White House Reporters File Formal Complaint Against Biden For Refusing To Answer Questions


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Wow, the MSM showing a little gumption towards a Democrat. Has hell frozen over?

The White House press pool filed a formal complaint against Democrat President Joe Biden for refusing to answer questions from American media about the multiple crises that have erupted under his regime.
The complaint came as Biden met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Oval Office, which comes after Biden angered the British with his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
“[President] Biden and British PM [Boris Johnson] meet to discuss pandemic, trade and other issues,” CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe tweeted. “Johnson took 3 questions. White House aides shouted down U.S. attempts to ask questions. I asked Biden about southern border and we couldn’t decipher what he said.”

White House Correspondents’ Association President Steven Portnoy said in a statement that he filed a formal complaint over the incident to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
  • Ashley Parker, The Washington Post: “Worth noting that Biden ran for office promising to restore democracy after 4 years of Trump. But today it was the British leader, NOT the American one, who spotlighted a key tenet of a flourishing democracy — respect for a free press — by taking questions from his press corps.”
  • Stephen Miller, The Spectator: “Joe Biden has not taken or answered a single question regarding the border, FDA boosters getting shot down and the drone strike that killed 7 kids. His aides shout down reporters and herds them out of rooms, and the press complies with them.”
  • Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg News: “Biden aides shouted over the president in the Oval Office, trying to prevent a back-and-forth between @POTUS and the press corps.”
  • Andrew Restuccia, The Wall Street Journal: “A chaotic scene in the Oval Office today as Boris Johnson unexpectedly took questions from British reporters, and White House aides shouted over American reporters as we tried to ask Biden questions.”
  • Darren Grimes, GB News: “Boris Johnson took two questions from the British press, President Biden refused to take any, domestic or international. I can well imagine the headlines if Trump did the same, he’d be decried as an ‘authoritarian’, a ‘fascist dictator’ evading scrutiny.”

Wow, the MSM showing a little gumption towards a Democrat. Has hell frozen over?

The White House press pool filed a formal complaint against Democrat President Joe Biden for refusing to answer questions from American media about the multiple crises that have erupted under his regime.
The complaint came as Biden met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Oval Office, which comes after Biden angered the British with his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
“[President] Biden and British PM [Boris Johnson] meet to discuss pandemic, trade and other issues,” CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe tweeted. “Johnson took 3 questions. White House aides shouted down U.S. attempts to ask questions. I asked Biden about southern border and we couldn’t decipher what he said.”

White House Correspondents’ Association President Steven Portnoy said in a statement that he filed a formal complaint over the incident to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
  • Ashley Parker, The Washington Post: “Worth noting that Biden ran for office promising to restore democracy after 4 years of Trump. But today it was the British leader, NOT the American one, who spotlighted a key tenet of a flourishing democracy — respect for a free press — by taking questions from his press corps.”
  • Stephen Miller, The Spectator: “Joe Biden has not taken or answered a single question regarding the border, FDA boosters getting shot down and the drone strike that killed 7 kids. His aides shout down reporters and herds them out of rooms, and the press complies with them.”
  • Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg News: “Biden aides shouted over the president in the Oval Office, trying to prevent a back-and-forth between @POTUS and the press corps.”
  • Andrew Restuccia, The Wall Street Journal: “A chaotic scene in the Oval Office today as Boris Johnson unexpectedly took questions from British reporters, and White House aides shouted over American reporters as we tried to ask Biden questions.”
  • Darren Grimes, GB News: “Boris Johnson took two questions from the British press, President Biden refused to take any, domestic or international. I can well imagine the headlines if Trump did the same, he’d be decried as an ‘authoritarian’, a ‘fascist dictator’ evading scrutiny.”

They need to keep the heat on. If he was there with Boris and Boris had time to take questions, he should also. Dumb move on him and the handlers.
Wow, the MSM showing a little gumption towards a Democrat. Has hell frozen over?

The White House press pool filed a formal complaint against Democrat President Joe Biden for refusing to answer questions from American media about the multiple crises that have erupted under his regime.
The complaint came as Biden met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Oval Office, which comes after Biden angered the British with his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
“[President] Biden and British PM [Boris Johnson] meet to discuss pandemic, trade and other issues,” CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe tweeted. “Johnson took 3 questions. White House aides shouted down U.S. attempts to ask questions. I asked Biden about southern border and we couldn’t decipher what he said.”

