'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

I told you why in that same post.

The rest of your post is nothing more than dishonest straw men, which is precisely what I expect from you.

Not one thing I said was dishonest but I expect that response everytime from you. It's your "thing" but instead you just rabble and pretend to be offended. Acting class.

Next your going to claim that me asking you what I lied about has "ruffled the PC police"
Wow, so in your mind, you perceive the following as "fact":
  • "It's the PC police fault that slavery is considered a bad thing".
Thats called sarcasm. Slavery itself is a bad thing and you think by calling it PC it should be changed into something good. For your feelings
  • "If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!"
  • "All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand"
So here is the part where instead of saying "WOW" you actually list what I said and why its dishonest. You have a serious problem with that everytime I ask.

Those are your words, blatantly misrepresenting mine via straw man arguments. They're right there, on the freaking screen.

So instead of the rabble state what I said that was dishonest. Because if you consider sarcasm to be lies then you're exposed. If you pretend that what I said was true, you're exposed.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are.
That's how badly your thought processes have been distorted by your partisan ideology.

This is why you people are such a fascinating study. You literally can't tell truth from fiction. And you keep proving it for me.

Once again, you spend 90% of the time going "OMG OMG OMG LIAR" and the other 10% emoting. I asked you what I lied about and you said I presented a straw man. But by golly MAC where is the LIE? Where is the dishonesty? Are you claiming that I KNOW what you are thinking and therefore I should present the TRUTH?

Or will you just go "I CANT BELIEVE THE LIES" and slink back under your rock?
You clearly inferred things that I have never said and attributed them to me in order to advance your argument.

That's known as a "straw man", it's dishonest, it's a lie.

That's what hardcore partisan ideologues do, and it's why they/you have zero (0) credibility.

Dance around it all you want. It's what you do.

What you think I inferred and what is the truth are 2 different things. Once again, when pressed on the rationale behind your constant name calling all you can muster is suggestions of what you thought someone meant.

Just like Ray from Cleveland. You dont care about what the video says you only know that your precious feelings were hurt and think that being angry means something significant
I used your own words against you and you don't like it.

I don't give a shit.
Not one thing I said was dishonest but I expect that response everytime from you. It's your "thing" but instead you just rabble and pretend to be offended. Acting class.

Next your going to claim that me asking you what I lied about has "ruffled the PC police"
Wow, so in your mind, you perceive the following as "fact":
  • "It's the PC police fault that slavery is considered a bad thing".
Thats called sarcasm. Slavery itself is a bad thing and you think by calling it PC it should be changed into something good. For your feelings
  • "If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!"
  • "All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand"
So here is the part where instead of saying "WOW" you actually list what I said and why its dishonest. You have a serious problem with that everytime I ask.

Those are your words, blatantly misrepresenting mine via straw man arguments. They're right there, on the freaking screen.

So instead of the rabble state what I said that was dishonest. Because if you consider sarcasm to be lies then you're exposed. If you pretend that what I said was true, you're exposed.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are.
That's how badly your thought processes have been distorted by your partisan ideology.

This is why you people are such a fascinating study. You literally can't tell truth from fiction. And you keep proving it for me.

Once again, you spend 90% of the time going "OMG OMG OMG LIAR" and the other 10% emoting. I asked you what I lied about and you said I presented a straw man. But by golly MAC where is the LIE? Where is the dishonesty? Are you claiming that I KNOW what you are thinking and therefore I should present the TRUTH?

Or will you just go "I CANT BELIEVE THE LIES" and slink back under your rock?
You clearly inferred things that I have never said and attributed them to me in order to advance your argument.

That's known as a "straw man", it's dishonest, it's a lie.

That's what hardcore partisan ideologues do, and it's why they/you have zero (0) credibility.

Dance around it all you want. It's what you do.

What you think I inferred and what is the truth are 2 different things. Once again, when pressed on the rationale behind your constant name calling all you can muster is suggestions of what you thought someone meant.

Just like Ray from Cleveland. You dont care about what the video says you only know that your precious feelings were hurt and think that being angry means something significant
I used your own words against you and you don't like it.

