While we're at it, Palestinians really did get kicked out of their homes to create Israel in 1948

That is the problem with fanatics. On both sides. Only their way is right and the rest be damned.
There is no fanaticism here, but if Christians or Atheists like you wish to believe that we are fanatics in not wanting to be destroyed, go for it.

First, they did not want Israel to become a sovereign nation from 1920 on.

Since 1948 they have been trying to destroy the sovereign nation of Israel.

Let me know what part of you acknowledges any of it and understands what Israel and Jews all over the world have been dealing with.

Especially since the Palestinian Leader Al Husseini is very responsible for Jews not being allowed to immigrate during the Mandate for Palestine, especially when Nazis were killing Jews in Europe and the Jews were trying to escape.

Especially when that leader, Al Husseini, was the leader of an SS Muslim troop in Bosnia which killed all the Jews in Bosnia. You did not know that.

Especially when the very same leader, Al Husseini, went to Iraq in 1941 and fermented hatred towards the Jews there which saw riots in June 1941 murder over 200 Jews there.

Keep showing me the knowledge and understanding of what you are talking about.
And what exactly is written in this article

tells you that you correct. and factual? Let me know which paragraphs, etc.
Now, you want me to teach you to read? And even if I did, would you actually read it?

Look, I get that this is personal for you. I sympathize. I really do. But sometimes, things are not just black and white.

Have the Hamas behaved badly? Yes, absolutely. They have. But does that mean the Israelis are without blemish?

Israelis have been provoking the Palestinians for a long time now. The right wing has been building settlement after settlement and making ordinary Palestinian lives miserable. It has all come to a head now.
That is the problem with fanatics. On both sides. Only their way is right and the rest be damned.
Only the Arab way of getting rid of Jews in Palestine is ok.

This is the history of the hero of the Palestinian people:

Hajj Amin al-Husseini: Founding Father of the Palestinian-Arab National Movement
Overview and Facts
Who was Hajj Amin al-Husseini?
  • ● Hajj Amin al-Husseini is considered the founding father of the Palestinian-Arab national movement. He led the movement in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s.
  • ● He worked closely with Hitler to exterminate Jews in Europe and incited massacres of Jews throughout the Middle East.
  • ● Al-Husseini played an active role in establishing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which is now Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority (PA).
  • ● Current PA President Mahmoud Abbas refers to al-Husseini as a “hero.”
○ The PA is the internationally recognized governing body of the
Examples of al-Husseini’s violence and anti-Semitism:
  • ● Al-Husseini was responsible for organizing fedayeen (suicide groups) that terrorized the Jews of Palestine in 1919.i
  • ● Al-Husseini organized the 1929 Western Wall Riots, which included riots in both Hebron and Safed, that resulted in the massacre of 133 Jews (comprised of rabbis, students, and other civilians)ii and the end of thousands of years of Jewish presence in Hebron.
  • ● With support from Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hassan al-Banna (founder of Muslim Brotherhood), al-Husseini orchestrated the Arab riots of 1936-1939 that murdered 415 Jews in British Mandate Palestine.iii
  • ● Al-Husseini traveled to Nazi Germany in 1941 and met with Hitler to gain assistance with his plan to annihilate the Jewish population of the Middle East.iv
  • ● Al-Husseini recruited Bosnian-Muslim troops for service in the Waffen SS.v These troops went on to exterminate Jews in Croatia and Hungary.
  • ● As millions were slaughtered during the Holocaust, al-Husseini declared himself to be the “Fuhrer of the Middle East.”
  • ● Al-Husseini denied the Holocaust: “The figure of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is exaggerated and is used by the Israelis to gain international support.”
  • ● Al-Husseini organized Palestinian forces that attacked Israel after the UN voted to partition Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state.
  • ● During preparation for the 1948 war, al-Husseini adopted a young Yasser Arafat (founder of the PLO - now the PA) as his protégé.vi This PLO governs the Palestinian-Arabs today.
    PA President Mahmoud Abbas calls Hajj Amin al-Huseinni a hero and spreads al-Huseinni’s messages throughout the Palestinian Authority. The US, EU, and other world powers have tried negotiating with Abbas, but is it possible to make peace with a leader who holds these values?

By all means, dismiss any and all of it. Understand none of it. Do not understand the Muslim extremist mind when it comes to Jews.
There is no fanaticism here, but if Christians or Atheists like you wish to believe that we are fanatics in not wanting to be destroyed, go for it.

First, they did not want Israel to become a sovereign nation from 1920 on.

