White House installing solar panels....again


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Obama Administration Becomes The Third To Install Solar Panels On White House Grounds | ThinkProgress

Jimmy Carter installed 32 solar panels on the White House roof when he was president in the late 1970s. When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, one of his first actions as president was to have the panels, which his chief-of-staff allegedly said Reagan felt were “just a joke,” removed. The panels ended up at Unity College in Maine, where they were installed on the roof of the school’s cafeteria.

The great Ronald Reagan, the Messiah of the GOP, wasn't much of a visionary, was he?
Actually Reagan was proved once again to be a visionary in spite of the low information leftie attempt to revise history. A recent government wish list included the statement that solar energy will be a factor in another ten or twenty (or a hundred years). Meanwhile the government relies on faith based global warming.
Reagan was hugely mistaken about a lot of things. I voted for George H W Bush and he actually quietly reinstated energy efficiency at the WH. Why so quiet? Maybe he didn't want to infuriate the Neanderthal members of the GOP?
Energy efficiency is for idiots, Reagan removed the solar panels because they were and are garbage

Garbage, yes. But energy efficiency isn't something to be dissed. The efficiencies in hydrocarbon consumption VS work has advanced tremendously over the years. All the while reducing emissions. Thanks in sole part to competition and private enterprise. Well, that and mandated mileage standards. But such mandates in and of themselves do not produce a desired effect. Competition and private enterprise do. Government work does not.
Reagan was hugely mistaken about a lot of things. I voted for George H W Bush and he actually quietly reinstated energy efficiency at the WH. Why so quiet? Maybe he didn't want to infuriate the Neanderthal members of the GOP?

"Energy efficiency at the White House"? When will low information lefties stop thinking in cliches? Al Gore used more energy in his little compound than most small towns. The White House uses more energy to spy on citizens than citizens use to heat their pools. It's a freaking Hollywood scam.
Energy efficiency is for idiots, Reagan removed the solar panels because they were and are garbage

Garbage, yes. But energy efficiency isn't something to be dissed. The efficiencies in hydrocarbon consumption VS work has advanced tremendously over the years. All the while reducing emissions. Thanks in sole part to competition and private enterprise. Well, that and mandated mileage standards. But such mandates in and of themselves do not produce a desired effect. Competition and private enterprise do. Government work does not.

Would you trade all emissions for an infrastructure that can not support 50% of the life on earth?

We just spent hundreds of billions converting raw materials to products that failed and you speak of efficiency? Nothing is as efficient as Nuclear, so you speak of efficiency and we use the most inefficient sources of power ever created, Solar, Wind, and Geothermal power.

The more you speak of efficiency the faster we go the wrong way in production, we have increased the use of fossil fuels and green energy and "efficiency" is contributing to that.

I use LED bulbs, they use 1/10th of the energy of old fashion light bulbs but they are a thousand times heavier, meaning they used a 1000 times or more natural resources to produce, so what is more efficient, your personal electric bill is going up, of the fact that you consumed more natural resources in the form of an led bulb and did not realize it.
Energy efficiency is for idiots, Reagan removed the solar panels because they were and are garbage

Garbage, yes. But energy efficiency isn't something to be dissed. The efficiencies in hydrocarbon consumption VS work has advanced tremendously over the years. All the while reducing emissions. Thanks in sole part to competition and private enterprise. Well, that and mandated mileage standards. But such mandates in and of themselves do not produce a desired effect. Competition and private enterprise do. Government work does not.

Part of this is correct.

But it's not only competition. There is no real drive from either an automotive stand point or an energy standpoint to be efficient. After all most people in this country want big powerful cars they can drive all the time. Part of the problem with that is they are dirty and inefficient. And part of the problem in this country is that we have a huge military to make sure we have cheap and plentiful gas. In Europe and Asia, that's not the case, so they were building efficient vehicles.

And in China, there "industrial" revolution went largely unregulated with disastrous results. The government recently had to step in to kibosh all the emissions because the smog got so bad in Beijing, you can't see your hand in front of your face on some days.
Energy efficiency is for idiots, Reagan removed the solar panels because they were and are garbage

Garbage, yes. But energy efficiency isn't something to be dissed. The efficiencies in hydrocarbon consumption VS work has advanced tremendously over the years. All the while reducing emissions. Thanks in sole part to competition and private enterprise. Well, that and mandated mileage standards. But such mandates in and of themselves do not produce a desired effect. Competition and private enterprise do. Government work does not.

Part of this is correct.

But it's not only competition. There is no real drive from either an automotive stand point or an energy standpoint to be efficient. After all most people in this country want big powerful cars they can drive all the time. Part of the problem with that is they are dirty and inefficient. And part of the problem in this country is that we have a huge military to make sure we have cheap and plentiful gas. In Europe and Asia, that's not the case, so they were building efficient vehicles.

And in China, there "industrial" revolution went largely unregulated with disastrous results. The government recently had to step in to kibosh all the emissions because the smog got so bad in Beijing, you can't see your hand in front of your face on some days.

Exactly! Where is the big profit for an automobile company? It is with the big SUV and gas hogs. Why would they want to venture into the electric or hybrid market, if it were not for the government regulations and tax incentives? The same is true with the housing industry.
Energy efficiency is for idiots, Reagan removed the solar panels because they were and are garbage

The Secret Service wasn't fond of them either and now they need room for a missile defense system up there..

Three presidential administrations later, George W. Bush installed a photovoltaic system on a maintenance building as well as two solar thermal units on the White House grounds in 2003, but the latest installation on America's most famous residence is certain to increase public awareness about solar power generation.

The White House's new photovoltaic system is expected to generate 19,700 kWh a year.

Read more: White House goes solar, again: pv-magazine

Woooooooo... 9KW of actual average production.. That will work 6 hrs a day.. Well if you move the State Dinners and Concert Events to daytime peak and avoid using the Tactical Bunker Rooms under the complex at night --- you might just save a penny or two..

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