I don't give a shit.

You tried it, didnt work
Tell us why Mac!

Again, whites history of oppression is bad. Therefore its the PC police fault that Slavery is considered a bad thing. And since slavery was about skin color again MAC eloquently blames others for the goodness or badness of things like slavery and oppression. If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!

All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand
I told you why in that same post.

The rest of your post is nothing more than dishonest straw men, which is precisely what I expect from you.

Not one thing I said was dishonest but I expect that response everytime from you. It's your "thing" but instead you just rabble and pretend to be offended. Acting class.

Next your going to claim that me asking you what I lied about has "ruffled the PC police"
Wow, so in your mind, you perceive the following as "fact":
  • "It's the PC police fault that slavery is considered a bad thing".
  • "If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!"
  • "All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand"
Those are your words, blatantly misrepresenting mine via straw man arguments. They're right there, on the freaking screen.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are. That's how badly your thought processes have been distorted by your partisan ideology.

This is why you people are such a fascinating study. You literally can't tell truth from fiction. And you keep proving it for me.

Jeez, Mac.

You seem to be having trouble getting your message across....

It is something you are doing wrong?

Not imo.

I think you did as well a job as could be expected.
I realize it's essentially impossible to have a normal conversation with people this. They have no balls, no honor. They'll say absolutely anything.

If he keeps humping my leg, and who knows why, I'll keep responding.

What I don't understand is why people like this have to hump my leg.


AT some level they know that their World View and AGenda is built on lies.

Thus they need to take steps to suppress the Truth.

If you insist of stating Truths that threaten their House of LIes, they need to attack those statements and marginalize them and you.
Its not about your candy ass emotions.

Then what's it about, asshole?


Don't like it?

Too late.

What about history? What's the point of the video? You're obviously afraid to say it in plain English. That's because you know it's a race baiting pile of crap.

What do you mean what about history? Does there need to be some magnanimous reason for history? Or only with blacks?

Lol...only during black history do you guys say we shouldn't discuss blacks or history lol.

Hell we do not really discuss black history during black history month. Only how badly they were treated by whites. Oh, there is a whole lot about that.

Of course really nothing about the truth about the trans-Sahara/Atlantic slave trade. Take a guess why that is ignored.

I know for a fucking fact that you losers think white Europeans showed up to Africa and "kidnapped" peaceful black people. Oh, I know that.

Completely and totally false. Want to discuss the truth about it? Want to learn the actual facts? Whats the matter? Hate truth? Yeah, you hate truth.

Just know this. By the time Europe got involved with the well established slave trade that had been going on for centuries, the slaves being traded were ALREADY SLAVES. Not that that should make a difference. Well, the fact that it should not make any difference leads me to wonder why that fact is lost on "African Americans." BTW, do you know Africans (actual Africans I mean) are offended by that term? Not that you care.


Black history month, is Black patronizing month. Totally one sided and a special month to push their victimology narrative.

But but but they are treated so unfairly here. They have it sooooo bad here. Don't they just wish they were back in Africa? Oh, I am sure they do.

The simple fact is you liberals have been an utter disaster to "African Americans." You white guilt socialists are pieces of ignorant arrogant shit. Nothing more, and quite possibly a whole let less.
I think you've got me on ignore, but just in case: As your mother probably asked, "So if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you jump too?" Wrong is wrong, even if half the world is at it.
Then what's it about, asshole?


Don't like it?

Too late.

What about history? What's the point of the video? You're obviously afraid to say it in plain English. That's because you know it's a race baiting pile of crap.

What do you mean what about history? Does there need to be some magnanimous reason for history? Or only with blacks?

Lol...only during black history do you guys say we shouldn't discuss blacks or history lol.

Hell we do not really discuss black history during black history month. Only how badly they were treated by whites. Oh, there is a whole lot about that.

Of course really nothing about the truth about the trans-Sahara/Atlantic slave trade. Take a guess why that is ignored.

I know for a fucking fact that you losers think white Europeans showed up to Africa and "kidnapped" peaceful black people. Oh, I know that.