Since 1948 they have been trying to destroy the sovereign nation of Israel.

Let me know what part of you acknowledges any of it and understands what Israel and Jews all over the world have been dealing with.

Especially since the Palestinian Leader Al Husseini is very responsible for Jews not being allowed to immigrate during the Mandate for Palestine, especially when Nazis were killing Jews in Europe and the Jews were trying to escape.

Especially when that leader, Al Husseini, was the leader of an SS Muslim troop in Bosnia which killed all the Jews in Bosnia. You did not know that.

Especially when the very same leader, Al Husseini, went to Iraq in 1941 and fermented hatred towards the Jews there which saw riots in June 1941 murder over 200 Jews there.

Keep showing me the knowledge and understanding of what you are talking about.
Yes, the Arabs do wish to destroy Israel. No argument there.

The question is Why? Have you asked yourself that? It is because the Jewish people have taken their lands. You seem to be stuck in the fact that people are out to destroy Israel but can't seem to answer the question of why.

Would you be okay if your lands were taken from you all in the name of some religious book that you don't believe in? Is the explanation that just because they lived there a thousand years ago and it is ordained in Genesis or whatever?

I know I won't be able to convince you and I don't care. You are a fanatic. That is unfortunate. :dunno:
Now, you want me to teach you to read? And even if I did, would you actually read it?

Look, I get that this is personal for you. I sympathize. I really do. But sometimes, things are not just black and white.

Have the Hamas behaved badly? Yes, absolutely. They have. But does that mean the Israelis are without blemish?

Israelis have been provoking the Palestinians for a long time now. The right wing has been building settlement after settlement and making ordinary Palestinian lives miserable. It has all come to a head now.
I read it.

Right, provoking the Palestinians .....to not kill Jews. Defending Israel and Jews.

No land has been taken from the Palestinians, settlements grow on their own area, like any other city, not taking any land from Palestinians. Nothing like believing something which is not true because that is how one chooses to see it.

Right, Israel gives education, health care and jobs to thousands of Palestinians and better pays than Gaza and the PA will pay, and the Israelis are making Palestinian lives miserable.

Endless ignorance because you refuse to look for facts.

Stay that way.
Only the Arab way of getting rid of Jews in Palestine is ok.

This is the history of the hero of the Palestinian people:

Hajj Amin al-Husseini: Founding Father of the Palestinian-Arab National Movement
Overview and Facts
Who was Hajj Amin al-Husseini?
  • ● Hajj Amin al-Husseini is considered the founding father of the Palestinian-Arab national movement. He led the movement in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s.
  • ● He worked closely with Hitler to exterminate Jews in Europe and incited massacres of Jews throughout the Middle East.
  • ● Al-Husseini played an active role in establishing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which is now Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority (PA).
  • ● Current PA President Mahmoud Abbas refers to al-Husseini as a “hero.”
○ The PA is the internationally recognized governing body of the
Examples of al-Husseini’s violence and anti-Semitism:
  • ● Al-Husseini was responsible for organizing fedayeen (suicide groups) that terrorized the Jews of Palestine in 1919.i
  • ● Al-Husseini organized the 1929 Western Wall Riots, which included riots in both Hebron and Safed, that resulted in the massacre of 133 Jews (comprised of rabbis, students, and other civilians)ii and the end of thousands of years of Jewish presence in Hebron.
  • ● With support from Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hassan al-Banna (founder of Muslim Brotherhood), al-Husseini orchestrated the Arab riots of 1936-1939 that murdered 415 Jews in British Mandate Palestine.iii
  • ● Al-Husseini traveled to Nazi Germany in 1941 and met with Hitler to gain assistance with his plan to annihilate the Jewish population of the Middle East.iv
  • ● Al-Husseini recruited Bosnian-Muslim troops for service in the Waffen SS.v These troops went on to exterminate Jews in Croatia and Hungary.
  • ● As millions were slaughtered during the Holocaust, al-Husseini declared himself to be the “Fuhrer of the Middle East.”
  • ● Al-Husseini denied the Holocaust: “The figure of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is exaggerated and is used by the Israelis to gain international support.”
  • ● Al-Husseini organized Palestinian forces that attacked Israel after the UN voted to partition Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state.
  • ● During preparation for the 1948 war, al-Husseini adopted a young Yasser Arafat (founder of the PLO - now the PA) as his protégé.vi This PLO governs the Palestinian-Arabs today.
    PA President Mahmoud Abbas calls Hajj Amin al-Huseinni a hero and spreads al-Huseinni’s messages throughout the Palestinian Authority. The US, EU, and other world powers have tried negotiating with Abbas, but is it possible to make peace with a leader who holds these values?

