Where Will the Witch Hunters Hide ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Anybody want to guess were the Clintons, the Obamas, James Comey, John Brennan, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Robert Mueller, + various co-conspirators in the media, FBI officials who conducted the treasonous investigation designed to do nothing but take down a duly elected US president, and the employees of the research company Fusion GPS ……..will go to hide, and protect themselves from arrest and prosecution ?

Here's a list of countries that do not have extradition treaties with the US. Looking at this list, I'd say I wouldn't want to spend much time in these countries, much less living there for the rest of my life. It would have to be considered a form of imprisonment.

It might also be noted that some countries without extradition treaties DO extradite.

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Anybody want to guess were the Clintons, the Obamas, James Comey, John Brennan, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Robert Mueller, + various co-conspirators in the media, FBI officials who conducted the treasonous investigation designed to do nothing but take down a duly elected US president, and the employees of the research company Fusion GPS ……..will go to hide, and protect themselves from arrest and prosecution ?

Here's a list of countries that do not have extradition treaties with the US. Looking at this list, I 'd say I wouldn't want to spend much time in these countries, much less living there for the rest of my life. It would have to be considered a form of imprisonment.

It might also be noted that some countries without extradition treaties DO extradite.

Wow, what a bunch of shitholes, except Russia and Vietnam and maybe China.
You are a fool for buying into this bullshit. Your dreams of an authoritarian purge of the government and thousands of political prisoners makes you an embarrassment to America.
A bunch of lawyers committing treason by the book is profoundly stupid even for democrats. They got no where to run, no where to hide.
Where do you think all this "enemy within" talk leads comrade?
To :

1. a restortation of government propriety, and

2. an avoidance of continuation of the conspirators' cancer.

This should be self-evident.

BTW, were you this outraged at the OP-mentioned conspirators, when they were enacting their elaborate, $35 million wasted, hoax ?
The original NAZI party will be trimmed back some but like any Cancer the party of Genocide Jackson will engage in metastasis if it is not totally removed.
You are a fool for buying into this bullshit. Your dreams of an authoritarian purge of the government and thousands of political prisoners makes you an embarrassment to America.
Tell it to the French. They took out a pampered Marie Antoinette by guillotine for doing a lot less damage than Obama and Hillary combined to hire people from her old days at the Clinton spin-and-hit room. They concocted a false scenario story about prostitutes peeing on a bed Hillary slept on, you get my drift? Those creeps are going down along with Hillary who told them to make the story extra nauseating. They did as told. :cranky: Congress also did as told. Maxine waters breached the separation of powers the Constitution recommends by sending goons to harass people in the Executive Branch to break President Trump's focus on fixing the military, stopping the 300 deaths a week from product delivered by coyotes and drug lords from south of the border, stopping the menacing invasion on the southern border with a wall, and making a market rock and roll, not to mention took on the task of bringing back a strong enough military to defend the United States of America, which Obama did his damnedest to dismantle for his muslims' future joy of destroying America on their way to Israel.

Idiot. Those damn Iranians want to nuke everybody who isn't a Muslim as their special gift to Allah. It won't happen if they know they're dooming themselves by a repaired and ready US military. The best defense has always been a great offense. Get it? Peace will come only if Iran is scared spitless of the United States of America.
Anybody want to guess were the Clintons, the Obamas, James Comey, John Brennan, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Robert Mueller, + various co-conspirators in the media, FBI officials who conducted the treasonous investigation designed to do nothing but take down a duly elected US president, and the employees of the research company Fusion GPS ……..will go to hide, and protect themselves from arrest and prosecution ?

Here's a list of countries that do not have extradition treaties with the US. Looking at this list, I'd say I wouldn't want to spend much time in these countries, much less living there for the rest of my life. It would have to be considered a form of imprisonment.

It might also be noted that some countries without extradition treaties DO extradite.