Completely and totally false. Want to discuss the truth about it? Want to learn the actual facts? Whats the matter? Hate truth? Yeah, you hate truth.

Just know this. By the time Europe got involved with the well established slave trade that had been going on for centuries, the slaves being traded were ALREADY SLAVES. Not that that should make a difference. Well, the fact that it should not make any difference leads me to wonder why that fact is lost on "African Americans." BTW, do you know Africans (actual Africans I mean) are offended by that term? Not that you care.


Black history month, is Black patronizing month. Totally one sided and a special month to push their victimology narrative.

But but but they are treated so unfairly here. They have it sooooo bad here. Don't they just wish they were back in Africa? Oh, I am sure they do.

The simple fact is you liberals have been an utter disaster to "African Americans." You white guilt socialists are pieces of ignorant arrogant shit. Nothing more, and quite possibly a whole let less.
I think you've got me on ignore, but just in case: As your mother probably asked, "So if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you jump too?" Wrong is wrong, even if half the world is at it.

Never said it was not wrong. That is not my point. What is wrong is using minorities as pawns for political expediency. For acquisition of power and to keep the power acquired. Creating racial tension and taking advantage of any perceived news stories that fits the narrative.

The Michael Brown case is the perfect example. Democrats showed to Ferguson with voter registration tables. There were organized protests that were deliberately violent and many of these organized protests were from people that were bused from out of town. We had a Democrat governor publicly calling the white cop guilty. We had the country's top cop in Holder saying it was a hate crime. Had the DOJ coming in and launching massive investigations and obama making speeches that were inciting people and stirring racial tension. Deliberately.

There are all sorts of cases like that and it is all for political expediency. Patronizing minorities and using the gullible to convince these minorities that they are perpetual victims of white republicans.

It is evil. Plane and simple. Pure evil.
This is the image whites want shown so they dont feel guilt


Weeee! Its fun being slaves and Master is soooo kind. Let's dance!
Its not about your candy ass emotions.

Then what's it about, asshole?


Don't like it?

Too late.

What about history? What's the point of the video? You're obviously afraid to say it in plain English. That's because you know it's a race baiting pile of crap.

What do you mean what about history? Does there need to be some magnanimous reason for history? Or only with blacks?

Lol...only during black history do you guys say we shouldn't discuss blacks or history lol.

Hell we do not really discuss black history during black history month. Only how badly they were treated by whites. Oh, there is a whole lot about that.

Of course really nothing about the truth about the trans-Sahara/Atlantic slave trade. Take a guess why that is ignored.

I know for a fucking fact that you losers think white Europeans showed up to Africa and "kidnapped" peaceful black people. Oh, I know that.

Completely and totally false. Want to discuss the truth about it? Want to learn the actual facts? Whats the matter? Hate truth? Yeah, you hate truth.

Just know this. By the time Europe got involved with the well established slave trade that had been going on for centuries, the slaves being traded were ALREADY SLAVES. Not that that should make a difference. Well, the fact that it should not make any difference leads me to wonder why that fact is lost on "African Americans." BTW, do you know Africans (actual Africans I mean) are offended by that term? Not that you care.


Black history month, is Black patronizing month. Totally one sided and a special month to push their victimology narrative.

But but but they are treated so unfairly here. They have it sooooo bad here. Don't they just wish they were back in Africa? Oh, I am sure they do.

The simple fact is you liberals have been an utter disaster to "African Americans." You white guilt socialists are pieces of ignorant arrogant shit. Nothing more, and quite possibly a whole let less.

Isn't your entire post patronizing to African Americans?

We ended the African slave trade in 1808 and yet slavery was still legal for 50+ years. That means we forced them into slavery and perpetuated the industry.

Also, you belittle experiences like Jim Crow, lynchings and racial discrimination by saying they would love to go back to Africa. Why should they be forced to tolerate those activities in the US or go to a continent they have never lived on?

And if you find African-American offensive (funny how you conservatives rail on liberals for being PC and offended all the time), what should we call black people? I assume you want to call them the N word.
Also, you belittle experiences like Jim Crow, lynchings and racial discrimination by saying they would love to go back to Africa. Why should they be forced to tolerate those activities in the US or go to a continent they have never lived on?

