Where did anti-semitism originate from?


Jun 29, 2004
My question to everyone is more of a historical question. What is it that provoked anti-semitism throughout the history, even before the fighting between Israel and Palestine? In other words, when and why did anti-semitism emerge and still continues today? I would like hear historical accounts, not opinions.

This post is in no way to be construed as anti-semitic. I am just trying to understand why things are the way they are. I grew up in an environment where I wasn’t exposed to preconceived negative ideas about a particular race or ethnicity. Finland doesn’t have minorities per say, nor racial statistics on how many crimes are committed by particular race. Nor is any particular group portrayed in a more negative light than another. So, in my eyes, be it wherever anyone came from, were pretty much equal. The concepts of anti-semitism and racism were foreign to me until I arrived to this country. Both concepts are much spoken here. People are being accused of being anti-semitist. There is affirmative action in place. Race cards are pulled out. Blatant racism takes place everyday, albeit a minority of population engages in it (or I should hope so), and so on. Obviously, racism and anti-semitism are to be found in many, many places in the world so please don’t write back for having portrayed USA in a negative light. That is not the argument here in any case.

So, back to the original question so that everyone is clear: Where did anti-semitism originate from and why and still continues even today?

Just trying to understand …
No problem. Let me see how to go about this.

Anti-Semitism from Arabs dates all the way back to Abraham. As you may or may not know, Abraham was told by God that he would have a child, and that child would be father to an entire nation (this is all according to scripture). Well, his wife, Sarah, was in her 90s and wasn't capable of producing children, so she offered her servant, Hagar, to Abraham, as was the custom of the day, and they had a child named Ishmael. However, later, Sarah had a child named Isaac. Abraham then practically ignored Hagar and Ishmael, and Sarah practically hated them, and Hagar returned the favor. Eventually, Hagar took Ishmael and left. All Arabs are decended from Ishmael, and all Jews are decended from Isaac.

The next phase of anti-semitism started in the middle ages. After being scattered by the Romans and their subsequent fall, the Jews, having lived in a prosperous coastal country, were skilled businessmen and were often accused of cheating people, since they were doing better than the Europeans. Many were tortured and killed during the Inquisition.

Most modern anti-semitism, except that among Arabs, comes from the second source. It's why Hitler killed them, and it's why lots of impoverished Americans hate them.
Originally posted by 777

My question to everyone is more of a historical question.....

So, back to the original question so that everyone is clear: Where did anti-semitism originate from and why and still continues even today? Just trying to understand …

Why and where did anti-semitism begin.

In fact the answer to this question is really very simple.

The Jewish people are not different in their appearance or their apparel or due to their hatred of other peoples.

With Jewdaism came monotheism or the belief in One G-d.

The Jewish people were placed in possession of the laws by which most of the civilized world lives today. The Ten Commandments were an anathema to the basic human drive to act on one's own behalf.

Without these rules there would be nothing to prevent man from killing, stealing, committing adultry, coveting, etc.

These edicts are accepted but nobody really wants to live by these commandments and the fear of the consequence of ignoring them by most of humanity controls our baser instincts.

Anti-semitism: The Jewish people are not only a perpetual reminder of these rules of life but without these people of the Hebrew G-d, humanity could simply return to their innate instincts to do whatever one wanted or the strong had no restraints from destroying the weak in humanity.

So if the Jews find themselves continually hated it is because of their continued existence and presence on the face of the earth. They are detested and the primitive desire to wipe them off the face of the earth remains an ever present condition in mankind referred to as ANTI-SEMITISM.
Originally posted by r2200t


Please note, there are exceptions to everything i wrote bellow. I am generalizing..But my information comes from Jewish friends, and from personal experience.

