White House unveils plan to replace every lead pipe in the US...Cory Booker says he's "inspired" by the decision

It's all Barf...

Old lead pipes are not automatically a health threat. A layer of oxidized metal forms on the pipe surface over time, preventing water from directly contacting the raw lead.
What You Can Do if You Live with Lead Pipes
1. Filter all water used for drinking or cooking. ...
2. Flush the water system thoroughly before using any tap water for drinking or cooking. ...
3. Only drink or cook with cold tap water. ...
4. Consider switching to certified and tested bottled water for drinking or cooking. ...
Q. Why did the Feds have to get involved in a local issue?

A. It's probably not a real issue, it's something the "Let's Go Brandon" team invented because the topic rated well in the public opinion surveys.
Q. Why did the Feds have to get involved in a local issue?

A. It's probably not a real issue, it's something the "Let's Go Brandon" team invented because the topic rated well in the public opinion surveys.

EPA requires that if a lead water pipe is defective (leaking) then the whole line to the main must be replaced.
EPA requires that if a lead water pipe is defective (leaking) then the whole line to the main must be replaced.
So...not a new issue, it's already covered?
The idiotic concept which has been around since the 1960's is that lead causes Blacks to have lower IQs. :heehee:

As far as drinking water from the tap, as Doc7505 indicated, get a water filter. There are much worse things in the water than lead. I have used a carbon block water filter setup (Multipure) since around 1995. It removes basically 99% of all the stuff that is not good. Filter needs replacement every 6 months and it is always brown even with famously clean New England water supplies.

The fact is replacing everything will cause way more damage to the environment versus leaving well enough alone.
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Somebody or a lot of somebodies gonna make a lot of money out of this. This infrastructure would have been handled if we did not move from real physical infrastructure to human infrastructure to the level we have. In the eras the infrastructure was built, males were manly men. Today, you get pennies on the dollar's worth of effort to what is spent on the same. So to dig up the ground for a city block of people who pay very little in taxes and there are many blocks, it is going to be expensive. And it already is.
Lead in water is a problem. This nation can't even figure out how to keep drinking water safe. Sad.

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