They chalk this up as no big deal and then proceed to whine about a fucking video they clicked on and watched. Sensitive bunch these guys are.
We ended the African slave trade in 1808 and yet slavery was still legal for 50+ years. That means we forced them into slavery and perpetuated the industry.
Americans did not force blacks into slavery.

They were already slaves, forced into slavery by other black tribes, then traded to Arab or Jewish middlemen (the other Democrat constituencies today). Those middle men than traded slaves to European traders who would trade simple manufactured goods like iron axes and cloth in return for slaves. Then the traders traded slaves in the SE US for lumber, sugar and tar.

Not that you give a flying fart about facts, just thought you should know.
Then what's it about, asshole?


Don't like it?

Too late.

What about history? What's the point of the video? You're obviously afraid to say it in plain English. That's because you know it's a race baiting pile of crap.

What do you mean what about history? Does there need to be some magnanimous reason for history? Or only with blacks?

Lol...only during black history do you guys say we shouldn't discuss blacks or history lol.

Hell we do not really discuss black history during black history month. Only how badly they were treated by whites. Oh, there is a whole lot about that.

Of course really nothing about the truth about the trans-Sahara/Atlantic slave trade. Take a guess why that is ignored.

I know for a fucking fact that you losers think white Europeans showed up to Africa and "kidnapped" peaceful black people. Oh, I know that.

Completely and totally false. Want to discuss the truth about it? Want to learn the actual facts? Whats the matter? Hate truth? Yeah, you hate truth.

Just know this. By the time Europe got involved with the well established slave trade that had been going on for centuries, the slaves being traded were ALREADY SLAVES. Not that that should make a difference. Well, the fact that it should not make any difference leads me to wonder why that fact is lost on "African Americans." BTW, do you know Africans (actual Africans I mean) are offended by that term? Not that you care.


Black history month, is Black patronizing month. Totally one sided and a special month to push their victimology narrative.

But but but they are treated so unfairly here. They have it sooooo bad here. Don't they just wish they were back in Africa? Oh, I am sure they do.

The simple fact is you liberals have been an utter disaster to "African Americans." You white guilt socialists are pieces of ignorant arrogant shit. Nothing more, and quite possibly a whole let less.

Isn't your entire post patronizing to African Americans?

We ended the African slave trade in 1808 and yet slavery was still legal for 50+ years. That means we forced them into slavery and perpetuated the industry.

Also, you belittle experiences like Jim Crow, lynchings and racial discrimination by saying they would love to go back to Africa. Why should they be forced to tolerate those activities in the US or go to a continent they have never lived on?

And if you find African-American offensive (funny how you conservatives rail on liberals for being PC and offended all the time), what should we call black people? I assume you want to call them the N word.

Other than you not wanting to know the true history of slavery and how it was started due to the fact that you are an ignorant white guilt loser and pawn for the socialists who use all minorities (especially BLACK people) for nefarious reasons, you are ignorant as shit about discrimination in this country.

You all blame the "south" as being the only place where there is racism. You all yell about "Jim Crow Jim Crow Jim Crow." As though there was not any kind of segregation in the North.

You have any idea how long before MLB integrated? You know ALL MLB teams were NORTH of the Mason Dixon line? You do not think major cities (around the world but especially in America) segregate? You have any clue? Ever hear of Little Italy, of Chinatown, or black Harlem? Every major city in America from coast to coast, from North to South separate out. There are Irish sections, Polish sections, Jewish sections in all cities.

Oh, but you are all so stupid that you limit to "just the south." Stupid ass ignorant hypocrites.


Little Italy New York


Chinatown NY

Jewish sections in NY

On and on and on. All around the country. Go ahead look up Chinatown in San Fran. Look up and see how racist Boston was to blacks. See or look up Bill Russells accounts. Black people were not allowed on Martha's Vineyard and Sammy Davis was not allowed to go to the Kennedy election party there in 1960.

All above the Mason Dixon Line.

