country and this fellow is the exception, not the rule. The only way to positively eliminate the occurrence of such exceptions is to impose totalitarian restrictions on the entire population.

My preference is to accept the occasional exception rather than to even consider the alternative.
This arrest is an exceptionally unusual occurence. It isn't as if ATF has busted an active revolutionary army.

This is a big country and this fellow is the exception, not the rule. The only way to positively eliminate the occurrence of such exceptions is to impose totalitarian restrictions on the entire population.

My preference is to accept the occasional exception rather than to even consider the alternative.

You would have a point if the OP was honest.

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