White House Conference Call Reveals Insidious Plan To Balkanize America


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Sword At The Ready ^
On the Mark Levin Show Thursday evening, Sue Paine of WCBM revealed that she was accidentally invited to take part in a White House Conference call about Obama’s ‘Executive Amnesty’ orders. What she heard on this call by officials in the White House and radical Amnesty planners was frightening. It is no less than an insidious plan to use American citizens own money to fund our own national suicide and demise. Sue revealed that the White House plans that these ‘New Americans’ will be subsidized by you and me, the taxpayer. That they will be given immediate access and priority...
Sounds like typical AM radio garbage. Not even worth looking into so I won't. Vigalante has a terrible track record where truth in journalism is concerned.
First they taxed and stole our money….then they indoctrinated our kids…they took over our healthcare……they call us domestic terrorists….they gave away our sovereignty….then they took over the internet…..next they will confiscate our guns…..

First they taxed and stole our money….then they indoctrinated our kids…they took over our healthcare……they call us domestic terrorists….they gave away our sovereignty….then they took over the internet…..next they will confiscate our guns…..

Then they will make us wear clown suits... next our first born will be sent to mars... next something else equally absurd.

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