Of course, that type of segregation does not exist anymore. Blacks have it better than they have ever had it. More organizations cater to them EXCLUSIVELY. Every opportunity to make it. Over 35,000 black millionaires in this country.

Yet here you are pushing the vitcim narrative on behalf of your pathetic socialist gods in the democrat party.

You are all fucking ignorant patronizing racist arrogant losers. All of you. Not one exception.
We ended the African slave trade in 1808 and yet slavery was still legal for 50+ years. That means we forced them into slavery and perpetuated the industry.
Americans did not force blacks into slavery.

They were already slaves, forced into slavery by other black tribes, then traded to Arab or Jewish middlemen (the other Democrat constituencies today). Those middle men than traded slaves to European traders who would trade simple manufactured goods like iron axes and cloth in return for slaves. Then the traders traded slaves in the SE US for lumber, sugar and tar.

Not that you give a flying fart about facts, just thought you should know.
They were captured and made slaves in order to be sold to Arab or Jewish middlemen, who knew they had a ready market in European AND American traders who wanted slaves. The Americans were active and willing participants.
That isn't really racism. I doubt your friends would start labeling random black people "animals".
Oh maybe I didn't make it very clear, but if you look at my post, I was saying that they became "susceptible to racism". The indication is that if similar incidence occurs frequently, they may really believe the blacks are born with "violence gene" or stupid stuff like that. Of course I was not accusing my friends of being racist...
I doubt it.

I have been a "racist" according to the SPLC for nearly a decade now ever since joining Stormfront in 2008, but the only people I have ever made the case for inherent inferiority are the white liberal sellouts who insist that Susan Sontag was right, even after being gang raped and beaten by the black and brown racists whom they claim don't exist. Without white guilt lunatics racial relations would be a lot better.
I think everybody has a line defining racism in their mind. If you don't cross that line, nobody blame you as a racist.
I'm curious about where you draw that line. Let's say: if someone frequently claims that, for example, "the blacks are stupid and tend to commit crime", would you say that he is a racist?
Also, if a professor claims that he has found through scientific research that the whites are "genetically smarter" than the blacks, would you mark the professor as a racist?
I would be fine with calling blacks stupid today based on their current culture and mindset, but at the same time I think all white teenagers and the 20 somethings who grew up on MTV are idiots for the same reason. I also think the "tend" helps soften the message enough for my taste in regards to talking about blacks committing crimes.

If a professor claimed whites were smarter inherently I would obviously need to see this research and study up on the science behind it before I believed it or not. I certainly wouldn't just dismiss the professor outright as a racist.
These two cases were actually presented to us in a high school class several years ago. I thought they were quite interesting.
You might notice that the claims have different level of factual support.
One of them has partial support (i.e. SOME blacks are stupid and tend to commit crime), and the other has, hypothetically, full scientific support. The question is, however, does it matter how much support they have? One answer is: based on solid factual support, any comment is not racism and should be allowed, because people have the freedom of speaking the truth (and take actions accordingly). Another opinion is that even with factual support, such comment shouldn't be allowed because it hurts the feelings of others and lead to hatred and mistrust. Apparently, you tend to choose the first answer while many people from the left believe in the second. Naturally, you guys draw that line at different places to strengthen your preferred answer. Nevertheless, what really matters is to understand the implication of these answers - they both have traps and rewards waiting for their believers. After all, the argument on the definition of racism is essentially an argument on how we should behave.
Just some thoughts...
My problem is that both questions present a narrative which doesn't exist. One extremely respected scientist said that white people have higher IQs on average than blacks, and he was destroyed for it despite all the years of DNA breakthroughs he contributed to. On the other hand you have lunatics like Francis Cress Welsing being allowed to work with children for many years despite writing a book that is the black equivalent of the movie "Birth of a Nation" called "The Isis Papers".

There isn't really an honest debate on the morality of racism and racialism, it is all about beating white people down every time they stop displaying the typical symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

Not surprising a racist piece of shit doesn't get it.

It's not about guilt. It's about calling out bigotry.

Go back to Stormfront Troll.

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