There are many universal rules Jews around the world seem to follow:

1. Jews must help Jews. 2. Jews must eat Kosher food, unless it's free, then it's ok because no money was spent on non-jewish own restaurants/products. 3. Only buy jewish products, from Jewish owed businesses. 4. vote for Jewish politicians.
5. become a politician. 6. When selling something to a Jew, even first time custommers get items at near cost, and pay less than established non-Jewish custommers. 7. Jewish Product suppliers must sell products to Jews at the lowest price possible. 8. Whenever possible, do business, sign contracts with Jews, even if it costs a little more. 9. Hire Jews only, to keep money circulating. 10. Do not give blood or organs. But you can receive...then Complain that latinos aren't giving enough...
11. Become journalists...news anchormen, to promote pro-jewish ideology, and for political influence. (media control) 12. If all Jewish money is spent with Jews, and if non-Jews also spend money on Jewish owned products, then Jews will only get richer as a whole. 13. Control Transport Industry, and charge less to transport Jewish products..(the end result is Jewish products are cheaper to buy once they hit the shelves.) 14. Money comes first.

The above diatribe is a prime example of the desire to demonize the Jewish people. This root22 demonstrates a desire to return to his bestial nature and the Jewish people existing are a threat to his self-egocentricity and the fact that he dispises himself
Originally posted by r2200t

bestial nature LOLLOL...ROFL!!! I love you man (in a heterosexual way...) 1. Not trying to demonize the Jewish people, in fact i envy them, their organization is unprecedented in this world, I sometimes wish i belonged with the Jewish Posse.

That's really interesting. You equate anti-semistim with the old hate filled, "THE JEWS JUST WANT MONEY."

2. Bestial nature?? LOLOLOLOL, GRRRR!! ARGH!!!! Beware!

If the description fits, you are the one who wears this base nature in your own words.

3. Despise Myself?? I love myself, last night i treated myself to beacon fried garlic shrimp and stir fried rice, :p:, took a nap woke up late and went rollerblading down the beach.

That is obvious. You love yourself, did what you wanted to do, ate what you wanted to eat, slept and went to enjoy yourself at the beach. Sounds like you really care for others alright.

cheers btw the name is r2200t not root22, it's also my grandpa's name, i'm offended ;)

By the way who cares?
Originally posted by r2200t

What are you talking about? Enough putting words in my mouth, I said Anti-Semitism is caused by jealousy. I think that that's where most Jewish hatred stems from today. And i think it's wrong to judge people by their religion/non-religion, because there are exceptions to the rule...

Put words in your mouth? Let me paste the words from your mouth.

1. Jews must help Jews. 2. Jews must eat Kosher food, unless it's free, then it's ok because no money was spent on non-jewish own restaurants/products. 3. Only buy jewish products, from Jewish owed businesses. 4. vote for Jewish politicians.
5. become a politician. 6. When selling something to a Jew, even first time custommers get items at near cost, and pay less than established non-Jewish custommers. 7. Jewish Product suppliers must sell products to Jews at the lowest price possible. 8. Whenever possible, do business, sign contracts with Jews, even if it costs a little more. 9. Hire Jews only, to keep money circulating. 10. Do not give blood or organs. But you can receive...then Complain that latinos aren't giving enough... 11. Become journalists...news anchormen, to promote pro-jewish ideology, and for political influence. (media control) 12. If all Jewish money is spent with Jews, and if non-Jews also spend money on Jewish owned products, then Jews will only get richer as a whole. 13. Control Transport Industry, and charge less to transport Jewish products..(the end result is Jewish products are cheaper to buy once they hit the shelves.) 14. Money comes first.

So you say anti-semitism is only due to jealousy. Whose jealousy are you talking about when you use the old libels against the people who work hard and try to live righteously?

Moreover, different races may have their own reasons to hate Jews, for example, Arabs hate Jews because of the Israel/Palestine conflict, Some African Americans hate Jews because of their strong role in the Slave Business... On the other hand, some Fundamentalist Christians hate anything that is not like them (even other types of Christians...) For example, most Orthodox (Koptic Christian) Egyptians, Hate Muslims, Jews, Other Christians. Many Shia Muslims Hate Sunni Muslims, Jews, Christians...

You benevolently say Jews are hated because:

1) Isreali/Palestine conflict (whatever that connotes)
2) Jews hated because they have strong slave trade
3) Jews hated because they are not Coptic Christians or Muslims
you forgot one
4) Jews run the world by proxy

What can one say?

