Where do religious folk who are climate deniers reconcile this?

Never said it did. However, I do take umbrage with somebody chastising my online behaviour but then gives somebody else (who happens to agree with said person taking umbrage POV) a free pass. It doesn't do anything to add to your credibility. It's like Joe hitting Bob in the face, then Bob hitting back, and Joe whines, "why did you hit me?". For every action there is a reaction.
I guess you didn't catch on but I didn't read the other person's posts ("not being a scholar of your posting record" or words by me to that effect).
I only read yours and that tired old flying spaghetti monster jazz which I've always disliked because it sticks out like a sore thumb and it's designed purely to mock someone's valued personal beliefs (regardless of how you feel about them).

I admit to hitting back after I've been hit but I never go lower than the other person. He or she sets the tone. No free pass given.
I don't deny the climate. I just ridicule these environmental wackos that believe in this silly ass AGW bullshit scam.
I guess you didn't catch on but I didn't read the other person's posts ("not being a scholar of your posting record" or words by me to that effect).
I only read yours and that tired old flying spaghetti monster jazz which I've always disliked because it sticks out like a sore thumb and it's designed purely to mock someone's valued personal beliefs (regardless of how you feel about them).

I admit to hitting back after I've been hit but I never go lower than the other person. He or she sets the tone. No free pass given.

Well maybe you should have read them to give context.

I mentioned the flying spaghetti monster because he was mocking my beliefs...if you had read that you would have seen why I reacted the way I did.
LOL! You're not nearly as clever as you believe. Matter of fact -- you're pretty dumb.

Says the guy who believes in the Flying Spaghetti Monster...
Hey, did you see that list I posted on the first page of this thread of Christian thinkers in science and technology? You know, the one you pretended wasn't there?

Now you get to explain how you're smarter than all those people. Or sputter self-importantly. Yes, that's far more likely.

HINT: "Being an atheist" is not an accomplishment. Stop putting it on your resume.

You don't comprehend this, but you say as much by ignoring posts directed at you than you do with what you do say.
Says the guy who doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the reason I said what I did in my post you are quoting....
I'm not a scholar on your exchanges with other posters. I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation."

and I know old, trite, cliched christian memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I have faith" is NOT productive thought or conversation.
It wouldn't be, if that's all I said.

But it wouldn't.

I was defining faith for you. You claimed you completely understood it, then proceeded to prove you didn't.

If you were interested in productive thought or conversation, you'd listen to people, instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and screeching LA LA LA LA LA.
I guess you didn't catch on but I didn't read the other person's posts ("not being a scholar of your posting record" or words by me to that effect).
I only read yours and that tired old flying spaghetti monster jazz which I've always disliked because it sticks out like a sore thumb and it's designed purely to mock someone's valued personal beliefs (regardless of how you feel about them).

I admit to hitting back after I've been hit but I never go lower than the other person. He or she sets the tone. No free pass given.

Well maybe you should have read them to give context.

I mentioned the flying spaghetti monster because he was mocking my beliefs...if you had read that you would have seen why I reacted the way I did.
LOL! The whole OP is mocking the beliefs of people of faith.

Don't be a hypocrite.
Hey, did you see that list I posted on the first page of this thread of Christian thinkers in science and technology? You know, the one you pretended wasn't there?

Now you get to explain how you're smarter than all those people. Or sputter self-importantly. Yes, that's far more likely.

HINT: "Being an atheist" is not an accomplishment. Stop putting it on your resume.

You don't comprehend this, but you say as much by ignoring posts directed at you than you do with what you do say.

Didn't see the list. And even if I did, all you are doing is appealing to authority. And all those people are doing is believing - having faith. They have absolutely no proof that proves their POV. And that is the thing that cracks me up and point of this thread. Noecons bury their head in the sand and want 'empirical' proof of man made global warming but when it comes to a god, there is cop out after cop out. "oh, it's all about faith" yadda, yadda, yadda...ppffftt. Piss weak excuse. At least there is data to back up the climate change debate.
Says the guy who doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the reason I said what I did in my post you are quoting....
I'm not a scholar on your exchanges with other posters. I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation."

and I know old, trite, cliched christian memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I have faith" is NOT productive thought or conversation.
It wouldn't be, if that's all I said.

But it wouldn't.

I was defining faith for you. You claimed you completely understood it, then proceeded to prove you didn't.

If you were interested in productive thought or conversation, you'd listen to people, instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and screeching LA LA LA LA LA.

it doesn't matter what he said.

since there is no proof or evidence of any god all he really has is "i have faith".