By all means, dismiss any and all of it. Understand none of it. Do not understand the Muslim extremist mind when it comes to Jews.
:sleeping-smiley-015: Are you trying to convince yourself? Not sure what you are trying to pull.
I read it.

Right, provoking the Palestinians .....to not kill Jews. Defending Israel and Jews.

No land has been taken from the Palestinians, settlements grow on their own area, like any other city, not taking any land from Palestinians. Nothing like believing something which is not true because that is how one chooses to see it.

Right, Israel gives education, health care and jobs to thousands of Palestinians and better pays than Gaza and the PA will pay, and the Israelis are making Palestinian lives miserable.

Endless ignorance because you refuse to look for facts.

Stay that way.
So, only info that fits your worldview is right and facts be damned? Yeah, we heard you the first time. :itsok:
Yes, the Arabs do wish to destroy Israel. No argument there.

The question is Why? Have you asked yourself that? It is because the Jewish people have taken their lands. You seem to be stuck in the fact that people are out to destroy Israel but can't seem to answer the question of why.

Would you be okay if your lands were taken from you all in the name of some religious book that you don't believe in? Is the explanation that just because they lived there a thousand years ago and it is ordained in Genesis or whatever?

I know I won't be able to convince you and I don't care. You are a fanatic. That is unfortunate. :dunno:
No land belonged to Palestinians. For 500 years it was under the Ottoman Empire. Find me one protest, one battle against the Ottoman power during those 500 years.

There are none. As long as the power is a Muslim one, as in Jordan, they do not care.

Jordan was part of the Mandate for Palestine.

Not ONE protest or attack on Jordan to free the West Bank between 1948 and 1967.

Are you seriously going to remain ignorant?
Apparently so.
:sleeping-smiley-015: Are you trying to convince yourself? Not sure what you are trying to pull.
So, I am supposed to believe that you do care about Israel, when you refuse to look at the history of their first Palestinian leader and how many Jews he murdered not only in the Mandate but in Bosnia and Iraq?

You are a Jew hater. Pure and simple.

Yeah, your wish to destroy Israel is for one to yawn about. Millions of worthless people like you around the world are doing exactly the same right now.
[ Palestinians first leader, Al Husseini, with Nazis at a concentration camp. And the refusal of anti Israel people to see the end this leader had envisioned for all Jews in the Mandate for Palestine and around the ME ]

Kedem Auction House

al-Hajj Amin al-Husseini visits the Trebbin concentration camp, 1942KEDEM AUCTION HOUSE

In 2017, Jerusalem’s Kedem auction house posted three of six previously unknown photos on the internet, in which the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, inspects a Nazi concentration camp along with Nazi senior officials and government figures. According to the auctioneers, an expert was of the opinion that these inmates performed forced labor at the Trebbin camp near Berlin, which was, from 1942 to 1945, an SS artillery training place with a branch of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Oranienburg. Built after World War I as a Christian “City of Peace,” it was taken over by the SS in 1935. Among the prisoners were Jews from Hungary. Forced labor, terror and violence characterized their daily lives. Kedem hoped viewers would help identify men in the photos.

Photo 1


As it turns out, I can now shed light on five of the foreign guests in the pictures—global leaders whose presence reflects the transregional history between Europe, the Middle East, India, and America. The photographs also provide irrefutable proof that all of the men present had precise knowledge of the fate of Jews in Hitler’s Germany—and of the likely fate of Jews in their own home countries under Nazi rule. According to Kedem, the photos are stamped “Photo-Gerhards Trebbin.” This stamp indicates that they were probably photographed in Trebbin, 30 kilometers south of Berlin, “around 1943.” The six photos were auctioned for $12,300 to a private individual who, I would argue, should post the remaining three images on the internet as a humanitarian gesture to families of the prisoners.

Only three of the seven men pictured survived World War II and its immediate aftermath. The two German officials in uniform were both directly involved in the Holocaust. Before and after their trip to the camp, Adolf Hitler met separately with each of the foreign guests, who included the Palestinian leader al-Husseini, the former Iraqi Prime Minister Ali al-Kailani, the Croatian Ustasha ideologue Mile Budak, and the Indian Hindu leader Subhas Chandra Bose. So who were they?