White House Correspondents’ Association President Steven Portnoy said in a statement that he filed a formal complaint over the incident to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
  • Ashley Parker, The Washington Post: “Worth noting that Biden ran for office promising to restore democracy after 4 years of Trump. But today it was the British leader, NOT the American one, who spotlighted a key tenet of a flourishing democracy — respect for a free press — by taking questions from his press corps.”
  • Stephen Miller, The Spectator: “Joe Biden has not taken or answered a single question regarding the border, FDA boosters getting shot down and the drone strike that killed 7 kids. His aides shout down reporters and herds them out of rooms, and the press complies with them.”
  • Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg News: “Biden aides shouted over the president in the Oval Office, trying to prevent a back-and-forth between @POTUS and the press corps.”
  • Andrew Restuccia, The Wall Street Journal: “A chaotic scene in the Oval Office today as Boris Johnson unexpectedly took questions from British reporters, and White House aides shouted over American reporters as we tried to ask Biden questions.”
  • Darren Grimes, GB News: “Boris Johnson took two questions from the British press, President Biden refused to take any, domestic or international. I can well imagine the headlines if Trump did the same, he’d be decried as an ‘authoritarian’, a ‘fascist dictator’ evading scrutiny.”

They elected him, they can stuff it.

Tools need not question.
All I can do is add to they cynicism. Trump talked AT those assholes every fuckin day. They just didn't like anything he said. Most of it was his perceptions and opinions, and whatever facts he was allowed to release.

I don't recall how many times I heard bed wetting media apparatchiks piss and moan that Trump released "classified" information, when as CNC he could have opened up Area 51 for inspection and audited the federal reserve.

Now these bed wetters are apoplectic that they get less info from a senile klansman?

Wow, the MSM showing a little gumption towards a Democrat. Has hell frozen over?

The White House press pool filed a formal complaint against Democrat President Joe Biden for refusing to answer questions from American media about the multiple crises that have erupted under his regime.
The complaint came as Biden met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Oval Office, which comes after Biden angered the British with his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
“[President] Biden and British PM [Boris Johnson] meet to discuss pandemic, trade and other issues,” CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe tweeted. “Johnson took 3 questions. White House aides shouted down U.S. attempts to ask questions. I asked Biden about southern border and we couldn’t decipher what he said.”

White House Correspondents’ Association President Steven Portnoy said in a statement that he filed a formal complaint over the incident to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
  • Ashley Parker, The Washington Post: “Worth noting that Biden ran for office promising to restore democracy after 4 years of Trump. But today it was the British leader, NOT the American one, who spotlighted a key tenet of a flourishing democracy — respect for a free press — by taking questions from his press corps.”
  • Stephen Miller, The Spectator: “Joe Biden has not taken or answered a single question regarding the border, FDA boosters getting shot down and the drone strike that killed 7 kids. His aides shout down reporters and herds them out of rooms, and the press complies with them.”
  • Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg News: “Biden aides shouted over the president in the Oval Office, trying to prevent a back-and-forth between @POTUS and the press corps.”
  • Andrew Restuccia, The Wall Street Journal: “A chaotic scene in the Oval Office today as Boris Johnson unexpectedly took questions from British reporters, and White House aides shouted over American reporters as we tried to ask Biden questions.”
  • Darren Grimes, GB News: “Boris Johnson took two questions from the British press, President Biden refused to take any, domestic or international. I can well imagine the headlines if Trump did the same, he’d be decried as an ‘authoritarian’, a ‘fascist dictator’ evading scrutiny.”

They are dismantling the nation. The deal they made for the reins of power. It is in fact pretty shrewd that Biden does not speak much. Ostensibly for his dementia or any other issue.
It's hard to believe that the White House's "solution" to avoiding questions from the Press Corps is to have White House aides shout loudly to drown out anything that Biden might say! That's mind blowing! Shocking that someone would actually think that was going to play well! Who's in charge of the White House these days? It obviously isn't Joe Biden! So who's running our country?
They will be ignored and it will fade away after they realize it's doing no good and go back to business as usual.

Either that or the directors of those news outlets will get a call and they will go those reporters and tell them to stop causing a fuss and just "do their job" and report on what they are told.
This must be what he means by most transparent administration in history. The exact opposite.

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