Atheists have given LOGICAL REASONS for why they disbelieve and conservatives have, to a man, reduced it to "you can NOT prove"
"I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation."

and I know old, trite, cliched christian memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I have faith" is NOT productive thought or conversation.
It could be. That depends on the context and what is claimed. Calling someone's God a "flying spaghetti monster" is counter productive and disrespectful no matter what you think of the concept of God.

If you want to simply lob thought bombs at each other keep up the name calling. It makes atheists look so mature and thoughtful.

"It could be. That depends on the context and what is claimed. Calling someone's God a "flying spaghetti monster" is counter productive and disrespectful no matter what you think of the concept of God."

you must be a conservative.
I never called "someones' god" a "flying spaghetti monster"

someone long ago created the "flying spaghetti monster" and called it a "god"

So when I reference GODS I quite often include examples of gods who are NOT the christian god.

"If you want to simply lob thought bombs at each other keep up the name calling. It makes atheists look so mature and thoughtful."

Kindly tell that to the conservative christians who lob bombs at everyone else.
First of all, learn how to properly format your posts. It's difficult for people to figure out where my post ends and yours start.
Next, if you don't use the hoary old flying spaghetti monster insult then good for you. I wish more people would drop this
divisive trolling.

Christians should also treat others as they wish to be treated. Having said this I doubt many people will listen.
Not too sure if this is current events (climate change) or religion (Christianity).

Climate deniers are always rambling on about empirical evidence not being available on humans causing climate change (even though scientists use the well-proven and peer-reviewed modelling method that show unequivocally that we are having a negative effect), yet there is absolutely zero evidence of a god. Only faith. It seems - and I'm only going on anecdotal evidence on this board - that almost all climate-change-is-being-caused-by-humans deniers are conservatives, and quite a few are Christians. Seems hypocrisy to me...
First, no one denies climate. Second, no one denies the climate is always changing. Third, don't lump all "sky is falling" skeptics into one group. Your models are also used to predict the stock market-how's that going? I have my own thoughts about climate change that would differ from another "climate theory dissenter".
God is pure spirt and energy.
You can't find him with physical proof.
You find him within your soul.

When you believe that he's real, that he died on the cross for our sins Gods energy enters you to build a relationship with him he is our Father, our Creator.
When you accept him you feel that energy and guidance.
Says the guy who doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the reason I said what I did in my post you are quoting....
I'm not a scholar on your exchanges with other posters. I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation."

and I know old, trite, cliched christian memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I have faith" is NOT productive thought or conversation.
It wouldn't be, if that's all I said.

But it wouldn't.

I was defining faith for you. You claimed you completely understood it, then proceeded to prove you didn't.

If you were interested in productive thought or conversation, you'd listen to people, instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and screeching LA LA LA LA LA.

it doesn't matter what he said.

since there is no proof or evidence of any god all he really has is "i have faith".

Atheists have given LOGICAL REASONS for why they disbelieve and conservatives have, to a man, reduced it to "you can NOT prove"
You know what's also logical? "You can't prove a negative."

You believe there is no god...but you can't prove it.

You take it on faith, in other words.
You know what's also logical? "You can't prove a negative."

You believe there is no god...but you can't prove it.

You take it on faith, in other words.

I put god in the same category as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Man made constructs. So using your logic you believe in Santa Claus. Interesting...
You know what's also logical? "You can't prove a negative."

You believe there is no god...but you can't prove it.

You take it on faith, in other words.

I put god in the same category as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Man made constructs. So using your logic you believe in Santa Claus. Interesting...
Wrong. Using YOUR logic, I should believe in Santa Claus.

You really suck at logic, by the way.
I put god in the same category as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Man made constructs.
:icon_rolleyes: There's that inflammatory tendency to mock religion again.
You can't help yourself, can you.

So why should anyone feel sorry for you when you whine about atheism being disrespected?

So using your logic you believe in Santa Claus. Interesting..
WTF!! What is logical about that?
YOU are the one equating the idea of a supreme being with Santa Clause...not anyone else (your fellow juvenile acting
atheists notwithstanding). Don't be absurd.
Wrong. Using YOUR logic, I should believe in Santa Claus.

You really suck at logic, by the way.

I think you suck at posting and logic. My logic: there is evidence of man-made global warming, none whatsoever of a god, ergo, there is no god. I apply the same logic to Santa. In other words, you have it arse backwards.

Edit: Actually, we're both right. Using my logic I don't believe in a god or Santa. But yes, the evidence of a god is the same as there is of there being Santa. So I do wonder why you don't believe in both.

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