Mile Budak was the ideologue of Croatia’s ethno-radical, anti-Semitic Ustasha party, which ran a Nazi satellite state formed in 1941. On the left is Dr. Fritz Grobba, a former envoy to Kabul, Baghdad, and Jidda. He was a Protestant and not a member of the Nazi Party. He had been in charge of the Middle East in the German Foreign Office since early 1942.
Grobba and the two Arab leaders pictured had supported the anti-British coup in Iraq, which was followed by the al-Farhud pogrom in mid-1941. In it, 179 Jews were killed and many stores looted. Masterminds like al-Kailani and al-Husseini wanted to signal, there in a 2,500-year-old community, how Arabia’s Jews should be treated.

In the second photo is the politician Arthur Seyss-Inquart, who presided over Hitler’s Anschluss of Austria in 1938 and two years later served as commissioner for the occupied Netherlands. In the process, he oversaw the deportation of 100,000 Jews to death camps and the enslavement of half a million Dutch people, half of whom were forced to go to Germany as slave laborers.

After the Nuremberg trials in 1946, Seyss-Inquart ended up on the gallows for his crimes against humanity. Budak shared this fate a year earlier in Zagreb, where he was hanged as a war criminal for his policy of sending Jews, Serbs, Sinti, and Roma to death camps.

On the other hand, both Arab leaders continued their anti-Jewish and Islamist policies unimpeded after the end of the war: al-Kailani until 1965 and al-Husseini until 1974. Outside of Israel, Nazism had hardly been delegitimized in the Middle East, and its adherents often came to power after the war ended. The Iraqi al-Kailani staged a coup in Baghdad but failed. He was sentenced to death, then exiled to Beirut.

Photo 2, with Arthur Seyss-Inquart appearing second from left

Photo 2, with Arthur Seyss-Inquart appearing second from leftKEDEM AUCTION HOUSE

(full article online)

No land belonged to Palestinians. For 500 years it was under the Ottoman Empire. Find me one protest, one battle against the Ottoman power during those 500 years.

There are none. As long as the power is a Muslim one, as in Jordan, they do not care.

Jordan was part of the Mandate for Palestine.

Not ONE protest or attack on Jordan to free the West Bank between 1948 and 1967.

Are you seriously going to remain ignorant?
Apparently so.
The Arab Revolt (Arabic: الثورة العربية al-Thawra al-‘Arabiyya) or the Great Arab Revolt (الثورة العربية الكبرى al-Thawra al-‘Arabiyya al-Kubrā) was an armed uprising by the Arabs against the Ottoman Empire amidst the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I.

On the basis of the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence, exchanged between Henry McMahon of the United Kingdom and Hussein bin Ali of the Kingdom of Hejaz, the rebellion against the ruling Turks was officially initiated at Mecca on 10 June 1916.[a] The primary goal of the Arab rebels was to establish an independent and unified Arab state stretching from Aleppo to Aden, which the British government had promised to recognize.[10]

The rise of nationalism in the Ottoman Empire dates from at least 1821. Arab nationalism has its roots in the Mashriq (the Arab lands east of Egypt), particularly in countries of the Levant. The political orientation of Arab nationalists before World War I was generally moderate. Their demands were of a reformist nature and generally limited to autonomy, a greater use of Arabic in education, and changes in peacetime conscription in the Ottoman Empire to allow Arab conscripts local service in the Ottoman army.[12]

What the fuck do you think the movie Lawrence Of Arabia was about? It was the Arabs against the Ottoman Empire. You may want to brush up on your history, kiddo.
Last edited:
So, I am supposed to believe that you do care about Israel, when you refuse to look at the history of their first Palestinian leader and how many Jews he murdered not only in the Mandate but in Bosnia and Iraq?

You are a Jew hater. Pure and simple.

Yeah, your wish to destroy Israel is for one to yawn about. Millions of worthless people like you around the world are doing exactly the same right now.
And, there it is. The charge of anti-Semitism labeled against anyone who brings out facts that go against your Jewish worldview. LOL

Sorry, kiddo. I deal with facts. You are a fanatic. But hey, keep spouting insults whenever someone presents facts. What else do you have left? :itsok:
It is a myth that it was just empty desert and mean Arabs just don't want Jews to have a home. The miracle is it is still on wikipedia.

"In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day"

View attachment 844007

Tel Aviv was called Jaffa before 1948. How many Americans giving billions in foreign aid to Israel even know that?

Jaffa pre 1948
Zionists are scumbag humans!
The Arab Revolt (Arabic: الثورة العربية al-Thawra al-‘Arabiyya) or the Great Arab Revolt (الثورة العربية الكبرى al-Thawra al-‘Arabiyya al-Kubrā) was an armed uprising by the Arabs against the Ottoman Empire amidst the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I.