I thought i hated myself? You are right, i am selfish, all i care about is myself, i don't volunteer, i don't help my neighbours, i don't even talk to people to make them feel better about themselves. I am an a$$hole, a Prick, I don't go down on gals, but make them blo me...(sarcasm, i feel the need to mention that with you)

You said it brother...........

BTW, from now on, lets not use the term Anti-Semite, since semites include not jews, the term doesn't really make sense...

Sorry but the word anti-semite has come to exclude all other non-Jews including the semitic world of the Arabs.


Anti-Semitism is hostility toward Jewish people. It ranges from ad hoc antagonism towards Jews on an individual level to the institutionalized prejudice once prevalent in European societies, of which the highly explicit ideology of Hitler's National Socialism was perhaps the most extreme form.

Many partisans bitterly dispute whether the various forms of hostility are justified or not, and there are numerous disputes over what sort of adverse speech, attitudes or actions ought to be labelled "anti-Semitic".

Sweet dreams....
Probably guilty of not being in a group of people who only feel obligated to take care of each other. Nice of ya to go into Ethiopia where millions were starving and only helped the Jews! That went over real big.
Originally posted by dilloduck

Probably guilty of not being in a group of people who only feel obligated to take care of each other. Nice of ya to go into Ethiopia where millions were starving and only helped the Jews! That went over real big.

How do you know that Israel did not help the starving Namibians or the starving multitudes around the world? Maybe not everything need be published or posted for the greater of all good deeds, according to Judaism, is to do for others without BRAGGING about it. This diminishes those who give and the ones who receives help or aid.

But that is something you wouldn't know about. Your knowledge is apparently very limited.

The Ethiopians persecuted the Jewish citizens for centuries. Israel flew thousands of Ethiopian Jews out of Ethiopa and resettled them in Israel.

Last December I was in Israel and visted with many of the Black Jews who are totally assimilated into the population of Israel. Why is it that the richest nations in the world, i.e., Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any of the other Arab nations can't absorb those Arabs who ran away in 1948, as per the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, instead of keeping the few Princes multi-billionares and their brothers starving, undeducated and only paying the families who throw their children into the bomb fire to kill Israel's.

I have a special message for you. Turn on your speakers and click below....

Here is one theory about where anti-Semitism comes from:


Hint: it comes from JEWS, not the rest of us!
Originally posted by William Joyce
Here is one theory about where anti-Semitism comes from:


Hint: it comes from JEWS, not the rest of us!

Hint it comes from the Jew Kevin McDonald????

So you and Mr. McDonald think that anti-semitism is an evolutionary trait in the Jewish people that causes them to be hated? Notice how this "JEWISH" Irishman carefully uses words like 'clannishness', 'cultural separatism,' and 'economic/cultural domination.'

Apparently this Irish man comes to his conclusions based on something genetic, observed or simply a subtle infectious method used to place Jewish persons as a 'group to be hated.' And apparently 'hated' for the above listed very good reasons indeed. He says in this summary that Jews have developed methods with a 'flexible array of strategies to diminish this very warranted imagary of evil traits.

This type of feces is not new or original but simply using the same old tired libels against a very small number of people who have done no harm to anyone and who mostly wish to be assimilated so that they are not hated and murdered in their masses. Jews the eternal scapegoat of those who wish to be supreme over all others.

Get a life Herr Joyce....

MacDonald develops a theory of anti-Semitism based on an evolutionary interpretation of social identity theory--a major approach to group conflict in contemporary social psychology. Beginning in the ancient world, anti-Semitism has existed under a variety of religious and political regimes. MacDonald explores several theoretically important common themes of anti-Semitic writings such as Jewish clannishness and cultural separatism, economic and cultural domination of gentiles, and the issue of loyalty to the wider society. Particular attention is paid to three major manifestation of Western anti-Semitism: the development of institutionalized anti-Semitism in the Roman Empire, the Iberian Inquisitions, and the phenomenon of Nazism. All of these movements exhibited a powerful gentile group cohesion in opposition to Judaism as a group strategy, and MacDonald argues that each may be analyzed as a reaction to the presence of Judaism as a highly successful group evolutionary strategy. Because of the repeated occurrence of anti-Semitism, Jews have developed a highly flexible array of strategies to minimize its effects. These include: crypsis during periods of persecution, controls on Jewish behavior likely to lead to anti-Semitism, and the manipulation of gentile attitudes toward Jews. This controversial work challenges prevailing views; students and scholars involved with evolutionary approaches to human behavior and Jewish Studies will be interested, as will social scientists and historians in general.