Hillary and Obama will go to Russia. They can give them their millions back. For our uranium.
Where do you think all this "enemy within" talk leads comrade?
To :

1. a restortation of government propriety, and

2. an avoidance of continuation of the conspirators' cancer.

This should be self-evident.

BTW, were you this outraged at the OP-mentioned conspirators, when they were enacting their elaborate, $35 million wasted, hoax ?

"BTW, were you this outraged at the OP-mentioned conspirators, when they were enacting their elaborate, $35 million wasted, hoax ?"

I am OUTRAGED that YOU are such a traitor to America that you consider 34 indictments to be a "wasted, hoax"....

34 fkn indictments....

That was NOT a waste OR a hoax!

The fact that you want to arrest people for doing their job (and PROVING there was russian interference) makes YOU the traitor to America,...

Since his appointment in May of 2017, Special Counsel Robert Mueller racked up a lengthy record of court wins, but none of them answered some of the central questions the public had about his investigation into potential collusion between President Donald Trump or his campaign and Russia.

Along with a team of experienced prosecutors and attorneys, the former FBI director has indicted, convicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies, including top advisers to President Trump, Russian spies and hackers with ties to the Kremlin. The charges range from interfering with the 2016 election and hacking emails to lying to investigators and tampering with witnesses."
I am OUTRAGED that YOU are such a traitor to America that you consider 34 indictments to be a "wasted, hoax"....

34 fkn indictments....

That was NOT a waste OR a hoax!

The fact that you want to arrest people for doing their job (and PROVING there was russian interference) makes YOU the traitor to America,...

Since his appointment in May of 2017, Special Counsel Robert Mueller racked up a lengthy record of court wins, but none of them answered some of the central questions the public had about his investigation into potential collusion between President Donald Trump or his campaign and Russia.

Along with a team of experienced prosecutors and attorneys, the former FBI director has indicted, convicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies, including top advisers to President Trump, Russian spies and hackers with ties to the Kremlin. The charges range from interfering with the 2016 election and hacking emails to lying to investigators and tampering with witnesses."
Are you messed up in the head ? Nobody needed a 2 year, $35 million charade to prove Russian interference in US elections. That interference has been going on for 60 years, since the Krushchev days, and everybody knows it. Other countries do the same. Ho Hum'

No, this 2 year waste was just an attempted coup to take down a duly elected president, with no respect for the people and the states that elected him. Oh, why don't you really tell us what all the illustrious "charges" ranged from ? (against a whopping 4 members of the Trump team - the rest all Russians) Like income tax fraud, bank fraud, and having nothing to do with obstruction or collusion > ZERO INDICTMENTS.

So now that your laughingstock witch hunt is over (how many homeless veterans could have been given houses with that money ?), the REAL investigations begin, to uncover the REAL collusion with Russia by Democrat conspirators.

You are OUTRAGED, are you ? HA HA HA HA. Try that on Saturday Night Live, and even THEY will laugh at you.

Where will they hide ? :biggrin:
And we should also have an investigation on the collusion between Obama and al Baghdadi (ISIS), for the years of assistance Obama gave ISIS by >>

1. Pulling US troops out of Iraq in 2011, opening up the vacuum for ISIS to move in.

2. Allowing ISIS convoys to travel on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes), with only minimal "pinprick" token airstrikes, designed just to deflect criticism.

3. Actually sending aid and supplies to ISIS troops in the field.

4. Allowing banks to operate with ISIS, when Obama could easily have stopped it.
And we should also have an investigation on the collusion between Obama and al Baghdadi (ISIS), for the years of assistance Obama gave ISIS by >>

1. Pulling US troops out of Iraq in 2011, opening up the vacuum for ISIS to move in.

2. Allowing ISIS convoys to travel on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes), with only minimal "pinprick" token airstrikes, designed just to deflect criticism.

3. Actually sending aid and supplies to ISIS troops in the field.

4. Allowing banks to operate with ISIS, when Obama could easily have stopped it.
uh yea, Trump re-founded ISIS.

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