On the basis of the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence, exchanged between Henry McMahon of the United Kingdom and Hussein bin Ali of the Kingdom of Hejaz, the rebellion against the ruling Turks was officially initiated at Mecca on 10 June 1916.[a] The primary goal of the Arab rebels was to establish an independent and unified Arab state stretching from Aleppo to Aden, which the British government had promised to recognize.[10]

The rise of nationalism in the Ottoman Empire dates from at least 1821. Arab nationalism has its roots in the Mashriq (the Arab lands east of Egypt), particularly in countries of the Levant. The political orientation of Arab nationalists before World War I was generally moderate. Their demands were of a reformist nature and generally limited to autonomy, a greater use of Arabic in education, and changes in peacetime conscription in the Ottoman Empire to allow Arab conscripts local service in the Ottoman army.[12]

What the fuck do you think the movie Lawrence Of Arabia was about? It was the Arabs against the Ottoman Empire. You may want to brush up on your history, kiddo.
Right, and they all slept for 500 years only to wake up around WWI.

Yawn !!!
And, there it is. The charge of anti-Semitism labeled against anyone who brings out facts that go against your Jewish worldview. LOL

Sorry, kiddo. I deal with facts. You are a fanatic. But hey, keep spouting insults whenever someone presents facts. What else do you have left? :itsok:
Your facts are pro haters of Israel who want to see Israel destroyed.

You, have nothing left.
Off course the Palestinian-Arabs said NO in 1937 - why should they give 50% of a territory to 600,000 Jews - that was owned and inhabited by 1,4 million Palestinian-Arabs?
That in 1920 accounted for less then 35,000 Jews?
Why should the Arab-league acquit toward the erecting of a Jewish State within their territory? which they opposed from the very beginning since the Balfour Deceleration in 1917?

Maybe because they were the ones responsible for eradicating the Jews from that area and taking their land originally. Why should they acquit for any reason other than the real reason, that they hate Jews and want to eradicate Jews from the Earth because that's what their koran tells them to do. Or are you incapable of admitting the real reason for the hundreds to thousands of years of hate and animosity towards the Jews? They're bigots, hateful and murdering bigots.
LOL First you challenged me to produce it and then when I did, you dismissed it? :auiqs.jpg:

And you wonder why I call you a fanatic.
The laugh is on you, fool.

For 500 years Arabs would not come against the Ottoman Turks, and you cannot figure out why and then play at being intelligent .

When you figure out why Arabs would not riot, protest, declare war or die against the Turk Ottomans before WWI, let me know.
LOL. I went to the same place you did - Wiki. Now, suddenly they are haters of Israel? :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Let me show you actual haters of Israel and what their intentions are. And let me watch you dismiss what they say and why. This was today:

Abbas’ advisor on Hamas massacre: It is “our legitimate right to defend ourselves... Martyrs’ blood will cause victory and holiness to bloom”​

Matt Solomon | Oct 17, 2023

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash has declared that Hamas’ massacre against Israeli civilians last Saturday is considered legitimate self-defense:
Al-Habbash: “We are enacting our legitimate right in resisting these invaders defending ourselves, and defending our holy sites and our people… This occupation is temporary. Regardless of how long it takes, and regardless of how many sacrifices there will be, this occupation will leave sooner or later.
[Official PA TV, Oct. 8, 2023]​
Al-Habbash’s claiming the need to “defend our holy sites” is baseless. The claim that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is in danger and that all the Muslim and Christian holy sites need protecting is a frequent libel by Abbas-appointed leaders and PA officials to incite the Palestinian street to attack Jews/Israelis.

Al-Habbash further justified Hamas’ atrocities not merely as acts of self-defense but as acts of “justice.” The blood of the dead Palestinian terrorist murderers – the so-called “Martyrs”- he praised as a “victory” and source of “holiness”:
“We are engaging in defending ourselves. The victory belongs to justice. Allah willing, and we hold onto justice, and this justice will triumph. These [Palestinian] Martyrs, whom we are losing painfully… their blood will cause victory and holiness to bloom, Allah willing.”
[Official PA TV, Oct. 8, 2023]​
PMW has reported that the PA and Fatah have been celebrating the Hamas atrocities since the war started and that even following US pressure, Mahmoud Abbas refused to condemn the massacre.

It is Islam against any Jewish sovereignty over any part of land conquered by Islam.

That is how it was in 1920, that is how it is in 2013.

Dismiss their insistence of destroying Israel.

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