About the Author
I care little for organized religion one way or another, and I'd like to imagine I'm rather unbiasd about the history of monotheism.

Judaism was the first organized religion in written history to attain monotheism.

Followers of Christianity obviously borrowed the Old Testament while developing upon their own prophet through Jesus, several centuries following Moses.

Islam then arose in the same manner, establishing its own prophet via Mohammad.

These following sects were intended to be fundamentally distinct from Judaism, but neither could really deny their own roots tracing back to Judaist principles. And in order to establish their respective sects as distinct from Judaism, each truly depended upon a need to completely discredit the Jewish faith as the source for their particular meme.

One only needs to examine the simmering antagonism between Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims to fully understand how one faith must stand completely apart and most often at odds from the other. Or else their common roots would erode the power of the particular faith as the true path to a single God.

Hatred of Judaism and the Jews is a learned behavior, due to centuries of rhetoric via Christrian and Muslim clergy.
Originally posted by ajwps
Probably guilty of not being in a group of people who only feel obligated to take care of each other. Nice of ya to go into Ethiopia where millions were starving and only helped the Jews! That went over real big.

How do you know that Israel did not help the starving Namibians or the starving multitudes around the world? Maybe not everything need be published or posted for the greater of all good deeds, according to Judaism, is to do for others without BRAGGING about it. This diminishes those who give and the ones who receives help or aid.

But that is something you wouldn't know about. Your knowledge is apparently very limited.

The Ethiopians persecuted the Jewish citizens for centuries. Israel flew thousands of Ethiopian Jews out of Ethiopa and resettled them in Israel.

Last December I was in Israel and visted with many of the Black Jews who are totally assimilated into the population of Israel. Why is it that the richest nations in the world, i.e., Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any of the other Arab nations can't absorb those Arabs who ran away in 1948, as per the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, instead of keeping the few Princes multi-billionares and their brothers starving, undeducated and only paying the families who throw their children into the bomb fire to kill Israel's.

I have a special message for you. Turn on your speakers and click below....


AHHHHH the old secret foriegn aid plan.
Originally posted by 777
Where did anti-semitism originate from and why and still continues even today?
To be honest, I don't know. I don't know any Jewish people in particular, but my personal religious beliefs hold them on a pretty high pedestal. I remember growing up, and hearing people use the term "jew" to to signify that a person is cheap or whatever. I never quite understood where that came from, and have always kind of felt offended on behalf of Jews.

Originally posted by r2200t

In Israel?? They resettled them on Palestinian land(illegal , international law), they were given incentives to occupy Palestinian land (just like the 60,000 Russian Jews flown in from Russia every year....)

I can't believe you had the nerve to use the Ethiopians as an example of good Jewish behaviour. Jews around the world are encouraged (with cash or homes) to come and live in the Palestinian territories. The same land Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps since 1948 have no right to live in!

of course, blaming all Jews for this is unjust, so we can only hate Israel for this...

"International Law", that being reflective of 20+ Muslim totalitarian dictator states who vote consistently to undermine the Liberal Democracy of Isreal. I could give a rats ass for the moral authority of such a mechanism.

Europe can take their self-created and sponsored International Red Cross (Crescent), and stuff it.

Same goes for the ICJ, another organization self-created and now representative as the only moral authority and rule of law on the planet, to Europeans.

If it makes Europe feel good to have such organizations weighing judgement upon countries which have no representation or sponsorship within them, feel free.

We can only be thankfull that any of these self-sponsored EU organizations have zero meaninfull authority in the world. And they deserve none.
Originally posted by r2200t
You obviously don't know much about int'l law, or what a Liberal Democracy is.. Int'l Law is based on Geneva Conventions, and UN... But a redneck like youself surely only follows the Law of the GUN.. so discussing anything with you would be fruitless..Don't you have some machine gun owners association message board you can join to discuss how many people you can kill with 30 bullets??

cheers (Please! don't shoot me!!)

Originally posted by r2200t
You obviously don't know much about int'l law, or what a Liberal Democracy is.. Int'l Law is based on Geneva Conventions, and UN... But a redneck like youself surely only follows the Law of the GUN.. so discussing anything with you would be fruitless..Don't you have some machine gun owners association message board you can join to discuss how many people you can kill with 30 bullets?? cheers (Please! don't shoot me!!)

You obviously know little or nothing about international law or the Geneva Convention. But a student of the Geneva Convention and implementation of rules of conduct of countries appears to be way above your ability to comprehend them.



National legislations and judicial approach

As has been stated elsewhere, the Geneva Conventions, 1949 do not impose any obligation on state parties to make law punishing the violation of the common article 3, which is not a grave breach according to the Conventions. The only obligation imposed upon state is to permit international organizations, such as ICRC, when it offers assistance. There is no supervisory body to oversee the implementation of common article 3. Moreover, the nature of the common article 3 is that it is only a general principle[17] and it can be applied by the state party with a margin of appreciation as reflected in their legislations[18]. In other words, protection of victim of non-international armed conflicts of a state practically implies a commitment to enforce concordant, parallel domestic legislation and law application.

The law of the gun won the west for settlers and they didn't need international Geneva Conventions.
Originally posted by r2200t
From your link:

You quote does not apply to the situation in Israel and the Palestinian Territories.

Your quite right. Neither the Geneva Convention nor International Law applies to Israel or the Arabs terrorists who live within Israel's Gaza Strip nor West Bank.

International Law as seen in the Hague against Israel is not binding nor does it mean anything.
Originally posted by r2200t
blaming all Jews for this is unjust, so we can only hate Israel for this...

This valid logical distinction has been outlawed by decree.

Funny how thought gets controlled.
Originally posted by r2200t
I agree with you.
Israel has done many illegal things, and without UN troops in Israel, this will not change and all we can do is sit and watch/pray to Jesus, God, Mohammed, Buhda......

Yes the Arab terrorists use UN ambulances to carry out suicide bombing attacks against Israeli children and transport arms and weapons to the waiting Arabs in Israel cities. The following is an example of a so-called UN peacekeeping activity in May 1967.


To be sure, the United Nations' record on protecting Israel is less than inspiring. In May 1967, Egypt's Nasser, preparing to march on Tel Aviv, informed U.N. peacekeepers in the Sinai that they were in the way. They fled. Asking Israelis to rely on the United Nations for protection is akin to asking Americans to rely on the INS for screening of foreign flight students. What's more, the very idea of depending upon peacekeepers would be difficult for many Israelis--one goal of founding a Jewish state was to create a place where Jews would never have to rely upon others for defense against those who would extinguish them.

Why should Israel trust the UN which is a majority Muslim country representation?

This however fuels anti-semitism and that's why many Jews around the world protest Israel's actions. (they feel that the attrocities commited by Israel, are moraly wrong and increase anti-semitism worldwide.)

No there are self despising Jews around the world who assume that Israel's protecting itself violates the rights of the murderers. Israel moral stance is evidenced that the Arabs still squat and bomb civilians in Israel. How long would Syria or Iran allow Jews to live in their cities, bomb their children or shoot the Mullahs? Any further nonsense you think you have to offer.

The only way that we can force Israel to be a Law abiding nation (like 99% of countries) is by trying it and by Passing a UN resolution to put international troops.However, if the US keeps using it's veto(as previously shown), we won't see this happening anytime soon.

The only way we can force America to be a law abiding nation like 99% of the Arab nations is to pass UN resolutions to put international Islamic forces in America to halt the immoral war in Iraq to free its Arab population.

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